I don't believe this new poll (Pennsylvania, Biden +13)

Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:
Yes. It's fake news.

Biden was never leading by double digits, which is why we knew that August would be the month when the same liars told us that "the race was tightening". By Labor Day, they would want more of their lying out of the numbers which would leave us with a much closer race,

The Ho Harris Flip-Flops on Fracking After Polls Tighten in Pennsylvania.

View attachment 385694
She Smiles Fondly as She Remembers "Fracking" Willie Brown For Her First political Appointments.

A week ago, Joe Biden notoriously flip-flopped on his long-held anti-fracking position while campaigning in Pennsylvania, where fracking is a major industry.

Unfortunately for him, there was ample evidence that he’s promised to end fracking if elected president.

Now that polls have tightened, and Trump and Biden are now tied in the state of Pennsylvania (a crucial swing state) Kamala "The Ho" Harris, who also campaigned on banning fracking, has also now flip-flopped on the issue. Harris now says she’s comfortable with Biden’s newfound support for fracking because (wait for it!) it provides “good-paying jobs in places like Pennsylvania.”

the only fake news here is you , the comedy here is you are supporting a piece of shit who litterally has no redeeming value who is a Russian agent , as in doing what he is told by Putin and a complete traitor to this county as you are. You will be put out to pasture, right back under the rock where the pile of shit found you ,never to have a say in this great country ever again in your lifetime. You will be repected the rest of your life like you are respected now. Pitiful is the word we are looking for... and Traitor.
Why do you think it's off? Do you think Trump is leading in PA?
Yes. He's leading in neighboring states like Ohio and West Virginia.
Crapola, that means nothing , maybe look at their voting record in the past. This is how smart your remark is , litterally every Left voting state is next to a hate party voting states. So shouldn't they all vote for democrats with your Einstein theory. We know why you people vote for this mental deficient.
I hear Biden was up +107, seems odd, I hear its something to do with ballots being mailed out already filled out for Biden.
Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:
Yes. It's fake news.

Biden was never leading by double digits, which is why we knew that August would be the month when the same liars told us that "the race was tightening". By Labor Day, they would want more of their lying out of the numbers which would leave us with a much closer race,

The Ho Harris Flip-Flops on Fracking After Polls Tighten in Pennsylvania.

View attachment 385694
She Smiles Fondly as She Remembers "Fracking" Willie Brown For Her First political Appointments.

A week ago, Joe Biden notoriously flip-flopped on his long-held anti-fracking position while campaigning in Pennsylvania, where fracking is a major industry.

Unfortunately for him, there was ample evidence that he’s promised to end fracking if elected president.

Now that polls have tightened, and Trump and Biden are now tied in the state of Pennsylvania (a crucial swing state) Kamala "The Ho" Harris, who also campaigned on banning fracking, has also now flip-flopped on the issue. Harris now says she’s comfortable with Biden’s newfound support for fracking because (wait for it!) it provides “good-paying jobs in places like Pennsylvania.”

the only fake news here is you , the comedy here is you are supporting a piece of shit who litterally has no redeeming value who is a Russian agent , as in doing what he is told by Putin and a complete traitor to this county as you are. You will be put out to pasture, right back under the rock where the pile of shit found you ,never to have a say in this great country ever again in your lifetime. You will be repected the rest of your life like you are respected now. Pitiful is the word we are looking for... and Traitor.

Progressivism slithered under a rock in the 30s, only to reappear now, we should have cut off it head then.
Trust no poll. They are marketing tools only.

Yup. Anyone who believes polls is dumber than a box of rocks. After all, every one of the polls told everyone HItlery would be the POTUS in 2016.

They know they are getting their asses kicked.

Something’s Happening Here: Democrats laying foundation for action with their post-Election Day doomsday warnings.

In Politico interview, Bernie leaves open the option of calling his supporters into the streets.


Bernie Like All Commies Wants a Revolution.​

Democrats are setting the stage for something, what it is isn’t yet exactly clear. The are moving in unison along with the the Fake News media to predict that Biden will win the election based on mail-in ballots counted in the weeks after Election Day, Trump will refuse to leave office, and then … well, then what?

None of this can be coincidence. The memo has gone out.
Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:

Pennsylvania is very diverse state, a lot of this is a matter of turnout here.

Democrat leader James Carville described the Commonwealth as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by civilization.

If the civilized parts of the state come out, Trump will not have a problem.

The people clinging to their guns and Bibles vs. the ballot-stuffing judges.
Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:
/—-/ It’s just another fake poll of 401 voters used to create a news story. From the link: The Monmouth University Poll was sponsored and conducted by the Monmouth University Polling Institute from July 9 to 13, 2020 with a statewide random sample of 401 Pennsylvania voters drawn from a list of registered voters.

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