I don't care if Trump has a secret cabal of advisers thwarting him...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.
Always good to remember that NONE of the above would have occurred if Hillary were in the White House.
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.
And you and others on the blind partisan right are as much the problem as Trump, refusing to acknowledge the fact that Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance pose a threat to America and its allies, and that Trump’s failed, dysfunctional misadministration is not working.
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.
And you and others on the blind partisan right are as much the problem as Trump, refusing to acknowledge the fact that Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance pose a threat to America and its allies, and that Trump’s failed, dysfunctional misadministration is not working.
Well damn. If incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance have brought us a booming economy, fewer illegal aliens, lower taxes, and a record breaking high stock market then perhaps Trump's failed, dysfunctional misadministration is working just fine. What exactly is this supposed threat Trump poses? Enlighten us.
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.
And you and others on the blind partisan right are as much the problem as Trump, refusing to acknowledge the fact that Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance pose a threat to America and its allies, and that Trump’s failed, dysfunctional misadministration is not working.
Well damn. If incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance have brought us a booming economy, fewer illegal aliens, lower taxes, and a record breaking high stock market then perhaps Trump's failed, dysfunctional misadministration is working just fine. What exactly is this supposed threat Trump poses? Enlighten us.

They can't and they don't seem to like a prosperous America.

They would much rather bitch at and malign the man who's doing a good job making America prosperous.

Fools one and all.
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.

The GDP growth under Trump has averaged only 2.7% (hardly booming), illegals were getting deported under Obama, taxes are down primarily for the wealthy and corporations, unemployment drop has not accelerated AT ALL under Trump, the DOW was booming under Obama also and things are not going 'really good'.
Debt is still at record levels, the Fed still refuses to put rates back to historic levels because they fear it will cause a recession, the budget deficit is skyrocketing under Trump and the Household Survey (what the unemployment rate is based on) this last month showed that the economy lost (LOST) over 400,000 people employed in August.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

If that is your idea of 'things are going great' than clearly you do not understand macroeconomics.

Have a nice day in your Trump Dream world.
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.

The GDP growth under Trump has averaged only 2.7% (hardly booming), illegals were getting deported under Obama, taxes are down primarily for the wealthy and corporations, unemployment drop has not accelerated AT ALL under Trump, the DOW was booming under Obama also and things are not going 'really good'.
Debt is still at record levels, the Fed still refuses to put rates back to historic levels because they fear it will cause a recession, the budget deficit is skyrocketing under Trump and the Household Survey (what the unemployment rate is based on) this last month showed that the economy lost (LOST) over 400,000 people employed in August.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

If that is your idea of 'things are going great' than clearly you do not understand macroeconomics.

Have a nice day in your Trump Dream world.

It must be nice to live in such a daze of denial.
The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.
Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance pose a threat to America and its allies, and that Trump’s failed, dysfunctional misadministration is not working.
And Yet
You Didn't Refute Anything That Is All True In His Post

What Does Competence Look Like To You ??
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.
How are you, a so-called Right to Lifer, about putting children in cages?
...because whatever is happening, it's working for America.

The economy is booming, illegals are getting deported, taxes are down, unemployment is down, Dow Jones is breaking records, things are going really good.

If Trump is doing all this, or if someone is doing it for him, I don't care.
He cut taxes what else did he do to make your life more livable Employment was going up with Obama unemployment down and the DOW more than doubled He came in riding on Obamas back BTW you'll be paying for that tax break soon ,very soon
edward37 said:
Employment was going up with Obama unemployment down and the DOW more than doubled He came in riding on Obamas back BTW you'll be paying for that tax break soon ,very soon
If The Chronically Un-Employed
The Dept Of Labor Dropped From The Rolls For Obama's Numbers
Had Been Left OFF The Rolls
Un-Employent Would Be In Negative Territory Now

We Could Pretend This Is The Obama Recovery
If Only Trump Weren't Doing The Opposite Of Obama From Day One

Expansion Started In January Of 2009
Before Obama Was Sworn In
The Recession Was Officially Over
Before Obama Filled His Cabinet That April
Obama Reluctantly Extended The Bush Tax Cuts
To Prevent A Double-Dip Recession During His Term

What We Really Have Here
Is Obama Stymying The Recovery That We Have Now
That We Could Have Had 8yrs Ago
If He Knew Anything But Keynesian Ideology
The Markets Were Advancing In Spite Of Obama Inompetence

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