I don't even recognize myself

How can you tell that I lack a sense of humor over typed words?
Gruber would disagree with you on how smart I am versus you.

It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?

He said he owns a plumbing sub-contracting company and posted photos of major jobs his company did.

Why would a big construction job hire a "company" who won't work "on the books"? A company who gets paid cash under the table also would not carry insurance or be bonded and licensed. What would be the insurance ramifications with a situation like that? The most a crooked company like that could hpe for is little crap jobs, like, oh, maybe building an outhouse.
WOW just WOW.
Since you don't understand how sub contracting works in construction maybe you should remain quite.
Those jobs in the photo we jobs that I ran while working for companies. I sub now.
Friend who own companies and past employers loved my work, would love for me to come back full time, but I will not

Oh THAT is funny.

You said you were a successful business owner who works for cash, under the table and posted photos of your past jobs. And now you say those photos were taken while you worked for the companies who actually had the contracts.

And a cop and war hero who shows off medals and weigh 300 pounds but have a 38" waist and yadda yadda yadda.

Really, you need to stop with all these lies.

Do you realize how many times you lied in this post?
I never said I was a hero or a war hero
I never claimed I sub contracted those jobs in the pictures I posted. I supervised those jobs
I sub contract NOW

I didn't say that. YOU did.

You do realize your last line is a contraction, don't you? You say you did not sub-contract the jobs in those photos but then say you "supervised those jobs I sub contract NOW". Which is it? Is it then or now?

Why would you post a photo of a good conduct medal? And why would you post that letter about your performance as a cop? Both indicate you barely did the minimum to get by and that you couldn't even find your way around town when you worked as a cop.

Nothing to be proud of there and not surprising you're not working a real job anymore.
TMI!!! :eek:

No one wants to know what is being "pulled" from your "end"!
If you took what I said to mean anything other than pulling strings or having control over a little puppet, you must be mirroring what you yourself do.
Stop it you'll go blind.

You have zero sense of humor!

You also lack the intelligence to pull anyone's strings like a puppet. If anything the reverse is happening.
How can you tell that I lack a sense of humor over typed words?
Gruber would disagree with you on how smart I am versus you.

It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?
My IQ is 119
My GPA if I recall was 3.1 or 3.2
Air Force rank E4
Police rank Patrolman
corporations 0 but I have hired, supervised, and trained new employees in the field I have been in
But my greatest achievements have been my family three great sons with three of the greatest grand children
Yes it is painfully obvious that I live rent free in your mind.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
Where did this young man go?


Some never made it to 18. Be happy you did

BTW, cool pic dude.
It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?

He said he owns a plumbing sub-contracting company and posted photos of major jobs his company did.

Why would a big construction job hire a "company" who won't work "on the books"? A company who gets paid cash under the table also would not carry insurance or be bonded and licensed. What would be the insurance ramifications with a situation like that? The most a crooked company like that could hpe for is little crap jobs, like, oh, maybe building an outhouse.
WOW just WOW.
Since you don't understand how sub contracting works in construction maybe you should remain quite.
Those jobs in the photo we jobs that I ran while working for companies. I sub now.
Friend who own companies and past employers loved my work, would love for me to come back full time, but I will not

Oh THAT is funny.

You said you were a successful business owner who works for cash, under the table and posted photos of your past jobs. And now you say those photos were taken while you worked for the companies who actually had the contracts.

And a cop and war hero who shows off medals and weigh 300 pounds but have a 38" waist and yadda yadda yadda.

Really, you need to stop with all these lies.

Do you realize how many times you lied in this post?
I never said I was a hero or a war hero
I never claimed I sub contracted those jobs in the pictures I posted. I supervised those jobs
I sub contract NOW

I didn't say that. YOU did.

You do realize your last line is a contraction, don't you? You say you did not sub-contract the jobs in those photos but then say you "supervised those jobs I sub contract NOW". Which is it? Is it then or now?

Why would you post a photo of a good conduct medal? And why would you post that letter about your performance as a cop? Both indicate you barely did the minimum to get by and that you couldn't even find your way around town when you worked as a cop.

Nothing to be proud of there and not surprising you're not working a real job anymore.
Which makes you a liar I never said I was a hero of any kind much less a war hero
I never claimed I was sub contracting those jobs I posted pictures of I said I ran them Or supervised I sub contract now.
So that makes you a liar again.
If you took what I said to mean anything other than pulling strings or having control over a little puppet, you must be mirroring what you yourself do.
Stop it you'll go blind.

You have zero sense of humor!

You also lack the intelligence to pull anyone's strings like a puppet. If anything the reverse is happening.
How can you tell that I lack a sense of humor over typed words?
Gruber would disagree with you on how smart I am versus you.

It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?
My IQ is 119
My GPA if I recall was 3.1 or 3.2
Air Force rank E4
Police rank Patrolman
corporations 0 but I have hired, supervised, and trained new employees in the field I have been in
But my greatest achievements have been my family three great sons with three of the greatest grand children
Yes it is painfully obvious that I live rent free in your mind.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.
He said he owns a plumbing sub-contracting company and posted photos of major jobs his company did.

Why would a big construction job hire a "company" who won't work "on the books"? A company who gets paid cash under the table also would not carry insurance or be bonded and licensed. What would be the insurance ramifications with a situation like that? The most a crooked company like that could hpe for is little crap jobs, like, oh, maybe building an outhouse.
WOW just WOW.
Since you don't understand how sub contracting works in construction maybe you should remain quite.
Those jobs in the photo we jobs that I ran while working for companies. I sub now.
Friend who own companies and past employers loved my work, would love for me to come back full time, but I will not

Oh THAT is funny.

You said you were a successful business owner who works for cash, under the table and posted photos of your past jobs. And now you say those photos were taken while you worked for the companies who actually had the contracts.

And a cop and war hero who shows off medals and weigh 300 pounds but have a 38" waist and yadda yadda yadda.

Really, you need to stop with all these lies.

Do you realize how many times you lied in this post?
I never said I was a hero or a war hero
I never claimed I sub contracted those jobs in the pictures I posted. I supervised those jobs
I sub contract NOW

I didn't say that. YOU did.

You do realize your last line is a contraction, don't you? You say you did not sub-contract the jobs in those photos but then say you "supervised those jobs I sub contract NOW". Which is it? Is it then or now?

Why would you post a photo of a good conduct medal? And why would you post that letter about your performance as a cop? Both indicate you barely did the minimum to get by and that you couldn't even find your way around town when you worked as a cop.

Nothing to be proud of there and not surprising you're not working a real job anymore.
Which makes you a liar I never said I was a hero of any kind much less a war hero
I never claimed I was sub contracting those jobs I posted pictures of I said I ran them Or supervised I sub contract now.
So that makes you a liar again.

Are you aware that your own words are right here in this thread?

You had the same problem last time you posted one of your pitiful "pay attention to me" threads. You don't seem to understand that its your own words that are being quoted.
If you're such a hot shot success at so many different things, why can't you even use the basic punctuation you should have learned by the 5th grade?

You're pitiful and its embarrassing to read your posts.
WOW just WOW.
Since you don't understand how sub contracting works in construction maybe you should remain quite.
Those jobs in the photo we jobs that I ran while working for companies. I sub now.
Friend who own companies and past employers loved my work, would love for me to come back full time, but I will not

Oh THAT is funny.

You said you were a successful business owner who works for cash, under the table and posted photos of your past jobs. And now you say those photos were taken while you worked for the companies who actually had the contracts.

And a cop and war hero who shows off medals and weigh 300 pounds but have a 38" waist and yadda yadda yadda.

Really, you need to stop with all these lies.

Do you realize how many times you lied in this post?
I never said I was a hero or a war hero
I never claimed I sub contracted those jobs in the pictures I posted. I supervised those jobs
I sub contract NOW

I didn't say that. YOU did.

You do realize your last line is a contraction, don't you? You say you did not sub-contract the jobs in those photos but then say you "supervised those jobs I sub contract NOW". Which is it? Is it then or now?

Why would you post a photo of a good conduct medal? And why would you post that letter about your performance as a cop? Both indicate you barely did the minimum to get by and that you couldn't even find your way around town when you worked as a cop.

Nothing to be proud of there and not surprising you're not working a real job anymore.
Which makes you a liar I never said I was a hero of any kind much less a war hero
I never claimed I was sub contracting those jobs I posted pictures of I said I ran them Or supervised I sub contract now.
So that makes you a liar again.

Are you aware that your own words are right here in this thread?

You had the same problem last time you posted one of your pitiful "pay attention to me" threads. You don't seem to understand that its your own words that are being quoted.
I know exactly what my words are they do not match what you claim I said.
Post the quote otherwise shut your lying up.
If you're such a hot shot success at so many different things, why can't you even use the basic punctuation you should have learned by the 5th grade?

You're pitiful and its embarrassing to read your posts.
OH the grammar means something to an anal asswipe
It makes even less a difference
You have zero sense of humor!

You also lack the intelligence to pull anyone's strings like a puppet. If anything the reverse is happening.
How can you tell that I lack a sense of humor over typed words?
Gruber would disagree with you on how smart I am versus you.

It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?
My IQ is 119
My GPA if I recall was 3.1 or 3.2
Air Force rank E4
Police rank Patrolman
corporations 0 but I have hired, supervised, and trained new employees in the field I have been in
But my greatest achievements have been my family three great sons with three of the greatest grand children
Yes it is painfully obvious that I live rent free in your mind.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.
How can you tell that I lack a sense of humor over typed words?
Gruber would disagree with you on how smart I am versus you.

It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?
My IQ is 119
My GPA if I recall was 3.1 or 3.2
Air Force rank E4
Police rank Patrolman
corporations 0 but I have hired, supervised, and trained new employees in the field I have been in
But my greatest achievements have been my family three great sons with three of the greatest grand children
Yes it is painfully obvious that I live rent free in your mind.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.
I never melt down, why are you attacking a vet? you hate vets.
Thanks for clearing that point up.
Strange how someone of with an alleged IQ of 119 believes that because his own words are being exposed as lies that equates to "bashing vets". Of course that just exposes that he is lying about his IQ too. :lol:
How can you tell that I lack a sense of humor over typed words?
Gruber would disagree with you on how smart I am versus you.

It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?
My IQ is 119
My GPA if I recall was 3.1 or 3.2
Air Force rank E4
Police rank Patrolman
corporations 0 but I have hired, supervised, and trained new employees in the field I have been in
But my greatest achievements have been my family three great sons with three of the greatest grand children
Yes it is painfully obvious that I live rent free in your mind.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
It is painfully obvious that you lack a sense of humor.

As far as smarts go you are probably on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve in my opinion. Want to put that to the test? What was your GPA in high school? What rank did you achieve in the Air Force? What rank did you achieve as a cop? What positions have you held in corporations?
My IQ is 119
My GPA if I recall was 3.1 or 3.2
Air Force rank E4
Police rank Patrolman
corporations 0 but I have hired, supervised, and trained new employees in the field I have been in
But my greatest achievements have been my family three great sons with three of the greatest grand children
Yes it is painfully obvious that I live rent free in your mind.


Actually it is the exact opposite! I just pulled your strings and you jerked on every pull! What is amusing is that if your IQ was actually 119 you would have known that but you didn't.

Now you allege that you have grandkids which means that your sons must be old enough to father them which means that you are older than you originally claimed to to be. That "recent photo" you provided to "prove" that you had a 64" chest (only it doesn't) must be about 2 decades old.

Have you taught your sons to cheat on their taxes too? Are you going to teach that to your grandchildren?

Every time you post you :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Keep up the good work! :rofl:
You have this thing about digging holes, I'd stop if I were you the hole youput yourself in is much to deep for you to get out of, soon you'll start trolling.
I cannot help that your butthurt makes you think the way you are thinking. I really feel sorry for you.

You are inches away from another meltdown!


Time for you to run away again.

Last time, he ran to the mods to rescue him.

Wanna bet he does the same thing again and then swears he has "won" something by being caught in a half dozen new lies.
How do you know this to be true or not? Are you talking about a mod action which can cause you to be banned.
Strange how someone of with an alleged IQ of 119 believes that because his own words are being exposed as lies that equates to "bashing vets". Of course that just exposes that he is lying about his IQ too. :lol:

IQ of 119????????????????????????

Who bashed vets?

bigrebnc1775 Post the link to someone "bashing vets".

I would never bash vets. I do bash chronic liars though.
Strange how someone of with an alleged IQ of 119 believes that because his own words are being exposed as lies that equates to "bashing vets". Of course that just exposes that he is lying about his IQ too. :lol:
I really don't care if you believe me or not. I have shown supporting credentials when I was called a liar numerous times about what I've done with my life. REALLY it doesn't matter if you believe me or not just makes you look like a spoiled brat who has to keep going crying kicking a screaming out to the wood shed.

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