I Dont Fault Obama for His Use of the N-Bomb


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Dear God, the little fascist has done enough damage to this country to last four generations cleaning it all up, but to go full retard on his use of the N-Bomb? That is insane.

He used it in an etymological way, speaking of the word itself. He didn't use it to insult or offend anyone.

Why are so many fucktards shitting their pants over this one?
he's brought down the office of the Presidency to bottom of the sewer. and has brought nothing but misery on us since he's in been office. riots, looting, cities burning and now this.

just an horrible human being and evil to the core
Dear God, the little fascist has done enough damage to this country to last four generations cleaning it all up, but to go full retard on his use of the N-Bomb? That is insane.

He used it in an etymological way, speaking of the word itself. He didn't use it to insult or offend anyone.

Why are so many fucktards shitting their pants over this one?
Notice he giggles right after saying it, as if to say, "Look what I just got away with." His use of the word angers people because it brings front and center an age old irritation that the Left holds a double standard, allowing some people to use a word like that but shrieking with demonic fury if a non Leftist uses it. They will say "nggr" and giggle while claiming those who never use the word are the real racists.

And those who say we should observe the context of his use of the word ought to know the context is even worse. The president of the United States is saying we should presume Americans are racist even when there is no proof. This fits the Leftist narrative that conservatives are using coded or dog whistle racism. It's a convenient circumventing of the fact that conservatives are not really racist and there is little tangible evidence they can point to that supports their lying narrative.

That's why.
You were warned about putting this hating community agitator who attended a racist church for 20 years that preached, black liberation. Now we are all having to live with it.

I hope you are all ashamed what he's brought down on us. I don't know if we take much more of him and his race hustling on a Grand stage. The man has had the slime Rev. Sharpton visit him over 60 times. now get a freaking clue what you all voted for
Well, don't go blaming Obama and the Democrats for EVERYTHING. We are supposed to have a political opposition who could defeat such incompetent fools, but the GOPP is even MORE incompetent than Obama.
"I Dont Fault Obama for His Use of the N-Bomb"

This is arrogant idiocy – given your posting history of ignorance, stupidity, and hate, you're in no position to 'fault' anyone.

Lol, as if I give a flying fart what you try to think, Clayton the Clown
You see what's taught is its all WHITE peoples fault for the failures of black people
and you voted this into our lives. Now you see why they have brought our country almost to it's knees.


The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology

James Cone, the chief architect of Black Liberation Theology in his book A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), develops black theology as a system. In this new formulation, Christian theology is a theology of liberation -- "a rational study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence of the gospel, which is Jesus Christ," writes Cone. Black consciousness and the black experience of oppression orient black liberation theology -- i.e., one of victimization from white oppression.

One of the tasks of black theology, says Cone, is to analyze the nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ in light of the experience of oppressed blacks. For Cone, no theology is Christian theology unless it arises from oppressed communities and interprets Jesus' work as that of liberation. Christian theology is understood in terms of systemic and structural relationships between two main groups: victims (the oppressed) and victimizers (oppressors). In Cone's context, writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the great event of Christ's liberation was freeing African Americans from the centuries-old tyranny of white racism and white oppression.

American white theology, which Cone never clearly defines, is charged with having failed to help blacks in the struggle for liberation. Black theology exists because "white religionists" failed to relate the gospel of Jesus to the pain of being black in a white racist society.

For black theologians, white Americans do not have the ability to recognize the humanity in persons of color, blacks need their own theology to affirm their identity in terms of a reality that is anti-black -- “blackness” stands for all victims of white oppression. "White theology," when formed in isolation from the black experience, becomes a theology of white oppressors, serving as divine sanction from criminal acts committed against blacks. Cone argues that even those white theologians who try to connect theology to black suffering rarely utter a word that is relevant to the black experience in America. White theology is not Christian theology at all. There is but one guiding principle of black theology: an unqualified commitment to the black community as that community seeks to define its existence in the light of God's liberating work in the world.

all of it here:
The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology Acton Institute
Dear God, the little fascist has done enough damage to this country to last four generations cleaning it all up, but to go full retard on his use of the N-Bomb? That is insane.

He used it in an etymological way, speaking of the word itself. He didn't use it to insult or offend anyone.

Why are so many fucktards shitting their pants over this one?

Fact of the matter though, a white person cannot use this word in ANY context without being crucified.

Obama is our leader, he should set an example for everyone regardless of race, and background.
Dear God, the little fascist has done enough damage to this country to last four generations cleaning it all up, but to go full retard on his use of the N-Bomb? That is insane.

He used it in an etymological way, speaking of the word itself. He didn't use it to insult or offend anyone.

Why are so many fucktards shitting their pants over this one?

Fact of the matter though, a white person cannot use this word in ANY context without being crucified.

Obama is our leader, he should set an example for everyone regardless of race, and background.
I have never been crucified for the words I use.........When have you?
well at least we caught in on audio, remember the debacle when the tea party was accused of calling some congressmen the N word as they passed by in a rally? the left kept claiming that some of the tea party were yelling the N word at one or two congressmen, yet no one could ever find any evidence.
well at least we caught in on audio, remember the debacle when the tea party was accused of calling some congressmen the N word as they passed by in a rally? the left kept claiming that some of the tea party were yelling the N word at one or two congressmen, yet no one could ever find any evidence.
So context is the issue?
well at least we caught in on audio, remember the debacle when the tea party was accused of calling some congressmen the N word as they passed by in a rally? the left kept claiming that some of the tea party were yelling the N word at one or two congressmen, yet no one could ever find any evidence.
So context is the issue?
i guess so, so its ok for him to say the N word, but if a white person says it, Off with their head !!!!
well at least we caught in on audio, remember the debacle when the tea party was accused of calling some congressmen the N word as they passed by in a rally? the left kept claiming that some of the tea party were yelling the N word at one or two congressmen, yet no one could ever find any evidence.
This was the point of Obama's, that proof isn't needed to know that Americans are racist and are at least thinking the N word; that he hears it whether it's said or not.
well at least we caught in on audio, remember the debacle when the tea party was accused of calling some congressmen the N word as they passed by in a rally? the left kept claiming that some of the tea party were yelling the N word at one or two congressmen, yet no one could ever find any evidence.
This was the point of Obama's, that proof isn't needed to know that Americans are racist and are at least thinking the N word; that he hears it whether it's said or not.
did obama accuse any white american by name of using the N word on a daily basis? or just assumes that all white people say it 12-24 time a day?
well at least we caught in on audio, remember the debacle when the tea party was accused of calling some congressmen the N word as they passed by in a rally? the left kept claiming that some of the tea party were yelling the N word at one or two congressmen, yet no one could ever find any evidence.
This was the point of Obama's, that proof isn't needed to know that Americans are racist and are at least thinking the N word; that he hears it whether it's said or not.
did obama accuse any white american by name of using the N word on a daily basis? or just assumes that all white people say it 12-24 time a day?
He thinks he's just saying out loud what white people are thinking. And he giggled because he's the first president to use that word on television. My how this office has been made into a joke!

Giggle some more, Bucky.
Man what a stupid thread, I don't care if Obama used the n word, it looks like a left nut job is trolling.

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