I Don't get it. Two Cases same "Crime" Two Differnt approaches.

This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.
I thought Manafort was going away for money laundering. No?

And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

Much more than just bank fraud:

All 12 indictments from the WSJ:

Count one: Conspiracy against the U.S.

Count two: Conspiracy to launder money

Counts three to six: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Counts seven to nine: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Count 11: False and misleading FARA statements

Count 12: False statements

This doesn't include the witness tampering.
Manafort is reported to be in solitary confinement for 23 hours every day. Is this not cruel and unusual? Murders and rapists aren’t treated as poorly. Where is the tolerance?
Wait...are you saying murdered and rapists never get put in solitary?
I thought Manafort was going away for money laundering. No?

And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

Much more than just bank fraud:

All 12 indictments from the WSJ:

Count one: Conspiracy against the U.S.

Count two: Conspiracy to launder money

Counts three to six: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Counts seven to nine: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Count 11: False and misleading FARA statements

Count 12: False statements

This doesn't include the witness tampering.
Manafort is reported to be in solitary confinement for 23 hours every day. Is this not cruel and unusual? Murders and rapists aren’t treated as poorly. Where is the tolerance?
Wait...are you saying murdered and rapists never get put in solitary?
Not really. Manafort was given a lot of freedom. More than the likes of you or I would have been given. He fucked it up by attempting to tamper with witness. If he had been a black youth thrown in solitary for a far more minor crime...would you even care?
And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

Much more than just bank fraud:

All 12 indictments from the WSJ:

Count one: Conspiracy against the U.S.

Count two: Conspiracy to launder money

Counts three to six: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Counts seven to nine: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Count 11: False and misleading FARA statements

Count 12: False statements

This doesn't include the witness tampering.
Manafort is reported to be in solitary confinement for 23 hours every day. Is this not cruel and unusual? Murders and rapists aren’t treated as poorly. Where is the tolerance?
Wait...are you saying murdered and rapists never get put in solitary?
Not really. Manafort was given a lot of freedom. More than the likes of you or I would have been given. He fucked it up by attempting to tamper with witness. If he had been a black youth thrown in solitary for a far more minor crime...would you even care?
They're never going to see a courtroom. You guys got yourselves all lathered up over nothing.

They're not really the target, so that's not the point. The indictment puts the evidence out there that Russia influenced our election, and Trump can't really deny that. The fact that his go-to is to suck up to Putin even harder, to the point where Republicans can't even deny his collusion, is the point here.

As long as you continue to misdiagnose the nature of your political opposition; you will continue losing to them...

Meh, I'm not worried about it. You see, most of those dumb, inbred white trash racists who voted for Trump are going to vote for whatever has an R-behind his name... but once the Trump recession starts, enough of them will jump ship and he'll be done.

In the long run, though, Trump is alienating blacks, hispanics and other minorities for decades to come.. and demographics are not your friend, buddy.
They're never going to see a courtroom. You guys got yourselves all lathered up over nothing.

They're not really the target, so that's not the point. The indictment puts the evidence out there that Russia influenced our election, and Trump can't really deny that. The fact that his go-to is to suck up to Putin even harder, to the point where Republicans can't even deny his collusion, is the point here.

As long as you continue to misdiagnose the nature of your political opposition; you will continue losing to them...

Meh, I'm not worried about it. You see, most of those dumb, inbred white trash racists who voted for Trump are going to vote for whatever has an R-behind his name... but once the Trump recession starts, enough of them will jump ship and he'll be done.

In the long run, though, Trump is alienating blacks, hispanics and other minorities for decades to come.. and demographics are not your friend, buddy.
Hey Joe, is it true that anyone who voted for Donnie is a Nazi, white supremacist, racist, sexist, homophobe, and hater of all that is good and wonderful?
...The indictment puts the evidence out there that Russia influenced our election, and Trump can't really deny that....

The entire #resistance seems to be pushing that propaganda line, Mueller says the Russians did it, he wouldn't do that without having evidence that the Russians did it therefore the Russians really did it and anyone who asks to see the evidence is a brainwashed traitor....

But just for fun, what piece of 'evidence' in the indictment convinced you that the Russians did it?

...The indictment puts the evidence out there that Russia influenced our election, and Trump can't really deny that....

The entire #resistance seems to be pushing that propaganda line, Mueller says the Russians did it, he wouldn't do that without having evidence that the Russians did it therefore the Russians really did it and anyone who asks to see the evidence is a brainwashed traitor....

But just for fun, what piece of 'evidence' in the indictment convinced you that the Russians did it?

Another POTUS apologist. You go to extremes to justify this ideologue.
Another POTUS apologist. You go to extremes to justify this ideologue.

I'm not here to defend the very stable orange genius in chief

I'm just one who thinks it's a good thing if two countries with thousands of nukes each have a normal relationship with each other so crying about evil Russians without presenting any evidence doesn't get much sympathy from me

But maybe you'd like to answer the question, what piece of evidence in those indictments convinced you it was the Russians who did it?

The entire #resistance seems to be pushing that propaganda line, Mueller says the Russians did it, he wouldn't do that without having evidence that the Russians did it therefore the Russians really did it and anyone who asks to see the evidence is a brainwashed traitor....

But just for fun, what piece of 'evidence' in the indictment convinced you that the Russians did it?

the very detailed list of operatives, actions, shell companies, etc.

Mueller probe: 12 Russians indicted for DNC hack - CNNPolitics
...The indictment puts the evidence out there that Russia influenced our election, and Trump can't really deny that....

The entire #resistance seems to be pushing that propaganda line, Mueller says the Russians did it, he wouldn't do that without having evidence that the Russians did it therefore the Russians really did it and anyone who asks to see the evidence is a brainwashed traitor....

But just for fun, what piece of 'evidence' in the indictment convinced you that the Russians did it?

The same evidence that convinced all intelligence agencies.
This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The reason why those on the blind partisan right don’t get it is because they’re blind partisans.
This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.

The issue is, Podesta had not "intent" to break the law as where anyone associated with Trump does.

So the brother of the HRC campaign chairman doesn't register as a foreign agent....is there anything else he is accused of doing?
You mean besides money laundering, as his firm was paired with Manafort's and just as guilty, and working for the KGB Bank & Russian Intel Collection Agency?

The OP is naive to believe this witch hunt is about anything other than 'getting' Trump.

Anything / any crime / anyone connected to Hillary or the Democrats is being ignored, covered up, and/or given immunity.
Eh, a very detailed list is evidence?

How hard can it be to produce something like an email of Putin's head of intellingence directing his agents to hack the DNC server or maybe photos of a known Russian spy handing over a brief case to one of Trump's minions?

Yawn, guy, 17 intel agencies have concluded the Russians tampered.

you Branch Trumpidians keep denying it because then you'd have to admit your guy stole the election, he didn't win it.
the very detailed list of operatives, actions, shell companies, etc.

Mueller probe: 12 Russians indicted for DNC hack - CNNPolitics

Eh, a very detailed list is evidence?

How hard can it be to produce something like an email of Putin's head of intellingence directing his agents to hack the DNC server or maybe photos of a known Russian spy handing over a brief case to one of Trump's minions?

They have hard evidence, and showed the actual hard evidence to Trump, in a classified briefing right before he was sworn in.....

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