I dont give two craps about israel OR palestine

Why is it such a big deal anyways? Is it because of the doom and gloom from religious prophecies? Lol...
How much can people care about two groups of people that resort to terrorism and destruction constantly?
Who said it's a big deal? It isn't.
Lol ok
It really isn't. It's the Democrats and the Leftie media that strive to make it a bigger deal than it deserves to be. In reality Israel is just another country on the front lines of fighting Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and doing it well.
Why is it such a big deal anyways? Is it because of the doom and gloom from religious prophecies? Lol...
How much can people care about two groups of people that resort to terrorism and destruction constantly?

Let me tell you that a True Jewish person from the Middle East ( not Yiddish ) is likely to be a kissing cousin to their Palestinian neighbors.

Also the argument is about which child did Abraham attempt to take a stab at when he was on the mountain?

Was it Issac or Ishmael?

Personally it matter not to me and I say let the Yiddish Jews and Palestinians kill each other and the one that does survive find out what Hitler was trying to accomplish...

Oh, my grandfather was Lebanese Jew...

Which parallel world did you get all of this nonsense from?

Amazing how there is no explanation on how the Arabs could not give a darn about saying that they were "related" to the Jews.......before Mohammad created Islam because Christians were roaming Arabia converting the population.

<<Personally it matter not to me and I say let the Yiddish Jews and Palestinians kill each other and the one that does survive find out what Hitler was trying to accomplish...>>

Out of a Nazi's brain? (meaning you. Would you be another nazi who roams the boards spitting on Jews and not caring for Arabs because after all what are Arabs but non Aryans, and could you possibly EVER care about non "Aryans"?)

Ignorance breeds fear, which breeds more ignorance, which breeds more fear of Jews and total and absolute Jew hatred.

Ooops, there is ALL you seem to suffer from.

Shove your Nazi nonsense up your ass. My grandfather fought in World War II and was in concentration camp, so please spare me your crying about what I wrote.

Yiddish Jews are part of the problem just like the Palestinians and to pretend one side is guilty is just you being the close minded fool you are.

Also from Abraham the Muslims trace their history to him and Moses and even honor Jesus and his mother, so yeah Jews and Muslims are kissing cousins if their bloodline came from there and not Northern Europe like the damn Yiddish.

Now get in my EZ bake oven before I offer you a shower!

You are either one of the two:

A TOTAL ignoramus


A TOTAL LIAR about each and every word you just wrote.

(your spitting at Jews who speak Yiddish is a total give away)

Not really, Sephardi jews had little ties to yiddish speaking jews till WWII. Like many of the tribes, they were almost totally isolated from the rest of judaism for centuries. Little contact between them.
Till the early 19th C they were very distinct, still are in many ways.

Not so different that sunni and shites, thought there was the added difficulty of language, with out the blood feuds.
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.
Let me tell you that a True Jewish person from the Middle East ( not Yiddish ) is likely to be a kissing cousin to their Palestinian neighbors.

Also the argument is about which child did Abraham attempt to take a stab at when he was on the mountain?

Was it Issac or Ishmael?

Personally it matter not to me and I say let the Yiddish Jews and Palestinians kill each other and the one that does survive find out what Hitler was trying to accomplish...

Oh, my grandfather was Lebanese Jew...

Which parallel world did you get all of this nonsense from?

Amazing how there is no explanation on how the Arabs could not give a darn about saying that they were "related" to the Jews.......before Mohammad created Islam because Christians were roaming Arabia converting the population.

<<Personally it matter not to me and I say let the Yiddish Jews and Palestinians kill each other and the one that does survive find out what Hitler was trying to accomplish...>>

Out of a Nazi's brain? (meaning you. Would you be another nazi who roams the boards spitting on Jews and not caring for Arabs because after all what are Arabs but non Aryans, and could you possibly EVER care about non "Aryans"?)

Ignorance breeds fear, which breeds more ignorance, which breeds more fear of Jews and total and absolute Jew hatred.

Ooops, there is ALL you seem to suffer from.
The race card. How original.

I never mentioned anything about race.

Ooops . You just gave yourself away.

Read what you wrote, dumbfuck

I suggest you quote the exact sentence where I said anything remotely about race.
It really isn't. It's the Democrats and the Leftie media that strive to make it a bigger deal than it deserves to be. In reality Israel is just another country on the front lines of fighting Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and doing it well.

and not only that, but their support for these made-up "Palestinians" has become so unquestioned that they have proven to all Muslims that terrorism is a successful strategy.

Reward bad behavior and guess what, folks -- you get bad behavior.
Why is it such a big deal anyways? Is it because of the doom and gloom from religious prophecies? Lol...
How much can people care about two groups of people that resort to terrorism and destruction constantly?

Let me tell you that a True Jewish person from the Middle East ( not Yiddish ) is likely to be a kissing cousin to their Palestinian neighbors.

Also the argument is about which child did Abraham attempt to take a stab at when he was on the mountain?

Was it Issac or Ishmael?

Personally it matter not to me and I say let the Yiddish Jews and Palestinians kill each other and the one that does survive find out what Hitler was trying to accomplish...

Oh, my grandfather was Lebanese Jew...

Which parallel world did you get all of this nonsense from?

Amazing how there is no explanation on how the Arabs could not give a darn about saying that they were "related" to the Jews.......before Mohammad created Islam because Christians were roaming Arabia converting the population.

<<Personally it matter not to me and I say let the Yiddish Jews and Palestinians kill each other and the one that does survive find out what Hitler was trying to accomplish...>>

Out of a Nazi's brain? (meaning you. Would you be another nazi who roams the boards spitting on Jews and not caring for Arabs because after all what are Arabs but non Aryans, and could you possibly EVER care about non "Aryans"?)

Ignorance breeds fear, which breeds more ignorance, which breeds more fear of Jews and total and absolute Jew hatred.

Ooops, there is ALL you seem to suffer from.

Shove your Nazi nonsense up your ass. My grandfather fought in World War II and was in concentration camp, so please spare me your crying about what I wrote.

Yiddish Jews are part of the problem just like the Palestinians and to pretend one side is guilty is just you being the close minded fool you are.

Also from Abraham the Muslims trace their history to him and Moses and even honor Jesus and his mother, so yeah Jews and Muslims are kissing cousins if their bloodline came from there and not Northern Europe like the damn Yiddish.

Now get in my EZ bake oven before I offer you a shower!

You are either one of the two:

A TOTAL ignoramus


A TOTAL LIAR about each and every word you just wrote.

(your spitting at Jews who speak Yiddish is a total give away)

Not really, Sephardi jews had little ties to yiddish speaking jews till WWII. Like many of the tribes, they were almost totally isolated from the rest of judaism for centuries. Little contact between them.
Till the early 19th C they were very distinct, still are in many ways.

Not so different that sunni and shites, thought there was the added difficulty of language, with out the blood feuds.
Not to mention that Sephardi / Mizrahi Jews and their descendants now comprise a majority in Israel. These are the same Jews who can trace their ancestry to those that fled the destruction of the two temples.
It really isn't. It's the Democrats and the Leftie media that strive to make it a bigger deal than it deserves to be. In reality Israel is just another country on the front lines of fighting Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and doing it well.

and not only that, but their support for these made-up "Palestinians" has become so unquestioned that they have proven to all Muslims that terrorism is a successful strategy.

Reward bad behavior and guess what, folks -- you get bad behavior.
One might say in today's lingo, that the Palestinians are a fake national movement who's terrorism and violence is being justified by the Left. On the other hand they won't support a legitimate national movement, such as the Kurds, because it doesn't fit into their ideology.
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

Because "terrorism" was invented by Mohammed hisself, sixteen years ago..

Dooooooooon't think so.


King David Hotel Bombing (British Administrtive HQ)


Baruch Goldstein, mass shooter of 154 worshipers in a mosque, 1994
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

Because "terrorism" was invented by Mohammed hisself, sixteen years ago..

Dooooooooon't think so.


King David Hotel Bombing (British Administrtive HQ)


Baruch Goldstein, mass shooter of 154 worshipers in a mosque, 1994

I see you take your useful idiocy quite seriously, little Dhimmi.
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

You want to get on my ass about semantics and your dumbass just said "arab strategists created Palestinians? Are they fucking grown in a lab?
LOL wtf
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

Because "terrorism" was invented by Mohammed hisself, sixteen years ago..

Dooooooooon't think so.


King David Hotel Bombing (British Administrtive HQ)


Baruch Goldstein, mass shooter of 154 worshipers in a mosque, 1994

It is sad that you cannot count. "Sixteen years" ?

Here is where modern terrorism/Jihad began:

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

It follows 1300 years of Muslim invasion and terrorism from Arabia to Europe.

King David Hotel bombing followed the British siding with the Muslims and not protecting the Jews and not honoring the Mandate for Palestine to recreate the Jewish Nation ON JEWISH ANCIENT LAND.
And the British were warned of the bombing but being too full of themselves......ignored it and that is why so many died.

Godberg's "terrorism" follows the Muslims refusing to make peace. The endless games the Arabs play (following Mohammad's way of doing "business") set this man off.
It is a wonder that not many more ended up set off and going after Muslims and killing them. But they did not. Which is the opposite of what Muslims do.
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

Because "terrorism" was invented by Mohammed hisself, sixteen years ago..

Dooooooooon't think so.


King David Hotel Bombing (British Administrtive HQ)


Baruch Goldstein, mass shooter of 154 worshipers in a mosque, 1994

British Bombing of Civilians as a Means of Imperial Control
IRAQ IN THE 1920'S: A GRIM PORTENT OF FUTURE EVENTS .... "TheArab and Kurd now know what real bombing means in casualties and damage.
Meanwhile, new weapons, such as cluster bombs and fuel-air bombswhich suck ... On 19 February, 1920, before the start of the Arab uprising, Churchill (then ...
New Research: UK Did Not Gas Iraqis In The 1920s - The International ...
www.winstonchurchill.org › ... › New Research: UK Did Not Gas Iraqis In The 1920s
Oct 25, 2009 - Allegations of chemical bombings by the British erupted into the ... That changed in June 1920, when an organized Arab rebellion erupted.

During WWI and WWII, arabs were bombing railways and infrustructure.

Arab palestinians have long used suicide and car bombs against Jews before 1948
It really isn't. It's the Democrats and the Leftie media that strive to make it a bigger deal than it deserves to be. In reality Israel is just another country on the front lines of fighting Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and doing it well.

and not only that, but their support for these made-up "Palestinians" has become so unquestioned that they have proven to all Muslims that terrorism is a successful strategy.

Reward bad behavior and guess what, folks -- you get bad behavior.
One might say in today's lingo, that the Palestinians are a fake national movement who's terrorism and violence is being justified by the Left. On the other hand they won't support a legitimate national movement, such as the Kurds, because it doesn't fit into their ideology.

Yep. There are threads in the Israel section that support murder.

What is amazing is how these antisemites will bluster in the same breath that they aren't anti-Semitic. What I find sickening those here who single out Jews as the one people who should not be allowed to express self-determination in their homeland or even have the right to defend themselves against terrorists have the utter temerity to call themselves LIBERAL. Sure, there are a few old-fashioned Nazis here, but the vast majority of antisemites here are leftists. They have gobbled up that Arab propaganda so thoroughly, they might as well be Arab.
I always find it funny when people scream about anti-Semitism but talk all kinds of shit about muslims. LOL
"You cant hate the jews, but shove some pork down a muzzies throat! ROAR"
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

You want to get on my ass about semantics and your dumbass just said "arab strategists created Palestinians? Are they fucking grown in a lab?
LOL wtf

I realize you are too ignorant to know any better, but yes -- the term "Palestinain" used to describe local Arabs is a fabrication of the 20th century.

Before being encouraged to call themselves such, they were merely Arabs.
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

You want to get on my ass about semantics and your dumbass just said "arab strategists created Palestinians? Are they fucking grown in a lab?
LOL wtf

I realize you are too ignorant to know any better, but yes -- the term "Palestinain" used to describe local Arabs is a fabrication of the 20th century.

Before being encouraged to call themselves such, they were merely Arabs.
They didnt create them, idiot. You just need to watch your semantics, big boy. I mean, its something you care so much about ;)
Are you "ancient land" dogma coffers willing to give your home to a Comanche? Just wondering..

Do you mean those who live in the USA?

If the land is their, sure.

And of course your question comes from the putrid files of Jew haters, because ONLY Jew haters like to confuse people the way you just attempted to.

MANY tribes in the USA are not only fighting legally but winning their rights to their ancient lands. And so have the Kurds.
And there are the Basques and others fighting for independence, be it in Spain or any other part of the planet.

BUT, again.....the JEWS are the only people neither Christian or Muslim fanatics will not allow to have sovereignty over their own ancient homeland.

Jews did not kick out Arabs from their villages in the North. They are still there.

It is the Arabs who listened to their leaders, and the Jordanians in 1948 who lost. They LOST because the Arabs LOST the invasion against newly independent Israel and LOST land which was going to end up in Arab hands via the partition the Arabs had rejected in 1947.

Give us some more of your "it only applies to Jews" theories.
I just thought they were fighting because the Palestinians got their country renamed Israel and a bunch of Jewish refugees from Europe moved there. Palestinians weren't pleased. Jewish people weren't leaving. Things proceeded from there.

I suggest you read real history and not the history the Arabs have been pushing since they first attacked the indigenous people of the land in 1920 because the guy who wanted to become leader of the Arab World post WWI decided all Jews needed to die.

-Palestine was NEVER a country.
-The name Palestine for the area came from the Romans who wanted to make all Jews forget their ancient land. That was in 135 CE
-Arabs only came in droves in the 7th century after Mohammad died in the 7th century CE, over five centuries AFTER the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria as what became translated as "Palestine"
- Palestinians are ARABS (Put two and two together)

Jews have always returned to their ancient homeland for the past 2000 years. It was not "A Bunch of Jewish Refugees" who started immigrating to Palestine, but indigenous Jews who saw no other place for them to move to but their ancient homeland. THAT had been going on, especially, since the early 1800s where more and more Jews saw that Europe was going to continue to be intolerant of Jews and decided to return to their ancient homeland.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Jews to "leave" their ancient homeland, which has always belonged to them, no matter how many invaders found their way to it, and conquered it.

According to you and other ignoramuses like you, Jews are "Europeans" ?
Japanese people who live in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?
Hawaiian people who have lived in Europe for centuries are "Europeans"?

Things proceed from sheer ignorance, which causes fear, which causes hatred.

So, the Christians and Muslims who consider themselves as replacement to Judaism have more rights to the land of Israel than the indigenous Jewish Nation?

Wait......you don't get it......

And possibly never will.

But there is always hope. Yeap, there is always hope that the bulb will light up some day.

The problem here is this:

Arab strategists have created an entire simplified version of history calculated quite cynically to appeal to the ignorant portion of the world left. First, they created a brand new people that had not existed and then retrofitted their existence back in time. This was undertaken to reverse the reality that it wasn't Arabs with all their considerable land and resources against Jews who had just this tiny sliver of marginal land, but of mighty Israelis against the poor, little Palestinians. It relied upon an emotional appear targeting the stupid.

After creating this new group, they then set about to mimic the language of other struggles. if you study the prattle of their illiberal western useful idiots, it is replete with references to "colonialism" (which only an utter moron would think the case, "apartheid" (despite the fact Arabs living in Israel have more rights than they do anywhere in Arab lands) and "Indigenous peoples" (despite the fact there are Jewish archeological remains dating back 3500 years and these brand, new "Palestinians" have existed for less than a century).

Today's authoritarian leftists, short on knowledge but eminently trainable, simply repeat all the cliché's they have been manipulated to repeat and do not look any further than that.

Because "terrorism" was invented by Mohammed hisself, sixteen years ago..

Dooooooooon't think so.


King David Hotel Bombing (British Administrtive HQ)


Baruch Goldstein, mass shooter of 154 worshipers in a mosque, 1994

I see you take your useful idiocy quite seriously, little Dhimmi.

Yeah I'm used to "duh, I didn't think of that" responses. It's expected. Thanks for playin'.
I always find it funny when people scream about anti-Semitism but talk all kinds of shit about muslims. LOL
"You cant hate the jews, but shove some pork down a muzzies throat! ROAR"

I do too. Some wags seem oblivious to the fact that both Arabic and Hebrew are Semitic.

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