I don't know if I can take Windows....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
So unfortunately I dropped my laptop while going down the stairs, over the banister...it didn't survive. :(
So I bought a reasonable replacement..on sale for $329...Lenova ideapad 100-IBD...8GB ram, Intel i3.
I don't need raw power, but I know better than to buy an "underpowered" laptop with Windows because I will lose hair.
So after a week now, not sure I can take Win10. With Linux I am so used to the 1-2 second wakeup time...not the 5-6 second wakeup time...then the unnecessary screen that comes up and you have to hit a key for the login screen (what is the purpose of the first screen? drives me nuts)
Steam had froze the whole PC twice, never happened with Linux....
I get a work call where i need to look at email, open the laptop...what's this??? New features??...what..CRAP it "updated" and I can't do anything...till almost 10 minutes later....WTF Microsoft??? Get it right...ask first by default!!!
Not looking good for keeping Windows...
WTF?? On Windows 10 you cannot stop automatic updates???????
Only way is to set your network to "metered connection"....anyone done this? Any other ill effects of doing this?
I really hate automatic updates for the above post reason....dammit
MS, the gnostic of operating systems. A ghost in the machine, heh. You are in appropriate virtual hands, heh.

Just having fun.

Steam? Have you considered buying an older model with all of the operating systems (except 10) for your games.
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I backed out of windows 10 on my primary PC. It's buggy and every time I went into airplane mode the darn thing wouldn't restart wifi. I guess Microsoft wants to get away from supporting so many operating systems, but I see too another effort to monopolize PC operating systems. The PC I left 10 on exhibits odd behaviors with various browsers and applications.
Can you install Linux on that model? I'd like to get a laptop but they all have windows or osx. I'm not going back to either.

I have little doubt I will go that route...it is beyond ridiculous.
And another thing...when the computer setup, I said NO to "enhance my experience with ad identity" also knows as...we are Microsoft and we will sell what you do on this computer to make money.
I also said NO to Cortona...which is nothing more than an ad building machine, right there in black and white it clearly says it will record and sell every inquiry you make to "enhance your ad experience"...so it didn't install right? After all I said NO right?....but noooo it still runs in the background eating between 25-36 MB of RAM for no reason whatsoever. In fact...even with 8 GB of ram right now with nothing but Firefox running - 29% of the memory is eaten by a plethora of processes - and i deleted the bloatware.
Jesus - how do people take this shit?
I'm sticking with 7 until it's no longer supported then it's Linux for me. I already switched this laptop over to Ubuntu, switched back to 7 but had issues with authentication so it has Ubuntu back on it now.
The wife's laptop and my gaming desktop is Win 10 with all the bloatware removed and telemetry disabled, still can't shut off the auto updates and one caused a real problem. About a month ago it updated and rebooted, and rebooted, and rebooted, had to do a reset wiping out all my personal programs but saving the configurations, saved games etc. That was weird. It still has 10 on it for now and the only problem I currently have with it is the mouse cursor will not show itself until I offer it some cheese........ I have to right or left click to get it to appear.
I see what they are doing making the updates basically mandatory...but they do it the stupid way.... it would be one thing to make only security and high priority updates mandatory and everything else elective. It would NOT be difficult to do that. But since when has Microsoft ever gave a rats ass about user concerns??

Oh - also...I do not use Edge...but for some reason it still runs in the background as well as 7-8 child processes...even though you don't use it!!
And another thing...getting stuck at the start screen...(the useless screen that first appears that you have to hit the spacebar to go to the login screen...this has happened 5-6 times now. Go ahead and Google "Windows 10 stuck at start screen"...must be a million people having the same damn issue for months now.
And Microsoft in their usual blazing fast support response: nothing.
So unfortunately I dropped my laptop while going down the stairs, over the banister...it didn't survive. :(
So I bought a reasonable replacement..on sale for $329...Lenova ideapad 100-IBD...8GB ram, Intel i3.
I don't need raw power, but I know better than to buy an "underpowered" laptop with Windows because I will lose hair.
So after a week now, not sure I can take Win10. With Linux I am so used to the 1-2 second wakeup time...not the 5-6 second wakeup time...then the unnecessary screen that comes up and you have to hit a key for the login screen (what is the purpose of the first screen? drives me nuts)
Steam had froze the whole PC twice, never happened with Linux....
I get a work call where i need to look at email, open the laptop...what's this??? New features??...what..CRAP it "updated" and I can't do anything...till almost 10 minutes later....WTF Microsoft??? Get it right...ask first by default!!!
Not looking good for keeping Windows...

I've got a Widows 8 (it was Win 7 when I bought it until the stealth-in-the-dead-of-night creeps "updated" it without my permission) that -- still functions but has been overworked to the point of annoyingly corrupted drivers. But rather than wipe everything out and reinstall Windblows as my computer guy advised, or buy a new system that would inevitably saddle me with Windblows "enough-is-enough" 10, I found several used laptops on eBay that had been wiped back to factory with Windblows 8. Picked one up for under $100 that is virtually the same machine, started loading my stuff on it and put it to work.

So far it's been a lifesaver and done everything I've asked of it. Ninety bucks.
So unfortunately I dropped my laptop while going down the stairs, over the banister...it didn't survive. :(
So I bought a reasonable replacement..on sale for $329...Lenova ideapad 100-IBD...8GB ram, Intel i3.
I don't need raw power, but I know better than to buy an "underpowered" laptop with Windows because I will lose hair.
So after a week now, not sure I can take Win10. With Linux I am so used to the 1-2 second wakeup time...not the 5-6 second wakeup time...then the unnecessary screen that comes up and you have to hit a key for the login screen (what is the purpose of the first screen? drives me nuts)
Steam had froze the whole PC twice, never happened with Linux....
I get a work call where i need to look at email, open the laptop...what's this??? New features??...what..CRAP it "updated" and I can't do anything...till almost 10 minutes later....WTF Microsoft??? Get it right...ask first by default!!!
Not looking good for keeping Windows...

I've got a Widows 8 (it was Win 7 when I bought it until the stealth-in-the-dead-of-night creeps "updated" it without my permission) that -- still functions but has been overworked to the point of annoyingly corrupted drivers. But rather than wipe everything out and reinstall Windblows as my computer guy advised, or buy a new system that would inevitably saddle me with Windblows "enough-is-enough" 10, I found several used laptops on eBay that had been wiped back to factory with Windblows 8. Picked one up for under $100 that is virtually the same machine, started loading my stuff on it and put it to work.

So far it's been a lifesaver and done everything I've asked of it. Ninety bucks.
Windows 8? Thanks, no thanks, despised 8 with a passion, thought Win 10 would be better but no, the idiots at Microsoft thought combining 8 and 7, cramming it with bloatware and disguising adware as an OS would make everyone happy........
So unfortunately I dropped my laptop while going down the stairs, over the banister...it didn't survive. :(
So I bought a reasonable replacement..on sale for $329...Lenova ideapad 100-IBD...8GB ram, Intel i3.
I don't need raw power, but I know better than to buy an "underpowered" laptop with Windows because I will lose hair.
So after a week now, not sure I can take Win10. With Linux I am so used to the 1-2 second wakeup time...not the 5-6 second wakeup time...then the unnecessary screen that comes up and you have to hit a key for the login screen (what is the purpose of the first screen? drives me nuts)
Steam had froze the whole PC twice, never happened with Linux....
I get a work call where i need to look at email, open the laptop...what's this??? New features??...what..CRAP it "updated" and I can't do anything...till almost 10 minutes later....WTF Microsoft??? Get it right...ask first by default!!!
Not looking good for keeping Windows...

I've got a Widows 8 (it was Win 7 when I bought it until the stealth-in-the-dead-of-night creeps "updated" it without my permission) that -- still functions but has been overworked to the point of annoyingly corrupted drivers. But rather than wipe everything out and reinstall Windblows as my computer guy advised, or buy a new system that would inevitably saddle me with Windblows "enough-is-enough" 10, I found several used laptops on eBay that had been wiped back to factory with Windblows 8. Picked one up for under $100 that is virtually the same machine, started loading my stuff on it and put it to work.

So far it's been a lifesaver and done everything I've asked of it. Ninety bucks.
Windows 8? Thanks, no thanks, despised 8 with a passion, thought Win 10 would be better but no, the idiots at Microsoft thought combining 8 and 7, cramming it with bloatware and disguising adware as an OS would make everyone happy........

Oh I agree, but at least I was able to renew and refresh without going to the degradation of 10.
Where is Bliepreister anyway - telling us how wrong we all are?
I read today where Windows 10 is supposed to be the last Windows release forever. This is it. "Upgrades and changes" will happen automatically, as Windows turns itself over to a "continual improvement" model.
Haha...yeah like this is going to happen!!
Once again I see Microsoft has made yet another bad decision. This forced adware and data collection model will be the undoing of Windows as the top OS. And I have never said this before mind you.
Forcing upgrades that trashes what you were working on, breaks your system and freezes your PC at random will not be acceptable and finally your average PC user will start looking at alternatives.
Apple overtook Microsoft as the worlds most valuable tech company several years ago, and now Apple and Linux just might overtake the PC operating system stranglehold M$ has.
Where is Bliepreister anyway - telling us how wrong we all are?
I read today where Windows 10 is supposed to be the last Windows release forever. This is it. "Upgrades and changes" will happen automatically, as Windows turns itself over to a "continual improvement" model.
Haha...yeah like this is going to happen!!
Once again I see Microsoft has made yet another bad decision. This forced adware and data collection model will be the undoing of Windows as the top OS. And I have never said this before mind you.
Forcing upgrades that trashes what you were working on, breaks your system and freezes your PC at random will not be acceptable and finally your average PC user will start looking at alternatives.
Apple overtook Microsoft as the worlds most valuable tech company several years ago, and now Apple and Linux just might overtake the PC operating system stranglehold M$ has.
I seriously doubt it will be their undoing as most people are computer illiterate and will make do with anything Microsoft foists on them because they don't know any better. Mac fans have been accepting this OS (adware/spyware) model from Apple for decades and aren't complaining.......... :dunno:
I took on 8 with a new computer, had to put the 7 patch on, get rid of extraneous issue non-germane to me, and have doing OK.

The discussion on 10 is making me consider going to apple in the new year.
Where is Bliepreister anyway - telling us how wrong we all are?
I read today where Windows 10 is supposed to be the last Windows release forever. This is it. "Upgrades and changes" will happen automatically, as Windows turns itself over to a "continual improvement" model.
Haha...yeah like this is going to happen!!
Once again I see Microsoft has made yet another bad decision. This forced adware and data collection model will be the undoing of Windows as the top OS. And I have never said this before mind you.
Forcing upgrades that trashes what you were working on, breaks your system and freezes your PC at random will not be acceptable and finally your average PC user will start looking at alternatives.
Apple overtook Microsoft as the worlds most valuable tech company several years ago, and now Apple and Linux just might overtake the PC operating system stranglehold M$ has.
I seriously doubt it will be their undoing as most people are computer illiterate and will make do with anything Microsoft foists on them because they don't know any better. Mac fans have been accepting this OS (adware/spyware) model from Apple for decades and aren't complaining.......... :dunno:

It's not so much the forced spyware that basically turns your PC into a data mining machine...your right people have no idea what that even is..and if they don't see it - they don't know it is there.
What I am referring to is the forced updates on EVERYTHING. Microsoft is notorious for buggy upgrades -- imagine you go to work Monday morning and no one in the office can use their computer. Every computer is froze solid and is stuck in perpetual upgrade loop...imagine at home you install that new sandbox game and spent hours working up your character and Microsoft reboots your computer at 2am and wipes out 7 hours of playing. Imagine at an office and no one can open Word Documents because M$ updated it "for you" and the app is broke.
All of these things will happen. And that might be the undoing of M$.
I took on 8 with a new computer, had to put the 7 patch on, get rid of extraneous issue non-germane to me, and have doing OK.

The discussion on 10 is making me consider going to apple in the new year.
If you go Apple you might want to consider going Hackentosh, that way you can have a "Mac" without paying the outrageous price Apple wants.
Last night I booted up my other desktop, yup it woke up to "This is not a genuine copy" even though I had put the original Win 7 disc in that I had bought for it over a month ago. It's now running Kubuntu, the same Kubuntu that will not load on my laptop for some reason.
Where is Bliepreister anyway - telling us how wrong we all are?
I read today where Windows 10 is supposed to be the last Windows release forever. This is it. "Upgrades and changes" will happen automatically, as Windows turns itself over to a "continual improvement" model.
Haha...yeah like this is going to happen!!
Once again I see Microsoft has made yet another bad decision. This forced adware and data collection model will be the undoing of Windows as the top OS. And I have never said this before mind you.
Forcing upgrades that trashes what you were working on, breaks your system and freezes your PC at random will not be acceptable and finally your average PC user will start looking at alternatives.
Apple overtook Microsoft as the worlds most valuable tech company several years ago, and now Apple and Linux just might overtake the PC operating system stranglehold M$ has.
I seriously doubt it will be their undoing as most people are computer illiterate and will make do with anything Microsoft foists on them because they don't know any better. Mac fans have been accepting this OS (adware/spyware) model from Apple for decades and aren't complaining.......... :dunno:

It's not so much the forced spyware that basically turns your PC into a data mining machine...your right people have no idea what that even is..and if they don't see it - they don't know it is there.
What I am referring to is the forced updates on EVERYTHING. Microsoft is notorious for buggy upgrades -- imagine you go to work Monday morning and no one in the office can use their computer. Every computer is froze solid and is stuck in perpetual upgrade loop...imagine at home you install that new sandbox game and spent hours working up your character and Microsoft reboots your computer at 2am and wipes out 7 hours of playing. Imagine at an office and no one can open Word Documents because M$ updated it "for you" and the app is broke.
All of these things will happen. And that might be the undoing of M$.
They'll do what they always do and blame the computer, server, other (non-M$) proprietary software and chide everyone for not using OneDrive......... Ultimately M$ wants to become Apple like in their approach with apps, at least that's what it looks like with Win 10 so they don't want anyone using anything that is not offered by M$ or it's affiliates.

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