I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

No that is a stupid claim. Absolutely stupid.

What makes the working poor fall further behind, is you jacking up the cost of labor, so they end up unemployed, and can't find a job.

You are the one who wants the working poor to be out of work, and fall further behind.

Every single time they raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. No exception.

As long as people like you, do not force people out of jobs with your idiotic policies, people can advance up the income ladder.

No one anywhere wants people to stay poor.

The difference is, we believe the solution to being poor, and people moving themselves up the income ladder.

You believe that people are incapable of doing that, because you are smug arrogant jerks... so you think you need government to fix the lives of other people.

But that never works. What works, is people working their way up. Not sitting around waiting for your fake savior government, to somehow make a law saying your life is better.

Did that work for Greece? They had a minimum wage indexed to inflation. Unemployment got so bad, that they CUT the minimum wage, and what a shock.... unemployed fell, as employers were able to higher people. Crazy how that works.

Almost like we on the right wing have predicted that for almost a hundred years.

Circles. We have already covered this. When they are out of jobs you will pay them a living wage for not working.
The welfare whores are already getting paid for not working


Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

What's your point? I agree, Trump did in fact pass some policies I disagree with.

Regardless, I stand true to my position. This is bad.

What is weird is that you are making my point, and thinking that's an argument against me. Did you think through what you were posting?

Obviously by making it about me as opposed to my position, you have no point to make.

We are NOT a capitalist country.

Yes, we are. Don't even try and be that stupid. Really? Are you saying I can't start my own business tomorrow? Because that is the definition of capitalism, is private ownership of the means of production and distribution.

And yes, it is about you, and your position, because if you can't apply your claimed position to yourself, that makes you a lying hypocrite. And that is EXACTLY what you are.

If your ideology only applies to other people, and not yourself, then it is a crap garbage ideology.

This is why Castro hired private doctors from if I remember, Argentina, and brought them to Cuba, to treat himself, while normal Cubans who are not legally allowed to pay for health care, can't even get Aspirin.

Your system SUCKS. That's why all left-wingers are hypocrites 100% of the time.

This is why you have California Gov Newsom, violating his own orders banning social gatherings, and closing stores, to go to a high end elitist restaurant to celebrate a freinds birthday.

You people are all liars and hypocrites. All of you. If you can't follow your own ideology, keep your mouth shut, and stop trying to foist it on others. When you practice what you preach FIRST... then come and tell me how great it is.

You can start your own business in Cuba.

Only in recent years, and yes, that's part of why Cuba is finally after 50 years, starting to see a rise in living standards. But under Castro in the past, no you could not. It was illegal.

If anything, that is proof that your ideology doesn't work.

My ideology? It's our ideology.
The minimum wage should be high enough so we don't need the Big Government nanny-State expense of an earned income tax credit for anyone who is providing labor input to the economy. It is one way to reduce the Cost of Government. Right wingers need to stop whining about taxes for social services and more market friendly.
If you need 10 people to run your business and there is a minimum wage then your choices are to make less profit or close the business.
This is simply false and disingenuous. Businesses pass on costs to the consumer whenever they feel they can get away with it for Every Thing else. Why do right wingers only have a problem helping Labor be able to afford our first world economy?
The business can try to hire fewer workers but, if 10 workers are needed the business will fail.
The business can try to pass the costs along by raising prices but if others do not also raise prices, the business will fail.
The business can try to replace the employees with automation but that is a huge up front cost and the amortization will probably cost as much as the employees AND the business will need to hire more expensive workers to operate and maintain the automation.

But, employees who are better paid are happier and perform better. Better performance will increase efficiency and customer satisfaction which will reduce costs and drive revenues.

Historically minimum wage increases have been followed with increased economic activity, increased employment, and an expansion of the workforce.
What mechanisms do they have?
I wouldn't question anybody's “need” for $15/hour or what do people ask for when they look for work?

Some positions are volunteer or part time, something disabled people can do without getting too stressed out — not always worth that much.

A statutory minimum wage is not going to be a living wage anyways, no matter what. But that's what the big retail and restaurant chains are holding it down to.

Kids go to work, out of high school or college, or even join the military, but there's no way on earth, in a minimum wage chain slave labor union economy, for them to get out of their parents' house on their own or ever marry and have families of their own. The money just isn't there, they don't pay you when you work for them, and they most certainly don't permit you to go in business for yourself.
If you need 10 people to run your business and there is a minimum wage then your choices are to make less profit or close the business.
This is simply false and disingenuous. Businesses pass on costs to the consumer whenever they feel they can get away with it for Every Thing else. Why do right wingers only have a problem helping Labor be able to afford our first world economy?

You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.
Simply ignoring the effect of a federal statutory minimum wage? All their competition will be in the same boat if they can only make it on cheap labor.
I'm sorry, are you just stupid or just dyslexic or something?
I never suggested ignoring the minimum wage.
Every syllable of every word of every sentence of my posts have been in support of the minimum wage increase and explaining why the myths surrounding the minimum wage are just that, myths.

So, if you're unable to understand my posts say "I don't understand" and I will try to explain. But you look like a complete idiot arguing with someone who's agreeing with you.
I didn't read the link because I do not care about the "Dems".

This is a major issue in this country. Too many who only care about how something affects their politics. Its become a cult.
It's a link to a post in THIS THREAD. A post you ignored. Wow.
I didn't read the link because I do not care about the "Dems".

This is a major issue in this country. Too many who only care about how something affects their politics. Its become a cult.
It's a link to a post in THIS THREAD. A post you ignored. Wow.

Yes, as I said........
You won't read the posts in the thread because you don't care about "Dems" as you post in that exact thread about "dems"

I think you should take a break man.
If you need 10 people to run your business and there is a minimum wage then your choices are to make less profit or close the business.
This is simply false and disingenuous. Businesses pass on costs to the consumer whenever they feel they can get away with it for Every Thing else. Why do right wingers only have a problem helping Labor be able to afford our first world economy?

You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.
Simply ignoring the effect of a federal statutory minimum wage? All their competition will be in the same boat if they can only make it on cheap labor.
I'm sorry, are you just stupid or just dyslexic or something?
I never suggested ignoring the minimum wage.
Every syllable of every word of every sentence of my posts have been in support of the minimum wage increase and explaining why the myths surrounding the minimum wage are just that, myths.

So, if you're unable to understand my posts say "I don't understand" and I will try to explain. But you look like a complete idiot arguing with someone who's agreeing with you.
I was arguing with right wingers and confused you for one for a moment. Sorry about that.
I meant employers don't want or expect good work from 7.25 per hour. Nobody should work hard for that wage. So those jobs are there just for little to no productivity.
Builds a resume and that's how you get raises .not rocket science
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.


The minimum wage should be high enough so we don't need the Big Government nanny-State expense of an earned income tax credit for anyone who is providing labor input to the economy. It is one way to reduce the Cost of Government. Right wingers need to stop whining about taxes for social services and more market friendly.
They are making minimum wage they will always need government assistance no matter if it's $7.25 or $50 an hour it's mininimum wage
The minimum wage should be high enough so we don't need the Big Government nanny-State expense of an earned income tax credit for anyone who is providing labor input to the economy. It is one way to reduce the Cost of Government. Right wingers need to stop whining about taxes for social services and more market friendly.
They are making minimum wage they will always need government assistance
Not if the minimum wage is raised enough so they don't. Anyone working needing public assistance is merely employers passing on the cost of their employees on to the tax payer for their bottom line.
That's fine. When all the production leaves and people far exceed jobs, as I said, we will pay people to not work.
You don't think we won't protect ourselves with Tariffs before that happens? Which... We could do RIGHT NOW to help the dollar stay strong and give the people more buying power... Why do you choose the worst option to do?

And then give the corporations it harms billions more?

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

I didn't read the link because I do not care about the "Dems".

This is a major issue in this country. Too many who only care about how something affects their politics. Its become a cult.
Cult my ass it's about purchasing power.
Not if the minimum wage is raised enough so they don't. Anyone working needing public assistance is merely employers passing on the cost of their employees on to the tax payer for their bottom line.

After two, three years, whatever. With the minimum wage at $15.00, where will that person be on the economic scale? What happens to the worker earning $13.00 per hour when the new rate kicks in? What about the person earning $20.00 or $30.00 per hour? That newbie's salary, who is in high school, first job, no experience just doubled their pay. What about all the rest?

My first real job was when I just turned 16. I earned $0.85 per hour, $0.15 below the minimum wage because we earned tips. The $0.85 salary would buy about 3 gallons of gas. The minimum today will buy about 3 gallons of gas. While the numbers are different, the buying power is the same.


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