I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

Then again... If I had to be on welfare, I sure as hell don't want to be in a place that has a high cost of living.

I don't know. Seems too speculative to me.

Maybe people are flocking to these particular states because the cost of living is lower or maybe these states just have a comparatively large amount of people on food stamps due to poor economic planning. It could be both, but I would guess it's much more of the latter.

This chart is specifically dealing with food stamps, which I don't think varies too much and wouldn't be a huge cost-of-living variable. The big difference is housing and, to my understanding, there are other state programs that help provide assistance for that anyway.

Read Hillbilly Elegy, or watch the film. The problem with those places, is the exact same problem with inner city blacks.

The only reasons we talk more about inner city blacks, and less about Hillbilly Elegy, is because there are in pure numbers of them, they are out in rural areas, and they are white.

But regardless of which group we talk about more, the actual problems with both groups are absolutely identical.

This is one of the reasons I frustrate the left-wing socialist black idiots on this forum, is because I don't fit their racists stereotyping when I say that the problem is cultural. If you take a white person, and have them with the same culture as blacks, they end up with the exact same results.

And what is that culture?

A culture of immorality, laziness, and defeatism.

Drugs. Unemployment. And a belief that everything is hopeless, so why bother?

There is where the statement "the little man can't get ahead".

And the problem is, government assistance promotes this. Because it allows people to live in their Defeatist Culture, without making the changes required to win.

Quick story: BBC out of the UK, had a radio program that was simply all about people sending in their stories. One story was a guy that got laid off, and started living in an airport. He talks about taking half eaten food from the stores, because people would order something, have their plane called, and ditch most of their meal, and he would just casually come in and eat the food. He talks about dodging the police.

Finally after living in the airport for 2 full years, the police catch him, and kick his butt out of the airport, and warn him that if they find him again in the next 12 months, they'll send him to jail.

So without any other option, he calls up some friends, and they let him sleep at their place, while he goes to an apprentice ship for a trade skill, and now he has a wife and kids and a stable job.

Now of course, he at the end thanks the lady who let him stay with her while he went through the apprenticeship. But who should he really have thanked? The police officer. The officer that kicked his butt out. The officer is who forced him to make the hard choices to move on with this life. If that officer had not kicked him out, he'd still be at that airport to this day. If you think about it, he could have called that lady up, and started an apprenticeship, before he even went to the airport two years prior. But he didn't... because he was able to live that way, and not make the hard choices. The police officer is who forced him to improve himself.

Similarly, government welfare does the same thing. It allows people to avoid the hard choices.

For thousands of years, when there was a famine or a lack of work, people moved to where the work is. If there is no work in Appalachia.... why are they still living there? Because of welfare and food stamps and government assistance. If we ended all government assistance for able bodied people, millions of people would move to where there was work, start working, and improving their lives.

How do I know this? That is exactly what happened in 1996 with the Welfare Reform part of the GOP contract with America.

And as Benjamin Franklin once said...


Driving farmers into poverty..............

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

The Verdict Is In: Farm Bankruptcies Up in 2019
Well we definitely have a wage problem. We have way too many corps with near monopolies and too much wage collusion. Now I'd rather see that get fixed, but it creates the "need" for a higher min wage in the meantime.

IF that was true, and we both know it is not, how then did President Donald Trump manage to increase the wages of the lowest-paid and minorities far more than that of higher-paid workers and cut unemployment down to record levels.

Published January 24, 2020
Income inequality declining under Trump policies, says Labor secretary
Workers are seeing faster wage growth than their bosses
By Frank Connor FOXBusiness

Workers’ wages are growing faster than their bosses', narrowing the income gap, as a result of President Trump’s policies, according to Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia.

“At the end of the Obama administration, what we saw is wage growth for the high wage earners [and] slow wage growth for the low wage earners," Scalia told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo in an exclusive interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "We’ve flipped that in this economy,”

Decreasing unemployment and Trump’s reduction of regulations are factors that have contributed to this low-income wage growth, according to Scalia.

Well we definitely have a wage problem. We have way too many corps with near monopolies and too much wage collusion. Now I'd rather see that get fixed, but it creates the "need" for a higher min wage in the meantime.

IF that was true, and we both know it is not, how then did President Donald Trump manage to increase the wages of the lowest-paid and minorities far more than that of higher-paid workers and cut unemployment down to record levels.

Published January 24, 2020
Income inequality declining under Trump policies, says Labor secretary
Workers are seeing faster wage growth than their bosses
By Frank Connor FOXBusiness

Workers’ wages are growing faster than their bosses', narrowing the income gap, as a result of President Trump’s policies, according to Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia.

“At the end of the Obama administration, what we saw is wage growth for the high wage earners [and] slow wage growth for the low wage earners," Scalia told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo in an exclusive interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "We’ve flipped that in this economy,”

Decreasing unemployment and Trump’s reduction of regulations are factors that have contributed to this low-income wage growth, according to Scalia.

Trumps labor secretary says............
The minimum wage should be high enough so we don't need the Big Government nanny-State expense of an earned income tax credit for anyone who is providing labor input to the economy. It is one way to reduce the Cost of Government. Right wingers need to stop whining about taxes for social services and more market friendly.

Historically minimum wage increases have been followed with increased economic activity, increased employment, and an expansion of the workforce.

Then show us the evidence supporting your allegations. You know with a reliable source and working link. You can't, but I did. Step up, or move aside.
You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.

Since everyone's cost increases, everyone has to raise their prices.
So what? Wages merely need outpace inflation.
Had they put a .25 yearly raise on the minimum wage 11 years ago it would be $10.00 now, and most jobs start at that. I would raise it to $10.00 an hour and add .25 yearly for cola.

The real minimum wage is zero in a vacuum of special pleading. Regular welfare or corporate welfare would not be well established as a Cost factor under our form of Capitalism if what right wingers allege were economically true.
Trump isn't in power anymore. Not that I believe the new guy is better by any stretch... But... Your points here have no meaning. The Verdict is in: ALL BANKRUPTCIES ARE UP AFTER COVID.

What a stupid hill you've chosen to die on.

Which doesn't mean farm bankruptcies weren't up pre-covid.

Note, the article is concerning 2019 bankruptcies.
Then again... If I had to be on welfare, I sure as hell don't want to be in a place that has a high cost of living.

I don't know. Seems too speculative to me.

Maybe people are flocking to these particular states because the cost of living is lower or maybe these states just have a comparatively large amount of people on food stamps due to poor economic planning. It could be both, but I would guess it's much more of the latter.

This chart is specifically dealing with food stamps, which I don't think varies too much and wouldn't be a huge cost-of-living variable. The big difference is housing and, to my understanding, there are other state programs that help provide assistance for that anyway.

Read Hillbilly Elegy, or watch the film. The problem with those places, is the exact same problem with inner city blacks.

The only reasons we talk more about inner city blacks, and less about Hillbilly Elegy, is because there are in pure numbers of them, they are out in rural areas, and they are white.

But regardless of which group we talk about more, the actual problems with both groups are absolutely identical.

This is one of the reasons I frustrate the left-wing socialist black idiots on this forum, is because I don't fit their racists stereotyping when I say that the problem is cultural. If you take a white person, and have them with the same culture as blacks, they end up with the exact same results.

And what is that culture?

A culture of immorality, laziness, and defeatism.

Drugs. Unemployment. And a belief that everything is hopeless, so why bother?

There is where the statement "the little man can't get ahead".

And the problem is, government assistance promotes this. Because it allows people to live in their Defeatist Culture, without making the changes required to win.

Quick story: BBC out of the UK, had a radio program that was simply all about people sending in their stories. One story was a guy that got laid off, and started living in an airport. He talks about taking half eaten food from the stores, because people would order something, have their plane called, and ditch most of their meal, and he would just casually come in and eat the food. He talks about dodging the police.

Finally after living in the airport for 2 full years, the police catch him, and kick his butt out of the airport, and warn him that if they find him again in the next 12 months, they'll send him to jail.

So without any other option, he calls up some friends, and they let him sleep at their place, while he goes to an apprentice ship for a trade skill, and now he has a wife and kids and a stable job.

Now of course, he at the end thanks the lady who let him stay with her while he went through the apprenticeship. But who should he really have thanked? The police officer. The officer that kicked his butt out. The officer is who forced him to make the hard choices to move on with this life. If that officer had not kicked him out, he'd still be at that airport to this day. If you think about it, he could have called that lady up, and started an apprenticeship, before he even went to the airport two years prior. But he didn't... because he was able to live that way, and not make the hard choices. The police officer is who forced him to improve himself.

Similarly, government welfare does the same thing. It allows people to avoid the hard choices.

For thousands of years, when there was a famine or a lack of work, people moved to where the work is. If there is no work in Appalachia.... why are they still living there? Because of welfare and food stamps and government assistance. If we ended all government assistance for able bodied people, millions of people would move to where there was work, start working, and improving their lives.

How do I know this? That is exactly what happened in 1996 with the Welfare Reform part of the GOP contract with America.

And as Benjamin Franklin once said...


Driving farmers into poverty..............

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

The Verdict Is In: Farm Bankruptcies Up in 2019
The real "trade war" cost should be zero since it has nothing to do with free market capitalism and more to do with socialism on an international basis.
Then again... If I had to be on welfare, I sure as hell don't want to be in a place that has a high cost of living.

I don't know. Seems too speculative to me.

Maybe people are flocking to these particular states because the cost of living is lower or maybe these states just have a comparatively large amount of people on food stamps due to poor economic planning. It could be both, but I would guess it's much more of the latter.

This chart is specifically dealing with food stamps, which I don't think varies too much and wouldn't be a huge cost-of-living variable. The big difference is housing and, to my understanding, there are other state programs that help provide assistance for that anyway.

Read Hillbilly Elegy, or watch the film. The problem with those places, is the exact same problem with inner city blacks.

The only reasons we talk more about inner city blacks, and less about Hillbilly Elegy, is because there are in pure numbers of them, they are out in rural areas, and they are white.

But regardless of which group we talk about more, the actual problems with both groups are absolutely identical.

This is one of the reasons I frustrate the left-wing socialist black idiots on this forum, is because I don't fit their racists stereotyping when I say that the problem is cultural. If you take a white person, and have them with the same culture as blacks, they end up with the exact same results.

And what is that culture?

A culture of immorality, laziness, and defeatism.

Drugs. Unemployment. And a belief that everything is hopeless, so why bother?

There is where the statement "the little man can't get ahead".

And the problem is, government assistance promotes this. Because it allows people to live in their Defeatist Culture, without making the changes required to win.

Quick story: BBC out of the UK, had a radio program that was simply all about people sending in their stories. One story was a guy that got laid off, and started living in an airport. He talks about taking half eaten food from the stores, because people would order something, have their plane called, and ditch most of their meal, and he would just casually come in and eat the food. He talks about dodging the police.

Finally after living in the airport for 2 full years, the police catch him, and kick his butt out of the airport, and warn him that if they find him again in the next 12 months, they'll send him to jail.

So without any other option, he calls up some friends, and they let him sleep at their place, while he goes to an apprentice ship for a trade skill, and now he has a wife and kids and a stable job.

Now of course, he at the end thanks the lady who let him stay with her while he went through the apprenticeship. But who should he really have thanked? The police officer. The officer that kicked his butt out. The officer is who forced him to make the hard choices to move on with this life. If that officer had not kicked him out, he'd still be at that airport to this day. If you think about it, he could have called that lady up, and started an apprenticeship, before he even went to the airport two years prior. But he didn't... because he was able to live that way, and not make the hard choices. The police officer is who forced him to improve himself.

Similarly, government welfare does the same thing. It allows people to avoid the hard choices.

For thousands of years, when there was a famine or a lack of work, people moved to where the work is. If there is no work in Appalachia.... why are they still living there? Because of welfare and food stamps and government assistance. If we ended all government assistance for able bodied people, millions of people would move to where there was work, start working, and improving their lives.

How do I know this? That is exactly what happened in 1996 with the Welfare Reform part of the GOP contract with America.

And as Benjamin Franklin once said...


Driving farmers into poverty..............

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

The Verdict Is In: Farm Bankruptcies Up in 2019
The real "trade war" cost should be zero since it has nothing to do with free market capitalism and more to do with socialism on an international basis.

Whatever, the real costs were not zero.
Well we definitely have a wage problem. We have way too many corps with near monopolies and too much wage collusion. Now I'd rather see that get fixed, but it creates the "need" for a higher min wage in the meantime.

IF that was true, and we both know it is not, how then did President Donald Trump manage to increase the wages of the lowest-paid and minorities far more than that of higher-paid workers and cut unemployment down to record levels.

Published January 24, 2020
Income inequality declining under Trump policies, says Labor secretary
Workers are seeing faster wage growth than their bosses
By Frank Connor FOXBusiness

Workers’ wages are growing faster than their bosses', narrowing the income gap, as a result of President Trump’s policies, according to Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia.

“At the end of the Obama administration, what we saw is wage growth for the high wage earners [and] slow wage growth for the low wage earners," Scalia told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo in an exclusive interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "We’ve flipped that in this economy,”

Decreasing unemployment and Trump’s reduction of regulations are factors that have contributed to this low-income wage growth, according to Scalia.

Perhaps most ominously, an administration known for its ambivalent relationship with facts is also seeking to change how the federal government measures poverty itself, which could reduce the number of people who qualify for basic assistance programs, including Medicaid, children’s healthcare, and food aid.

The minimum wage should be high enough so we don't need the Big Government nanny-State expense of an earned income tax credit for anyone who is providing labor input to the economy. It is one way to reduce the Cost of Government. Right wingers need to stop whining about taxes for social services and more market friendly.

Is that why the minimum wage stagnated for the Poor instead of keeping up with inflation? Does capitalism work for everyone or not?
Which doesn't mean farm bankruptcies weren't up pre-covid.

Note, the article is concerning 2019 bankruptcies.
And it STILL doesn't mean anything to what's being discussed. Except... You wanted to take a shot at Trump? Ok. Good on ya. I guess Trump didn't give nearly enough to those farmers huh? And those stupid fuck'n farmers still voted for him. You win.

Here, lets get back to the topic of the thread:

Cost Of Living Index by State 2021

Good example of what I'm trying to say about Micro State economies.

Cali has a Cost of Living Index of 151.7

This means that the average is 100, and to live in Cali in comparison to the rest of the United States average you have to make 51.7% more money than the average US citizen for the same lifestyle.

Iowa, where I live, is at 90.1%.

This means that it's 9.9% cheaper to live here than the average US citizen.

So... 51.7% +9.9% = 61.6% difference in cost of living. So what you can do in Cali with 100k a year, I can do in Iowa for 61.6k... That's essentially 48 dollars an hour vs 30... That's a 18 dollar an hour difference, for the same kind of shit. $15 an hour minimum wage makes sense for Cali. That's 30k a year, a shit wage for Cali because their cost of living is so high. That's essentially 18k here in Iowa in comparison. I absolutely understand why they want a 15 dollar minimum wage. Doesn't make any sense here in Iowa.

You gotta let the STATE set minimum wage... Not the Federal government. You just can't do a one size fits all... So far we've learned that, I hope to god we don't unlearn it. Leave it to feels over logic president/congress/senate to fuck it up though.

Edit: Using Cali because they ARE going to do a minimum $15 an hour min... It's already on the way. Using Iowa, because I live here. If I were to use Hawaii and Mississippi, the highest and lowest index, holy shit.
Not if the minimum wage is raised enough so they don't. Anyone working needing public assistance is merely employers passing on the cost of their employees on to the tax payer for their bottom line.

Your intentional ignorance about the minimum wage is not at all surprising.

The minimum wage started at $0.35 per hour.

Sep 1, 1997 5$5.15 for all covered, n…$5.15 for all covered, n…$5.15 for all covered, nonexe…
Jul 24, 2007$5.85 for all covered, n…$5.85 for all covered, n…$5.85 for all covered, nonexe…
Jul 24, 2008$6.55 for all covered, n…$6.55 for all covered, n…$6.55 for all covered, nonexe…
Jul 24, 2009$7.25 for all covered, n…$7.25 for all covered, n…$7.25 for all covered, nonexe…

How much has the rate of poverty been reduced? Do you not believe that there is a constant percentage of our population who will make bad personal decisions and be satisfied with living off of the earnings of other people. If the incentive of a better life for them and their families, why do you believe they'll suddenly rise up and work harder if you simply hand them more money?

If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.

Who are the "markets" getting billions for simply existing? If it is just your opinion, save yourself the trouble of replying. If you have FACTS, I know you'll be eager to provide your reliable source and working link.

Thank you, thank you so much!
And it STILL doesn't mean anything to what's being discussed. Except... You wanted to take a shot at Trump?

No it was a shot at Trump supporters crying over Socialism.
I was going to lay into that... And then... I thought.

Fair enough.
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.

Who are the "markets" getting billions for simply existing? If it is just your opinion, save yourself the trouble of replying. If you have FACTS, I know you'll be eager to provide your reliable source and working link.

Thank you, thank you so much!

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

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