I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.
That's how we get jobs

Government funded jobs? Shouldn't the government then own the profits?
They do it's called taxes idiot
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.
That's how we get jobs

Government funded jobs? Shouldn't the government then own the profits?
They do it's called taxes idiot

Nope. They funded the jobs, all profits should be the government's.
Not if the minimum wage is raised enough so they don't. Anyone working needing public assistance is merely employers passing on the cost of their employees on to the tax payer for their bottom line.

After two, three years, whatever. With the minimum wage at $15.00, where will that person be on the economic scale? What happens to the worker earning $13.00 per hour when the new rate kicks in? What about the person earning $20.00 or $30.00 per hour? That newbie's salary, who is in high school, first job, no experience just doubled their pay. What about all the rest?

My first real job was when I just turned 16. I earned $0.85 per hour, $0.15 below the minimum wage because we earned tips. The $0.85 salary would buy about 3 gallons of gas. The minimum today will buy about 3 gallons of gas. While the numbers are different, the buying power is the same.

Why don't wages keep up with inflation under Capitalism? Does Capitalism not work for the Poor.
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.
That's how we get jobs

Government funded jobs? Shouldn't the government then own the profits?
They do it's called taxes idiot

Nope. They funded the jobs, all profits should be the government's.
What jobs and please be specific
Not if the minimum wage is raised enough so they don't. Anyone working needing public assistance is merely employers passing on the cost of their employees on to the tax payer for their bottom line.

After two, three years, whatever. With the minimum wage at $15.00, where will that person be on the economic scale? What happens to the worker earning $13.00 per hour when the new rate kicks in? What about the person earning $20.00 or $30.00 per hour? That newbie's salary, who is in high school, first job, no experience just doubled their pay. What about all the rest?

My first real job was when I just turned 16. I earned $0.85 per hour, $0.15 below the minimum wage because we earned tips. The $0.85 salary would buy about 3 gallons of gas. The minimum today will buy about 3 gallons of gas. While the numbers are different, the buying power is the same.

Why don't wages keep up with inflation under Capitalism? Does Capitalism not work for the Poor.
Raising the minimum wage cause inflation
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.
That's how we get jobs

Government funded jobs? Shouldn't the government then own the profits?
They do it's called taxes idiot

Nope. They funded the jobs, all profits should be the government's.
What jobs and please be specific

The ones you said were being created.
Not if the minimum wage is raised enough so they don't. Anyone working needing public assistance is merely employers passing on the cost of their employees on to the tax payer for their bottom line.

After two, three years, whatever. With the minimum wage at $15.00, where will that person be on the economic scale? What happens to the worker earning $13.00 per hour when the new rate kicks in? What about the person earning $20.00 or $30.00 per hour? That newbie's salary, who is in high school, first job, no experience just doubled their pay. What about all the rest?

My first real job was when I just turned 16. I earned $0.85 per hour, $0.15 below the minimum wage because we earned tips. The $0.85 salary would buy about 3 gallons of gas. The minimum today will buy about 3 gallons of gas. While the numbers are different, the buying power is the same.

Why don't wages keep up with inflation under Capitalism? Does Capitalism not work for the Poor.
Raising the minimum wage cause inflation
Inflation happens regardless. The minimum wage was not increased for around a decade and inflation still happened even though labor was working for less purchasing power.
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.
That's how we get jobs

Government funded jobs? Shouldn't the government then own the profits?
They do it's called taxes idiot

Nope. They funded the jobs, all profits should be the government's.
What jobs and please be specific

The ones you said were being created.
Union military contract jobs?
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.



The markets are getting billions for simply existing.
That's how we get jobs

Government funded jobs? Shouldn't the government then own the profits?
They do it's called taxes idiot

Nope. They funded the jobs, all profits should be the government's.
What jobs and please be specific

The ones you said were being created.
Union military contract jobs?

No idea. It was your argument.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
Well we definitely have a wage problem. We have way too many corps with near monopolies and too much wage collusion. Now I'd rather see that get fixed, but it creates the "need" for a higher min wage in the meantime.
Well we definitely have a wage problem. We have way too many corps with near monopolies and too much wage collusion. Now I'd rather see that get fixed, but it creates the "need" for a higher min wage in the meantime.
Or the excuse.
Then again... If I had to be on welfare, I sure as hell don't want to be in a place that has a high cost of living.

I don't know. Seems too speculative to me.

Maybe people are flocking to these particular states because the cost of living is lower or maybe these states just have a comparatively large amount of people on food stamps due to poor economic planning. It could be both, but I would guess it's much more of the latter.

This chart is specifically dealing with food stamps, which I don't think varies too much and wouldn't be a huge cost-of-living variable. The big difference is housing and, to my understanding, there are other state programs that help provide assistance for that anyway.

Read Hillbilly Elegy, or watch the film. The problem with those places, is the exact same problem with inner city blacks.

The only reasons we talk more about inner city blacks, and less about Hillbilly Elegy, is because there are in pure numbers of them, they are out in rural areas, and they are white.

But regardless of which group we talk about more, the actual problems with both groups are absolutely identical.

This is one of the reasons I frustrate the left-wing socialist black idiots on this forum, is because I don't fit their racists stereotyping when I say that the problem is cultural. If you take a white person, and have them with the same culture as blacks, they end up with the exact same results.

And what is that culture?

A culture of immorality, laziness, and defeatism.

Drugs. Unemployment. And a belief that everything is hopeless, so why bother?

There is where the statement "the little man can't get ahead".

And the problem is, government assistance promotes this. Because it allows people to live in their Defeatist Culture, without making the changes required to win.

Quick story: BBC out of the UK, had a radio program that was simply all about people sending in their stories. One story was a guy that got laid off, and started living in an airport. He talks about taking half eaten food from the stores, because people would order something, have their plane called, and ditch most of their meal, and he would just casually come in and eat the food. He talks about dodging the police.

Finally after living in the airport for 2 full years, the police catch him, and kick his butt out of the airport, and warn him that if they find him again in the next 12 months, they'll send him to jail.

So without any other option, he calls up some friends, and they let him sleep at their place, while he goes to an apprentice ship for a trade skill, and now he has a wife and kids and a stable job.

Now of course, he at the end thanks the lady who let him stay with her while he went through the apprenticeship. But who should he really have thanked? The police officer. The officer that kicked his butt out. The officer is who forced him to make the hard choices to move on with this life. If that officer had not kicked him out, he'd still be at that airport to this day. If you think about it, he could have called that lady up, and started an apprenticeship, before he even went to the airport two years prior. But he didn't... because he was able to live that way, and not make the hard choices. The police officer is who forced him to improve himself.

Similarly, government welfare does the same thing. It allows people to avoid the hard choices.

For thousands of years, when there was a famine or a lack of work, people moved to where the work is. If there is no work in Appalachia.... why are they still living there? Because of welfare and food stamps and government assistance. If we ended all government assistance for able bodied people, millions of people would move to where there was work, start working, and improving their lives.

How do I know this? That is exactly what happened in 1996 with the Welfare Reform part of the GOP contract with America.

And as Benjamin Franklin once said...

Then again... If I had to be on welfare, I sure as hell don't want to be in a place that has a high cost of living.

I don't know. Seems too speculative to me.

Maybe people are flocking to these particular states because the cost of living is lower or maybe these states just have a comparatively large amount of people on food stamps due to poor economic planning. It could be both, but I would guess it's much more of the latter.

This chart is specifically dealing with food stamps, which I don't think varies too much and wouldn't be a huge cost-of-living variable. The big difference is housing and, to my understanding, there are other state programs that help provide assistance for that anyway.

Read Hillbilly Elegy, or watch the film. The problem with those places, is the exact same problem with inner city blacks.

The only reasons we talk more about inner city blacks, and less about Hillbilly Elegy, is because there are in pure numbers of them, they are out in rural areas, and they are white.

But regardless of which group we talk about more, the actual problems with both groups are absolutely identical.

This is one of the reasons I frustrate the left-wing socialist black idiots on this forum, is because I don't fit their racists stereotyping when I say that the problem is cultural. If you take a white person, and have them with the same culture as blacks, they end up with the exact same results.

And what is that culture?

A culture of immorality, laziness, and defeatism.

Drugs. Unemployment. And a belief that everything is hopeless, so why bother?

There is where the statement "the little man can't get ahead".

And the problem is, government assistance promotes this. Because it allows people to live in their Defeatist Culture, without making the changes required to win.

Quick story: BBC out of the UK, had a radio program that was simply all about people sending in their stories. One story was a guy that got laid off, and started living in an airport. He talks about taking half eaten food from the stores, because people would order something, have their plane called, and ditch most of their meal, and he would just casually come in and eat the food. He talks about dodging the police.

Finally after living in the airport for 2 full years, the police catch him, and kick his butt out of the airport, and warn him that if they find him again in the next 12 months, they'll send him to jail.

So without any other option, he calls up some friends, and they let him sleep at their place, while he goes to an apprentice ship for a trade skill, and now he has a wife and kids and a stable job.

Now of course, he at the end thanks the lady who let him stay with her while he went through the apprenticeship. But who should he really have thanked? The police officer. The officer that kicked his butt out. The officer is who forced him to make the hard choices to move on with this life. If that officer had not kicked him out, he'd still be at that airport to this day. If you think about it, he could have called that lady up, and started an apprenticeship, before he even went to the airport two years prior. But he didn't... because he was able to live that way, and not make the hard choices. The police officer is who forced him to improve himself.

Similarly, government welfare does the same thing. It allows people to avoid the hard choices.

For thousands of years, when there was a famine or a lack of work, people moved to where the work is. If there is no work in Appalachia.... why are they still living there? Because of welfare and food stamps and government assistance. If we ended all government assistance for able bodied people, millions of people would move to where there was work, start working, and improving their lives.

How do I know this? That is exactly what happened in 1996 with the Welfare Reform part of the GOP contract with America.

And as Benjamin Franklin once said...

Back in the days when they had slavery or simply criminalized and disenfranchised the Poor instead of being more morally faithful to our own supreme law of the land?

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.

Since everyone's cost increases, everyone has to raise their prices.
There is no sense in raising it. Emoyers do not expect any kind of food worker to fill them nor should anyone work hard for that.

It appears that you have already dipped into the adult beverages.
I meant employers don't want or expect good work from 7.25 per hour. Nobody should work hard for that wage. So those jobs are there just for little to no productivity.

My guess is that you have perfectly described yourself. You work the minimum to get by and wonder why you never got ahead.

My first "real" job, where I actually needed a SS number, was when I turned 16. The pay was $0.85 per hour or $0.15 below the minimum wage at the time. We also earned tips. We worked hard and I learned. The harder we worked, the more we made. The result was that I was never out of work for more than a week and companies came to me to go to work for them.

It also taught me that to earn what I wanted, I should work on commission or for myself. For the last fifty years, I worked for myself and/or commission.

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