I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
Right Wing Nut Jobs, is it? Jewish bris circumcisions, the Catholic choirboy castrations, and all the mental hospitals, psychiatric wards, insane asylums, and lobotomies performed by DEMOCRATS — and damn, are you ever hard at work shifting the blame for all your nut jobs, blow jobs, hand jobs, etc, etc.
Unemployment compensation that faithfully conforms to our at-will employment laws could solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner. Right wingers also have a problem with that.

Specifically, how?
Specifically by abolishing a repugnancy to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at-will in any at-will employment State. Persons should be able to quit and still collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

You have posted a smart way to increase unemployment and increase those living below the poverty rate. How is that a good thing?

Why not just admit that you've got nothing. Or, you could really be radical and admit that what President Trump was the perfect thing to do as was proven by his great success.
You have posted disingenuity with a non sequitur that engendered a straw man who is begging the question.
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
Right wingers still want their drug war that only creates more refugees for y'all to complain about. Where are your right wing free market Capitalism solutions?
Right Wing Nut Jobs, is it? Jewish bris circumcisions, the Catholic choirboy castrations, and all the mental hospitals, psychiatric wards, insane asylums, and lobotomies performed by DEMOCRATS — and damn, are you ever hard at work shifting the blame for all your nut jobs, blow jobs, hand jobs, etc, etc.
Right wingers only allege to believe in natural rights in abortion threads.
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
yea right, they wont get in.
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
yea right, they wont get in.

Which, again, is because there are no laws mandating that someone else must give that money to Elon Musk.

Maybe you should be taking notes, so that I don't have to keep repeating myself.
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
yea right, they wont get in.

Which, again, is because there are no laws mandating that someone else must give that money to Elon Musk.

Maybe you should be taking notes, so that I don't have to keep repeating myself.
there is no law for that because its an inherent characteristic of capitalism to make the wealthiest even more wealthy.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to the point where employers will choose to automate their businesses, reduce staff, or eliminate low-wage workers altogether. We're already seeing this in the fast food and hospitality industries.

The Democrats' goal is, of course, to drive low-wage workers to unemployment and then onto welfare, where they can be more easily controlled. If the government is paying for your food rather than your employer, wouldn't you be more "willing" to go along with things like mandatory vaccines, only "approved" content on your social media, not questioning what your kids are being taught in school, etc.?
In Denmark when you work at McDonalds you get 22€ an hour and 6 weeks paid vacation and other benefits. It could be done in the US too. The reason it is not is greed.
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
yea right, they wont get in.

Which, again, is because there are no laws mandating that someone else must give that money to Elon Musk.

Maybe you should be taking notes, so that I don't have to keep repeating myself.
there is no law for that because its an inherent characteristic of capitalism to make the wealthiest even more wealthy.

Irrelevant to the point you tried, and failed, to make.
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
yea right, they wont get in.

What a truly idiotic comparison. Question, who brings more value to their company, Elon Musk or a random burger flipper at McDonalds? Wait, that might be too difficult for the lefties in this thread, so let's try again; which person would be easier to replace? Elon Musk or a random burger flipper at McDonalds?

Geez, that might still be too tough. Let's try one more... what is your favorite color?
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
yea right, they wont get in.

What a truly idiotic comparison. Question, who brings more value to their company, Elon Musk or a random burger flipper at McDonalds? Wait, that might be too difficult for the lefties in this thread, so let's try again; which person would be easier to replace? Elon Musk or a random burger flipper at McDonalds?

Geez, that might still be too tough. Let's try one more... what is your favorite color?

How does the minimum wage affect the income of those who do not/cannot work?
Does anything we do to the minimum wage affect those people or the poverty in which they live?
Raising the minimum wage will most certainly help the working poor but will do nothing for the non-working poor.
Dadoalex, to the extent of its purchasing power, the minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extents of poverty among the working-poor and their dependents. That’s its purpose and justification.
It net reduces poverty among wage earning families which have both employed and unemployed family members.
It’s not a net contributor to the rate of unemployment but as you point out It’s of no direct benefit to the unemployed. Respectfully, Supposn
Those jobs used to be bottom level entry jobs, that needed no skill. We are about to be over run with open borders and the Democrats want the aliens to make enough spending money, while we pay for their housing, medical needs, and food.
yea right, they wont get in.

What a truly idiotic comparison. Question, who brings more value to their company, Elon Musk or a random burger flipper at McDonalds? Wait, that might be too difficult for the lefties in this thread, so let's try again; which person would be easier to replace? Elon Musk or a random burger flipper at McDonalds?

Geez, that might still be too tough. Let's try one more... what is your favorite color?

This is starting to sound like a Joe Biden "press conference". Ask him about his favorite ice cream flavor!
In Denmark when you work at McDonalds you get 22€ an hour and 6 weeks paid vacation and other benefits. It could be done in the US too. The reason it is not is greed.

Do you really believe that Americans would all agree to pay over 50% in federal taxes? Not likely.

9 Myths About Denmark DESTROYED
By H. Roland J. on APRIL 8, 2016

Myth #1: Danes get 90% of their old salary for 2 years when they become unemployed.
That does sound good, doesn’t it? Well, if you believe this myth I have some alien artifacts to sell you. Of course the danish government doesn’t give anyone more than anyone else – everyone is equal, of course – and while some people actually can get up to 90% of their former salary, there are a lot of things preventing this – and it is a private transaction between the unemployed and his “A-Kasse”.

Myth #2: Denmark spends far less on Healthcare than the US
Actually, yes. Our underpaid nurses, poor quality healthcare and long waitinglists for surgery is actually far less expensive than the american solution. It’s true. Finally a truth; danish healthcare is in fact cheaper than the american equalent. Yay, Denmark!

The fact it’s worthless to the patient shouldn’t matter. People receiving poor healthcare and being forced to pay for it and not able to take another alternative shouldn’t matter because it’s cheaper! It worked so well in the Soviet Union, didn’t it?

Please note the sarcasm.

Myth #5: Denmark pays students money to study
Yup, everyone pays for students, but less than Kontanthjælp (wellfare). Some sites cite $900, but the actual amount depends on your parent’s income, where you live and how old you are. It also depends on what you’re studying and what semester you’re doing.

If you’re becoming an academic, sure, you get up to $900 per month from the government. It’s called SU – short for Statens Uddannelsesstøtte, which translates into “Government Educationsupport” – but only if you’re not living at home with your parents and are over a certain age.
Besides, no one can make a living with an income of only $900 in Denmark. Most take a huge loan on the side and a job to make ends meet and those who choose this way of life don’t need the extra money everyone else is paying for over their taxes.

The SU is not free – it’s paid for by everyone else.

Myth #6: Denmark has the highest per capita income in the world

Of course we do! Whenever we make a Krone we give half to the government, so sure; we make the most money because we can only keep half, and have to give a fifth of the remaining income whenever we spend the money we get to keep. You better fucking believe we demand a ridiculous income since we don’t get to keep most of it!

Everything in Denmark is taxed, even the fucking taxes are taxed!

So yeah, it’s true we are highly paid but we don’t get the money; our government takes most of it and demands we’re happy about it! If an American company wanted to employ me as a writer they would have to pay me around twice as much as they would an American writer, because I have taxes to pay!

Myth #7: Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates in the world
Sure, but we are also the least likely to be charitable through voluntary means because we feel we have already paid enough for charity. We don’t do charity because we have already paid for everyone else.

Myth #9: Paid family leave for 52 weeks
Yes, the danish government demands that companies still pay for a women who leaves their company for a year to stay at home with her child. They start paying before she has given birth and then keep paying for her and the employee who assumes her position in the company during her leave. The government demands this of the company and will in some cases help pay for her, but it’s still expensive for the company, who loses their employee for a year or so and of course have to replace her during this period.

Imagine that you have an employee you’re very happy with and then she get’s pregnant. She leaves your company and you still have to pay her salaray while she’s away for a year. You have to find a new employee to take her place and pay that employee as well. You’re paying for 1½ employee for the same work!

Fair? Hell no, but that is of no concern in your average social democraZy. It’s not like you have to think before you plan a family and you can’t fire or even not hire a woman because she might end up costing you 1½ salaries. You cannot fire her for being pregnant nor can you ask “do you intend to have a child in the near future” during the job interview.

Nothing in a Social DemocraZy structure is fair nor is it efficient. The things that actually work and make sense are created and run by private interests and the things that do not are run by the government. If you’re actually a believer in socialism you should enact a lot of these things but only with other socialists of similar beliefs and not force other people to be part of it.

And stop lying and twisting the truth. You might believe in these lies and myths, but reality is very, very different. I actually live in your dreamworld and believe me; it’s not what it’s cracked up to be for everyone else.

If you want social democraZy in your government I truly believe your either a fool or actually evil.

Dadoalex, to the extent of its purchasing power, the minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extents of poverty among the working-poor and their dependents. That’s its purpose and justification.
It net reduces poverty among wage earning families which have both employed and unemployed family members.
It’s not a net contributor to the rate of unemployment but as you point out It’s of no direct benefit to the unemployed. Respectfully, Supposn

Prove it. I must have missed your reliable sources and working link.

You have brilliantly pointed out your OPINIONS.

Here, I'll help.

The poverty rate in 2019, 10.5% Lowest on the chart due to the policies of President Trump

The number of people in poverty 2019. 33,984,000


Markle, the federal minimum wage rate is not a net contributor to rates of unemployment. Respectfully, Supposn
Not right now - it's inconsequentially low. Do you think that would change if we doubled it?

Do you believe that the employee earning $20.00 per hour today will be satisfied at $20.00 per hour if the kid earning $7.50 per hour is suddenly earning $15.00 per hour?

As you know, the policies of President Trump reduced the unemployment rate, especially among blacks and other minorities is the lowest in history.

As you know too, the policies of President Trump caused the narrowing of the pay gap between the low income and high-income workers for the first time in modern history.

As you know too, one of the favorite policies of the Democrats is that if something is NOT broken, FIX IT!

Why change anything?

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