I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

15$ an hour will crush the growth of small business and that's what they want.
Why do you believe that? It seems more like right wing disingenuity at best and outright propaganda at worst. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.
Please, from your delusional memory, show where I said anything about poverty.

I spoke to economic and employment growth.

Rather than dispute the obvious truth why not open your eyes, wash out the cheeto dust and join us in reality.

IF, you are discussing the minimum wage, how are you NOT talking about the rate of poverty?
How does the minimum wage affect the income of those who do not/cannot work?
Does anything we do to the minimum wage affect those people or the poverty in which they live?
Raising the minimum wage will most certainly help the working poor but will do nothing for the non-working poor.
You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.

Since everyone's cost increases, everyone has to raise their prices.
And the customer response is????
C'mon! It's on the tip of your tongue!!!!!!!
Oh! too late.

The customers take their dollars elsewhere.

GEEZ! No wonder you people think lowering revenues increases revenues.

Hey, genius. What part of the word "everyone" confused you? What makes you think your policy is going to leave any "elsewhere" for them to go? You think if asinine minimum wage increases that increase operating costs and prices at McDonald's aren't also going to raise the operating costs and prices at Burger King and Wendy's?

Geez! No wonder you dimwits keep advocating economic policies that have nothing to do with actual economics.
And yet another cheeto sucker display their total ignorance of how business and the economy actually work.

Not to worry little one. I'm sure your welfare check is on the way.

And yet another leftist thinking their ability to say, "Oh, you just like Trump, so you obviously don't know as much as I do" absolves them from any need to prove that they know shit.

Not to worry, little one. Your masters like you dumb. And I'm perfectly okay with accepting your surrender.
I don't know more than you because you like Trump. You like Trump because you're a fool and your being a fool is what proves I know more than you.

Now don't you have somewhere else to be stupid?
But at least the Democrats make the effort to pay for what they legislate.
As opposed to the Republican view that cutting revenues increases revenues and their idiot followers who buy into that lie.

You're joking, right? Other than maybe 2020, please show us all where revenues decreased in 2017, 2018, or 2019.

How much does that mean when both the deficit and the debt increased instead of decreased?

Year ..............Deficit (in billions) Debt increase.......ratio/gdp.......... event
2017 $665 $6723.4%Trump Tax Act
2018$779$1,2713.8%Deficit spending
2019$984$1,2034.6%Government shutdown

Sorry, my good friend, you stated that by cutting taxes, revenues DECREASED. So show us.

You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.

Since everyone's cost increases, everyone has to raise their prices.
And the customer response is????
C'mon! It's on the tip of your tongue!!!!!!!
Oh! too late.

The customers take their dollars elsewhere.

GEEZ! No wonder you people think lowering revenues increases revenues.

Hey, genius. What part of the word "everyone" confused you? What makes you think your policy is going to leave any "elsewhere" for them to go? You think if asinine minimum wage increases that increase operating costs and prices at McDonald's aren't also going to raise the operating costs and prices at Burger King and Wendy's?

Geez! No wonder you dimwits keep advocating economic policies that have nothing to do with actual economics.
And yet another cheeto sucker display their total ignorance of how business and the economy actually work.

Not to worry little one. I'm sure your welfare check is on the way.

And yet another leftist thinking their ability to say, "Oh, you just like Trump, so you obviously don't know as much as I do" absolves them from any need to prove that they know shit.

It is a low bar. Have you actually met any Trump voters?
While it's sort of (-: off topic, imo Trump's insurrection changed things. There were things Trump did that I could support, and I'd actually supported a three trillion stimulus back in 16, although Rubio (and I think Cruz) initially wanted to aim it at wage earners to increase demand for products rather than products at lower costs, as the Mitch and Don Show did. Don't ask me why Don then started trade wars over cheap goods produced by mulitnationals owned by the same people to whom he gave the 3 trillion tax cut, Plus a corporate tax cut. That was stupid, and that's why the tax cut actually reduced govt revenue more than it increased tax collections from increased econ activity.

After you try to kill congress people and the VP, I think support has to wane …. or the Trumptard is worse than dumb.

As for the topic, there's nothing economically wrong is trying to stimulate the economy, in part, with upping federal worker wages. What may be economically wrong is the federal govt decreeing private employers offering jobs at the absolute bottom of the skill scale have to basically double the wage in low cost of living states. And raising the federal min wage, imo, is aimed at raising the entire wage scale. We're already talking about giving each of the low skill and federal workers $3400 in stimulus even if they didn't lose a job. And don't get me wrong, I'm all for UI and extended UI. It's helped my family.
In my mind the Stimulus should have been targeted at people who lost jobs and people in critical positions. Stimulus to business owners would have been no more than that given their employees. Rental subsidies to those who lost employment paid directly yo landlords. Lots of money for testing and contact tracing to help isolate outbreaks and slow the virus spread while speeding the return to work.

Unfortunately there were "constituencies" that demanded to be fed, corporations, airlines, hotels, so too much of the money went in that direction and too little toward recovery.
How does the minimum wage affect the income of those who do not/cannot work?
Does anything we do to the minimum wage affect those people or the poverty in which they live?
Raising the minimum wage will most certainly help the working poor but will do nothing for the non-working poor.


In my mind the Stimulus should have been targeted at people who lost jobs and people in critical positions. Stimulus to business owners would have been no more than that given their employees.

Mostly agree, but small businesses - especially restaurants and the like - have really "taken one for the team". I have no problem with them getting some compensation, if they haven't already gone out of business. Many around here have.
Unfortunately there were "constituencies" that demanded to be fed, corporations, airlines, hotels, so too much of the money went in that direction and too little toward recovery.

The COVID-19 pandemic is no one's fault outside of China. Much of what is in the 2021 COVID rescue plan is a total, 100% waste. Democrats see it as a panacea for poorly run states to get a bailout from taxpayers.

Restaurants, hotels, airlines, and many other industries have been crushed. This bill has 6,000 pages. Does anyone know what is included? The Democrats could have passed a bill in the middle of last year and refused to allow President Trump a "victory".

There are millions of retirees who received and will receive checks. I am one. My SS check and other income remain exactly the same as before COVID. Of course, if the Democrats want to send me another check for $1,400-$2,000, I'll keep it. You and your kids are going to have to figure out how to pay it off down the road. Works for me, how does it work for you?

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
15$ an hour will crush the growth of small business and that's what they want. Low wage jobs are supposed to be stepping stones not a lifetimes work. And you should see how many old men are stocking shelfs when teens should be on these jobs building a work ethic. But they cancelled the youth for cheap labor. Midterms better be a red wave or America is done.

Oh, my God. My idiot co-worker is all excited about the possibility of a federally-mandated $15/hour minimum wage, because "that'll mean we all get a raise!!" I just deadpanned at her and said, "OR . . . the company might just decide they don't need a satellite office in Arizona. They'd be mistaken, but that wouldn't stop them from doing it."
Please, from your delusional memory, show where I said anything about poverty.

I spoke to economic and employment growth.

Rather than dispute the obvious truth why not open your eyes, wash out the cheeto dust and join us in reality.

IF, you are discussing the minimum wage, how are you NOT talking about the rate of poverty?
How does the minimum wage affect the income of those who do not/cannot work?
Does anything we do to the minimum wage affect those people or the poverty in which they live?
Raising the minimum wage will most certainly help the working poor but will do nothing for the non-working poor.

I like how you just assert as "fact" that it will "most certainly help the working poor". Yeah, except for the ones it turns into the non-working poor, because their employers can't afford it.
You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.

Since everyone's cost increases, everyone has to raise their prices.
And the customer response is????
C'mon! It's on the tip of your tongue!!!!!!!
Oh! too late.

The customers take their dollars elsewhere.

GEEZ! No wonder you people think lowering revenues increases revenues.

Hey, genius. What part of the word "everyone" confused you? What makes you think your policy is going to leave any "elsewhere" for them to go? You think if asinine minimum wage increases that increase operating costs and prices at McDonald's aren't also going to raise the operating costs and prices at Burger King and Wendy's?

Geez! No wonder you dimwits keep advocating economic policies that have nothing to do with actual economics.
And yet another cheeto sucker display their total ignorance of how business and the economy actually work.

Not to worry little one. I'm sure your welfare check is on the way.

And yet another leftist thinking their ability to say, "Oh, you just like Trump, so you obviously don't know as much as I do" absolves them from any need to prove that they know shit.

Not to worry, little one. Your masters like you dumb. And I'm perfectly okay with accepting your surrender.
I don't know more than you because you like Trump. You like Trump because you're a fool and your being a fool is what proves I know more than you.

Now don't you have somewhere else to be stupid?

You didn't actually need to repeat your ignorance. I got it the first time. Were you imagining that you were too subtle and layered for people to understand you and dismiss you as the fool you are?
How does the minimum wage affect the income of those who do not/cannot work?
Does anything we do to the minimum wage affect those people or the poverty in which they live?
Raising the minimum wage will most certainly help the working poor but will do nothing for the non-working poor.
Unemployment compensation that faithfully conforms to our at-will employment laws could solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner. Right wingers also have a problem with that.
I like how you just assert as "fact" that it will "most certainly help the working poor". Yeah, except for the ones it turns into the non-working poor, because their employers can't afford it.
So you're suggesting then that small businesses keep extra people on the payroll that they can let go at a moments notice without any disruption in business operations?
I like how you just assert as "fact" that it will "most certainly help the working poor". Yeah, except for the ones it turns into the non-working poor, because their employers can't afford it.
There is a solution for that as well. Equal protection of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation.

We could solve simple poverty with unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
I like how you just assert as "fact" that it will "most certainly help the working poor". Yeah, except for the ones it turns into the non-working poor, because their employers can't afford it.
So you're suggesting then that small businesses keep extra people on the payroll that they can let go at a moments notice without any disruption in business operations?

No, I'm not suggesting that. That is a strawman you created so that you can try to force the conversation you WANT to have, to avoid the conversation you know shows you for an ignorant piece of shit.

What I am suggesting - and you know perfectly well, which is why you're trying to dodge away from addressing it - is that small businesses are going to go under and leave their employees unemployed, because they simply can't afford the payrolls that you, in your "I have no involvement in your business, but I know much better how you should run it" arrogance, want to decree that they pay.
The only real solution is to end the destruction of the value of the dollar.

End the FED.
Unemployment compensation that faithfully conforms to our at-will employment laws could solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner. Right wingers also have a problem with that.

Specifically, how?
Unemployment compensation that faithfully conforms to our at-will employment laws could solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner. Right wingers also have a problem with that.

Specifically, how?
Specifically by abolishing a repugnancy to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at-will in any at-will employment State. Persons should be able to quit and still collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
Unemployment compensation that faithfully conforms to our at-will employment laws could solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner. Right wingers also have a problem with that.

Specifically, how?
Specifically by abolishing a repugnancy to our own laws regarding the concept of employment at-will in any at-will employment State. Persons should be able to quit and still collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

You have posted a smart way to increase unemployment and increase those living below the poverty rate. How is that a good thing?

Why not just admit that you've got nothing. Or, you could really be radical and admit that what President Trump was the perfect thing to do as was proven by his great success.

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