I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

Which, again, is because there are no laws mandating that someone else must give that money to Elon Musk.

Maybe you should be taking notes, so that I don't have to keep repeating myself.
Right wingers keep claiming the pandemic is nothing to be concerned about but are "Big Chickens" by not abolishing your right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. The 1918 pandemic killed more people that WWI. Stop wasting taxpayers' money!
Right wingers keep claiming the pandemic is nothing to be concerned about but are "Big Chickens" by not abolishing your right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. The 1918 pandemic killed more people that WWI. Stop wasting taxpayers' money!

I'm sure that was not an effort to throw up that word salad. Or did you try to post something unintelligible?

Where are Republicans claiming that COVID-19 is nothing to be concerned about?

Gov. Cuomo can’t dodge accountability for nursing home deaths forever
By Steve Scalise
June 24, 2020 | 2:30pm | Updated


The novel-coronavirus death toll in New York’s nursing homes is tragic. More than 6,000 American seniors died of COVID-19 in nursing homes and long-term-care facilities across the Empire State, yet grieving families have no answers for how this happened or who is responsible.



Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.
Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged that he had to be persuaded to close schools and restaurants.

Published March 16, 2020 Updated June 17, 2020

For most of last week, as Mayor Bill de Blasio continued to urge New Yorkers to mostly go about their daily lives — sending their children to school, frequenting the city’s businesses — some of his top aides were furiously trying to change the mayor’s approach to the coronavirus outbreak.

There had been arguments and shouting matches between the mayor and some of his advisers; some top health officials had even threatened to resign if he refused to accept the need to close schools and businesses, according to several people familiar with the internal discussions.

Teachers were threatening not to show up to school on Monday. A growing number of public health experts and politicians were calling for much of the city to be shut down to curb the spread of the virus.

On Sunday, the mayor was shown a graph depicting the sharp upward trajectory of the coronavirus epidemic curve, and another showing the capacity of the city’s health systems to handle the influx.

Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Nolte: A Mere 8 Days Ago Joe Biden Was Still Attacking Trump’s Travel Bans
JOHN NOLTE 20 Mar 2020

A mere eight days ago, Joe Biden was still vocally opposing President Donald Trump’s travel bans from Europe, and even China, as racist. In other words, if Biden was the president, we can’t begin to imagine how much worse things would look in American today thanks to President Biden’s refusal to keep people out from the very same places where the Chinese coronavirus rages.



Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says
By Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding
April 23, 2020 | 5:04pm

New York’s nursing homes weren’t allowed to challenge a controversial order to admit patients with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday — even though it’s been blamed for spreading the deadly disease among residents.

“They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany.

Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says
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Markle, the federal minimum wage rate is not a net contributor to rates of unemployment. Respectfully, Supposn
Not right now - it's inconsequentially low. Do you think that would change if we doubled it?
DBlack, no federal minimum wage increase has ever been enacted suddenly. They have all been increased gradually. The proposed “Raise the Wage bill, as had every other increase of the minimum rate, would have been an improvement of our nation’s economic and social wellbeing. What wage bill are you referring to? Respectfully, Supposn
DBlack, no federal minimum wage increase has ever been enacted suddenly. They have all been increased gradually. …
Why do you suppose that is?
DBlack, although every increase of the minimum rate, would have been an improvement of our nation’s economic and social wellbeing, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden.
Respectfully, Supposn
DBlack, no federal minimum wage increase has ever been enacted suddenly. They have all been increased gradually. …
Why do you suppose that is?
DBlack, although every increase of the minimum rate, would have been an improvement of our nation’s economic and social wellbeing, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden.
Respectfully, Supposn
In Denmark when you work at McDonalds you get 22€ an hour and 6 weeks paid vacation and other benefits. It could be done in the US too. The reason it is not is greed.

Do you really believe that Americans would all agree to pay over 50% in federal taxes? Not likely.

9 Myths About Denmark DESTROYED
By H. Roland J. on APRIL 8, 2016

Myth #1: Danes get 90% of their old salary for 2 years when they become unemployed.
That does sound good, doesn’t it? Well, if you believe this myth I have some alien artifacts to sell you. Of course the danish government doesn’t give anyone more than anyone else – everyone is equal, of course – and while some people actually can get up to 90% of their former salary, there are a lot of things preventing this – and it is a private transaction between the unemployed and his “A-Kasse”.

Myth #2: Denmark spends far less on Healthcare than the US
Actually, yes. Our underpaid nurses, poor quality healthcare and long waitinglists for surgery is actually far less expensive than the american solution. It’s true. Finally a truth; danish healthcare is in fact cheaper than the american equalent. Yay, Denmark!

The fact it’s worthless to the patient shouldn’t matter. People receiving poor healthcare and being forced to pay for it and not able to take another alternative shouldn’t matter because it’s cheaper! It worked so well in the Soviet Union, didn’t it?

Please note the sarcasm.

Myth #5: Denmark pays students money to study
Yup, everyone pays for students, but less than Kontanthjælp (wellfare). Some sites cite $900, but the actual amount depends on your parent’s income, where you live and how old you are. It also depends on what you’re studying and what semester you’re doing.

If you’re becoming an academic, sure, you get up to $900 per month from the government. It’s called SU – short for Statens Uddannelsesstøtte, which translates into “Government Educationsupport” – but only if you’re not living at home with your parents and are over a certain age.
Besides, no one can make a living with an income of only $900 in Denmark. Most take a huge loan on the side and a job to make ends meet and those who choose this way of life don’t need the extra money everyone else is paying for over their taxes.

The SU is not free – it’s paid for by everyone else.

Myth #6: Denmark has the highest per capita income in the world

Of course we do! Whenever we make a Krone we give half to the government, so sure; we make the most money because we can only keep half, and have to give a fifth of the remaining income whenever we spend the money we get to keep. You better fucking believe we demand a ridiculous income since we don’t get to keep most of it!

Everything in Denmark is taxed, even the fucking taxes are taxed!

So yeah, it’s true we are highly paid but we don’t get the money; our government takes most of it and demands we’re happy about it! If an American company wanted to employ me as a writer they would have to pay me around twice as much as they would an American writer, because I have taxes to pay!

Myth #7: Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates in the world
Sure, but we are also the least likely to be charitable through voluntary means because we feel we have already paid enough for charity. We don’t do charity because we have already paid for everyone else.

Myth #9: Paid family leave for 52 weeks
Yes, the danish government demands that companies still pay for a women who leaves their company for a year to stay at home with her child. They start paying before she has given birth and then keep paying for her and the employee who assumes her position in the company during her leave. The government demands this of the company and will in some cases help pay for her, but it’s still expensive for the company, who loses their employee for a year or so and of course have to replace her during this period.

Imagine that you have an employee you’re very happy with and then she get’s pregnant. She leaves your company and you still have to pay her salaray while she’s away for a year. You have to find a new employee to take her place and pay that employee as well. You’re paying for 1½ employee for the same work!

Fair? Hell no, but that is of no concern in your average social democraZy. It’s not like you have to think before you plan a family and you can’t fire or even not hire a woman because she might end up costing you 1½ salaries. You cannot fire her for being pregnant nor can you ask “do you intend to have a child in the near future” during the job interview.

Nothing in a Social DemocraZy structure is fair nor is it efficient. The things that actually work and make sense are created and run by private interests and the things that do not are run by the government. If you’re actually a believer in socialism you should enact a lot of these things but only with other socialists of similar beliefs and not force other people to be part of it.

And stop lying and twisting the truth. You might believe in these lies and myths, but reality is very, very different. I actually live in your dreamworld and believe me; it’s not what it’s cracked up to be for everyone else.

If you want social democraZy in your government I truly believe your either a fool or actually evil.

There was nothing about what I posted in there.
DBlack, no federal minimum wage increase has ever been enacted suddenly. They have all been increased gradually. …
Why do you suppose that is?
DBlack, although every increase of the minimum rate, would have been an improvement of our nation’s economic and social wellbeing, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden.
Respectfully, Supposn
DBlack, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden. Respectfully, Supposn
DBlack, no federal minimum wage increase has ever been enacted suddenly. They have all been increased gradually. …
Why do you suppose that is?
DBlack, although every increase of the minimum rate, would have been an improvement of our nation’s economic and social wellbeing, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden.
Respectfully, Supposn
Because right wingers whine too much and prove they prefer to hate on the Poor when they could simply pass on the cost to the consumers like they do for everything else they do merely for their bottom Profit line and motive.
DBlack, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden. Respectfully, Supposn

And why is that preferable?

I'm pretty sure you'll keep dodging, so I'll answer for you. It's "preferable" because, without time to adjust, the shock of these "legal modifications" would create unemployment and business failures. Giving the market time to adjust to the new, mandated minimum values will avoid that. The markets will rebalance, such that the new minimum labor value is the base and all relative values adjust around it. Of course, this defeats the purpose, leaving minimum wage earners with the same relative income value they had before the adjustments, but it lets politicians pretend that they did something useful to help out the poor.
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DBlack, no federal minimum wage increase has ever been enacted suddenly. They have all been increased gradually. …
Why do you suppose that is?
DBlack, although every increase of the minimum rate, would have been an improvement of our nation’s economic and social wellbeing, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden.
Respectfully, Supposn
DBlack, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden. Respectfully, Supposn
A good excuse for capitalists to ask for a tax break to help mitigate the shock?
DBlack, no federal minimum wage increase has ever been enacted suddenly. They have all been increased gradually. …
Why do you suppose that is?
DBlack, although every increase of the minimum rate, would have been an improvement of our nation’s economic and social wellbeing, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden.
Respectfully, Supposn
DBlack, it’s preferable not to shock labor markets with legal modifications that are too sudden. Respectfully, Supposn

And why is that preferable?

I'm pretty sure you'll keep dodging, so I'll answer for you. It's "preferable" because, without time to adjust, the shock of these "legal modifications" would create unemployment and business failures. Giving the market time to adjust to the new, mandated minimum values will avoid that. The markets will rebalance, such that the new minimum labor value is the base and all relative values adjust around it. Of course, this defeats the purpose, leaving minimum wage earners with the same relative income value they had before the adjustments, but it lets politicians pretend that they did something useful to help out the poor.
Only because of "lousy management? Businesses have entire departments to help them account for rational choices.
I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers.

There is nothing "logical" about minimum wages. Why is it legal to donate your time if you can't work for less than some arbitrary "minimum wage"? Pure stupidity and covetousness, a sin.
I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers.

There is nothing "logical" about minimum wages. Why is it legal to donate your time if you can't work for less than some arbitrary "minimum wage"? Pure stupidity and covetousness, a sin.
Why do you believe what you do? It seems more like right wing propaganda than sound reasoning. There would be no perceived need for any statutory minimum wage if wages had kept up with inflation to begin with.

Why does it not seem more likely that some Capitalists prefer to transfer the cost of their employees on to the public sector instead of their consumers merely for bottom line purposes?
I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers.

There is nothing "logical" about minimum wages. Why is it legal to donate your time if you can't work for less than some arbitrary "minimum wage"? Pure stupidity and covetousness, a sin.

I've never heard a liberal address this - probably because it gets right to the corrupt core of MW. Essentially it's an anticompetitive measure to prevent competition in the labor market.
I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers.

There is nothing "logical" about minimum wages. Why is it legal to donate your time if you can't work for less than some arbitrary "minimum wage"? Pure stupidity and covetousness, a sin.
Why do you believe what you do? It seems more like right wing propaganda than sound reasoning. There would be no perceived need for any statutory minimum wage if wages had kept up with inflation to begin with.

Why does it not seem more likely that some Capitalists prefer to transfer the cost of their employees on to the public sector instead of their consumers merely for bottom line purposes?
Because you're too stupid to understand economics.
I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers.

There is nothing "logical" about minimum wages. Why is it legal to donate your time if you can't work for less than some arbitrary "minimum wage"? Pure stupidity and covetousness, a sin.

I've never heard a liberal address this - probably because it gets right to the corrupt core of MW. Essentially it's an anticompetitive measure to prevent competition in the labor market.
I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers.

There is nothing "logical" about minimum wages. Why is it legal to donate your time if you can't work for less than some arbitrary "minimum wage"? Pure stupidity and covetousness, a sin.
Why do you believe what you do? It seems more like right wing propaganda than sound reasoning. There would be no perceived need for any statutory minimum wage if wages had kept up with inflation to begin with.

Why does it not seem more likely that some Capitalists prefer to transfer the cost of their employees on to the public sector instead of their consumers merely for bottom line purposes?
Because you're too stupid to understand economics.
I'm more a centrist than liberal. But the logical support for a MW (level is another question) is that the reality is there is NO free market between capital and at least unskilled workers because workers don't have bargaining power sufficient to compete with capital. And setting a minimum level, requires capital to pay a higher wage to slightly more skilled.
I'm more a centrist than liberal. But the logical support for a MW (level is another question) is that the reality is there is NO free market between capital and at least unskilled workers because workers don't have bargaining power sufficient to compete with capital. And setting a minimum level, requires capital to pay a higher wage to slightly more skilled.

Right, Karl Marx. Right.
IT'S to late now, If we had upped the mim wage a dollar every few years we would not be in this position now. Our government is a mess, maters not what party has the most temporary power, most use it for self interest.
You know, in the post you partially quoted I said that businesses may try to raise prices but will fail in the face of lower priced competition.

Businesses may try to pass on higher costs but, as has been demonstrated so many times in the airline industry, unless everyone raises their prices, no one can.

Since everyone's cost increases, everyone has to raise their prices.
So what? Wages merely need outpace inflation.
And.... eventually everyone will make minimum wage
whose fault is that, Cleetus? The problem with "Small Town USA" is you guys are happy in your inbred misery.

LOL...I can assure you our standard of living on average is much higher than yours. I always shutter when I visit NYC and the surrounding areas and realize that to live in something I would consider just decent you have to make 3 times the national average. I am glad people want to live in those places. Thrilled actually. Stay here and other blue cities and think you are living in the lap of luxury vs us poor ole simple folks in red states.

Frankly, you could put a bunch of office "Professionals" in a drive through, and they wouldn't be able to keep up. That's why I love the show "Undercover boss", when they put the guy in charge in a working level position, and he's often incompetent.

What does that have to do with anything? You could put the guys in the front office for the company that owns that drive-thru and it would be out of business in short order. The skillset needed for more intellectually challenging jobs is in higher demand and thus salaries are higher. The flip side is you could put many professional athletes who are multi-millionaires in an executive position and they would fair worse than the those running the drive-thru. They have a skill set that is in demand. Everybody can’t run a 4.3 forty just as everyone isn’t cut out for intellectually challenging work. See how it works yet? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Implementing a federal min. wage is brain-dead stupid due to desperate economies throughout our country. Unfortunately, we have the equivalent of drive-thru employees running the country now and a whole slew of losers who have their backs.

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