I don't say this lightly, but President Obama just LIED

And so what? He made one slip up. The GOP lie constantly, stick to their lies even when proven wrong they run them through their echo chamber and all the ditto-head repeat it and beleive it.

michele made a slip up today too. it must run in the family
So... did the Obama lie, or is He simply ignorant?

Obama is many things, evil, corrupt, and a liar, but he isn't ignorant.
Here's ignorant. During debate in the Wisconsin legislature on a bill to allow concealed carry in that state, Spencer Black (D-Madison) said "People carrying guns could shoot nuclear reactors and cause an explosion."

Yup, that is ignorant. here's another (Democrat) idiot from Colorado:

"Banning magazines will work because people will shoot them all and they won't be able to buy more."
Obamsa simply said fully instead of semi.

Kinda like accidently calling you friend Jim by you friend kyle's name

obama sure seems prone to making a lot of mistakes. I'll tell you what, let's see if he bothers to go back and correct his statement or he is just content to let it slide :cuckoo:
The Obama is a Democrat.
Because of this, Democrats, liberals, anti-gun loons and the news media don't give a rats ass that he lied as a means to push His agenda.

And there we have it in a nutshell. "The ends justify the means."
And so what? He made one slip up. The GOP lie constantly, stick to their lies even when proven wrong they run them through their echo chamber and all the ditto-head repeat it and beleive it.

1. It wasn't a slip, it was very much intentional.
2. All politicians lie, but obama is the only one that lies constantly.
And so what? He made one slip up.
How does anyone knoweldgeable of the subject confuse full- and semi-auto, especially in the context of tryng to ban semi-autos?

I don't know how does one make a simple spelling mistake (not that I give a flying rodent behind about tyhem)? Is using Fully" instead of "Semi" something that he has a long history of doing since Newtown?

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