I don't say this lightly, but President Obama just LIED

Basically yeah.

It's a "nerd" argument on a very seriously matter.

Who the fuck cares whether it was full or semi auto. Very few people outside the gun world even give it shit.

The fact remains that Lanza fired 158 bullets in under 5 minutes. With a gun that chambers bullets capable of ripping off limbs and doing horrendous damage to the human body.

And the OP is basically arguing about semantics.

Gotta love it.

Who cares about the truth? Unfortunately, your viewpoint is quite common. And why this nation is as corrupt as it is.

Lying about facts in order to rob people of their rights isnt semantics. It's down right criminal.


This makes no sense..at all.

Sill waiting for an answer -- did the Obama lie, or is He simply ignorant?
Yeah Davey..you see me using them all the time..for really important stuff..right?


Anyways..the Huffington Post has won journalism awards. I still don't use them.

The Daily Caller? May have been involved in BRIBING prostitutes to LIE.

Gotta love it.
So... did the Obama lie, or is He simply ignorant?

Obama is many things, evil, corrupt, and a liar, but he isn't ignorant.
Here's ignorant. During debate in the Wisconsin legislature on a bill to allow concealed carry in that state, Spencer Black (D-Madison) said "People carrying guns could shoot nuclear reactors and cause an explosion."
which time did he misspeak?

when he said we KNEW exactly wehre they were or when he said he never said that?

You seem to be missing the point. You claim to care about the truth and when you catch a Republican lying, which some do, you try to apply that to all Republicans. That is an effort to dehumanize Republicans.

Yet, at the same time, when a Democrat is clearly caught lying, you make excuses on why that is okay or why it's not a big deal. That's called a double standard.

Why are lies acceptable to you in one party but not in the other? Why don't you care enough about the truth to correct yourself or your allies?

If the truth matters, and it does, why do you avoid it? You spent half this thread avoiding the topic. Why? Are you that afraid to discuss the truth? Are you that afraid of Obama being human and lying? Does it really threaten your world view that much? if it does, you need to threaten your world view and change it. Because being so completely insecure with your viewpoints where you have to dehumanize the opposition and deify your allies, makes you an extremely dangerous and unstable person.

The truth will set you free. Face it and you wont have to carry around your anger.
Basically yeah.

It's a "nerd" argument on a very seriously matter.

Who the fuck cares whether it was full or semi auto. Very few people outside the gun world even give it shit.

The fact remains that Lanza fired 158 bullets in under 5 minutes. With a gun that chambers bullets capable of ripping off limbs and doing horrendous damage to the human body.

And the OP is basically arguing about semantics.

Gotta love it.

Who cares about the truth? Unfortunately, your viewpoint is quite common. And why this nation is as corrupt as it is.

Lying about facts in order to rob people of their rights isnt semantics. It's down right criminal.


This makes no sense..at all.


And yet, everyone else who read it understood it without any trouble.
Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.
-Joseph Stalin

"All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party."
- Mao Tse Tung

"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country."
- Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC

I don't believe gun owners have rights.
-Sarah Brady

It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
-Barack Obama
lying is also not so nice avie.

Go get any post of mine to prove your false claim dickweed

"I did not mean to sully your reputation"
I'm not going to hunt down the thread, but you said this when proven wrong in a thread where you called Syrenn a liar. THEN, you went back and edited away all evidence of your claims, not taking into account that many people had quoted you before the edits. That thread defines your character.

Anyone have a link?

02-19-2012, 02:57 PM
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Syrenn is not a lair, Im blind


I truely did not mean to sully your reputation.

I truely thought you had lied.

It was MY mistake to not see your post telling me you accepted that you were wrong on the facts.

I apologise for any discomfort this brought you and will be far more careful in the future.

Please accept my heartfelt aplology for my horrible mistake.

I would have ceased any claim of a lie had I known earlier of the post mentioned.

Please forgive me.

this is what you claim is a lie?

your completely insane
BTW she had help in inserting that post after the fact.

Yes that is how this site used to be run under Gunny
you linked to me appologizing for NOT seeing a post of that poster.

I asked her repetedly to show me where she said it.

She never told me any post number.

I looked and looked for the post.


all of the sudden it exsisted
Obamsa simply said fully instead of semi.

Kinda like accidently calling you friend Jim by you friend kyle's name

obama sure seems prone to making a lot of mistakes. I'll tell you what, let's see if he bothers to go back and correct his statement or he is just content to let it slide :cuckoo:

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