I don't say this lightly, but President Obama just LIED

Obamsa simply said fully instead of semi.

Kinda like accidently calling you friend Jim by you friend kyle's name

obama sure seems prone to making a lot of mistakes. I'll tell you what, let's see if he bothers to go back and correct his statement or he is just content to let it slide :cuckoo:
The Obama is a Democrat.
Because of this, Democrats, liberals, anti-gun loons and the news media don't give a rats ass that he lied as a means to push His agenda.

02-19-2012, 02:57 PM
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Syrenn is not a lair, Im blind


I truely did not mean to sully your reputation.

I truely thought you had lied.

It was MY mistake to not see your post telling me you accepted that you were wrong on the facts.

I apologise for any discomfort this brought you and will be far more careful in the future.

Please accept my heartfelt aplology for my horrible mistake.

I would have ceased any claim of a lie had I known earlier of the post mentioned.

Please forgive me.

this is what you claim is a lie?

your completely insane

Of course, you meant to "sully her reputation", dingbat. That was the whole purpose of the thread you appeared to apologize for.
An apology that starts with an outright lie is neither sincere nor a real apology. Then you compounded your dishonesty by attempting to sanitize your accusations and outright lies in the other thread. As people can see that followed the 2 links I provided, you lack the basic honesty necessary for logical discourse. THAT is why you will forever be known here as TDM or Truth Doesn't Matter.
...referred for the first time to an alleged....... so how many other times did he refer to it as a Semi-Automatic weapon?

Too fucking funny.

02-19-2012, 02:57 PM
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Syrenn is not a lair, Im blind


I truely did not mean to sully your reputation.

I truely thought you had lied.

It was MY mistake to not see your post telling me you accepted that you were wrong on the facts.

I apologise for any discomfort this brought you and will be far more careful in the future.

Please accept my heartfelt aplology for my horrible mistake.

I would have ceased any claim of a lie had I known earlier of the post mentioned.

Please forgive me.

this is what you claim is a lie?

your completely insane

Of course, you meant to "sully her reputation", dingbat. That was the whole purpose of the thread you appeared to apologize for.
An apology that starts with an outright lie is neither sincere nor a real apology. Then you compounded your dishonesty by attempting to sanitize your accusations and outright lies in the other thread. As people can see that followed the 2 links I provided, you lack the basic honesty necessary for logical discourse. THAT is why you will forever be known here as TDM or Truth Doesn't Matter.

its an appology you asshole.

and I did not lie.

that is what this post is supposed to be proving idiot.

Its an apology not a lie
BTW she had help in inserting that post after the fact.

Yes that is how this site used to be run under Gunny

Gunny was gone by then, 'lair'.

oh really well that should give you a clue as to how I have been ttreated on here by most mods.

You could be right Gunny was just one of the worst
When I first joined here, I actually felt sorry for you. I thought everyone deserved better treatment than you were receiving from Gunny and practically everyone else. Once I got to know what you are all about, I discovered that you receive far better than you deserve. You can't even deliver an honest, sincere apology. You're without a doubt one of the most seriously fucked up individuals I have ever run across.
02-19-2012, 02:57 PM
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Syrenn is not a lair, Im blind


I truely did not mean to sully your reputation.

I truely thought you had lied.

It was MY mistake to not see your post telling me you accepted that you were wrong on the facts.

I apologise for any discomfort this brought you and will be far more careful in the future.

Please accept my heartfelt aplology for my horrible mistake.

I would have ceased any claim of a lie had I known earlier of the post mentioned.

Please forgive me.

this is what you claim is a lie?

your completely insane

Of course, you meant to "sully her reputation", dingbat. That was the whole purpose of the thread you appeared to apologize for.
An apology that starts with an outright lie is neither sincere nor a real apology. Then you compounded your dishonesty by attempting to sanitize your accusations and outright lies in the other thread. As people can see that followed the 2 links I provided, you lack the basic honesty necessary for logical discourse. THAT is why you will forever be known here as TDM or Truth Doesn't Matter.

its an appology you asshole.

and I did not lie.

that is what this post is supposed to be proving idiot.

Its an apology not a lie

did you, or did you not erroneously call her a liar in the second linked thread?
Did you then start a new thread with the words: "I truely did not mean to sully your reputation."?

If calling someone a liar is not an attempt to sully one's reputation, what the fuck is it?
its was correctly labeling her lies.

she then got help from someone dishonest.

an apology is not a lie.

have i been treated fairly on this site in the past?
Yea, it's in a full-on meltdown.

Pass the popcorn and watch the crazy.

The NRA and the 2nd Amendment have been handing these gun control morons a lot of bitch-slapping recently, they are quite naturally upset.

the NRA is not winning any fans lately you fool

Well, you're wrong about that but in the end, I don't care. I'm not giveng them my money so they can make friends, I'm giving it to them to defend my rights against tyrants. they are doing a good job of that.
And so what? He made one slip up. The GOP lie constantly, stick to their lies even when proven wrong they run them through their echo chamber and all the ditto-head repeat it and beleive it.
its was correctly labeling her lies.

she then got help from someone dishonest.

an apology is not a lie.

have i been treated fairly on this site in the past?

Proof, Or a weak attempt to excuse your snap judgment? I was there TDM I remember how it all went down. Shall I summon Syrenn, Pixie and Meister? I'm sure they will remember. There WAS a lot of private discussion taking place.
its was correctly labeling her lies.

she then got help from someone dishonest.

an apology is not a lie.

have i been treated fairly on this site in the past?

Proof, Or a weak attempt to excuse your snap judgment? I was there TDM I remember how it all went down. Shall I summon Syrenn, Pixie and Meister? I'm sure they will remember. There WAS a lot of private discussion taking place.

all dishonest cons

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