I don't see how the GOP wins FL

The liberal's in Florida have a severe case of Obama/Democrat fatigue.

Cuban's are conservative and don't like illegal immigration.

And most of the non-Cuban hispanics are illegals so they can't vote.

The rest of Florida is solid conservative.

Thus a solid Republican victory is in store for Florida regardless of which candidate gets the party's nomination. ......:cool:

Florida is always decided by less than 10% of the voting population, both Republicans and Democrats have around 45% of the statevote in the bag more or less.

There are plenty of Non-Cuban Hispanics that are US citizens....like as in....all the Puerto Ricans who were US citizens before they even moved here, Derrrrr......

Cubans are more 50-50 Republican/Democrat....not heavily conservative at all.
it boggles the mind that the libs get ANY latinos since latinos love family, hate abortion and gay marriage.
it boggles the mind that the libs get ANY latinos since latinos love family, hate abortion and gay marriage.

Latinos love building infrastructure, education and support policies that help them move out of deep poverty...Conservative policies during the past 45 years have ended up destroying our middle class.

its the conservatives who build things. Infastructure? You mean like the levees in NO where liberals controlled everything?
it boggles the mind that the libs get ANY latinos since latinos love family, hate abortion and gay marriage.

Latinos love building infrastructure, education and support policies that help them move out of deep poverty...Conservative policies during the past 45 years have ended up destroying our middle class.

its the conservatives who build things. Infastructure? You mean like the levees in NO where liberals controlled everything?

A levee built by the Army Corps of Engineers is not under the control of the local government.
it boggles the mind that the libs get ANY latinos since latinos love family, hate abortion and gay marriage.

Latinos love building infrastructure, education and support policies that help them move out of deep poverty...Conservative policies during the past 45 years have ended up destroying our middle class.

its the conservatives who build things. Infastructure? You mean like the levees in NO where liberals controlled everything?

A levee built by the Army Corps of Engineers is not under the control of the local government.

Neither is a large minority of the funding for our highways and in fact the federal government gives a ton of grants for local infrastructure. The far right just doesn't get it.
Of course the 'Conservatives' hate R and D. After all, it created a situation where wind and solar are now cheaper than coal and natural gas. And the internet gave all those funny brown and yellow people full access to the world's knowledge. See what terrible things have been happening with our governments R and D.
The republicans need to latch onto the minority vote or they'll never win another election ever again.
Of course the 'Conservatives' hate R and D. After all, it created a situation where wind and solar are now cheaper than coal and natural gas. And the internet gave all those funny brown and yellow people full access to the world's knowledge. See what terrible things have been happening with our governments R and D.
Did you really just say wind and solar are cheaper than coal and natural gas? Lol, you are either a bold face liar or very fucking stupid.

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R&d created the early internet
R&d created many of the things we enjoy today
If you run against investment into r&d you won't win florida, ohio or Virgina.
Of course the 'Conservatives' hate R and D. After all, it created a situation where wind and solar are now cheaper than coal and natural gas. And the internet gave all those funny brown and yellow people full access to the world's knowledge. See what terrible things have been happening with our governments R and D.
Did you really just say wind and solar are cheaper than coal and natural gas? Lol, you are either a bold face liar or very fucking stupid.

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Looks to me like you are the fucking stupid individual.

World’s Cheapest Solar Power Lands In Austin, Texas — Under 4¢/kWh! (Sort Of)

World’s Cheapest Solar Power Lands In Austin, Texas — Under 4¢/kWh! (Sort Of)
July 2nd, 2015 by Zachary Shahan

Update: I added the Lazard chart on levelized cost of electricity and the update below it in order to provide some context for those who don’t realize that 4¢/kWh (or even 5.71¢/kWh) is lower than the lowest LCOE for all other sources of electricity other than wind power.

Texans likes to be #1. Well, a lot of people like to be #1, but Texans are particularly known for this. For the time being, the Lone Star State can now lay claim to being #1 again with the cheapest solar power on the planet.

Not long ago, Dubai grabbed the title with a bid for a large solar project coming in under 6¢/kWh. As that article explains, that 5.98¢/kWh bid (now actually down to 5.84¢/kWh) shattered the previous record for the world’s cheapest solar power (or the world’s lowest solar power bid, since there is a slight difference). That article also noted that the second-lowest bid would have taken the record if the lowest hadn’t existed, showing that it wasn’t just a crazy anomaly from one developer. The Dubai solar bids were very exciting, and the talk of the industry for months, but records don’t last very long in the world of solar these days.


“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

When you accuse someone else of being fucking stupid, maybe you better check and make sure you have the facts. Or is your purpose simply to spread lies?
R&d created the early internet
R&d created many of the things we enjoy today
If you run against investment into r&d you won't win florida, ohio or Virgina.
R and D is a driver of history of this nation. The very first really large R and D project was called the Corps of Discovery. Came in 10 times over budget, and way past the deadline.
Trump is right on illegal immigration, but his method is turning off Latinos, a very large segment of the FL population. The Cuban swing vote has been trending liberal as the younger Cuban population doesn't see the struggle like their parents and the opening relations to Cuba will help that shift. Jewish swing vote isn't going to go red anytime soon. And again the Latino population increased a bunch in the last 10 years.

The only candidate who has a chance is Rubio, but he doesn't seem like he will be there in the end.

All the Dems need is FL for victory.

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Trump is wrong on immigration, as are most, if not all, the republican candidates.

As for Florida, the GOP's unwarranted hostility toward Hispanic immigrants isn't going to help.
You start by not conceding it...and Disregarding standard pap analysis. Everything Obama has done by and large has been against the will of the people.....if you cant formulate enough of a message to win with so many things to gain support from so may different groups........you'd have to be trying not to win
Trump is right on illegal immigration, but his method is turning off Latinos, a very large segment of the FL population. The Cuban swing vote has been trending liberal as the younger Cuban population doesn't see the struggle like their parents and the opening relations to Cuba will help that shift. Jewish swing vote isn't going to go red anytime soon. And again the Latino population increased a bunch in the last 10 years.

The only candidate who has a chance is Rubio, but he doesn't seem like he will be there in the end.

All the Dems need is FL for victory.

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Trump is wrong on immigration, as are most, if not all, the republican candidates.

As for Florida, the GOP's unwarranted hostility toward Hispanic immigrants isn't going to help.[/QUOTE


Public supports Trump on that issue....public is also against Iran deal...

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