I don't understand... if there is nothing wrong why not turn them over???

It's none of their business if their elections are subject to fraud? Geebus..
No its none of their business whats on the routers. If they can prove that there was any fraud they can go to the court and get a subpoena for the routers. However, that won't do shit and the supposed cyber ninja should be smart enough to know that. Theres a reason they are complaining instead of actually getting the subpoena.

disputed ‘election routers’ or you lose $700 Million…​

In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona’s Maricopa County’s refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena,
the state attorney general’s office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county’s budget.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said that the county, America’s fourth largest in population, is violating state law by not complying with the Senate’s request for routers in its 2020 election audit.
If MCBOS does not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law.”
According to county and state estimates, the state provides about $700 million a year to the county, over a quarter of its $2.7 billion budget.

I just don't understand why the hesitancy to turning over the routers. WHY? All that does is make it appear there is something there, there!

Send in the Deputies to seize the evidence

disputed ‘election routers’ or you lose $700 Million…​

In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona’s Maricopa County’s refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena,
the state attorney general’s office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county’s budget.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said that the county, America’s fourth largest in population, is violating state law by not complying with the Senate’s request for routers in its 2020 election audit.
If MCBOS does not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law.”
According to county and state estimates, the state provides about $700 million a year to the county, over a quarter of its $2.7 billion budget.

I just don't understand why the hesitancy to turning over the routers. WHY? All that does is make it appear there is something there, there!
I just don't understand why the hesitancy to turning over the routers. WHY? All that does is make it appear there is something there, there!

They know that they cheated.
How pompous of you to write "think coherently and with intelligence" after I have to remind you that just because YOU write it doesn't make it so!
For someone who says they are a "CCNP" you certainly didn't provide any proof of it by not doing substantiation.
A "CCNP" doesn't make unsubstantiated statements. Thank you for your links.
You still havent told me what it is on the routers that this guy is supposedly going to find. Can you do that or are you just going to deflect again?
You still havent told me what it is on the routers that this guy is supposedly going to find. Can you do that or are you just going to deflect again?
It's voting information that's supposed to be public record....Nobody needs a reason.
It's voting information that's supposed to be public record..
Theres no voting information on the router you idiot. The voting information is on a computer called a server. All routers deal with is network packets and making decisions where to send said packets hence the term router.
Yup. They should be applauding every audit. After all Bidumb won fair and square and that would prove it.

Texas investigated Dominion and refuse to use them. MIT did the same and found algorithms in their machines. Machines that have no need of alogorithms. Hell their machines took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that. Wonder how many they didn't catch??

Loads to see in this audit.
Guess you missed this line in the OP

The AG has no control over funding. I guess you missed the job description. It would be like the County Attorney where you live telling the library not to issue you a card.
The AG has no control over funding. I guess you missed the job description. It would be like the County Attorney where you live telling the library not to issue you a card.

He's not controlling the funding, the State Treasurer is. And according to the OP the AG has the authority, by State Law, to direct the Treasurer to withhold it. Of course you can prove the information is incorrect in the OP, so far you have failed in that task. Your opinion is irrelevant.

He's not controlling the funding, the State Treasurer is. And according to the OP the AG has the authority, by State Law, to direct the Treasurer to withhold it. Of course you can prove the information is incorrect in the OP, so far you have failed in that task. Your opinion is irrelevant.


The OP is wrong; Both the treasurer and the AG are elected positions. The AG has zero control over funding. That you think he can direct someone who doesn't work for him is pretty hilarious and profoundly stupid. So I'm not surprised you're doing it.

Here's a chart, stupid:


Now, what he can do is ask the State treasurer to withhold funding. But as Yee is running for Governor...I think it would political suicide to cut off funding to the most populous county in the State (or one of them anyway).
The OP is wrong; Both the treasurer and the AG are elected positions. The AG has zero control over funding. That you think he can direct someone who doesn't work for him is pretty hilarious and profoundly stupid. So I'm not surprised you're doing it.

Here's a chart, stupid:

View attachment 531688

Now, what he can do is ask the State treasurer to withhold funding. But as Yee is running for Governor...I think it would political suicide to cut off funding to the most populous county in the State (or one of them anyway).

Kewl deflection there commie. You have yet to prove he doesn't have the statutory authority to withhold the funding.


disputed ‘election routers’ or you lose $700 Million…​

In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona’s Maricopa County’s refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena,
the state attorney general’s office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county’s budget.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said that the county, America’s fourth largest in population, is violating state law by not complying with the Senate’s request for routers in its 2020 election audit.
If MCBOS does not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law.”
According to county and state estimates, the state provides about $700 million a year to the county, over a quarter of its $2.7 billion budget.

I just don't understand why the hesitancy to turning over the routers. WHY? All that does is make it appear there is something there, there!

To start with, the county uses these routers for county business. Republicans seem to be doing everything they can to piss off Maricopa voters. Little wonder Arizona has been trending Democrat.
I don't believe ONE word you wrote! NO sources. No links. No substantiation. JUST a dumb ass person who can't seem to support his statements!
Means nothing to me because you made it all up!
I provided links. YOU ZERO! What a pompous butt thinking JUST because you say so it is so? Full of crap!

You provided links to jerks just like you. Get some unbiased people not people who are as clueless as you.
Kewl deflection there commie. You have yet to prove he doesn't have the statutory authority to withhold the funding.


Piss off the largest county in the state and try to get elected statewide. By the time they are through, Democrats will own every statewide office in Arizona.
Piss off the largest county in the state and try to get elected statewide. By the time they are through, Democrats will own every statewide office in Arizona.

You mean the most populous county, right? And your opinion is no better than anyone else.

To start with, the county uses these routers for county business. Republicans seem to be doing everything they can to piss off Maricopa voters. Little wonder Arizona has been trending Democrat.
The Republican-dominated Maricopa County board of supervisors Monday denounced an ongoing audit of the 2020 vote as a "sham" and a "con," calling on the GOP-led state Senate to end the controversial recount that has been championed by former president Donald Trump. In a fiery public meeting and subsequent letter to state Senate ...
My question then, if these supervisors are SO sure there was nothing wrong, what's the problem?
" the county supervisors protest too much, methinks"Shakespeare

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