I Don't Understand Reg Flag Laws

I hear you.
My concern is that there could be an armed insurrection brought on by Trump if he sees it necessary.
Two big issues connected to that:

The challenge to the military would be of significant size that results in a slaughter of civilians as well as a probable lesser slaughter of military personnel.

A reluctance of soldiers to stand with their government by following orders. Their loyalty is no longer secured.

Jan.6th. came so close in that the Capitol police nearly had to resort to lethal force to protect the US congress. Had that happened, the insurgents weapons that were being kept close by would have been retrieved and the worst would have happened.

The situation is at least equally dangerous now as it was then.
You misunderstand. Those soldier take an oath to the constitution and officers appointed above them in protecting this country. Yes to the pres, also but the officer's overriding oath is to the constitution, no mention of president. This is why Millie declined some of the presidents' suggestions (veiled implied orders rather than stated or signed orders) and it will always be this way. I still know a lot of officers and enlisted. They are fine people, loyal to the country, not whatever president, by in large. Have no fear.
To be honest, you sound like a loser, and with your mentality, losing is all you will ever know! Its shocking you would read my words and conclude me to be anything other than an American, you, you aren't there, you have embraced the suck as compromise, I don't want you, or anyone like you, even remotely aligned with my party! :poke:
Not to worry, I am a righty independent.
Point of order: They don't actually want to disarm criminals. They just want to disarm the people who would resist leftist tyranny.
I'm not sure that is an accurate description. I believe they really think that if they let criminals run around loose that they can keep guns out of the criminal's hands, even as tons of felons who shouldn't be carrying guns are later arrested for having guns, and then mindbogglingly letting them right back out after being arrested for being a felon carrying a gun. I have scratched my head bald trying to figure that one out.
Now, let me get this straight. There is enough evidence on someone that they are such a danger to society and to themselves that we can take their guns away through red flag laws. But, even though this person is such a danger to society, we just take their guns away and totally ignore them after that? We don't watch them or try to help them and we just let them run around loose? Without their guns they are no longer a danger to society? They can't use other weapons or they can't steal a gun from somewhere to use anyway? Americans are safe with these people who are a danger to society and to themselves when we just let them run around loose? If we have enough evidence that these people are such a danger to society that we can take their guns away but we don't have enough evidence to even get them the help they need and take them off the streets while we're doing that? We just let them continue being a danger to society but they have to be an unarmed danger (assuming they don't go out and steal a gun anyway)? Am I missing something?
It is a democrat a.k.a. nazi idea. What would you expect .
Red flag laws are an end run around due process.
That is what I kind of don't understand. We use some form of "due process" to take their guns away because these people are such a threat to society but then, after taking their guns away, we just let these same people who have been deemed a danger to society through some form of "due process", just run around loose?

Let's take an example, of which I will be very kind to the left. Jimmy Smith has been found guilty of domestic violence, terrorist threatening, has been slapped with one or more restraining orders, and numerous witnesses have testified that he has repeatedly threatened to kill his girlfriend and her family. He's out on bail or what have you but he's got those RO's against him. So, we use a red flag law to take his guns away. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that he got more than enough "due process" in order to take those guns away. Meanwhile, not too long afterwards, his girlfriend and her family are discovered murdered. I'll be kind to the left and say that he was not able to get guns to do the job because gun control laws are just so damned good. He used a different means of murdering them. So, maybe someone on the left can explain to me the value of the red flag law in this case.
As I pointed out many times, you can ban and restrict guns all you want to the point there are no guns but you haven't fixed the problem at all.

The problem is criminals and nutballs. Taking away or restricting guns doesn't address the killers, thugs and criminals at all because they will still be here.

We don't need anti gun laws, we need to treat criminals like criminals.
Yep, the founding fathers made it clear . The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . Yet the criminals and netball in Congress a.k.a . Democrats will do everything in their power to appeal and steal. They are the biggest threat to America and Americans.
How about asking the J6 political prisoners?
They had hearing, but were denied bail. What does that have to do with the topic? Sounds like nothing to me.

Go before a judge and swear to that
If you are found to be abusing the law, you can be prosecuted
Well they could do what other countries do...

Apart of your background check is a letter from your doctor (who you have a history with) saying that he believes you are in sound body and mind to own a gun...

Doctors are generally a careful bunch and they know that if the person goes nuts it reflects quite badly on him... Would probably take a trip to the Medical Board to explain him/herself...
So you arrive down and the doctor asks you why you want an AR-15 when you live in an apartment complex and don't generally shoot... You say cause I want to stop a government take over... Doctor asks, when do you think it is right who would you shoot?... So you answer, I will know and I will shoot agents who support the tyrannical government... So you want a AR-15 to shoot cops then...
You misunderstand. Those soldier take an oath to the constitution and officers appointed above them in protecting this country. Yes to the pres, also but the officer's overriding oath is to the constitution, no mention of president. This is why Millie declined some of the presidents' suggestions (veiled implied orders rather than stated or signed orders) and it will always be this way. I still know a lot of officers and enlisted. They are fine people, loyal to the country, not whatever president, by in large. Have no fear.
I misunderstand nothing and neither should you. Coups happen and the US isn't immune.
And successful coups invent excuses for why their country's Constitution was ignored.

You just have faith in your military, even when the CiC has betrayed that faith.
Young Kyle committed the offense of logical repudiation of any argument you, or any leftist of your ilk, could muster, and the leftist Kenosha prosecutors office made them all, and a jury or Wisconsin citizens tossed them out on the courthouse steps! You riot, its not protest, its rioting, and the people killed by Kyle, all died because they made the decision to riot, and attack innocent Americans at the behest of Joe Biden and the DNC, they all died attempting murderous assault upon a kid who came to help as best he could, he came to put out fires and defend property that the local democratic party controlled government had decided to let burn! The very best they could do in defense of that hateful mentality at Kyle's trial was, "everybody takes a beating once in a while!" :omg:
As I said, Kyle set the bar on legalized murder.
I Don't Understand Reg Flag Laws
They might be difficult to understand if one is ignorant of the law.

Like other laws, protective orders follow the rule of law and the right to due process of the law as codified by the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

Government may act pursuant only to a court order based on facts and evidence presented to a judge or magistrate.

A gunowner is afforded a fair hearing to present evidence as to why his firearms should be returned.

Protective orders authorize neither the ‘taking’ nor ‘confiscation’ of firearms.

Firearms are returned to the gunowner once the risk is determined to be no longer present.

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