I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Hey childish one... Just watch 15 minutes here and get back to me on this "Bernie" thing.. Socialism usually cannot be contained. Because with every fuck-up to the economy or society, they TAKE additional power to "fix their boo-boos"... Sander's ENTIRE LIFE was in admiring and sucking up to socialist Authoritarians that BECAME dictators...

Building ROADS is not socialism.. THE GREEN FUCKING NEW DEAL is..

Watch this sprout and learn...

Okay I watched the video. Here are my takeaways:

1) Bernie praised certain aspects of socialist governments. Did he sugarcoat it a little? Yeah. His main point, however, is that he was criticizing Reagan’s own biased view and the wealthy controlling those nations previously

2) Bernie’s American platform speaks for itself. It has nothing to do with overturning capitalism. It is strictly about social democratic principles. I mean you would have to be a moron to think Bernie could even turn the US into the Soviet Union. Clearly he doesn’t want to either way.

3) Bernie NEVER said hey let’s turn our government into the Nordic model. He just said he admires the social programs offered there. It doesn’t matter what the Danish leader says however. The Nordic system is socialist to a degree as is the US.

4) Your video conveniently left out the fact that while taxes are higher in those countries, the median income is still higher AFTER taxes than it is in the US. Bernie also wants to address income disparity. The video also seems to contradict itself in its narrative. On the one hand, it recognizes those countries as being great for business yet also points out the high tax rates. Either way, they have a better quality of life than Americans do.

What you leave out is Nordic Countries are primary Scandinavian People which were raised this way for many generations and know nothing else.

How do you tell Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Whites you must help each other out and be treated the same when each ethnic group want to be the king of the other groups?

America is fifty individual states that make up our Republic and this is the thing you forget most.

What someone want in California might not be what they want in Texas and in your system it is a one size fit all and it never work that way.

In the end under your system greed, envy and sloth will destroy your Utopia but you will deny this because you have never lived under Socialistic rule that you want...
You’re leaving out A key part of the definition which is “social ownership.” As citizens we technically “own” the police force because our taxed income pays for it. We then, in turn, utilize the police. That’s SOCIALISM.

How many homes have been built by the police force again?

How many civilian cars carrying people to work, have been built by the military?

“social ownership.”,,,,,, of what.....? "the means of production and distribution of goods"....

Cars, homes.... yeah, again, how much production has the military and police force created? Oh right, they don't produce the goods that build the wealthy of the country. Right.

So.... again... learn to read the dictionary.
Lol okay. Here it is:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

I get it now! You mean like it's gonna be in heaven. That explains the whole thing!
Right I get that you believe me to think that, naively, socialism is some utopian, flawless idea because it makes for dismissing me easier, but that’s not the case. Obviously a socialist state can fail. Others,
However, succeed.

Name one single socialist state that has succeeded. Name one. Just one.
In regards to social democratic states which is the type of socialism I support, it’s the Scandinavian model. What you people don’t seem to grasp is that certain forms of socialism accommodate for a capitalistic economy. Bernie’s platform specifically, has nothing to with the state controlling the means of production which refers to a SPECIFIC type of socialism.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages.

Having programs that help the people is not socialism
Everything that you lefties and commies have to say about socialism is euphemism for involuntary wealth transfer. The unsuccessful want what the successful have, and they want to take it with force.


Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

The successful are successful in keeping the unsuccessful that way
Yeah... look at this reporting from WaPo.

Socialism is the only way to ensure Trump doesn't get all ketchup for his steak, but to ensure equal distribution among everyone. :D


David Nakamura Twitter
How many homes have been built by the police force again?

How many civilian cars carrying people to work, have been built by the military?

“social ownership.”,,,,,, of what.....? "the means of production and distribution of goods"....

Cars, homes.... yeah, again, how much production has the military and police force created? Oh right, they don't produce the goods that build the wealthy of the country. Right.

So.... again... learn to read the dictionary.
Lol okay. Here it is:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

I get it now! You mean like it's gonna be in heaven. That explains the whole thing!
Right I get that you believe me to think that, naively, socialism is some utopian, flawless idea because it makes for dismissing me easier, but that’s not the case. Obviously a socialist state can fail. Others,
However, succeed.

Name one single socialist state that has succeeded. Name one. Just one.
In regards to social democratic states which is the type of socialism I support, it’s the Scandinavian model. What you people don’t seem to grasp is that certain forms of socialism accommodate for a capitalistic economy. Bernie’s platform specifically, has nothing to with the state controlling the means of production which refers to a SPECIFIC type of socialism.

Better give it up Billy. Unless your not smart enough to realize that once we have a socialist president and congress, the money that goes into Washington will wind up in the politician's pockets. Just as it does in the other socialist countries. Be careful of what you wish for.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages.

Having programs that help the people is not socialism
Everything that you lefties and commies have to say about socialism is euphemism for involuntary wealth transfer. The unsuccessful want what the successful have, and they want to take it with force.


Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

The successful are successful in keeping the unsuccessful that way
Euphemism. You are talking about the government doing things to help "we who don't have shit" by tapping my paycheck and redistributing it. When you say "We the People", you are only referring to the lazy and unproductive. Why don't lefties ever just say it like it really is, instead of pretending that wealth redistribution is all about helping all of "We the People"?
1) Bernie praised certain aspects of socialist governments. Did he sugarcoat it a little? Yeah. His main point, however, is that he was criticizing Reagan’s own biased view and the wealthy controlling those nations previously

Wrong.. Went BEYOND sugarcoating it to ADVOCATING FOR IT... Did you catch how he described himself in the 1st minute.. Not "democratic" socialist, but RADICAL socialist.. Did you catch his LAST quote in the vid?

:"Healthcare is very primitive in Nicaragua. It's very bad. BUT -- they now have it free.."

That's his "apology" for all the support and praise he gave them for years before they "disappointed him". That's a man who is an ARROGANT IDEOLOGUE.

2) Bernie’s American platform speaks for itself. It has nothing to do with overturning capitalism. It is strictly about social democratic principles. I mean you would have to be a moron to think Bernie could even turn the US into the Soviet Union. Clearly he doesn’t want to either way.

Wrong. He says at every rally, his goal is to "fundamentally transform the systems in America". He needs about 3 times the authoritarian power that ANY president has had to implement his agenda.. Things WILL GO terribly wrong and he'll NEED MORE POWER... This is a man who has LEARNED NOTHING during his life of support of failed causes.. Spending $78Trill over 10 years to achieve his "radical socialist" nirvana will not turn the US into the Soviet Union. But it WILL turn the US into Venezuela before the 10 years are up...

It doesn’t matter what the Danish leader says however. The Nordic system is socialist to a degree as is the US.

This is why I don't waste any time with you.. MORONIC statements like that.. Especially after SELECTIVELY FORGETTING WHY the Danish leader said they are not socialist.. They are DISMANTLING DECADES of socialist claptrap that has been BANKRUPTING them and putting their people in financial chains.. YOU being as clueless as you are want to gas it and cross these Nordic countries GOING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.. They have gone BACK to free markets and privatization and have better "BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT RATINGS than we did under Obama...

You're a waste of time.. Truly you are...
Yeah... look at this reporting from WaPo.

Socialism is the only way to ensure Trump doesn't get all ketchup for his steak, but to ensure equal distribution among everyone. :D

View attachment 306368

David Nakamura Twitter
Trump likes his steak well done? It has taken four years for somebody to finally come up with something about Trump that I disapprove of. I'll be.

Unforgivable. You should vote for Klobuchar because she eats her steak medium rare with a touch of garlic butter on top with absolutely no condiment.
1) Bernie praised certain aspects of socialist governments. Did he sugarcoat it a little? Yeah. His main point, however, is that he was criticizing Reagan’s own biased view and the wealthy controlling those nations previously

Wrong.. Went BEYOND sugarcoating it to ADVOCATING FOR IT... Did you catch how he described himself in the 1st minute.. Not "democratic" socialist, but RADICAL socialist.. Did you catch his LAST quote in the vid?

:"Healthcare is very primitive in Nicaragua. It's very bad. BUT -- they now have it free.."

That's his "apology" for all the support and praise he gave them for years before they "disappointed him". That's a man who is an ARROGANT IDEOLOGUE.

2) Bernie’s American platform speaks for itself. It has nothing to do with overturning capitalism. It is strictly about social democratic principles. I mean you would have to be a moron to think Bernie could even turn the US into the Soviet Union. Clearly he doesn’t want to either way.

Wrong. He says at every rally, his goal is to "fundamentally transform the systems in America". He needs about 3 times the authoritarian power that ANY president has had to implement his agenda.. Things WILL GO terribly wrong and he'll NEED MORE POWER... This is a man who has LEARNED NOTHING during his life of support of failed causes.. Spending $78Trill over 10 years to achieve his "radical socialist" nirvana will not turn the US into the Soviet Union. But it WILL turn the US into Venezuela before the 10 years are up...

It doesn’t matter what the Danish leader says however. The Nordic system is socialist to a degree as is the US.

This is why I don't waste any time with you.. MORONIC statements like that.. Especially after SELECTIVELY FORGETTING WHY the Danish leader said they are not socialist.. They are DISMANTLING DECADES of socialist claptrap that has been BANKRUPTING them and putting their people in financial chains.. YOU being as clueless as you are want to gas it and cross these Nordic countries GOING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.. They have gone BACK to free markets and privatization and have better "BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT RATINGS than we did under Obama...

You're a waste of time.. Truly you are...
Lol I think you’re just pissed I gave you a rebuttal you can’t counter.

Again, Bernie’s main point is that he admired certain aspects of those governments and economy. And okay, because I am the gentleman of this debate, I’ll concede your point that Bernie comes across more radical in these videos. However, I think it’s important to put these videos in perspective. We buy into a certain narrative and it evolves over time. It’s not like Bernie had the hindsight you and I have about these regimes. He was saying this stuff either before it occurred or before he knew about. My point is, we all change our tune on an issue after the benefit of hindsight a lot of the time. Did it ever occur to you that Bernie’s CURRENT opinions on socialism are not the same as they are then? Perhaps now he sees that he was wrong and he embraces a more mild view of socialism which is democratic socialism. That nuance is important whether you like it or not.

Bernie wants to transform the system we have now - but that doesn’t mean he wants to eliminate the private market. He simply wants to narrow the disparity between the poor and rich bacause it has gotten egregious and harmful to the poor and middle class.
Last edited:
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
Take a vacation to Venezuela and report back on what socialism does to a country.
Yeah... look at this reporting from WaPo.

Socialism is the only way to ensure Trump doesn't get all ketchup for his steak, but to ensure equal distribution among everyone. :D

View attachment 306368

David Nakamura Twitter
Trump likes his steak well done? It has taken four years for somebody to finally come up with something about Trump that I disapprove of. I'll be.

Unforgivable. You should vote for Klobuchar because she eats her steak medium rare with a touch of garlic butter on top with absolutely no condiment.
Sounds like she knows how to eat a steak. It's amazing to think that there is actually a good thing that a lefty can do better than Trump.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
It's because of those blacks and Mexicans you claim to love.
lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
I worry about what I see in my town most homeless, addicts and beggars are white not one latino is begging or stealing. Come down here and see for yourself.
How many homes have been built by the police force again?

How many civilian cars carrying people to work, have been built by the military?

“social ownership.”,,,,,, of what.....? "the means of production and distribution of goods"....

Cars, homes.... yeah, again, how much production has the military and police force created? Oh right, they don't produce the goods that build the wealthy of the country. Right.

So.... again... learn to read the dictionary.
Lol okay. Here it is:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

I get it now! You mean like it's gonna be in heaven. That explains the whole thing!
Right I get that you believe me to think that, naively, socialism is some utopian, flawless idea because it makes for dismissing me easier, but that’s not the case. Obviously a socialist state can fail. Others,
However, succeed.

Name one single socialist state that has succeeded. Name one. Just one.
In regards to social democratic states which is the type of socialism I support, it’s the Scandinavian model. What you people don’t seem to grasp is that certain forms of socialism accommodate for a capitalistic economy. Bernie’s platform specifically, has nothing to with the state controlling the means of production which refers to a SPECIFIC type of socialism.
That's a weasel way of saying that they aren't really socialist.
1) Bernie praised certain aspects of socialist governments. Did he sugarcoat it a little? Yeah. His main point, however, is that he was criticizing Reagan’s own biased view and the wealthy controlling those nations previously

Wrong.. Went BEYOND sugarcoating it to ADVOCATING FOR IT... Did you catch how he described himself in the 1st minute.. Not "democratic" socialist, but RADICAL socialist.. Did you catch his LAST quote in the vid?

:"Healthcare is very primitive in Nicaragua. It's very bad. BUT -- they now have it free.."

That's his "apology" for all the support and praise he gave them for years before they "disappointed him". That's a man who is an ARROGANT IDEOLOGUE.

2) Bernie’s American platform speaks for itself. It has nothing to do with overturning capitalism. It is strictly about social democratic principles. I mean you would have to be a moron to think Bernie could even turn the US into the Soviet Union. Clearly he doesn’t want to either way.

Wrong. He says at every rally, his goal is to "fundamentally transform the systems in America". He needs about 3 times the authoritarian power that ANY president has had to implement his agenda.. Things WILL GO terribly wrong and he'll NEED MORE POWER... This is a man who has LEARNED NOTHING during his life of support of failed causes.. Spending $78Trill over 10 years to achieve his "radical socialist" nirvana will not turn the US into the Soviet Union. But it WILL turn the US into Venezuela before the 10 years are up...

It doesn’t matter what the Danish leader says however. The Nordic system is socialist to a degree as is the US.

This is why I don't waste any time with you.. MORONIC statements like that.. Especially after SELECTIVELY FORGETTING WHY the Danish leader said they are not socialist.. They are DISMANTLING DECADES of socialist claptrap that has been BANKRUPTING them and putting their people in financial chains.. YOU being as clueless as you are want to gas it and cross these Nordic countries GOING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.. They have gone BACK to free markets and privatization and have better "BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT RATINGS than we did under Obama...

You're a waste of time.. Truly you are...
Lol I think you’re just pissed I gave you a rebuttal you can’t counter.

Again, Bernie’s main point is that he admired certain aspects of those governments and economy. And okay, because I am the gentleman of this debate, I’ll concede your point that Bernie comes across more radical in these videos. However, I think it’s important to put these videos in perspective. We buy into a certain narrative and it evolves over time. It’s not like Bernie had the hindsight you and I have about these regimes. He was saying this stuff either before it occurred or before he knew about. My point is, we all change our tune on an issue after the benefit of hindsight a lot of the time. Did it ever occur to you that Bernie’s CURRENT opinions on socialism are not the same as they are then? Perhaps now he sees that he was wrong and he embraces a more mild view of socialism which is democratic socialism. That nuance is important whether you like it or not.

Bernie wants to transform the system we have now - but that doesn’t mean he wants to eliminate the private market. He simply wants to narrow the disparity between the poor and rich bacause it has gotten egregious and harmful to the poor and middle class.
All the men and women who supports these programs to prove their allegiance to it need to give upmost of their wealth and put their money into socialism that will be administered by the government. They will not. No actors. No sports players. No media people. No rich business people. None of them.
How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
It's because of those blacks and Mexicans you claim to love.
lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
I worry about what I see in my town most homeless, addicts and beggars are white not one latino is begging or stealing. Come down here and see for yourself.
They are collecting welfare. That's the bottom line.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
It's because of those blacks and Mexicans you claim to love.
lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
I worry about what I see in my town most homeless, addicts and beggars are white not one latino is begging or stealing. Come down here and see for yourself.
They are collecting welfare. That's the bottom line.
Millions of whites are. And unlike you, I support helping those that cant afford putting food on the table for their families. You are a racists jackass, who would rather see people dying out of hunger...bit wont have a problem with a fraud billionaire bragging about not paying his taxes.
How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
It's because of those blacks and Mexicans you claim to love.
lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
I worry about what I see in my town most homeless, addicts and beggars are white not one latino is begging or stealing. Come down here and see for yourself.
The homeless issue is of all cultures. Some of this has been created by politics.
It's because of those blacks and Mexicans you claim to love.
lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
I worry about what I see in my town most homeless, addicts and beggars are white not one latino is begging or stealing. Come down here and see for yourself.
They are collecting welfare. That's the bottom line.
Millions of whites are. And unlike you, I support helping those that cant afford putting food on the table for their families. You are a racists jackass, who would rather see people dying out of hunger...bit wont have a problem with a fraud billionaire bragging about not paying his taxes.
The fact is that the percentage of blacks and Hispanics on welfare is much higher, so when you condemn red states in the South for taking more welfare, you are attacking blacks and Hispanics. You're a racist piece of shit and a hypocrite to boot. If you support welfare, then quit attacking it.

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