I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

Yeah... look at this reporting from WaPo.

Socialism is the only way to ensure Trump doesn't get all ketchup for his steak, but to ensure equal distribution among everyone. :D

View attachment 306368

David Nakamura Twitter

4 Ketchups That's WORSE than two scoops of ICE CREAM - IMPEACH...

4 Ketchups!!!

lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
I worry about what I see in my town most homeless, addicts and beggars are white not one latino is begging or stealing. Come down here and see for yourself.
They are collecting welfare. That's the bottom line.
Millions of whites are. And unlike you, I support helping those that cant afford putting food on the table for their families. You are a racists jackass, who would rather see people dying out of hunger...bit wont have a problem with a fraud billionaire bragging about not paying his taxes.
The fact is that the percentage of blacks and Hispanics on welfare is much higher, so when you condemn red states in the South for taking more welfare, you are attacking blacks and Hispanics. You're a racist piece of shit and a hypocrite to boot. If you support welfare, then quit attacking it.
Nope just pointing out the fact that millions of whites are on welfare (not against)...and the top recipient states are red states.
You on the other hand would rather see people die but you ok with billionaires doing well.
lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
I worry about what I see in my town most homeless, addicts and beggars are white not one latino is begging or stealing. Come down here and see for yourself.
They are collecting welfare. That's the bottom line.
Millions of whites are. And unlike you, I support helping those that cant afford putting food on the table for their families. You are a racists jackass, who would rather see people dying out of hunger...bit wont have a problem with a fraud billionaire bragging about not paying his taxes.

I don't care what color they are.

If they can't afford putting food on the table, there is a wonderful thing to do.... get a job, and start working.

Anyone who works, can afford to put food on the table. It is ridiculous to claim otherwise.

Two people working minimum wage, is $32,000 a year. That places them in the top 1% of wage earners on the face of the Earth. You are telling me that people who earn $1 a day, can afford to eat, but the top 1% of the planet are not able to? You are a liar.

They can. And you supporting lazy people, only harms lazy people. Giving people money, when they are not willing to work, allows them to stay poor.

The only way people advance in life, is if they put in the hard work, and hard effort, to move forward in life. You allowing them to avoid the tough choices in life that allow them to advance, in effect you are enabling them to be lazy.

You are giving a drunk a drink, a heroin addict a shot. You are harming people. Not helping them.
You are hallucinating.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages.

Having programs that help the people is not socialism
Everything that you lefties and commies have to say about socialism is euphemism for involuntary wealth transfer. The unsuccessful want what the successful have, and they want to take it with force.


Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

The successful are successful in keeping the unsuccessful that way

Government is NOT CHARTERED to run healthcare, energy, info tech, or peoples lives... Every time a new UNIVERSAL anything is tossed out there -- it's a one size fits all -- no ALTERNATIVES dictate... That's not "helping the people"... That's the path to authoritarianism...

There is no EXPERTISE or motivation for govt to GET these giant systems correct.. And choices and freedom take it in the nuts.. You don't DISMANTLE 100% of an "insurance problem" and allow the govt to take it over because "10% are not served"...

You want CONGRESS to run all that? They can barely run their own house.. And there's nobody there that should be "helping" design washing machines, flush toilets, light bulbs or an energy grid...

Name a single Swamp program "to help people" that's been properly managed or IMPROVED over it's lifetime...
Your second image is misleading. Person on it is posing for photo on the beach, and obviously acting happy (she's multi-tasking), to earn her money. Her labor is exploited by photographer and magazine that you will use for jerking it off to, which is pretty much the same thing you're doing on this message board.

It's no misleading at all. The lady in the first picture isn't going off to some exotic location to prance around in a bikini, she's too busy working for a living. Paris is living large off the hard work of people like her. She isn't doing jack shit to earn that money.
Government is NOT CHARTERED to run healthcare, energy, info tech, or peoples lives... Every time a new UNIVERSAL anything is tossed out there -- it's a one size fits all -- no ALTERNATIVES dictate... That's not "helping the people"... That's the path to authoritarianism...

There is no EXPERTISE or motivation for govt to GET these giant systems correct.. And choices and freedom take it in the nuts.. You don't DISMANTLE 100% of an "insurance problem" and allow the govt to take it over because "10% are not served"...

Why not? Frankly, I don't really want my employer to decide whether or not I get cancer treatment, or being able to fire me because I missed too many days of work for Chemotherapy. This is the system you advocate.
Misery in Venezuela is caused by socialism, it would happen with or without sanctions. They're part of OPEC, they can sell their oil to whoever they want to. Blackouts, water cutoffs, food shortages, inflation, are all caused by socialism. Isn't it interesting that people of Venezuela are running from their own country to get to "their oppressor", United States.

Well, no, most of the people trying to get into this country are escaping "Capitalist" countries like El Salvador and Mexico, but don't let that stop you.

So, um, yeah, they are part of OPEC, but the price of oil has been pretty low for a while, so that's not much of a help. Doesn't help that their oil output has gone down because they can't get the equipment or parts they need to extract it due to Sanctions.


Here's a crazy idea. Let's stop fucking with people when they pick economic systems we don't like, and if they fail on their own, THEN you can legitimately claim that those systems don't work.
'Gub'Mit''s job is to provide a level playing field for biz, because unregulated capitalism eats itself, socialism being the end result of it's collapse

this is exactly why QE 1-2-3-4 ........ and Gawd help us 5-6-7-8 exists

the ACA follows suit. It's called the AFFORDABLE care act , which was regulatory in design

it was never any more a socialist legislation than traffic laws are

Reagan summed it up eloquently>>>


Your second image is misleading. Person on it is posing for photo on the beach, and obviously acting happy (she's multi-tasking), to earn her money. Her labor is exploited by photographer and magazine that you will use for jerking it off to, which is pretty much the same thing you're doing on this message board.

It's no misleading at all. The lady in the first picture isn't going off to some exotic location to prance around in a bikini, she's too busy working for a living. Paris is living large off the hard work of people like her. She isn't doing jack shit to earn that money.

I don't care about bimbo, but she's investing her money, sings, acts, model, have her cosmetic and fashion lines... Why do you care what Paris is doing with her money? It's not yours... are you jealous?
Misery in Venezuela is caused by socialism, it would happen with or without sanctions. They're part of OPEC, they can sell their oil to whoever they want to. Blackouts, water cutoffs, food shortages, inflation, are all caused by socialism. Isn't it interesting that people of Venezuela are running from their own country to get to "their oppressor", United States.

Well, no, most of the people trying to get into this country are escaping "Capitalist" countries like El Salvador and Mexico, but don't let that stop you.

So, um, yeah, they are part of OPEC, but the price of oil has been pretty low for a while, so that's not much of a help. Doesn't help that their oil output has gone down because they can't get the equipment or parts they need to extract it due to Sanctions.

View attachment 306583

Here's a crazy idea. Let's stop fucking with people when they pick economic systems we don't like, and if they fail on their own, THEN you can legitimately claim that those systems don't work.

This is why I'm blown away by hot utterly and entirely ignorant you ridiculous people are.

El Salvador is "capitalist"? Is it really?

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
El Salvador is ranked 84th, in a list of 160. Not exactly a free-capitalist system by any stretch.

Of the two main parties, FMNL is an openly Marxist, Socialist party, advocating domination of the economy by government.

In 2009, the FMNL won the national election with two presidents from 2009 to this year:
Mauricio Funes - Wikipedia
Salvador Sánchez Cerén - Wikipedia

Both of which are avowed socialists.

For the last 10 years, the entirely country has been dominated by socialists.

Fmr. Marxist Guerilla Leader to Be El Salvador’s Next President

The entire FMNL which has controlled the country for 10 years, had all of it's roots in Soviet backed violent warfare.
The FMNL was created from 5 socialist backed guerilla groups, many having flags that feature Socialist icons.

Fuerzas Populares de Liberación:

Soviet backed FPL, which formed that political party FMNL, featuring the hammer and sickle from the Soviets.

And by the way, all of this is well known to anyone who isn't a mindless parrot of ideology.

In 2014.... they warned of socialism in El Salvador.
El Salvador Election: 21st Century Socialism Failure on the March

Communist Mass-murderer Wins Suspicious El Salvador Election

El Salvador’s Left in Crisis

Even pro-Socialist media outlets above, realize that Socialism horribly damaged El Salvador.

Immigrants Who Escaped Socialist Countries Warn the U.S.

Here's some details about Socialism in El Salvador. It should sound rather familiar, given how Socialists around the world, have no other play book, but to lie, divide, greed and envy, and endless other bad policies.

So let's cut to the conclusion.... I have determine that since this information is widely understood, and has been a decade now, and since you obviously had no intention of spending the massive 30 seconds to look up the endless articles about El Salvadors socialism...... but intend just parroted the ignorance someone told you I assume....

I hereby declare you an idiot.
The class is now dismissed. You are free to leave at your leisure. Next time, try learning ANYTHING about the topic, if you intend to speak on the topic.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
These loons have conflated totalitarianism with socialism.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
These loons have conflated totalitarianism with socialism.
Socialism is a subset of totalitarianism.
I don't understand why Democrats are so prone to equivocate on the term "socialism".
Misery in Venezuela is caused by socialism, it would happen with or without sanctions. They're part of OPEC, they can sell their oil to whoever they want to. Blackouts, water cutoffs, food shortages, inflation, are all caused by socialism. Isn't it interesting that people of Venezuela are running from their own country to get to "their oppressor", United States.

Well, no, most of the people trying to get into this country are escaping "Capitalist" countries like El Salvador and Mexico, but don't let that stop you.

So, um, yeah, they are part of OPEC, but the price of oil has been pretty low for a while, so that's not much of a help. Doesn't help that their oil output has gone down because they can't get the equipment or parts they need to extract it due to Sanctions.

View attachment 306583

Here's a crazy idea. Let's stop fucking with people when they pick economic systems we don't like, and if they fail on their own, THEN you can legitimately claim that those systems don't work.

This is why I'm blown away by hot utterly and entirely ignorant you ridiculous people are.

El Salvador is "capitalist"? Is it really?

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom
El Salvador is ranked 84th, in a list of 160. Not exactly a free-capitalist system by any stretch.

Of the two main parties, FMNL is an openly Marxist, Socialist party, advocating domination of the economy by government.

In 2009, the FMNL won the national election with two presidents from 2009 to this year:
Mauricio Funes - Wikipedia
Salvador Sánchez Cerén - Wikipedia

Both of which are avowed socialists.

For the last 10 years, the entirely country has been dominated by socialists.

Fmr. Marxist Guerilla Leader to Be El Salvador’s Next President

The entire FMNL which has controlled the country for 10 years, had all of it's roots in Soviet backed violent warfare.
The FMNL was created from 5 socialist backed guerilla groups, many having flags that feature Socialist icons.

Fuerzas Populares de Liberación:

Soviet backed FPL, which formed that political party FMNL, featuring the hammer and sickle from the Soviets.

And by the way, all of this is well known to anyone who isn't a mindless parrot of ideology.

In 2014.... they warned of socialism in El Salvador.
El Salvador Election: 21st Century Socialism Failure on the March

Communist Mass-murderer Wins Suspicious El Salvador Election

El Salvador’s Left in Crisis

Even pro-Socialist media outlets above, realize that Socialism horribly damaged El Salvador.

Immigrants Who Escaped Socialist Countries Warn the U.S.

Here's some details about Socialism in El Salvador. It should sound rather familiar, given how Socialists around the world, have no other play book, but to lie, divide, greed and envy, and endless other bad policies.

So let's cut to the conclusion.... I have determine that since this information is widely understood, and has been a decade now, and since you obviously had no intention of spending the massive 30 seconds to look up the endless articles about El Salvadors socialism...... but intend just parroted the ignorance someone told you I assume....

I hereby declare you an idiot.
The class is now dismissed. You are free to leave at your leisure. Next time, try learning ANYTHING about the topic, if you intend to speak on the topic.

El Salvador is just another example of how socialism work.

At first, they claim how they fight for the people, especially for poor, they tell them how government will take care of them, give them everything for free... from health care, education, housing, pensions, welfare, you name it.

Once they get elected, they need to deliver on their promises, and only way to do it is to take it away from those who have wealth, first they take over the media, nationalize banks and big businesses, following with confiscation of private wealth, properties, land, and when they run out of things to take away, they start blaming foreigners for their failures, usually USofA and few others.

Next thing is to eliminate all those who criticize their "great success", dissidents, political opponents, and by the time of next elections, they're running completely unopposed, while claiming overwhelming support of their people. By that time, constitution is changed that president stays president for life, all the wealth is gone, they know they can't deliver on their promises, and that's where real fun begin, police state, military on the streets, shortages of basic human needs, money become worthless, inflation thru the roof, only people that are not fleeing are socialist themselves and people who have nowhere to go...

It happens in every country that accept socialism. No exception.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
Socialism killed more of its own that Hitler killed. That might be a big clue. It's a unrealistic zombie ideology that proved it's a larger threat to it's OWN followers than any outside threat. What else can you say?
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
Socialism killed more of its own that Hitler killed. That might be a big clue. It's a unrealistic zombie ideology that proved it's a larger threat to it's OWN followers than any outside threat. What else can you say?

Exactly, soicalism kills it's own. Reminds me of the Unions. Saying they are standing for the workers, and then destroy the company that employees the workers.

There's a reason Union Hostess went bankrupt, and non-union Little Debbie, did not.

There's a reason Union GM and Chrysler went bankrupt, and non-union Toyota and Honda did not.

It really is the Zombie ideology, that self-destructs.

Why is largely capitalist Columbia, doing well, while the most wealthy and resource rich socialist Venezuela, is now in ruins?

It never fails. They eat themselves to death, and then blame everyone around them for their troubles.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
These loons have conflated totalitarianism with socialism.

Name one socialist country that is not totalitarian.
Socialism is the Conservative Boogey Man

They pull it out any time someone wants to do something that helps the people.

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