I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
These loons have conflated totalitarianism with socialism.
Socialism is a subset of totalitarianism.
No it is not. You can have totalitarianism in a capitalist economy. We're looking at the beginning of one and it will be one if we give trump 4 more years.
Trump throwing support behind the Foxconn scam, now that’s socialism, trump bailing out farmers, again socialism.
No not really

You idiots think that everything the government does is socialism

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
These loons have conflated totalitarianism with socialism.

Name one socialist country that is not totalitarian.
New Zealand. Germany, France.....
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages.

Having programs that help the people is not socialism
Everything that you lefties and commies have to say about socialism is euphemism for involuntary wealth transfer. The unsuccessful want what the successful have, and they want to take it with force.


Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

The successful are successful in keeping the unsuccessful that way
If you're unsuccessful it's your own fault

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
socialism= free shit you didn't pay for
social security= stuff you contributed into throughout your life

Except not really. Most of us are paying for it through our labor. it's just that the wealthy collect the benefits, the government takes a big share and redistributes it. The ironic thing is that if you wonder why Bernie is so popular, it's because so many people are working themselves to death at two jobs, not getting ahead of the various schemes the One Percent use to cheat them,and Bernie comes along and offers "free shit" (the stuff they should already have by virtue of working for a living but often don't.) and they are all for it.

If the economy was doing that great for most people, Bernie would not be polling at 49% in the RCP average.
Another retarded grouping of leftist socialist-communist rubbish
Your labor is repaid for a salary that you agreed to when you hired to work for a company.
Bernie is doing ok in states that have high taxes where people can no longer claim a deduction for their homes on their federal tax return. In states that have a low tax rate not so much lol
Actually you lying shit stain that isn't true.
What isn't true?

Please expand.
retards as you could never understand the explanation
Yeah, I didn't think so.

But your "lying shit stain" and "retards" comments are very Trumpian. Well done.
I've been calling you leftist's retards long before Trump became a Republican
Sure, then you found a guy who talks and behaves just like you.

Anyway, let me know when you're ready to stop hiding from my question. Make your answer as detailed as you would like, this is my profession and you won't confuse me with your knowledge and brilliance.

Looking forward to it!
He had a platform to parrot mine and millions of other patriotic American voice's
8 years of light obama socialism will make Americans become very vocal
Another retarded grouping of leftist socialist-communist rubbish
Your labor is repaid for a salary that you agreed to when you hired to work for a company.

I didn't agree to being ripped off at every opportunity... And pretty much every employer I had since I left the Army has lied to me.

Bernie is doing ok in states that have high taxes where people can no longer claim a deduction for their homes on their federal tax return. In states that have a low tax rate not so much lol

Again, you guys keep thinking that the 2016 fluke will repeat itself... but it won't.
Another retarded grouping of leftist socialist-communist rubbish
Your labor is repaid for a salary that you agreed to when you hired to work for a company.

I didn't agree to being ripped off at every opportunity... And pretty much every employer I had since I left the Army has lied to me.

Bernie is doing ok in states that have high taxes where people can no longer claim a deduction for their homes on their federal tax return. In states that have a low tax rate not so much lol

Again, you guys keep thinking that the 2016 fluke will repeat itself... but it won't.
You're not being ripped off dumb ass if you think you are, give your boss a deadline if the deadline isn't met leave
2016 wasn't a fluke you're just too ignorant to realize it.
You're not being ripped off dumb ass if you think you are, give your boss a deadline if the deadline isn't met leave
2016 wasn't a fluke you're just too ignorant to realize it.

yeah... that works out so well. Are you stupid, or do you really think your job at the Piggly Wiggly is great? Well, I guess it's better than being the head Possum Catcher.

2016 was a fluke, probably compounded by the fact the Russians hacked the system, combined with Republican voter suppression in WI and MI. It won't happen again, so you guys are pretty much screwed.

Another retarded grouping of leftist socialist-communist rubbish
Your labor is repaid for a salary that you agreed to when you hired to work for a company.

I didn't agree to being ripped off at every opportunity... And pretty much every employer I had since I left the Army has lied to me.

Bernie is doing ok in states that have high taxes where people can no longer claim a deduction for their homes on their federal tax return. In states that have a low tax rate not so much lol

Again, you guys keep thinking that the 2016 fluke will repeat itself... but it won't.
If you are getting the price you agreed to sell your time for you are not getting ripped off

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
If you are getting the price you agreed to sell your time for you are not getting ripped off

Again, you treat it like it was an equal and fair exchange, which it is not.

All the power in that exchange is with the employer, not the employee.

Now, if we had unions and strong worker protection laws, where employers were geniunely afraid of being sued by employers for misconduct, YOU MIGHT HAVE A POINT.

We used to have that in this country until the Republicans took a wrecking ball to the middle class.

But keep on scratching your head wondering why Bernie is getting 49% of the vote in polls.
  • Thanks
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However, I think it’s important to put these videos in perspective. We buy into a certain narrative and it evolves over time.

Making the mistake of DEFENDING "radical socialists" ONCE or TWICE might be excusable, but that moron has NEVER LEARNED...

A lot like you actually... Just has a bunch of wimpy excuses for the horrendous and murderous outcomes after all those "democratic socialist" movements crashed and burned...

And just like you -- Bernie is CLUELESS as to how capitalism or free markets work and how HUGE BLOATED GOVT does not....

I like Bernie.. I support 1/2 of all his positions.. Just NONE of the ones that have to do with MATH or ECONOMICS....

Wouldn't know how to support you on ANY issues, because I don't think you operate on principles. You just react to political power considerations...
Lol good god. You do know the governments mentioned besides the Nordic countries were not democratic socialist states right? You have no concept of what the word means.

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
These loons have conflated totalitarianism with socialism.

Socialism is the Conservative Boogey Man

They pull it out any time someone wants to do something that helps the people.

Equality and equal protection of the law! Socialism in action.

I have been reading this thread through, and am totally fascinated by the Lefts pointing at the Nordic countries.
I have to tell my conservative friends on here, that if we proposed becoming EXACTLY like the Nordic countries, say Sweden for example, the Left would be the ones SCREAMING that it is not fair!

What the Left is doing is feeding you 14 pages on this thread of absolute propaganda designed to tell you they want to be like the Nordic countries because it is wonderful and you should too; when they really do not, THEY USE the Nordic model to convince you, but would NEVER agree to put that in place as they would lose all of their power in government, lol!

I am here to tell you that------------------>IF they can find a candidate willing to put in EXACTLY the Nordic model, all of us would be better off, and the Left would be crying like babies; which means they won't ever do it!

How do we know?

I am going to post a 5 minute video on one of the Nordic countries and how they actually do things. At the end of the video, there is a link to the FULL VERSION if you are interested in learning more on how they actually do things, which will take you significantly longer than 5 minutes. After watching the short version, you tell all of us if you actually BELIEVE what Billy-E-Baloney wants is this type of government, lol. And if he does, why hell, we should INSIST that all these people give us EXACTLY that, then watch them head for the hills and say, "yeah but," or "we didn't mean," or "it's not fair!"

Link of 5 minute video------->

Fuck John Stossel. Find someone legitimate.
If you are getting the price you agreed to sell your time for you are not getting ripped off

Again, you treat it like it was an equal and fair exchange, which it is not.

All the power in that exchange is with the employer, not the employee.

Now, if we had unions and strong worker protection laws, where employers were geniunely afraid of being sued by employers for misconduct, YOU MIGHT HAVE A POINT.

We used to have that in this country until the Republicans took a wrecking ball to the middle class.

But keep on scratching your head wondering why Bernie is getting 49% of the vote in polls.
Yeah everyone thinks their time is worth more than it actually is

Why don't you find an employer who will pay you more for your time?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Fuck John Stossel. Find someone legitimate.

John Stossel's best moment when he exposed wrestling as "Fake".

But everybody already knew that. That's how weak Stossel is. But you know that, it's why you posted what you did. Most certainly nothing Stossel reports can be taken seriously.
If you are getting the price you agreed to sell your time for you are not getting ripped off

Again, you treat it like it was an equal and fair exchange, which it is not.

All the power in that exchange is with the employer, not the employee.

Now, if we had unions and strong worker protection laws, where employers were geniunely afraid of being sued by employers for misconduct, YOU MIGHT HAVE A POINT.

We used to have that in this country until the Republicans took a wrecking ball to the middle class.

But keep on scratching your head wondering why Bernie is getting 49% of the vote in polls.
Yeah everyone thinks their time is worth more than it actually is

Why don't you find an employer who will pay you more for your time?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Actually time is priceless. So employers are wise to pay people a price people will consider is worth them spending 1/3 of a day with that company.
Another retarded grouping of leftist socialist-communist rubbish
Your labor is repaid for a salary that you agreed to when you hired to work for a company.

I didn't agree to being ripped off at every opportunity... And pretty much every employer I had since I left the Army has lied to me.

Bernie is doing ok in states that have high taxes where people can no longer claim a deduction for their homes on their federal tax return. In states that have a low tax rate not so much lol

Again, you guys keep thinking that the 2016 fluke will repeat itself... but it won't.
You're not being ripped off dumb ass if you think you are, give your boss a deadline if the deadline isn't met leave
2016 wasn't a fluke you're just too ignorant to realize it.
You're not being ripped off dumb ass if you think you are, give your boss a deadline if the deadline isn't met leave
2016 wasn't a fluke you're just too ignorant to realize it.

yeah... that works out so well. Are you stupid, or do you really think your job at the Piggly Wiggly is great? Well, I guess it's better than being the head Possum Catcher.

2016 was a fluke, probably compounded by the fact the Russians hacked the system, combined with Republican voter suppression in WI and MI. It won't happen again, so you guys are pretty much screwed.

View attachment 306967
OH my goodness Piggly Wiggly? You went with an attempted insult and you're the one bitching like a whore that got cheated because her trick lasted 5 minutes longer before he shot his load off in her mouth
Take my word on it just as I predicted in 2016 Trump will be your president in 2025
If you are getting the price you agreed to sell your time for you are not getting ripped off

Again, you treat it like it was an equal and fair exchange, which it is not.

All the power in that exchange is with the employer, not the employee.

Now, if we had unions and strong worker protection laws, where employers were geniunely afraid of being sued by employers for misconduct, YOU MIGHT HAVE A POINT.

We used to have that in this country until the Republicans took a wrecking ball to the middle class.

But keep on scratching your head wondering why Bernie is getting 49% of the vote in polls.
If you had any value you would make more
However, I think it’s important to put these videos in perspective. We buy into a certain narrative and it evolves over time.

Making the mistake of DEFENDING "radical socialists" ONCE or TWICE might be excusable, but that moron has NEVER LEARNED...

A lot like you actually... Just has a bunch of wimpy excuses for the horrendous and murderous outcomes after all those "democratic socialist" movements crashed and burned...

And just like you -- Bernie is CLUELESS as to how capitalism or free markets work and how HUGE BLOATED GOVT does not....

I like Bernie.. I support 1/2 of all his positions.. Just NONE of the ones that have to do with MATH or ECONOMICS....

Wouldn't know how to support you on ANY issues, because I don't think you operate on principles. You just react to political power considerations...
Lol good god. You do know the governments mentioned besides the Nordic countries were not democratic socialist states right? You have no concept of what the word means.

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
These loons have conflated totalitarianism with socialism.

Socialism is the Conservative Boogey Man

They pull it out any time someone wants to do something that helps the people.

Equality and equal protection of the law! Socialism in action.

I have been reading this thread through, and am totally fascinated by the Lefts pointing at the Nordic countries.
I have to tell my conservative friends on here, that if we proposed becoming EXACTLY like the Nordic countries, say Sweden for example, the Left would be the ones SCREAMING that it is not fair!

What the Left is doing is feeding you 14 pages on this thread of absolute propaganda designed to tell you they want to be like the Nordic countries because it is wonderful and you should too; when they really do not, THEY USE the Nordic model to convince you, but would NEVER agree to put that in place as they would lose all of their power in government, lol!

I am here to tell you that------------------>IF they can find a candidate willing to put in EXACTLY the Nordic model, all of us would be better off, and the Left would be crying like babies; which means they won't ever do it!

How do we know?

I am going to post a 5 minute video on one of the Nordic countries and how they actually do things. At the end of the video, there is a link to the FULL VERSION if you are interested in learning more on how they actually do things, which will take you significantly longer than 5 minutes. After watching the short version, you tell all of us if you actually BELIEVE what Billy-E-Baloney wants is this type of government, lol. And if he does, why hell, we should INSIST that all these people give us EXACTLY that, then watch them head for the hills and say, "yeah but," or "we didn't mean," or "it's not fair!"

Link of 5 minute video------->

Fuck John Stossel. Find someone legitimate.

Ah-ha! So you are suggesting that the man who actually pointed out how they do business who was born there, is full of crap too.

Didn't like how they do business, did you IM-) Actually, I kinda liked it myself-)

Soooooooooooooooooo, lets do the Swedish model, whatya say Socialist-)

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