I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

And where you can quit at any time for any petty reason. Contracts go both ways.

Statements like that make me wonder if you actually have gainful employment or any real experience in the business world.
Heh... don't wonder too hard. Don't wanna hurt yourself.

I just think it's hilarious that you think you can just "walk off your job" at any time with no consequences... makes me wonder if you hold a real job.

Trust me, I do this for a living. Too many "just walking off the job" really doesn't look good on a resume.
I wonder if any nation has a pure economy? Our economy has changed over the years and continues to change. That which seems to work best is some of each type, and we expand and contract each to fit our own particular needs and problems. Most Americans probably do not respond to the "fear" words that are used to frighten Americans into using an economic practice that is not good for America.
Heh... don't wonder too hard. Don't wanna hurt yourself.

I just think it's hilarious that you think you can just "walk off your job" at any time with no consequences... makes me wonder if you hold a real job.

Trust me, I do this for a living. Too many "just walking off the job" really doesn't look good on a resume.

Sorry, but I don't trust you. Certainly not your political posts. You're just up to your usual strawmanning bullshit. I didn't say "you can just 'walk off your job' at any time with no consequences". Try again.
Sorry, but I don't trust you. Certainly not your political posts. You're just up to your usual strawmanning bullshit. I didn't say "you can just 'walk off your job' at any time with no consequences". Try again.

Oh, please.... you got caught saying something stupid...

obviously, you've never been in an interview and had to answer the question, "Why did you leave your last job?" "they weren't treating me right" is never the right answer.
Sorry, but I don't trust you. Certainly not your political posts. You're just up to your usual strawmanning bullshit. I didn't say "you can just 'walk off your job' at any time with no consequences". Try again.

Oh, please.... you got caught saying something stupid...

obviously, you've never been in an interview and had to answer the question, "Why did you leave your last job?" "they weren't treating me right" is never the right answer.

I pointed out that contracts are a two way street. They impose restrictions and responsibilities on both parties. It's not necessarily an advantage, and at-will employment has its benefits. One being that you can quit at any time without having to justify it.

Now, if you want to strawman that into something else, so you can strut around like an idiot pretending you "won". Well, go ahead. And then go fuck yourself.
I pointed out that contracts are a two way street.

Most employers don't give "contracts". Most employment is "at will". It means they give you a book of rules and they aren't obligated to do much of anything.

They impose restrictions and responsibilities on both parties. It's not necessarily an advantage, and at-will employment has its benefits. One being that you can quit at any time without having to justify it.

Yes, because that looks awesome on an interview. "I quit because I felt like it..." you'll be getting lots of callbacks with that one.
I pointed out that contracts are a two way street.

Most employers don't give "contracts". Most employment is "at will". It means they give you a book of rules and they aren't obligated to do much of anything.

They impose restrictions and responsibilities on both parties. It's not necessarily an advantage, and at-will employment has its benefits. One being that you can quit at any time without having to justify it.

Yes, because that looks awesome on an interview. "I quit because I felt like it..." you'll be getting lots of callbacks with that one.

Piss off troll.
This is why I'm blown away by hot utterly and entirely ignorant you ridiculous people are.

El Salvador is "capitalist"? Is it really?

El Salvador is ranked 84th, in a list of 160. Not exactly a free-capitalist system by any stretch.

Ah... you are falling for the v. Look it up and then get back to me.

El Salvador is just another example of how socialism work.

At first, they claim how they fight for the people, especially for poor, they tell them how government will take care of them, give them everything for free... from health care, education, housing, pensions, welfare, you name it.

Um, that's not what El Salvador is at all. El Salvador is classic capitalism. About 14 families control most of the wealth.

Economy of El Salvador - Wikipedia

Most of the economy is geared towards providing cheap commodities to the United States. This was after we poured billions into the country to keep it from going Communist in the 1980's.

But do you not see that you yourself are falling for the same "No True Scotsman" fallacy?

You are claiming that El Salvador is not socialist despite clear evidence that it is. You do realize that government confiscated thousands of acres of land, and redistributed them to peasants? How do you take people's capital, give it to people who haven't earned it... and call that Capitalist?

Please explain, without using the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
There's a reason Union GM and Chrysler went bankrupt, and non-union Toyota and Honda did not.

It really is the Zombie ideology, that self-destructs.

You are a little confused. Japanese auto workers have stronger unions than the US has.


The ONLY reason why Toyota and Honda BOTHER with non-union shops in Jesusland is because Ronald Reagan put limits on how many cars they could import. Most of their cars are STILL made in Japan by they 763,000 Auto workers. (By comparison, the UAW has only 390,000 members.)

False. I don't know where you people come up with this.

Commentary: Union auto plants beat non-union competitors

The non-union industry consists of Toyota, Nissan, Honda and several more recent entries.​

Toyota closed it's only Union plant, years ago.

Toyota to Close Only Union Factory In U.S.

Toyota, and many others are non-union. Period.
But do you not see that you yourself are falling for the same "No True Scotsman" fallacy?

You are claiming that El Salvador is not socialist despite clear evidence that it is. You do realize that government confiscated thousands of acres of land, and redistributed them to peasants? How do you take people's capital, give it to people who haven't earned it... and call that Capitalist?

It did this because the US pressured them to do it.

They didn't abolish private enterprise, MOST of the land is owned by a few landowners, and the country is basically designed to provide consumer goods to the US.

You just aren't very smart, are you?
The non-union industry consists of Toyota, Nissan, Honda and several more recent entries.
Toyota closed it's only Union plant, years ago.

Okay, one more time, buddy. The only reason why Toyota has a few plants in the US, is because Reagan made them open a plant here. MOST Japanese cars are made in Japan by UNIONIZED Japanese Auto Workers. The JAW not only has more benefits than the UAW, and more members, but they actually have a say in who sits on the boards of these companies.
The non-union industry consists of Toyota, Nissan, Honda and several more recent entries.
Toyota closed it's only Union plant, years ago.

Okay, one more time, buddy. The only reason why Toyota has a few plants in the US, is because Reagan made them open a plant here. MOST Japanese cars are made in Japan by UNIONIZED Japanese Auto Workers. The JAW not only has more benefits than the UAW, and more members, but they actually have a say in who sits on the boards of these companies.

No, they don't.

They vote who will be their representative on Board of Directors.
I don’t know why Democrats insist on implementing it no matter how many times it fails with countless lives lost
But do you not see that you yourself are falling for the same "No True Scotsman" fallacy?

You are claiming that El Salvador is not socialist despite clear evidence that it is. You do realize that government confiscated thousands of acres of land, and redistributed them to peasants? How do you take people's capital, give it to people who haven't earned it... and call that Capitalist?

It did this because the US pressured them to do it.

They didn't abolish private enterprise, MOST of the land is owned by a few landowners, and the country is basically designed to provide consumer goods to the US.

You just aren't very smart, are you?

Let us even say that you are right, and there is evidence that the US supported land confiscation and redistribution. In fact, let us even suggest that the US created the entire policy. And let us even say that the US pressured the country to adopt the policy.

What part of that, changes anything I said? None of it does. Socialism, is socialism whether the US promotes the policy or not.

Taking land from land owners, and redistributing it to other people, is socialism, whether the US supports it or not.

The US supporting something, does not magically make it capitalist. If China decided to nationalize all the steel companies in the entire country, and the US supported this.... that wouldn't magically make nationalizing companies, a capitalist policy.

So none of that matter. The bottom line is, a socialist policy, and many other socialist policies across El Salvador, are socialist in nature, whether the US had anything to do with it or not.

From each according to their ability, and to each according to their need, is socialist. Taking land from those who have, to give land to those who have not, is a terrible system, that rarely has a positive outcome. It didn't work in Venezuela, and it didn't work in El Salvador.
The non-union industry consists of Toyota, Nissan, Honda and several more recent entries.
Toyota closed it's only Union plant, years ago.

Okay, one more time, buddy. The only reason why Toyota has a few plants in the US, is because Reagan made them open a plant here. MOST Japanese cars are made in Japan by UNIONIZED Japanese Auto Workers. The JAW not only has more benefits than the UAW, and more members, but they actually have a say in who sits on the boards of these companies.

Irrelevant. Toyota in the US, is non-union. Period. Doesn't matter what they do in Japan, anymore than it matters what GM in Japan does. General Motors Japan, Ltd in Japan, did not file bankruptcy in Japan. GM in the US did.

Saying that Japanese workers in Japan are unionized is irrelevant, and by the way it's not comparable either. Japanese people in general, are much more intelligent than the left-wing unions of the US. They actually support their companies, and want them to be profitable, and growing.

To that end, the unions in Japan, are paid quite a bit less in total compensation than US workers. In fact, Toyota found that they can actually build the car in Japan, and ship it to the US, at a lower cost than building it in the US, by US workers, even without the US workers being unionized.'

Regardless, the fact that non-union US plants operate cheaper than Unionized plants, is beyond obvious and documented in dozens of places.


Now the irony is that Ford was able to get concessions from the Unions, which allowed Ford to avoid bankruptcy, when GM and Chrysler both failed.

But the bottom line is, the Unions caused those companies to go bankrupt.

Again comparing US unions to unions around the world, is not always a valid comparison. Unions in Germany for example, are very pro-business. They understand that without profits, and growth, the company fails, and everyone is unemployed. Thus don't attack management, and make ridiculous and unreasonable demands, and get the company closed like Hostess.

In fact, in most of the world, companies are viewed positively. It is mainly... not exclusively, but mainly in the US and some European countries, that mental illness, makes left-wing ideology pits workers against management, and is shocked when they open factories offshore with employees more thankful for a job.
But do you not see that you yourself are falling for the same "No True Scotsman" fallacy?

You are claiming that El Salvador is not socialist despite clear evidence that it is. You do realize that government confiscated thousands of acres of land, and redistributed them to peasants? How do you take people's capital, give it to people who haven't earned it... and call that Capitalist?

It did this because the US pressured them to do it.

They didn't abolish private enterprise, MOST of the land is owned by a few landowners, and the country is basically designed to provide consumer goods to the US.

You just aren't very smart, are you?

Let us even say that you are right, and there is evidence that the US supported land confiscation and redistribution. In fact, let us even suggest that the US created the entire policy. And let us even say that the US pressured the country to adopt the policy.

What part of that, changes anything I said? None of it does. Socialism, is socialism whether the US promotes the policy or not.

Taking land from land owners, and redistributing it to other people, is socialism, whether the US supports it or not.

The US supporting something, does not magically make it capitalist. If China decided to nationalize all the steel companies in the entire country, and the US supported this.... that wouldn't magically make nationalizing companies, a capitalist policy.

So none of that matter. The bottom line is, a socialist policy, and many other socialist policies across El Salvador, are socialist in nature, whether the US had anything to do with it or not.

From each according to their ability, and to each according to their need, is socialist. Taking land from those who have, to give land to those who have not, is a terrible system, that rarely has a positive outcome. It didn't work in Venezuela, and it didn't work in El Salvador.

Did they abolish rich people and redistribute ALL the land? Or did they just redistribute SOME land? Sorry, man, El Salvador is a Capitalist paradise.
Irrelevant. Toyota in the US, is non-union. Period. Doesn't matter what they do in Japan, anymore than it matters what GM in Japan does. General Motors Japan, Ltd in Japan, did not file bankruptcy in Japan. GM in the US did.

Most of Toyota is in Japan and Unionized.
Most of GM is in the US and failing, because of the greed of the corner offices.

Again comparing US unions to unions around the world, is not always a valid comparison. Unions in Germany for example, are very pro-business. They understand that without profits, and growth, the company fails, and everyone is unemployed. Thus don't attack management, and make ridiculous and unreasonable demands, and get the company closed like Hostess.

Uh, guy, if you are going to lie about Hostess, there's no point talking to you. Hostess went out of business because one Venture Capitalist firm after another looted it for years, with the INTENT of bankrupting it, selling off the assets and taking a profit.


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