I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

I get it now! You mean like it's gonna be in heaven. That explains the whole thing!
Right I get that you believe me to think that, naively, socialism is some utopian, flawless idea because it makes for dismissing me easier, but that’s not the case. Obviously a socialist state can fail. Others,
However, succeed.
"socialist state can fail"

The correct sentence would be "socialist states always fail".
What do you call the Nordic countries? And, well, the US lol.

Nordic Countries are not really socialist economic systems like Cuba and Venezuela. They are capitalist, free market systems with high taxes. There is a difference. The would be American version posed by Bernie and co. would be much worse because they have a hatred towards the rich and well to do businesses. They want to do more than just tax them. They want to punish them if they had their way.
You do know they Venezuela has a private economy right? Go ahead and look that up and feel dumb once you find out. Venezuela is a failure because bad people are running it. The Nordic countries are successful. All of the above are socialist, because again, capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive ideas.

They used to have it. Since Chavez and Maduro, they nationalized every major industry. First they did banks, than oil, than utilities, than agriculture, etc. You know that GM had factory that was seized by government, just like that, and GM has written it off. The exactly the same happened with pretty much every foreign business in the country.

If you think that having possibility to own small private grocery store at corner is capitalism by default, you really don't know what capitalism, or socialism is.

This is the same grocery store, before and after Chavez. Just look how happy he is today.

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
because it fails whereever it is implemented. Ever hear of the Soviet Union? Venezuala? how they doing? your ignorance precedes you.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Oh believe me: the rest of us get it. You say this “free shit” thing over and over because it gives you a false sense of manliness and toughness.
Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck
You repubs always have this deluded mindset that your individual income is worth a damn by itself when in reality, the culmination of everyone’s taxed income is how these program are paid for.
That's right, you don't just want my paycheck, you want EVERYBODY'S. Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages.

Having programs that help the people is not socialism
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
It's because of those blacks and Mexicans you claim to love.
lol excuses as always......I live in west Los angeles upper middle class, the city does attract many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicts from all over the US due to its programs catered to those groups.....that been said I see on daily basis lot of crazies, mentally ill, drug addicts that beg for money everywhere.....I can safely say 90% of them are whites and the rest are African Americans, it's a miracle to find a Latino begging for money.

Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic.


This is a white nation...70% of the population is white...THANK GOD!
You have to think per capita like smart people do.
Let me cast some factual data over the top of the bullshit you pulled from your ass.
Surge in Latino homeless population ‘a whole new phenomenon’ for Los Angeles
Surge in Latino homeless population 'a whole new phenomenon' for Los Angeles
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Oh believe me: the rest of us get it. You say this “free shit” thing over and over because it gives you a false sense of manliness and toughness.
Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck
You repubs always have this deluded mindset that your individual income is worth a damn by itself when in reality, the culmination of everyone’s taxed income is how these program are paid for.
That's right, you don't just want my paycheck, you want EVERYBODY'S. Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck.
Which is the long and the short of socialism … weak people who believe they have an inalienable, gov't enforceable right to the fruit of your labor. That you must be their slave because they are unwilling to be productive and would rather smoke dope and play vid games in Mom's basement than succeed & prosper.

Give 'em an inch and they will ransack the vending machine.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply...
I don't understand why socialists have such a tough time understanding the definition of socialism. I mean, all one need do is Google:
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

  2. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
And yet you can’t explain how these definitions make me wrong.
because it failed everywhere it has been tried. It's called history, experience, evidence and fact.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages.

Having programs that help the people is not socialism
Everything that you lefties and commies have to say about socialism is euphemism for involuntary wealth transfer. The unsuccessful want what the successful have, and they want to take it with force.
And yet you can’t explain how these definitions make me wrong.
because socialism failed everywhere it has been tried. It's called history, experience, evidence and fact.
21st Century socialists (pronounced: "regressives") know and care nothing about such things. The whole point to their lives is that knowledge and informed opinions are unnecessary when their "leaders" fill their empty heads and someone else is paying their way.

Boom! All their probs are magically solved.
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How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Oh believe me: the rest of us get it. You say this “free shit” thing over and over because it gives you a false sense of manliness and toughness.
Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck
You repubs always have this deluded mindset that your individual income is worth a damn by itself when in reality, the culmination of everyone’s taxed income is how these program are paid for.
That's right, you don't just want my paycheck, you want EVERYBODY'S. Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck.
Which is the long and the short of socialism … weak people who believe they have an inalienable, gov't enforceable right to the fruit of your labor. That you must be their slave because they are unwilling to be productive and would rather smoke dope and play vid games in Mom's basement than succeed & prosper.

Give 'em an inch and they will ransack the vending machine.
All the socialism threads I see are attempts by lefties to paint it as something pretty, but I can always smell the snake oil. Those who push socialism are the have nots who want the free shit. They have thousands of ways to dress it up, but it always stinks.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages. Having programs that help the people is not socialism
Everything that you lefties and commies have to say about socialism is euphemism for involuntary wealth transfer. The unsuccessful want what the successful have, and they want to take it with force.
Once you shovel away their BS, that is at the core of every leftarded argument:

"Hey, you have more than me … gimme some!!"

Oh believe me: the rest of us get it. You say this “free shit” thing over and over because it gives you a false sense of manliness and toughness.
Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck
You repubs always have this deluded mindset that your individual income is worth a damn by itself when in reality, the culmination of everyone’s taxed income is how these program are paid for.
That's right, you don't just want my paycheck, you want EVERYBODY'S. Get your eyes off my fucking paycheck.
Which is the long and the short of socialism … weak people who believe they have an inalienable, gov't enforceable right to the fruit of your labor. That you must be their slave because they are unwilling to be productive and would rather smoke dope and play vid games in Mom's basement than succeed & prosper.

Give 'em an inch and they will ransack the vending machine.
All the socialism threads I see are attempts by lefties to paint it as something pretty, but I can always smell the snake oil. Those who push socialism are the have nots who want the free shit. They have thousands of ways to dress it up, but it always stinks.
The effort to rebrand and redefine socialism has been going on for over a century. Now they say it's "Democratic Socialism" - not really Soviet Socialism - but it doesn't matter what shade of lipstick they put on their pig, it still oinks.
Who said anything about the "black guy?
You guys do, every time you try to pretend history started in 2017.
No, I was making the point that Trump has done some good things with the VA. Maybe you don't want to acknowledge it because, I dunno, maybe because he is NOT black. See how intellectually dishonest it is to bring race into every argument?
But it's much easier than formulating an adult argument.

BTW, saying that Trump has done some good things for America and Americans is a TOS violation punishable by beheading … according to our bitter leftards.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply...
I don't understand why socialists have such a tough time understanding the definition of socialism. I mean, all one need do is Google:
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

  2. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
You cant produce without the interference of the US government...they dictate how you do it and how much you should take in and all you have to do is obey, and the government is by the people (community). That's liberalism isn't it ?
That's also called fascism. What's good about it?
You tell me ....because that's how things are in the US.....the government dictates everything and takes your hard earn money and tells you what to do and what no to do. but yet you keep screaming socialism is coming, dude it's already here.....they just give you an expensive health care and non affrodable higher education....put they pumper themselves and their croonies in defense contracts, bailouts and other things.
So it's already here. How does that prove there's anything good about it? It's al bad.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

How many different ways can you frame “GIVE ME FREE SHIT”?
Dude look, we totally get it...you’re unable to pay your own way...FUCK stop embarrassing yourself.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?
Dont blame it on brownies this time again.
It's because of those blacks and Mexicans you claim to love.
No, it isn't. It is Because of lousy public policies.

The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why.
But if you want, you can make some stuff free, like public education.
That has its own payback and worth it.

No. It sure hasn't been worth it in this century. Smart, able parents all send their kids to private schools or home schools now. They have to: it's essentially child abuse to send white kids to school with blacks dominating the classroom and bullying. And no one then learns anything.

We already know black kids don't learn anything in schools --- they finally age out unable to read or do any arithmetic. And there is massive crime in all the once-great cities. So no, there is no "payback" for education, except it warehouses criminal kids for part of the day so they do less crime, which of course is the real function of public schooling.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
Because this country is permanently stuck on stupid, its very easy to penetrate brains that have nothing in them. Case in point: The right took ASA and turned it into a death panel agenda for years, that is until the hicks from whoville found out the shit really works for their dumb ass. The right took the deficit while democrats held office, who by the way always leave this country deep in debt after they leave office and swore to God almighty if it continues to grow the world, this country would come to an end if we don't get it balanced. The right runs around the country on this we hate the gov. shit, yet most of the millionaires in office got thier wealth, from Government contracts, the hicks who sat on disability, the trash that hates welfare, but love the checks....Now its time to attack socialism, and your right, this country's very foundation stands with socialized gov.

However, what Bernie is proposing is a whole new can of worms and we are gonna lose big, if this guy gets the nomination...this country will never accept free college for everyone, free benefits to illegals or medicare for all...WONDERFUL IDEAS, BUT WE CAN'T AFFORD IT, IT WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY WHILE THE GOP AND DINO'S HOLD THE SENATE. BERNIE IS JUST A WASTE FOR A CANDIDATE AND IT SICKENS ME TO SEE TRUMP IN OFFICE ANOTHER TERM, JUST SICKENS ME DEATH!!
Um, yeah... amazing how everything became better when the Black Guy wasn't in there anymore for you guys.

That's right: everything is better without Black Guy or anything he promoted. There's a lesson there.
Socialism is where the government controls the means of production and sets prices and wages.

Having programs that help the people is not socialism
And who pays for that?

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... involuntary wealth transfer. The unsuccessful want what the successful have, and they want to take it with force.

And involuntary wealth transfer is a euphemism for stealing what people who work and do well have collected by their own efforts and discipline to give to the lazy, the drug-addicted, the criminals, and the welfare baby mamas.

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