I don’t understand why republicans are so selective about the definition of socialism

And you really do not give a shit about the poor either or the fact the U.S. Government can not even give our Veterans decent Healthcare and yet you believe the U.S. Government can run a massive Universal Healthcare!?!

Also if people believe we would get Medicare for All then you will have to carry supplemental Healthcare Insurance which would be provided by a private insurance agency like is done now, so you get taxed and still pay for private insurance...

Bullshit. The vets have the BEST health care in the USA. Just ask anyone who is being served by the VA. They have a very high approval rating.

But the VA is seriously underfunded, and doesn't have adequate staff or resources. It was never intended to deal with 18 years of continuous warfare.

How is it that the USA is the only country in the first world which cannot figure out how to effectively deliver healthcare for all, at a reasonable rate? Possibly because Republicans don't want these programs to be successful. They design your government programs poorly so that they're expensive, inefficient, and don't work as advertized.

Every other first world nation manages to take care of their people effectively and at a decent cost. Americans overpay for everything and get bad results. You're the ONLY first world country with "for profit" medicine which is actually REDUCING your life expectancy. That's the proof that your system doesn't work. The rest of the world is extending life expectancy. Healthy people aren't profitable.

You are lying again!

Please link where you got that bullshit story that VA has a high rating because I can link many that have hated the system!

Also Dragonlady you mentioned the GOP designed the system to fail while the System we have now was designed by Pelosi, Reid and Obama when it come to the ACA, so are you now claiming they are Republicans?

This remind me when you claimed Pelosi is highly respected and I schooled you with the fact she is hated within her own political party!

So when you come back at me by calling what I wrote is bullshit you better link shit to support your fucking opinion because the fact is you are known to lie!

Fact is many Veterans suffered during Obama years and isn't funny one of the biggest scandals with the VA happened during his time and you believe the U.S. Government can run a bigger program like Universal Healthcare?

Also as you pointed out Universal Healthcare would fail here seeing America is not a one party nation and let me be clear it is not like Canada either seeing it is a Republic of FIFTY STATES and the third largest population on the PLANET and how is China Healthcare?

How are the poor there treated seeing you want to compare something so let compare China taking care of their poor and do they have the same access to healthcare as the political elites and rich have in that country?

This debate gets old. Billy comes back 3 times a month and poses the question differently hoping for a different outcome, lol.

1. Who has the largest economy in the world?

2. Which countrys people on average have the most personal wealth of the large economy's?

3. Which country's people have the most upward mobility?

4. Which country are the rest of the worlds people fighting to break into?

.5. Which country's people have the largest living space as far as dwelling?

6. Which country's people possess the most personal transportation?

7. Which country's people have the most availability of different staples and abundance of food?

8. Which country's people have the most availability of goods?

9. Which country's people are the most overweight, meaning they can afford to eat on demand?

10. Which country has the most people flying all over the world to help other country's because they can.

AND FINALLY, is that country the most, or least Socialistic!

Now who wants to be a Socialist, and if so, why!

1. China;

2. Only 20% of Americans own stocks. 80% do not.

3. Canada - Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the World. The US middle class is shrinking;

4. The USA can't attract immigration, other than from third world countries, because life in the USA is too expensive, and too dangerous. Nobody is "breaking into" your country. Companies happily hire illegals and encourage illegal immigration.

5. Australia

6. San Marino - 1263 cars per 1000 people.

7. Not the USA. You have the highest rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease in the world, while many of your citizens are malnourished. These are all diseases which stem from poor nutrition. Having the world's largest assortment of preprocessed, pre-prepared junk food doesn't mean people are well fed.

8. Any first world country.

9. Being overweight isn't a sign of having a lot to eat. It means you're eating poorly. And it's a sign of just how unhealthy your food sources are.

10. Not the USA. Not unless there is something in for them.

Which country has the highest rates of drug addiction, alcoholism, and depression - the diseases of despair. USA #1 with a bullet.

All your bullet points deal with wealth and money. Every single one. As a Canadian, I am proud to live in a country where refugees are not only welcomed, they're given a year's assistance to help get them established in a new country. Where our Constitution requires all citizens to "help one another".

Where our education system guarantees ALL students a quality education, not just those who live in expensive neighbourhoods. Where senior citizens are guaranteed a minimum income of $18,000 per year in pensions and Old Age Security. Where I really was able to move up the social ladder by dint of hard work and education.

When Canada lost its auto manufacturing, the government provided training in alternate employment so they could find decent jobs in the new economy.

Every time I go to the USA, I'm shocked at how dirty, and poorly maintained your cities are, the roads are in poor repair, and your country looks run down and neglected, compared to our infrastructure. You're country is run down and not working properly. Free market capitalism isn't working.


Canada economy is dependent on the U.S. more than the U.S. is dependent on Canada, so your middle class comment is based on us ( the United States ) funding your economy by buying your oil and building factories in your country.

So I would just stop with you nonsense and China Economy would crash without the U.S. buying it cheap and poisonous crap!
Seems China has global markets to sell in

They also produce products the US no longer does
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

James Madison:

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, Obama phones, welfare, public housing, infrastructure spending.....

Do you need me to go on?

Nothing socialist about the founding fathers. They were nearly the exact, and complete opposite.

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

James Madison:

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, Obama phones, welfare, public housing, infrastructure spending.....

Do you need me to go on?

Nothing socialist about the founding fathers. They were nearly the exact, and complete opposite.
Lol you do know that people have paid taxes since the beginning right?
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

James Madison:

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, Obama phones, welfare, public housing, infrastructure spending.....

Do you need me to go on?

Nothing socialist about the founding fathers. They were nearly the exact, and complete opposite.
Lol you do know that people have paid taxes since the beginning right?

For the defense of the country? Of course. There would be no country, without taxation to fund the defense of the country.

Doesn't change the fact that our country wasn't built on socialist principals, or ideals. Instead the exact opposite is what turned this country, the youngest in a world of nations that were hundreds almost thousands of years older, into the lone super power in the world.

It was capitalism that did that, not socialism. This is why you see more socialized countries all over the world, some with vast natural resources, that still can't hold a candle to the US.

By any measure, by every perspective, we are a nation that is only wealthy and a world power today, because of capitalism. Not socialism. Only the most ignorant, and arrogant, could even pretend to claim otherwise.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
What socialist ideas did the framers have? Considering none of that bullshit showed up here until FDR this should be fun.
The borrowed idea of citizens paying taxes with representation. That’s pure socialism.
You’re a pure idiot. Socialism has zero representation for the individual. Whatever you make the government takes then decides what you can have back.

Have you ever heard about the Boston Tea Party? Just wondering.
You have no concept of what socialism is lol. Yes, collecting taxes, regardless of what they are used for, is socialism. You wanting to put a pure negative connotation to a word you don’t understand. It’s just this boogey word you repubs like to say.
Once again. What was the Boston Tea Party about?
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Billy, you should have finished first grade.


To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?
What socialist ideas did the framers have? Considering none of that bullshit showed up here until FDR this should be fun.
The borrowed idea of citizens paying taxes with representation. That’s pure socialism.
You’re a pure idiot. Socialism has zero representation for the individual. Whatever you make the government takes then decides what you can have back.

Have you ever heard about the Boston Tea Party? Just wondering.
You have no concept of what socialism is lol. Yes, collecting taxes, regardless of what they are used for, is socialism. You wanting to put a pure negative connotation to a word you don’t understand. It’s just this boogey word you repubs like to say.
Do you know when the income tax started? And if you do how high was the rate that the government swore it would never exceed?

I’m just kind of wondering what you actually know here. Go ahead and Google it. Then reply.
Bulb...why do most red states have highest rates of welfare and food stamp recipients?

They don't.

Krugman lied in 2004 that "red states" received more federal money than they contributed in taxes. Of course Krugman is a filthy fucking liar, as are all Communists, and counted the cost of military installations and even national parks in his claims.

The major population centers of Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City consume the vast majority of welfare dollars.

Dont blame it on brownies this time again.

Color is irrelevant, you're a fucking liar because you're a Communist - it is your nature to shamelessly lie.
Bullshit. The vets have the BEST health care in the USA. Just ask anyone who is being served by the VA. They have a very high approval rating.

But the VA is seriously underfunded, and doesn't have adequate staff or resources. It was never intended to deal with 18 years of continuous warfare.

How is it that the USA is the only country in the first world which cannot figure out how to effectively deliver healthcare for all, at a reasonable rate? Possibly because Republicans don't want these programs to be successful. They design your government programs poorly so that they're expensive, inefficient, and don't work as advertized.

Every other first world nation manages to take care of their people effectively and at a decent cost. Americans overpay for everything and get bad results. You're the ONLY first world country with "for profit" medicine which is actually REDUCING your life expectancy. That's the proof that your system doesn't work. The rest of the world is extending life expectancy. Healthy people aren't profitable.

You are lying again!

Please link where you got that bullshit story that VA has a high rating because I can link many that have hated the system!

Also Dragonlady you mentioned the GOP designed the system to fail while the System we have now was designed by Pelosi, Reid and Obama when it come to the ACA, so are you now claiming they are Republicans?

This remind me when you claimed Pelosi is highly respected and I schooled you with the fact she is hated within her own political party!

So when you come back at me by calling what I wrote is bullshit you better link shit to support your fucking opinion because the fact is you are known to lie!

Fact is many Veterans suffered during Obama years and isn't funny one of the biggest scandals with the VA happened during his time and you believe the U.S. Government can run a bigger program like Universal Healthcare?

Also as you pointed out Universal Healthcare would fail here seeing America is not a one party nation and let me be clear it is not like Canada either seeing it is a Republic of FIFTY STATES and the third largest population on the PLANET and how is China Healthcare?

How are the poor there treated seeing you want to compare something so let compare China taking care of their poor and do they have the same access to healthcare as the political elites and rich have in that country?

This debate gets old. Billy comes back 3 times a month and poses the question differently hoping for a different outcome, lol.

1. Who has the largest economy in the world?

2. Which countrys people on average have the most personal wealth of the large economy's?

3. Which country's people have the most upward mobility?

4. Which country are the rest of the worlds people fighting to break into?

.5. Which country's people have the largest living space as far as dwelling?

6. Which country's people possess the most personal transportation?

7. Which country's people have the most availability of different staples and abundance of food?

8. Which country's people have the most availability of goods?

9. Which country's people are the most overweight, meaning they can afford to eat on demand?

10. Which country has the most people flying all over the world to help other country's because they can.

AND FINALLY, is that country the most, or least Socialistic!

Now who wants to be a Socialist, and if so, why!

1. China;

2. Only 20% of Americans own stocks. 80% do not.

3. Canada - Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the World. The US middle class is shrinking;

4. The USA can't attract immigration, other than from third world countries, because life in the USA is too expensive, and too dangerous. Nobody is "breaking into" your country. Companies happily hire illegals and encourage illegal immigration.

5. Australia

6. San Marino - 1263 cars per 1000 people.

7. Not the USA. You have the highest rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease in the world, while many of your citizens are malnourished. These are all diseases which stem from poor nutrition. Having the world's largest assortment of preprocessed, pre-prepared junk food doesn't mean people are well fed.

8. Any first world country.

9. Being overweight isn't a sign of having a lot to eat. It means you're eating poorly. And it's a sign of just how unhealthy your food sources are.

10. Not the USA. Not unless there is something in for them.

Which country has the highest rates of drug addiction, alcoholism, and depression - the diseases of despair. USA #1 with a bullet.

All your bullet points deal with wealth and money. Every single one. As a Canadian, I am proud to live in a country where refugees are not only welcomed, they're given a year's assistance to help get them established in a new country. Where our Constitution requires all citizens to "help one another".

Where our education system guarantees ALL students a quality education, not just those who live in expensive neighbourhoods. Where senior citizens are guaranteed a minimum income of $18,000 per year in pensions and Old Age Security. Where I really was able to move up the social ladder by dint of hard work and education.

When Canada lost its auto manufacturing, the government provided training in alternate employment so they could find decent jobs in the new economy.

Every time I go to the USA, I'm shocked at how dirty, and poorly maintained your cities are, the roads are in poor repair, and your country looks run down and neglected, compared to our infrastructure. You're country is run down and not working properly. Free market capitalism isn't working.


Canada economy is dependent on the U.S. more than the U.S. is dependent on Canada, so your middle class comment is based on us ( the United States ) funding your economy by buying your oil and building factories in your country.

So I would just stop with you nonsense and China Economy would crash without the U.S. buying it cheap and poisonous crap!
Seems China has global markets to sell in

They also produce products the US no longer does
Well shit. All you have to do is give up all of your individual freedoms and you too can be a cog in the socialist system of you get fucked but your government gods live like kings.

Who wouldn’t want that? China does it.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply...
I don't understand why socialists have such a tough time understanding the definition of socialism. I mean, all one need do is Google:
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

  2. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
You cant produce without the interference of the US government...they dictate how you do it and how much you should take in and all you have to do is obey, and the government is by the people (community). That's liberalism isn't it ?

That's what Wozniak said to Jobs in the garage..


Does it hurt to be as fucking stupid as you?
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

Billy, just to make it simple, look at socialism as a pyramid scheme. Bernie Madoff is a typical socialist, just like Bernie Sanders.
Is Trump not a socialist with his bailout? Can you explain how?
Trump gives money away to help people. Socialists keep the money to pass out free shit to freeloaders for votes.
America is the only industrialized country where millions are uninsured and millions go bankrupt because of a medical emergency.. also has the highest rate of homelessness.

Lie much, scumbag?
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply...
I don't understand why socialists have such a tough time understanding the definition of socialism. I mean, all one need do is Google:
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

  2. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
You cant produce without the interference of the US government...they dictate how you do it and how much you should take in and all you have to do is obey, and the government is by the people (community). That's liberalism isn't it ?

That's what Wozniak said to Jobs in the garage..


Does it hurt to be as fucking stupid as you?
Trust me … he doesn't feel a thing.
Billy, just to make it simple, look at socialism as a pyramid scheme. Bernie Madoff is a typical socialist, just like Bernie Sanders.
Is Trump not a socialist with his bailout? Can you explain how?
Trump gives money away to help people. Socialists keep the money to pass out free shit to freeloaders for votes.
America is the only industrialized country where millions are uninsured and millions go bankrupt because of a medical emergency.. also has the highest rate of homelessness.

Lie much, scumbag?
Like it's his job but in his defense he is typical of those who eagerly swallow the leftarded media narrative:

To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

James Madison:

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, Obama phones, welfare, public housing, infrastructure spending.....

Do you need me to go on?

Nothing socialist about the founding fathers. They were nearly the exact, and complete opposite.
Lol you do know that people have paid taxes since the beginning right?

For the defense of the country? Of course. There would be no country, without taxation to fund the defense of the country.

Doesn't change the fact that our country wasn't built on socialist principals, or ideals. Instead the exact opposite is what turned this country, the youngest in a world of nations that were hundreds almost thousands of years older, into the lone super power in the world.

It was capitalism that did that, not socialism. This is why you see more socialized countries all over the world, some with vast natural resources, that still can't hold a candle to the US.

By any measure, by every perspective, we are a nation that is only wealthy and a world power today, because of capitalism. Not socialism. Only the most ignorant, and arrogant, could even pretend to claim otherwise.
Again, you people really don’t understand the concept of socialism. It’s a very broad term, but paying taxes regardless of the purpose is SOCIALSM. Moreover, socialism and capitalism while different, are not mutually exclusive ideas. These are ideas that have coexisted since the beginning of this country. I mean my god, what do you think our monetary system is? It’s socialism.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

James Madison:

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, Obama phones, welfare, public housing, infrastructure spending.....

Do you need me to go on?

Nothing socialist about the founding fathers. They were nearly the exact, and complete opposite.
Lol you do know that people have paid taxes since the beginning right?

For the defense of the country? Of course. There would be no country, without taxation to fund the defense of the country.

Doesn't change the fact that our country wasn't built on socialist principals, or ideals. Instead the exact opposite is what turned this country, the youngest in a world of nations that were hundreds almost thousands of years older, into the lone super power in the world.

It was capitalism that did that, not socialism. This is why you see more socialized countries all over the world, some with vast natural resources, that still can't hold a candle to the US.

By any measure, by every perspective, we are a nation that is only wealthy and a world power today, because of capitalism. Not socialism. Only the most ignorant, and arrogant, could even pretend to claim otherwise.
Again, you people really don’t understand the concept of socialism. It’s a very broad term, but paying taxes regardless of the purpose is SOCIALSM. Moreover, socialism and capitalism while different, are not mutually exclusive ideas. These are ideas that have coexisted since the beginning of this country. I mean my god, what do you think our monetary system is? It’s socialism.

Holy shit but you're stupid.

Seriously, you should have stuck it out through 1st grade. It would have opened up a new world for you.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

James Madison:

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, Obama phones, welfare, public housing, infrastructure spending.....

Do you need me to go on?

Nothing socialist about the founding fathers. They were nearly the exact, and complete opposite.
Lol you do know that people have paid taxes since the beginning right?

For the defense of the country? Of course. There would be no country, without taxation to fund the defense of the country.

Doesn't change the fact that our country wasn't built on socialist principals, or ideals. Instead the exact opposite is what turned this country, the youngest in a world of nations that were hundreds almost thousands of years older, into the lone super power in the world.

It was capitalism that did that, not socialism. This is why you see more socialized countries all over the world, some with vast natural resources, that still can't hold a candle to the US.

By any measure, by every perspective, we are a nation that is only wealthy and a world power today, because of capitalism. Not socialism. Only the most ignorant, and arrogant, could even pretend to claim otherwise.
Again, you people really don’t understand the concept of socialism. It’s a very broad term, but paying taxes regardless of the purpose is SOCIALSM. Moreover, socialism and capitalism while different, are not mutually exclusive ideas. These are ideas that have coexisted since the beginning of this country. I mean my god, what do you think our monetary system is? It’s socialism.

Holy shit but you're stupid.

Seriously, you should have stuck it out through 1st grade. It would have opened up a new world for you.
Nah, you just can’t explain how I am wrong.
James Madison:

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SNAP, Obama phones, welfare, public housing, infrastructure spending.....

Do you need me to go on?

Nothing socialist about the founding fathers. They were nearly the exact, and complete opposite.
Lol you do know that people have paid taxes since the beginning right?

For the defense of the country? Of course. There would be no country, without taxation to fund the defense of the country.

Doesn't change the fact that our country wasn't built on socialist principals, or ideals. Instead the exact opposite is what turned this country, the youngest in a world of nations that were hundreds almost thousands of years older, into the lone super power in the world.

It was capitalism that did that, not socialism. This is why you see more socialized countries all over the world, some with vast natural resources, that still can't hold a candle to the US.

By any measure, by every perspective, we are a nation that is only wealthy and a world power today, because of capitalism. Not socialism. Only the most ignorant, and arrogant, could even pretend to claim otherwise.
Again, you people really don’t understand the concept of socialism. It’s a very broad term, but paying taxes regardless of the purpose is SOCIALSM. Moreover, socialism and capitalism while different, are not mutually exclusive ideas. These are ideas that have coexisted since the beginning of this country. I mean my god, what do you think our monetary system is? It’s socialism.

Holy shit but you're stupid.

Seriously, you should have stuck it out through 1st grade. It would have opened up a new world for you.
Nah, you just can’t explain how I am wrong.

Socialism is the state or central authority having control of the means of production.

Taxes aren't the means of production, you drooling retard.
To them, it’s a completely leftwing ideology when in reality it’s been part of the framework of the country since the beginning. The founders had socialist ideas after all. They basically were leftists. It’s also stupid to say that communism and socialism are the same thing when in reality communism is simply an example of socialism. Socialism itself is a very broad term that can’t be defined simply.

Also, isn’t Trump the bigger socialist than Obama? His bailout to farmers was twice as big as Obama’s bailout. Are republicans going to pretend that isn’t socialism?

The Founders were trying to found a society, so yes, the concept of a township is different than every man living in his own isolated castle. People working together to create a common society, is a far cry from the radicals in your party who call themselves Democratic socialists. People know they are lying and their true roots lie in their love for Marxist Ideology. These are the people who want to use school periods that are supposed to be teaching math and science to incorporate their social justice ideals. Everything they touch is contaminated with their personal biases and they target school age kids.... which probably explains YOU....and AOC
They claim to want social fairness, but they are all about control and instilling hatred between groups, disguised as concern for the COMMON good, instilling feelings of jealousy towards successful people... basically people who create and own businesses and then diversify their income sources creating great wealth for themselves in that process. Your form of socialism believes that at a certain point a person should stop creating money for himself and be forced to give it away. Your form of socialism, has been tried before and it has resulted in deaths of millions,because of the blindness and hatred of its followers.
What your radicals want is not socialism at all, but a series of progressive steps to transforming this country into some kind of a marxist utopia, they just cant come out and say it yet, but they are working on planting their seeds.
The bald fact is your country is dropping like a stone because your workers aren't making enough money, and everything goes to the shareholders...
So you are saying the owners have no right to the profits their companies produce? That's an unmistakable sign of one who's never built or owned anything. American workers are paid based on the value of their labor - not some arbitrary wages determined by the gov't - and are free to shop their skills to the highest bidder without gov't interference.
And our country is dropping like a stone? :laughing0301: ... 45,000 Canadians immigrate to the USA each year while only 7,500 Americans emigrate to Canada. Are your former countrymen stupid or are you?
Lol you do know that people have paid taxes since the beginning right?

For the defense of the country? Of course. There would be no country, without taxation to fund the defense of the country.

Doesn't change the fact that our country wasn't built on socialist principals, or ideals. Instead the exact opposite is what turned this country, the youngest in a world of nations that were hundreds almost thousands of years older, into the lone super power in the world.

It was capitalism that did that, not socialism. This is why you see more socialized countries all over the world, some with vast natural resources, that still can't hold a candle to the US.

By any measure, by every perspective, we are a nation that is only wealthy and a world power today, because of capitalism. Not socialism. Only the most ignorant, and arrogant, could even pretend to claim otherwise.
Again, you people really don’t understand the concept of socialism. It’s a very broad term, but paying taxes regardless of the purpose is SOCIALSM. Moreover, socialism and capitalism while different, are not mutually exclusive ideas. These are ideas that have coexisted since the beginning of this country. I mean my god, what do you think our monetary system is? It’s socialism.

Holy shit but you're stupid.

Seriously, you should have stuck it out through 1st grade. It would have opened up a new world for you.
Nah, you just can’t explain how I am wrong.

Socialism is the state or central authority having control of the means of production.

Taxes aren't the means of production, you drooling retard.
The effort to rebrand and redefine socialism has been going on for over a century. Now it's "Democratic Socialism," not really Soviet Socialism but it doesn't matter what shade of lipstick they put on their pig, it still oinks.

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