I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Day 6 zeke when you still avoid my question, what Union job you have, so I can laugh my ass off at you?

How fucking stupid are you that you can't understand that other than a three year period when I was an apprentice machinist, I never belonged to a union?

I asked to take all your money on this bet, but you to much the pussy to put your money where your opinion is.
Why is that? Are you not "sure" of your claim?
When was the last time you have seen a American brand television?

VIZIO (great TV's), Olevia, Silo Digital. Plus a bunch of other companies that have some of their TV's built here in the USA.

You want me to list them? Or have I exposed your stupidity enough for today?
Haven't you amazing skills learned to use Google? Stupid fuck.
You ignorant lying mother fucker

vizo is owned by a tiwan company circle jerk and I wont even bother with the rest of your post asshat, until you tell me what union job you have fool

Vizio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
People like you think all you have to do is pay workers generous wages and they will spend us into prosperity. It doesn't work that way in the real world. Many found out the hard way.

Weasel, put me on ignore. You are to stupid to correspond with. Seriously.

Hey weasel. Check out the prosperity of the nation during the 50ties, 60ties and even 70ties. Back when workers were paid good wages, most things consumers bought were made in America and prosperity was rising.for just about everybody.

You want to claim that period never happened you dumb ass?
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.

Because that's what they were told to do. Not like they or the Democrats think independently or anything. Everything's 'party lines.' Why political parties are stupid and harmful.
You clamed on many occasion you were in a Union, so you sucked so bad you couldn't even make it to journeyman after 3 years?
Been fighting the War on Poverty for 50 years, spent trillions all we have to show is more poor people than ever and three generations in poverty

What's the Exit Strategy
You clamed on many occasion you were in a Union,

Can you prove that or do I get to call you a liar forever? I know you are lying. You know you are lying. That do make you a fucking liar doesn't it.
When was the last time you have seen a American brand television?

VIZIO (great TV's), Olevia, Silo Digital. Plus a bunch of other companies that have some of their TV's built here in the USA.

You want me to list them? Or have I exposed your stupidity enough for today?
Haven't you amazing skills learned to use Google? Stupid fuck.

Since making TV set is highly automated, the cost of labor is insignificant and it almost doesn't matter where is made. What matter is how high or low are corporate taxes and other regulations. If company can survive Uncle Sam, company will be fine.
Democrats cut spending? On what planet?

Lets look at the deficit spending going on from Bush at the beginning of the Obama term.

Factcheck.org says;
  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
  • Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billionto avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.

Don't forget that the interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt which Obama inheirited has cost over two trillion dollars of money which had to be borrowed from foreign banks. It's the stupid tax cuts by Reagan and George W. Bush which caused the problems. They never cut spending a goddam dime!!
Day 6 zeke when you still avoid my question, what Union job you have, so I can laugh my ass off at you?

How fucking stupid are you that you can't understand that other than a three year period when I was an apprentice machinist, I never belonged to a union?

I asked to take all your money on this bet, but you to much the pussy to put your money where your opinion is.
Why is that? Are you not "sure" of your claim?

You clamed on many occasion you were in a Union, so you sucked so bad you couldn't even make it to journeyman after 3 years?

Now you are going to be a liar as well as a stupid fuck.
Now you are my little bitch on here zeke, I played you, in my own link dumb ass . Just to see if you read it..
People like you think all you have to do is pay workers generous wages and they will spend us into prosperity. It doesn't work that way in the real world. Many found out the hard way.

Weasel, put me on ignore. You are to stupid to correspond with. Seriously.

Hey weasel. Check out the prosperity of the nation during the 50ties, 60ties and even 70ties. Back when workers were paid good wages, most things consumers bought were made in America and prosperity was rising.for just about everybody.

You want to claim that period never happened you dumb ass?

Sure, back then American product was made to last and everybody wanted it. When production went away (oops, NAFTA), we got what we bargain for. American product is still good product, there is just much less of it.
People like you think all you have to do is pay workers generous wages and they will spend us into prosperity. It doesn't work that way in the real world. Many found out the hard way.
Weasel, put me on ignore. You are to stupid to correspond with. Seriously.

Hey weasel. Check out the prosperity of the nation during the 50ties, 60ties and even 70ties. Back when workers were paid good wages, most things consumers bought were made in America and prosperity was rising.for just about everybody.

You want to claim that period never happened you dumb ass?
"You are to stupid to correspond with. Seriously."

LOL. Aren't you special! Hey Zekie, check out the fact that the US had little competition in the 50s. Europe and Japan was busy rebuilding, China was under communist rule, yet to embrace capitalism. You're a one trick pony and the pony is deaf, dumb and blind.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
No, you are completely wrong. But what's new?

There's a big difference between the moocher sitting home milking Entitlements, and the person showing up for work everyday trying to get by. But unfortunately, you guys lump the two together. You show equal disdain for both. And that's just not a winning message. Average workers see no reason to vote Republican. It is what it is.

Most low end workers say they support Democrats and don't bother to vote because they think their vote doesn't matter. I don't think they mostly react to the rhetoric, but they do view the Republican as the rich party. What do you think would reach them? I don't really have an answer to that. They don't see themselves as free, so freedom doesn't do it. It doesn't matter what the reality is, that's their perception

They see the Republican Party as a Party that truly doesn't give a shite about them. The GOP isn't giving em any reason to support it. Most Republicans i know, show absolute disdain for struggling workers who work at places like McDonalds and Walmarts. They look down on them. They truly believe they're worthless. And workers are getting that message loud & clear. The Democrats have a big advantage. It should put them over the top in the next Election.

No doubt it's going to be one of the key issues. There is a strong majority support for a MW increase. The demographics don't support the Repub position( on other issues as well), and allow for a win in 16'.


Democrats cut spending? On what planet?

Lets look at the deficit spending going on from Bush at the beginning of the Obama term.

Factcheck.org says;
  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
  • Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billionto avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.
You didn't answer the question. And what about obama's spending? Where does it say it's less than Bush? Have another cup of coffee and try again.
Only the good ones earn the right to be called Hard Working Americans. The others should just be grateful for the job.

No, the ones who don't want to work and do the job they were hired for. You know what they should be called?
Unemployed. Or fired.

I thought you worked in HR?
I do. You are not paying attention.

There are those that do the bare minimum to keep their job...and those that go above and beyond. Those that do the bare minimum get the job done, but do not shine in the eyes of management. Those that go above and beyond allow their differential to be seen by all.

Those that do the bare minimum are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans. Those that go above and beyond are Hard Working Americans, and more often than not, tend to climb the ladder.

Now, just to clarify something....when I say "do the bare minimum" I am referring to doing no more than what management expects of you. The BARE minimum.

Now, if I had said "less than the bare minimum", then we would be talking about people that lose their jobs because they are not meeting the expectations of management.

But I said "bare minimum" which, in the English language always refers to "the least acceptable"

Hope that clears up your misunderstanding of my earlier post.
No doubt it's going to be one of the key issues. There is a strong majority support for a MW increase. The demographics don't support the Repub position( on other issues as well), and allow for a win in 16'.



Now does matter what Americans want? Americans also want for example to present ID when voting, they also want traditional marriage, etc.
Democrats cut spending? On what planet?

Lets look at the deficit spending going on from Bush at the beginning of the Obama term.

Factcheck.org says;
  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
  • Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billionto avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.

Don't forget that the interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt which Obama inheirited has cost over two trillion dollars of money which had to be borrowed from foreign banks. It's the stupid tax cuts by Reagan and George W. Bush which caused the problems. They never cut spending a goddam dime!!

Obama continued those tax cuts. Guess he loves the rich too.

BTW, you are FOS
vizo is owned by a tiwan company circle jerk

wiki VIZIO
is an American privately held producer of consumer electronics, based in Irvine, California. It was founded in October 2002 as V Inc. and is best known as a producer of affordable flat screen televisions.[2]

Suck my dick bear and shut the fuck up. You again don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
The components are made in Taiwan. How does that help your case?

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