I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

This is a 2 parter.

1. Walmart has done this before. Ir raises the pay for new hire only. When the raises happen, the long term employee will end up making less than the new hire. This isn't a decision by Walmart Store Management, it's a Corporate Decision. Not the first time for walmat and they do a great PR. Lousy company to work for but great PR.

2. If you raise the workers salaries, the Distributors raise their prices, pass it onto the stores and they pass it onto the customer. It's all about greed. The Rich are be damned not going to let you cut into the pie since they own almost all of it. Not one iota. The end result is, the worker gets a raise, the cost of living goes up exactly or more than their raise and they are not in a nigher tax bracket. Until this is dealt with then pay increases for the middle class and down do more damage than good.

Unless the distributors, housing owners, etc. are told to knock it off then it's only going to get worse.
No you're wrong about the price increase. Yes prices go up but not nearly enough to offset the extra couple hundred a month an employee now makes. It wouldn't make any sense for there to be this economy-wide price hike. Only some prices would go up in certain businesses. Over time the extra consumer spending will keep them down.
No you're wrong about the price increase. Yes prices go up but not nearly enough to offset the extra couple hundred a month an employee now makes. It wouldn't make any sense for there to be this economy-wide price hike. Only some prices would go up in certain businesses. Over time the extra consumer spending will keep them down.
And your business experience is....?
Why does a $5,000 big screen tv now sell for $300. Because they use cheap chinese labor. Force them to use American labor at living wages and bring that price back up. I won't feel sorry for those who can't afford big screen tv's.
No you're wrong about the price increase. Yes prices go up but not nearly enough to offset the extra couple hundred a month an employee now makes. It wouldn't make any sense for there to be this economy-wide price hike. Only some prices would go up in certain businesses. Over time the extra consumer spending will keep them down.
And your business experience is....?
He shops online frequently.
Why does a $5,000 big screen tv now sell for $300. Because they use cheap chinese labor. Force them to use American labor at living wages and bring that price back up. I won't feel sorry for those who can't afford big screen tv's.
You dont feel sorry for anyone. That's your fucking problem. Wait until you see your prices go up and you start screaming like a little bitch.
In fact prices increase most at those businesses which most employ MW labor, which just happens to be where low income people shop.
So MW actually siphons money from working class people and gives it to mostly middle class people.
yeah...I know. Go figure. Now if you work, you are automatically working hard.

Amazing how that catch phrase "hard working Americans" made the sheeple completely forget what working hard really is.

I wonder is there difference between partying and hard partying. :D
One has to wonder exactly how does one develop that mindset?

"Gimme" generation was told that just being employed equals to working hard. Since they're working hard they're entitled to a mansion with all luxuries, couple of cars, great pay with benefits with enough sick days to cover getting sober after night of hard partying. Why to work any harder, learn skills or go to college when world owes them everything they can wish for. Land of the free...
Why does a $5,000 big screen tv now sell for $300. Because they use cheap chinese labor. Force them to use American labor at living wages and bring that price back up. I won't feel sorry for those who can't afford big screen tv's.

Actually, that $5000 big screen TV was also made in China. It sells now for ten times less because technology has improved and competition. Btw, most of work is automated anyways.
I was at the Home Depot about a year ago. I wanted to paint my garage floor and had no experience in such a project, so while looking at the "garage floor" paint kits, a young lady approached me and asked if I need help. I explained my project and how naïve I was as it pertains to epoxy paint and she sent the better part of a half hour going over all of the options and procedures. I thanked her and mentioned to her how I found her level of customer service above and beyond any I had experienced at The Home depot in the past. She appreciated my comment and told me to feel free to ask for her anytime I needed help in that department.

About 6 months later, I was in the paint department and asked for her as I needed help regarding exterior finishes. The guy I asked did not look up at me...he was looking at his Iphone...and he said "she don't work the floor no more"...yep...those exact words....."she don't work the floor no more.".....and he did not ask me if he can help me nor did he really care that I was even there.

SO I asked him if he knows exterior finishes...and he said...no joke..."cant you see I am on break".......

I did not respond to him...I just walked away and asked someone else for help. They admitted they did not know much about exteriror finishes, but knew a manager who could help me.

5 minutes later, she showed up.....the manager.....was Tamara...the woman that helped me with the garage floor paint. She was promoted...

I wonder why.

Anyone who thinks that all workers who work 40 hours a week are hard working Americans do not realize that there are good employees and mediocre employees in every company.

Only the good ones earn the right to be called Hard Working Americans. The others should just be grateful for the job.

What's sad is the guy who couldn't be bothered because he was "on break", was probably pissed off because Tamara got promoted and he didn't! People like that never figure it out. If they don't get themselves a union job or a job in government they're screwed.
The biggest problem with you guys is, you lump Entitlement Moochers in with people who show up for work everyday and work hard.


You simply need to project that drivel upon US, as you turn hardworking, but poorly skilled people into ENTITLEMENT MOOCHERS!
Things worked just fine before Ronald Reagan....the big tax cutter. He slashed tax rates to 50 year lows, continued to spend like a drunk sailor then between he and Bush41 they quadrupled the national debt.

Clinton balanced the budget, generated nearly $400 billion of surplus in fy's 1997-2001 and then along came slow walking, slow talkin' George. He cut taxes twice, 2001 and 2003, increased spending and doubled the national debt again. Since Obama took over over $2 trillion of borrowed money has gone to pay the annual interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt:
Lies and bullshit. The Republicans were responsible for the economic restraint during Clinton's years. It wasn't his idea. And Reagan did not get the reduced spending from Democrats during his term in office. obama and the senate spent way more than anybody, especially before Republicans got the House.

Questions.....Did the Democrats cut taxes and keep on spending? Did they quadruple then double again the national debt? The Republican party(I Was One The First Thirty Years Of My Adult Life) has morphed in to hacks for the wealthy and corporations. By the way....Clinton raised taxes in 1993 while he still had a Democrat majority. Do you suppose that had anything to do with the upper 1% line heading back toward normal before W. Bushes two tax cuts for the wealthy?


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Why does a $5,000 big screen tv now sell for $300. Because they use cheap chinese labor. Force them to use American labor at living wages and bring that price back up. I won't feel sorry for those who can't afford big screen tv's.
Ah comrade good idea!

Force who fuck head? Japanese owned companies? When was the last time you have seen a American brand television?

You going to force zeinth to make televisions again?

You do know you/we are part of the problem right ignorant asshat ?

We wanted cheap and we got what we wanted at a cost of good jobs
Why does a $5,000 big screen tv now sell for $300. Because they use cheap chinese labor. Force them to use American labor at living wages and bring that price back up. I won't feel sorry for those who can't afford big screen tv's.

Things worked just fine before Ronald Reagan....the big tax cutter. He slashed tax rates to 50 year lows, continued to spend like a drunk sailor then between he and Bush41 they quadrupled the national debt.

Clinton balanced the budget, generated nearly $400 billion of surplus in fy's 1997-2001 and then along came slow walking, slow talkin' George. He cut taxes twice, 2001 and 2003, increased spending and doubled the national debt again. Since Obama took over over $2 trillion of borrowed money has gone to pay the annual interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt:
Lies and bullshit. The Republicans were responsible for the economic restraint during Clinton's years. It wasn't his idea. And Reagan did not get the reduced spending from Democrats during his term in office. obama and the senate spent way more than anybody, especially before Republicans got the House.

Questions.....Did the Democrats cut taxes and keep on spending? Did they quadruple then double again the national debt? The Republican party(I Was One The First Thirty Years Of My Adult Life) has morphed in to hacks for the wealthy and corporations. By the way....Clinton raised taxes in 1993 while he still had a Democrat majority. Do you suppose that had anything to do with the upper 1% line heading back toward normal before W. Bushes two tax cuts for the wealthy?
You do know tippy was in charge of the house right? You do know 1 trillion dollars is smaller then Obamas 6 trillion plus dollars right? Or are you a common core graduate, zippy?
When was the last time you have seen a American brand television?

VIZIO (great TV's), Olevia, Silo Digital. Plus a bunch of other companies that have some of their TV's built here in the USA.

You want me to list them? Or have I exposed your stupidity enough for today?
Haven't you amazing skills learned to use Google? Stupid fuck.
Things worked just fine before Ronald Reagan....the big tax cutter. He slashed tax rates to 50 year lows, continued to spend like a drunk sailor then between he and Bush41 they quadrupled the national debt.

Clinton balanced the budget, generated nearly $400 billion of surplus in fy's 1997-2001 and then along came slow walking, slow talkin' George. He cut taxes twice, 2001 and 2003, increased spending and doubled the national debt again. Since Obama took over over $2 trillion of borrowed money has gone to pay the annual interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt:
Lies and bullshit. The Republicans were responsible for the economic restraint during Clinton's years. It wasn't his idea. And Reagan did not get the reduced spending from Democrats during his term in office. obama and the senate spent way more than anybody, especially before Republicans got the House.
Questions.....Did the Democrats cut taxes and keep on spending? Did they quadruple then double again the national debt? The Republican party(I Was One The First Thirty Years Of My Adult Life) has morphed in to hacks for the wealthy and corporations. By the way....Clinton raised taxes in 1993 while he still had a Democrat majority. Do you suppose that had anything to do with the upper 1% line heading back toward normal before W. Bushes two tax cuts for the wealthy?
Democrats cut spending? On what planet? Ignoring out of control spending while focusing on reducing punitive taxation on a few is beyond stupid.
We wanted cheap and we got what we wanted at a cost of good jobs

Fuck you. We the consumer didn't ask for "cheap".

But when the corporations decided to increase profits by using the cheapest labor they could find, what the companies found out was that they had to SELL cheap goods because when the companies exported the good paying jobs, the consumers had less money to spend. Requiring cheap goods just to fill low wage workers demand for goods. Walmart, Dollar Stores, Family Dollar etc etc.All these stores are full of cheaply made consumer goods from other countries intended to be sold to low wage workers here.
When was the last time you have seen a American brand television?
VIZIO (great TV's), Olevia, Silo Digital. Plus a bunch of other companies that have some of their TV's built here in the USA.

You want me to list them? Or have I exposed your stupidity enough for today?
Haven't you amazing skills learned to use Google? Stupid fuck.
So VWs are American cars since some are assembled here? You calling someone stupid is just ..... special.
When was the last time you have seen a American brand television?

VIZIO (great TV's), Olevia, Silo Digital. Plus a bunch of other companies that have some of their TV's built here in the USA.

You want me to list them? Or have I exposed your stupidity enough for today?
Haven't you amazing skills learned to use Google? Stupid fuck.
Day 6 zeke when you still avoid my question, what Union job you have, so I can laugh my ass off at you?
We wanted cheap and we got what we wanted at a cost of good jobs
Fuck you. We the consumer didn't ask for "cheap".

But when the corporations decided to increase profits by using the cheapest labor they could find, what the companies found out was that they had to SELL cheap goods because when the companies exported the good paying jobs, the consumers had less money to spend. Requiring cheap goods just to fill low wage workers demand for goods. Walmart, Dollar Stores, Family Dollar etc etc.All these stores are full of cheaply made consumer goods from other countries intended to be sold to low wage workers here.
Americans voted with their wallets and bought the cheaper alternatives. You have it ass backwards to fit your juvenile world view. People like you think all you have to do is pay workers generous wages and they will spend us into prosperity. It doesn't work that way in the real world. Many found out the hard way.
Democrats cut spending? On what planet?

Lets look at the deficit spending going on from Bush at the beginning of the Obama term.

Factcheck.org says;
  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008. As The Associated Press noted, it combined “a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care funding for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
  • Bush also signed, on Oct. 3, 2008, a bank bailout bill that authorized another $700 billionto avert a looming financial collapse (though not all of that would end up being spent in fiscal 2009, and Obama later signed a measure reducing total authorized bailout spending to $475 billion).
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).
  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.

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