I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

If you really cared about the struggling American worker...you'd be doing everything you could to protect the jobs they have while passing legislation that was good for the economy.

Do you believe in American workers prosperity through lower wages and benefits?
Should companies open jobs to bidding wars? The lowest bid wins the job? Just think of the profits from the reduced payroll. Pitting worker against worker is so............fucking richy rich.
uh....sure, you can spin it to make it look like that.

But the fact of the matter is, salaries are all about supply and demand....it always has been.

If everyone was an accountant, then accountants would be paid 10 bucks an hour and accounting fees would be 1/10 of what they are now.

And if no one wanted to work as a retail clerk, retail clerk salaries would be 100K a year and the cost for goods bought would be 10 times what they are now.

I mean....you really are not aware of the basic economic premise of supply and demand?
Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
Oh. I see.
So they have to deal with hateful wankers like me.
As opposed to truly addressing my post, your entire post is an attack on me.
Speaks volumes.
Sorry Bro...I would respond but the only response I can give is a response to defend myself against your attack.....but that would lend credence to your attacks.
So....no interest.

Sorry Bro, but you just come off as a typical angry greedy white Republican dude. You say others don't work hard even though you know absolutely nothing of which you speak. Walmart Employees have to deal with ignorant kooks like you all day. So forget just more money, give em all medals too.
Excuse me....all of those that work have to deal with ignorant kooks all day long.....some do it at walmart...others prepare the tax returns for them.

I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

I get it.

Drop the 'angry greedy white dude' shtick. You accuse others of not working hard despite knowing absolutely nothing of which you speak. That makes you a hateful ignorant fuckwit. Walmart Employees work hard alright. They deal with fuckwits like you all day. So quit talkin out your ass, and start showing struggling American Workers some respect. Capisce.
hmmm....look at how you post here....and you say I am the fuckwit?

And I did not say they were not hard working....some are and those are the ones who get promotions.

But simply working 40 hours a week does not make you hard working. It simply makes you a full time employee.

To work hard takes more than simply "doing your job"

Now...one more childish attack on me, and I will ignore you and move on.

Rather see em out there showing up for work, than sitting home mooching off Entitlements. You guys need to stop lumping the two together. You need to show more respect for struggling hard-working Americans. Your current approach is a hateful ignorant approach. You certainly won't sell workers on it. It's gonna cost you in future General Elections.
So it's damned if you do, damned if you don't with Republicans. There is no reason for American Workers to support Republicans at this point. And that's gonna come back to bite the GOP bigtime in future General Elections.
Yeah man yeah! Power to the people! Democrats all the way...just like last November! Yeeeehaaaaaa.

Hey, it is what it is. You can only hate and abuse so much. Hating on Entitlement Moochers is one thing. Most can go with ya on that. But you guys hate and insult average hard-working workers too. And most won't go with ya on that.

You guys just aren't giving workers any reasons to support you. They have no choice but to turn to the other Party. And that should help the Democrats lock the White House up for many years. You guys need to adopt a fresh approach when it comes to struggling workers. Your current approach is a hateful greedy approach. And the People don't want that.
Nah... you're just a liar.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
No, you are completely wrong. But what's new?
But the fact that an accountant, to you, is by no means a hard worker makes me realize we will never see eye to eye on the topic.

Never said or implied that accountants are not hard workers. Different type of hard work. Stressful hard work.

Which do you think is harder on a person physically; hard work for years in construction or years of stressful hard work?

If you say stress, then the idea of working for almost MW knowing that it is not enough money to care for your family and yourself, does that make a MW job harder than a person working a job with lots of hours with plenty of stress but also plenty of income as well?

I worked 100% commission jobs for 23 years. You want to talk about stress and hard work? Get up every morning and realize you could spend all your working day trying hard and not make a single thin dime. That's an interesting way to work.
I have an idea: In the future any senator or representative who votes to send other folk's kids to fight and die in some god-for-saken desert 10,000 miles from home will be required to send one of their own family and pay a double tax rate for the rest of his life. That'll apply some brakes to this stupid warmongering crap which has been going on all my life.....'course I'm just 80.
Does that include drone strikes and proxy battles in places like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan? You want obama to send his teenage girls to the front, Herr Goering?
I have news for you numbnuts! George W. Bush stirred up the entire middle east when he declared war on Saddam Hussein. Iraq had done nothing to America and had no part in 9/11. W. Bush was pissed about one thing...Saddam trying to assassinate Bush41 in Qatar circa 1993. Texas justice is expensive.....especially to everybody else except the Bushes.

Look at the bright side. Only 4500 young Americans were killed and another 35,000 seriously wounded...it could have been bad.
Wrong, numbskull. You don't even understand why we went in. Ask Hillary, maybe she can explain it to you. No, we wouldn't have if the UN had been worth anything but they didn't do much besides run a oil for food scam that helped Saddam rebuild his army. You also left out obama's efforts in the ME. That's what happens when you can't think.

What happened was the Bush administration's 935 documented lies which were designed by Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld and told to deceive the American people. It's exactly what they did. Here, read them for yourself:

Study Bush aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war - CNN.com

"President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday by two nonprofit journalism groups."

Here's Ten of Them:

LIE #1: "The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program ... Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." -- President Bush, Oct. 7, 2002, in Cincinnati.

FACT: This story, leaked to and breathlessly reported by Judith Miller in the New York Times, has turned out to be complete baloney. Department of Energy officials, who monitor nuclear plants, say the tubes could not be used for enriching uranium. One intelligence analyst, who was part of the tubes investigation, angrilytold The New Republic: "You had senior American officials like Condoleezza Rice saying the only use of this aluminum really is uranium centrifuges. She said that on television. And that's just a lie."

LIE #2: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." -- President Bush, Jan.28, 2003, in the State of the Union address.

FACT: This whopper was based on a document that the White House already knew to be a forgery thanks to the CIA. Sold to Italian intelligence by some hustler, the document carried the signature of an official who had been out of office for 10 years and referenced a constitution that was no longer in effect. The ex-ambassador who the CIA sent to check out the story is pissed: "They knew the Niger story was a flat-out lie," he told the New Republic, anonymously. "They [the White House] were unpersuasive about aluminum tubes and added this to make their case more strongly."

LIE #3: "We believe [Saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." -- Vice President Cheney on March 16, 2003 on "Meet the Press."

FACT: There was and is absolutely zero basis for this statement. CIA reports up through 2002 showed no evidence of an Iraqi nuclear weapons program.

LIE #4: "[The CIA possesses] solid reporting of senior-level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda going back a decade." -- CIA Director George Tenet in a written statement released Oct. 7, 2002 and echoed in that evening's speech by President Bush.

FACT: Intelligence agencies knew of tentative contacts between Saddam and al-Qaeda in the early '90s, but found no proof of a continuing relationship. In other words, by tweaking language, Tenet and Bush spun the intelligence180 degrees to say exactly the opposite of what it suggested.

LIE #5: "We've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases ... Alliance with terrorists could allow the Iraqi regime to attack America without leaving any fingerprints." -- President Bush, Oct. 7.

FACT: No evidence of this has ever been leaked or produced. Colin Powell told the U.N. this alleged training took place in a camp in northern Iraq. To his great embarrassment, the area he indicated was later revealed to be outside Iraq's control and patrolled by Allied war planes.

LIE #6: "We have also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We are concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] for missions targeting the United States."-- President Bush, Oct. 7.

FACT: Said drones can't fly more than 300 miles, and Iraq is 6,000 miles from the U.S. coastline. Furthermore, Iraq's drone-building program wasn't much more advanced than your average model plane enthusiast. And isn't a "manned aerial vehicle" just a scary way to say "plane"?

LIE #7: "We have seen intelligence over many months that they have chemical and biological weapons, and that they have dispersed them and that they're weaponized and that, in one case at least, the command and control arrangements have been established." -- President Bush, Feb. 8, 2003, in a national radio address.

FACT: Despite a massive nationwide search by U.S. and British forces, there are no signs, traces or examples of chemical weapons being deployed in the field, or anywhere else during the war.

LIE #8: "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets."-- Secretary of State Colin Powell, Feb. 5 2003, in remarks to the UN Security Council.

FACT: Putting aside the glaring fact that not one drop of this massive stockpile has been found, aspreviously reported on AlterNet the United States' own intelligence reports show that these stocks -- if they existed -- were well past their use-by date and therefore useless as weapon fodder.

LIE #9: "We know where [Iraq's WMD] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat." -- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, March 30, 2003, in statements to the press.

FACT: Needless to say, no such weapons were found, not to the east, west, south or north, somewhat or otherwise.

LIE #10: "Yes, we found a biological laboratory in Iraq which the UN prohibited." -- President Bush in remarks in Poland, published internationally June 1, 2003.

FACT: This was reference to the discovery of two modified truck trailers that the CIA claimed were potential mobile biological weapons lab. But British and American experts -- including the State Department's intelligence wing in a report released this week -- have since declared this to be untrue. According to the British, and much to Prime Minister Tony Blair's embarrassment, the trailers are actually exactly what Iraq said they were; facilities to fill weather balloons, sold to them by the British themselves.

So, months after the war, we are once again where we started -- with plenty of rhetoric and absolutely no proof of this "grave danger" for which O.J. Smith died. The Bush administration is now scrambling to place the blame for its lies on faulty intelligence, when in fact the intelligence was fine; it was their abuse of it that was "faulty."

Rather than apologize for leading us to a preemptive war based on impossibly faulty or shamelessly distorted "intelligence" or offering his resignation, our sly madman in the White House is starting to sound more like that other O.J. Like the man who cheerfully played golf while promising to pursue "the real killers," Bush is now vowing to search for "the true extent of Saddam Hussein's weapons programs, no matter how long it takes."

On the terrible day of the 9/11 attacks, five hours after a hijacked plane slammed into the Pentagon, retired Gen. Wesley Clark received a strange call from someone (he didn't name names) representing the White House position: "I was on CNN, and I got a call at my home saying, 'You got to say this is connected. This is state-sponsored terrorism. This has to be connected to Saddam Hussein,'" Clark told Meet the Press anchor Tim Russert. "I said, 'But -- I'm willing to say it, but what's your evidence?' And I never got any evidence.'"

The big lie of the Iraq war was Democrats saying you were lied to. You did this hand in hand with the Republicans. You are Tweedledee and Tweedledum. You owe the American people an apology for your criminal actions
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
No, you are completely wrong. But what's new?

There's a big difference between the moocher sitting home milking Entitlements, and the person showing up for work everyday trying to get by. But unfortunately, you guys lump the two together. You show equal disdain for both. And that's just not a winning message. Average workers see no reason to vote Republican. It is what it is.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
No, you are completely wrong. But what's new?

There's a big difference between the moocher sitting home milking Entitlements, and the person showing up for work everyday trying to get by. But unfortunately, you guys lump the two together. You show equal disdain for both. And that's just not a winning message. Average workers see no reason to vote Republican. It is what it is.
Which is why the GOP swept the last election cycle. Right?
I mean....you really are not aware of the basic economic premise of supply and demand?

No I am real familiar with supply and demand.

Are you not familiar with higher rewards being paid to higher educated workers.

When retail clerks need at least 4 years of school to get their retail worker degree. maybe your analogy of using accountants and retail clerks would make sense.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
No, you are completely wrong. But what's new?

There's a big difference between the moocher sitting home milking Entitlements, and the person showing up for work everyday trying to get by. But unfortunately, you guys lump the two together. You show equal disdain for both. And that's just not a winning message. Average workers see no reason to vote Republican. It is what it is.
Which is why the GOP swept the last election cycle. Right?

Lotta good that did. And a General Election is a completely different animal. You need those struggling workers. But right now, you're not giving them any reason to support you. You're forcing them to turn to the other Party.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
No, you are completely wrong. But what's new?

There's a big difference between the moocher sitting home milking Entitlements, and the person showing up for work everyday trying to get by. But unfortunately, you guys lump the two together. You show equal disdain for both. And that's just not a winning message. Average workers see no reason to vote Republican. It is what it is.

Most low end workers say they support Democrats and don't bother to vote because they think their vote doesn't matter. I don't think they mostly react to the rhetoric, but they do view the Republican as the rich party. What do you think would reach them? I don't really have an answer to that. They don't see themselves as free, so freedom doesn't do it. It doesn't matter what the reality is, that's their perception
Oh. I see.
So they have to deal with hateful wankers like me.
As opposed to truly addressing my post, your entire post is an attack on me.
Speaks volumes.
Sorry Bro...I would respond but the only response I can give is a response to defend myself against your attack.....but that would lend credence to your attacks.
So....no interest.

Sorry Bro, but you just come off as a typical angry greedy white Republican dude. You say others don't work hard even though you know absolutely nothing of which you speak. Walmart Employees have to deal with ignorant kooks like you all day. So forget just more money, give em all medals too.
Excuse me....all of those that work have to deal with ignorant kooks all day long.....some do it at walmart...others prepare the tax returns for them.

I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

I get it.

Drop the 'angry greedy white dude' shtick. You accuse others of not working hard despite knowing absolutely nothing of which you speak. That makes you a hateful ignorant fuckwit. Walmart Employees work hard alright. They deal with fuckwits like you all day. So quit talkin out your ass, and start showing struggling American Workers some respect. Capisce.
hmmm....look at how you post here....and you say I am the fuckwit?

And I did not say they were not hard working....some are and those are the ones who get promotions.

But simply working 40 hours a week does not make you hard working. It simply makes you a full time employee.

To work hard takes more than simply "doing your job"

Now...one more childish attack on me, and I will ignore you and move on.

Rather see em out there showing up for work, than sitting home mooching off Entitlements. You guys need to stop lumping the two together. You need to show more respect for struggling hard-working Americans. Your current approach is a hateful ignorant approach. You certainly won't sell workers on it. It's gonna cost you in future General Elections.
going to cost me elections? I am not running for anything, but thanks for your concern.

Who is lumping entitlement moochers with walmart workers?

One is a lazy mooch and one is a working American.

But I hate it when they are defined as hard working Americans....some are most are not. As a recruiter, HR consultant, I used to have to do analyses of performance for clients.

Over 90% of the employees of any given client....yes...over 90% of all non exempt employees were found to have used ALL of their sick days and personal days each year.

Over 80% had used at least 2 bereavement days a year...and over 50% had used as many as 4 bereavement days.

In NYC.....over 50% of the employees would not show up to work if there was 4 inches of snow or more on the ground when they woke up.

Over 90% did not come in late, even if the snow had stopped and most of the streets clear.

Now for the kicker....

They were always the same people...the ones who took all of their sick and personal days were the same ones that would not come to work if there was 4 inches of snow...the same ones that would not come to work, even if the snow had melted....the ones who seems to have as many as 4 people close to them dies EVERY YEAR.....

So the ones that made the effort to come in when they had a stuffy nose......did not need to take a personal day so they did not.....did not take a bereavement day because some long lost uncle in Kalamazoo died.....and went to work when there was a foot of snow on the ground....

What do you call them if the others are hard working?
Which is why the GOP swept the last election cycle. Right?

Did you ever figure out that Federal Senate races and House member elections are not conducted for a national vote?
You were real confused about that early today and ran away from your thread.

Did you ever look up "gerrymandering" and read about how beneficial that is for keeping a particular party in office? I am sure you didn't. That would mean you were trying to educate yourself. And fuck no that ain't happening.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
No, you are completely wrong. But what's new?

There's a big difference between the moocher sitting home milking Entitlements, and the person showing up for work everyday trying to get by. But unfortunately, you guys lump the two together. You show equal disdain for both. And that's just not a winning message. Average workers see no reason to vote Republican. It is what it is.

Most low end workers say they support Democrats and don't bother to vote because they think their vote doesn't matter. I don't think they mostly react to the rhetoric, but they do view the Republican as the rich party. What do you think would reach them? I don't really have an answer to that. They don't see themselves as free, so freedom doesn't do it. It doesn't matter what the reality is, that's their perception

They see the Republican Party as a Party that truly doesn't give a shite about them. The GOP isn't giving em any reason to support it. Most Republicans i know, show absolute disdain for struggling workers who work at places like McDonalds and Walmarts. They look down on them. They truly believe they're worthless. And workers are getting that message loud & clear. The Democrats have a big advantage. It should put them over the top in the next Election.
Who is lumping entitlement moochers with walmart workers?

You do know that a goodly number of Walmart workers (as well as other MW service companies) are receiving entitlements from the government. What does that tell you? Are workers who qualify for SNAP moochers? Paid to little? Lazy? What class do they fall under?
Sorry Bro, but you just come off as a typical angry greedy white Republican dude. You say others don't work hard even though you know absolutely nothing of which you speak. Walmart Employees have to deal with ignorant kooks like you all day. So forget just more money, give em all medals too.
Excuse me....all of those that work have to deal with ignorant kooks all day long.....some do it at walmart...others prepare the tax returns for them.

I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

I get it.

Drop the 'angry greedy white dude' shtick. You accuse others of not working hard despite knowing absolutely nothing of which you speak. That makes you a hateful ignorant fuckwit. Walmart Employees work hard alright. They deal with fuckwits like you all day. So quit talkin out your ass, and start showing struggling American Workers some respect. Capisce.
hmmm....look at how you post here....and you say I am the fuckwit?

And I did not say they were not hard working....some are and those are the ones who get promotions.

But simply working 40 hours a week does not make you hard working. It simply makes you a full time employee.

To work hard takes more than simply "doing your job"

Now...one more childish attack on me, and I will ignore you and move on.

Rather see em out there showing up for work, than sitting home mooching off Entitlements. You guys need to stop lumping the two together. You need to show more respect for struggling hard-working Americans. Your current approach is a hateful ignorant approach. You certainly won't sell workers on it. It's gonna cost you in future General Elections.
going to cost me elections? I am not running for anything, but thanks for your concern.

Who is lumping entitlement moochers with walmart workers?

One is a lazy mooch and one is a working American.

But I hate it when they are defined as hard working Americans....some are most are not. As a recruiter, HR consultant, I used to have to do analyses of performance for clients.

Over 90% of the employees of any given client....yes...over 90% of all non exempt employees were found to have used ALL of their sick days and personal days each year.

Over 80% had used at least 2 bereavement days a year...and over 50% had used as many as 4 bereavement days.

In NYC.....over 50% of the employees would not show up to work if there was 4 inches of snow or more on the ground when they woke up.

Over 90% did not come in late, even if the snow had stopped and most of the streets clear.

Now for the kicker....

They were always the same people...the ones who took all of their sick and personal days were the same ones that would not come to work if there was 4 inches of snow...the same ones that would not come to work, even if the snow had melted....the ones who seems to have as many as 4 people close to them dies EVERY YEAR.....

So the ones that made the effort to come in when they had a stuffy nose......did not need to take a personal day so they did not.....did not take a bereavement day because some long lost uncle in Kalamazoo died.....and went to work when there was a foot of snow on the ground....

What do you call them if the others are hard working?

Work a busy weekend at a Walmart. Then come back and tell us how it went for ya. Walmart workers work very hard for the most part. They're actually under-paid and over-worked.

I have some relatives who were in management there. And they could tell you dozens of horror stories they experienced working there. It's not the piece of cake you think it is. Try showing more respect. It'll do your soul some good.
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I mean....you really are not aware of the basic economic premise of supply and demand?

No I am real familiar with supply and demand.

Are you not familiar with higher rewards being paid to higher educated workers.

When retail clerks need at least 4 years of school to get their retail worker degree. maybe your analogy of using accountants and retail clerks would make sense.
excuse me......You were the one who incorporated salaries.....

We were discussing working hard...and what qualifies one as a hard worker.

One doing their job and nothing above and beyond? Is a worker. Period. A worker. An employed worker.

One who goes above and beyond is a hard worker.

Now...why make a distinction?

Because if we continue to tell people that they are a "hard working American" when, in fact, they are simply doing what they need to in an effort to KEEP their job...then they will never understand the premise of "working hard' and creating a differential for yourself so you are noticed by management and worthy of a promotion.

But please...continue telling the guy that works the bare minimum that he is a hard working American...and remind him how the guy that seemed to be working harder and got the promotion was not actually working harder...it was an illusion...and he must be a relative of the boss.
Who is lumping entitlement moochers with walmart workers?

You do know that a goodly number of Walmart workers (as well as other MW service companies) are receiving entitlements from the government. What does that tell you? Are workers who qualify for SNAP moochers? Paid to little? Lazy? What class do they fall under?

They're showing up, trying to get by. I respect them. Republicans shouldn't express such disdain for them. It's an irrational hateful approach.
The question is to pay people enough so they can support themselves. Driving businesses into bankruptcy by trying to pay them too much is stupid. There is a middle answer.
The middle answer is raising the minimum wage.
So you support $50/hr as min wage?
No moron, I never said that.
I know. Why not? If 10/hr is good isnt 50/hr better? Wouldnt that unleash a torrent of consumer spending and drive the economy to new heights?
Come on, Billy. Dont fail now. Be consistent. If a higher min wage is good then let's really give a meaningful raise to America. Dont you think American workers are worth 50/hr?
Lol it's amazing how hard you try. Don't you ever get exhausted with your ridiculous responses to my threads? I mean my god you reply to all of them desperately trying to feel right and validated. It's pretty sad.

The obvious answer is that any idiot would tell you 50 is too much and would damage the economy. 15 however wouldn't be too much and would be barely kept up with inflation which is what is fair. Is it really so hard for you to figure that out?

No, it's not hard to figure out ... it is just dangerously wrong.
Excuse me....all of those that work have to deal with ignorant kooks all day long.....some do it at walmart...others prepare the tax returns for them.

I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

I get it.

Drop the 'angry greedy white dude' shtick. You accuse others of not working hard despite knowing absolutely nothing of which you speak. That makes you a hateful ignorant fuckwit. Walmart Employees work hard alright. They deal with fuckwits like you all day. So quit talkin out your ass, and start showing struggling American Workers some respect. Capisce.
hmmm....look at how you post here....and you say I am the fuckwit?

And I did not say they were not hard working....some are and those are the ones who get promotions.

But simply working 40 hours a week does not make you hard working. It simply makes you a full time employee.

To work hard takes more than simply "doing your job"

Now...one more childish attack on me, and I will ignore you and move on.

Rather see em out there showing up for work, than sitting home mooching off Entitlements. You guys need to stop lumping the two together. You need to show more respect for struggling hard-working Americans. Your current approach is a hateful ignorant approach. You certainly won't sell workers on it. It's gonna cost you in future General Elections.
going to cost me elections? I am not running for anything, but thanks for your concern.

Who is lumping entitlement moochers with walmart workers?

One is a lazy mooch and one is a working American.

But I hate it when they are defined as hard working Americans....some are most are not. As a recruiter, HR consultant, I used to have to do analyses of performance for clients.

Over 90% of the employees of any given client....yes...over 90% of all non exempt employees were found to have used ALL of their sick days and personal days each year.

Over 80% had used at least 2 bereavement days a year...and over 50% had used as many as 4 bereavement days.

In NYC.....over 50% of the employees would not show up to work if there was 4 inches of snow or more on the ground when they woke up.

Over 90% did not come in late, even if the snow had stopped and most of the streets clear.

Now for the kicker....

They were always the same people...the ones who took all of their sick and personal days were the same ones that would not come to work if there was 4 inches of snow...the same ones that would not come to work, even if the snow had melted....the ones who seems to have as many as 4 people close to them dies EVERY YEAR.....

So the ones that made the effort to come in when they had a stuffy nose......did not need to take a personal day so they did not.....did not take a bereavement day because some long lost uncle in Kalamazoo died.....and went to work when there was a foot of snow on the ground....

What do you call them if the others are hard working?

Work a busy weekend at a Walmart. Then come back and tell us how it went for ya. Walmart workers work very hard for the most part. They're actually under-paid and over-worked.

I have some relatives who were in management there. And they could tell you hundreds of horror stories they experienced working there. It's not the piece of cake you think it is. Try showing more respect. It'll do your soul some good.
Still ignoring the point.

If the walmart worker who uses all of his sick and personal days and never offers to stay late to help the manager is a hard working American...what do you call the guy that only uses sick days when he needs them and always offers his time to help?

A suck up ass kisser?

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