I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.

In point of fact, workers are McDonalds are people with extremely low levels of skill; which axiomatically renders them worth less than those of higher skills.

Now they don't have to be happy with a lower wage, as not being happy with a lower wage is that which drives one to improve their skills, as a means to become worth more... .

If you can't understand that fundamental, self-evident truth, you should probably spend more time in the "FIRE HOT!" thread.

They're out there working hard. They're not Entitlement Moochers. I have respect for them. It's time for you guys to start respecting them too.
Dude do you realize how stupid that statement was?
Read the thread instead of hopping in thinking you understand the conversation.
Why would he need proof that higher cost are more expensive. It's like a duh moment.
Correct. If you actually read the thread you'd realize I was making fun of his repeated demands for proof that increased overhead would effect businesses.
I made repeated demands for proof that increased overhead would effect businesses?

I think you have me confused with somebody who did not take basic Macro- and Micro-economics.

Overhead is liability... liability effects business. How does someone who claims to have some kinship with common sense, question such a profound fundamental as the effective existence of liability on business?

LOL! Seriously?
Are you talking to me?

I never made any such dumbass observation.

You have me confused with somebody else.
Read the thread instead of hopping in thinking you understand the conversation.
Why would he need proof that higher cost are more expensive. It's like a duh moment.
Correct. If you actually read the thread you'd realize I was making fun of his repeated demands for proof that increased overhead would effect businesses.
I made repeated demands for proof that increased overhead would effect businesses?

I think you have me confused with somebody who did not take basic Macro- and Micro-economics.

Overhead is liability... liability effects business. How does someone who claims to have some kinship with common sense, question such a profound fundamental as the effective existence of liability on business?

LOL! Seriously?
Are you talking to me?

I never made any such dumbass observation.

You have me confused with somebody else.

Just responding to the comment made under your screen name. If you didn't say it, you should probably find out who said ya did and have them change the attribution.
Why would he need proof that higher cost are more expensive. It's like a duh moment.
Correct. If you actually read the thread you'd realize I was making fun of his repeated demands for proof that increased overhead would effect businesses.
I made repeated demands for proof that increased overhead would effect businesses?

I think you have me confused with somebody who did not take basic Macro- and Micro-economics.

Overhead is liability... liability effects business. How does someone who claims to have some kinship with common sense, question such a profound fundamental as the effective existence of liability on business?

LOL! Seriously?
Are you talking to me?

I never made any such dumbass observation.

You have me confused with somebody else.

Just responding to the comment made under your screen name. If you didn't say it, you should probably find out who said ya did and have them change the attribution.
The comment was not made under my screen name.

The accusation was attributed to my screen name by somebody else.

And, in my very last, right before you posted, I was denying ever having said any such thing, and you still posted the way you did.

You're the one that blew it - by ignoring that denial and posting regardless - not me.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.

Why do you think that everyone who works 40 hours a week is working hard? Is that word "hard" really necessary?
Too many Republicans look down on McDonalds and Walmart workers. Many even have outright disdain for them. They look at them as being worthless unwashed. They truly believe they deserve to be treated like subhuman slaves. It's such a hateful hostile approach.

The GOP certainly isn't winning American Workers over. I recommend it repent and change its ways. Otherwise, it's gonna hand many future General Elections over to the Democrats.
You don't have any Republican friends. We've covered this before. Friends don't smear friends.
Not smearing em. Just stating the reality. That ugly 'greedy old fat white dude' image is gonna kill em in future General Elections. They should take my advice, and start standing up for struggling American Workers. It's what the People want.
The people spoke in November, we don't let internet pussies run our country, sorry. The reality is that you are a smear monger and have no Republican friends. Likely no Democrat ones either.

You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.

Why do you think that everyone who works 40 hours a week is working hard? Is that word "hard" really necessary?
yeah...I know. Go figure. Now if you work, you are automatically working hard.

Amazing how that catch phrase "hard working Americans" made the sheeple completely forget what working hard really is.
Too many Republicans look down on McDonalds and Walmart workers. Many even have outright disdain for them. They look at them as being worthless unwashed. They truly believe they deserve to be treated like subhuman slaves. It's such a hateful hostile approach.

The GOP certainly isn't winning American Workers over. I recommend it repent and change its ways. Otherwise, it's gonna hand many future General Elections over to the Democrats.
What a crock of shit.
Not smearing em. Just stating the reality. That ugly 'greedy old fat white dude' image is gonna kill em in future General Elections. They should take my advice, and start standing up for struggling American Workers. It's what the People want.
The people spoke in November, we don't let internet pussies run our country, sorry. The reality is that you are a smear monger and have no Republican friends. Likely no Democrat ones either.

You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
The people spoke in November, we don't let internet pussies run our country, sorry. The reality is that you are a smear monger and have no Republican friends. Likely no Democrat ones either.

You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.

If your relatives are in Management then they aren't getting minimum wage. The reason that they've been promoted to Management is most likely because they ARE hard workers and earned that additional responsibility and salary! It wasn't minimum wage that got them that...it was deserving it because of what THEY did...not what some politician gave them.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
And the Democrats' message is "you're on unemployment and can't find a job so we're giving you welfare becaue you're an unemployable skank." Yeah that'll resonate.

You guys have a big problem. You lump Entitlement Moochers in with hard-working workers. You express the same level of disdain for people out working hard, as you do Entitlement Moochers. You've painted yourselves into an ugly corner. You're forcing American Workers to turn to the other Party.

I have nothing but respect for those who show up and work hard. They're not sitting around mooching on Entitlements. You guys need to start respecting them too. Otherwise, American Workers will go with the Democrats permanently.
The people spoke in November, we don't let internet pussies run our country, sorry. The reality is that you are a smear monger and have no Republican friends. Likely no Democrat ones either.

You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
Oh. I see.
So they have to deal with hateful wankers like me.
As opposed to truly addressing my post, your entire post is an attack on me.
Speaks volumes.
Sorry Bro...I would respond but the only response I can give is a response to defend myself against your attack.....but that would lend credence to your attacks.
So....no interest.
You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.

If your relatives are in Management then they aren't getting minimum wage. The reason that they've been promoted to Management is most likely because they ARE hard workers and earned that additional responsibility and salary! It wasn't minimum wage that got them that...it was deserving it because of what THEY did...not what some politician gave them.

Showing up is half the battle. If they're showing up, they're not sitting around mooching off Entitlements. I respect them. Unfortunately, most Republicans don't. And trust me, Walmart Employees have to deal with deranged kooks all day. They earn their money. If you don't believe me, just go ahead and work a busy weekend at a Walmart. It definitely ain't as easy as it looks. They deserve medals for what they have to put up with.
And pay close attention to what is happening in WalMart's now...they are rapidly replacing humans in the checkout lines with self checkout. If you think that's a coincidence...happening at the same time as liberals push for higher minimum wages then you're a fool.

Rest assured that large increases in the minimum wage are going to be the death knell of millions of low skill, entry level jobs. Companies are going to find ways to do things without minimum wage workers. It's obvious, yet people like you don't see it.
You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.

If your relatives are in Management then they aren't getting minimum wage. The reason that they've been promoted to Management is most likely because they ARE hard workers and earned that additional responsibility and salary! It wasn't minimum wage that got them that...it was deserving it because of what THEY did...not what some politician gave them.
exactly true.
There are the walmart workers that work 9-5...take their morning break, afternoon break, lunch break...use all of their vacation days, personal days sick days and bereavement days....not able to make it to work when there is 3 inches of snow on the ground...and never available to fill in for someone.

Then there is the walmart worker who works 9-5...takes their morning break, afternoon break, lunch break....use all of their vacation days, few if any personal days, only sick days when they are sick....find a way to get to work when there is 6 inches of snow on the ground and always offering themselves to fill in for others when necessary.

Gee....who do you think will get a raise and a promotion?
Beating the drum...

I always tell my Republican friends to steer clear of the Minimum Wage issue. It's a big Lose/Lose for them. Some of them actually argue that American Workers making pitiful wages is a 'Good Thing.' I just tell em to be quiet and stop digging that hole. They come off as greedy old fat white dudes. And that image kills them in the General Election.
Republicans are gonna have to shake their 'greedy old fat white guy' image, if they expect to ever win the White House again. Everytime they start arguing that American Workers making shite wages is a 'Good Thing', most immediately think 'greedy old fat white guy.' They don't realize they lost on the Minimum Wage issue a long time ago. It's time for them to accept that and move on.
Not smearing em. Just stating the reality. That ugly 'greedy old fat white dude' image is gonna kill em in future General Elections. They should take my advice, and start standing up for struggling American Workers. It's what the People want.
The GOP has painted itself into an ugly corner at this point. It comes off as the Party of angry greedy white dudes. They hate people on Welfare, they hate people who work hard everyday. That's a whole lotta hate. Too much hate. They better start giving average American Workers some reasons to vote for em. Or they ain't gonna get the White House back for a long long time.
Persistence is a key... what happened to American worker?
Just stating how most people feel about the GOP these days. It's being seen as the 'Party of angry greedy white dudes.' Just go back and read some Republican posts on this thread. They constantly insult and ridicule people showing up to work at places like McDonalds, Walmart, and so on. But those people are at least showing up to work and working hard. They're not sitting at home mooching off Welfare.
Telling struggling workers at McDonalds or Walmart, 'you're worthless and should be happy making shitty wages', isn't a winning message. The GOP is in real trouble. The 'angry greedy white dude' image is gonna sink it. Workers who show up and work hard everyday, don't wanna hear that they're worthless and should be happy living on shite pay. They'll have to turn to the other Party.
Moochers just showed up...
The biggest problem with you guys is, you lump Entitlement Moochers in with people who show up for work everyday and work hard. The worker showing up as a Cashier everyday, isn't an Entitlement Moocher. They're out there just trying to get by. But you guys express the same disdain for them as you do Entitlement Moochers. You guys need a fresh approach when it comes to American Workers. Your current approach just comes off as hateful greed.
They're out there working hard. They're not Entitlement Moochers. I have respect for them. It's time for you guys to start respecting them too.
And just when you think he's tired...
Too many Republicans look down on McDonalds and Walmart workers. Many even have outright disdain for them. They look at them as being worthless unwashed. They truly believe they deserve to be treated like subhuman slaves. It's such a hateful hostile approach.

The GOP certainly isn't winning American Workers over. I recommend it repent and change its ways. Otherwise, it's gonna hand many future General Elections over to the Democrats.
Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
... the legend is back.
You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
Oh. I see.
So they have to deal with hateful wankers like me.
As opposed to truly addressing my post, your entire post is an attack on me.
Speaks volumes.
Sorry Bro...I would respond but the only response I can give is a response to defend myself against your attack.....but that would lend credence to your attacks.
So....no interest.

Sorry Bro, but you just come off as a typical angry greedy white Republican dude. You say others don't work hard even though you know absolutely nothing of which you speak. Walmart Employees have to deal with ignorant kooks like you all day. So forget just more money, give em all medals too.
And pay close attention to what is happening in WalMart's now...they are rapidly replacing humans in the checkout lines with self checkout. If you think that's a coincidence...happening at the same time as liberals push for higher minimum wages then you're a fool.

Rest assured that large increases in the minimum wage are going to be the death knell of millions of low skill, entry level jobs. Companies are going to find ways to do things without minimum wage workers. It's obvious, yet people like you don't see it.

Yes we know, it's all the Workers' fault. A real winning message for the GOP. Good luck with that.

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