I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

What do you call them? Is that the question? Well the accountant I would call a professional and is probably making at least 80k a year. Not even close to 8.50 an hour now is it?

The person doing the other work is probably in sales making 80k a year or better. Considerably more than 9 bucks an hour.

You think the higher earnings help ease the pain of working more hours? Why sure they do.

But you try running stock out on the floor for hours at a time, changing end caps, displays, etc etc. Retail may not be the most back breaking work, but to claim a retail clerk isn't working hard is bullshit. Just being on your feet and available to customers all day is tiring.

As to the stress. How many shooting/killings have there been at Walmarts in the past 12 months? I can think of 5.
Is shootings in the workplace stressful? Why sure it is. And with more and more crazy ass red necks carrying their guns into Walmart, I would wear a bullet proof vest if I worked there. How many shootings happen in your workplace Jarhead?
Yes, Walmart Employees are worthless and lazy. They should be happy making shite wages. Man, is that really the message the GOP's gonna run with in the next Election? Not a very endearing message to struggling American Workers. Oh boy, Congrats Democrats. The dummies in the GOP just handed you the White House again.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
Oh. I see.
So they have to deal with hateful wankers like me.
As opposed to truly addressing my post, your entire post is an attack on me.
Speaks volumes.
Sorry Bro...I would respond but the only response I can give is a response to defend myself against your attack.....but that would lend credence to your attacks.
So....no interest.

Sorry Bro, but you just come off as a typical angry greedy white Republican dude. You say others don't work hard even though you know absolutely nothing of which you speak. Walmart Employees have to deal with ignorant kooks like you all day. So forget just more money, give em all medals too.
Excuse me....all of those that work have to deal with ignorant kooks all day long.....some do it at walmart...others prepare the tax returns for them.

I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

I get it.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
Oh. I see.
So they have to deal with hateful wankers like me.
As opposed to truly addressing my post, your entire post is an attack on me.
Speaks volumes.
Sorry Bro...I would respond but the only response I can give is a response to defend myself against your attack.....but that would lend credence to your attacks.
So....no interest.

Sorry Bro, but you just come off as a typical angry greedy white Republican dude. You say others don't work hard even though you know absolutely nothing of which you speak. Walmart Employees have to deal with ignorant kooks like you all day. So forget just more money, give em all medals too.
Excuse me....all of those that work have to deal with ignorant kooks all day long.....some do it at walmart...others prepare the tax returns for them.

I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

I get it.

Drop the 'angry greedy white dude' shtick. You accuse others of not working hard despite knowing absolutely nothing of which you speak. That makes you a hateful ignorant fuckwit. Walmart Employees work hard alright. They deal with fuckwits like you all day. So quit talkin out your ass, and start showing struggling American Workers some respect. Capisce.
Yes, Walmart Employees are worthless and lazy. They should be happy making shite wages. Man, is that really the message the GOP's gonna run with in the next Election? Not a very endearing message to struggling American Workers. Congrats Democrats. The dummies in the GOP just handed you the White House again.

From what I can tell, our Republicans hate poor people with out jobs, poor working people with low pay jobs,. middle class people with union jobs, people with advanced degrees who vote Democrat, they hate all Independents, gays, non Christians, and a few more I can't think of.

Better question is why do they hate themselves and who the hell do they think is left to elect the candidates of their choice? The real rich white guys?
Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

What do you call them? Is that the question? Well the accountant I would call a professional and is probably making at least 80k a year. Not even close to 8.50 an hour now is it?

The person doing the other work is probably in sales making 80k a year or better. Considerably more than 9 bucks an hour.

You think the higher earnings help ease the pain of working more hours? Why sure they do.

But you try running stock out on the floor for hours at a time, changing end caps, displays, etc etc. Retail may not be the most back breaking work, but to claim a retail clerk isn't working hard is bullshit. Just being on your feet and available to customers all day is tiring.

As to the stress. How many shooting/killings have there been at Walmarts in the past 12 months? I can think of 5.
Is shootings in the workplace stressful? Why sure it is. And with more and more crazy ass red necks carrying their guns into Walmart, I would wear a bullet proof vest if I worked there. How many shootings happen in your workplace Jarhead?
Why the hell would you bring up shootings?

And the question was not about salary....it was about the definition of "hard working"

But for you to say the potential of shootings is stress creating is ridiculous.

Walmart has over 4100 stores in the US.....they are open 7 days a week...which means there are about 1.5 million working days a year on the walmart calendar.....5 shootings over a total of 1.5 million working days a year.....and those odds are creating stress for the workers?

Please....you can do better than that.
Yes, Walmart Employees are worthless and lazy. They should be happy making shite wages. Man, is that really the message the GOP's gonna run with in the next Election? Not a very endearing message to struggling American Workers. Congrats Democrats. The dummies in the GOP just handed you the White House again.

From what I can tell, our Republicans hate poor people with out jobs, poor working people with low pay jobs,. middle class people with union jobs, people with advanced degrees who vote Democrat, they hate all Independents, gays, non Christians, and a few more I can't think of.

Better question is why do they hate themselves and who the hell do they think is left to elect the candidates of their choice? The real rich white guys?

Sadly i have to agree. They need to drop the 'angry greedy white dude' shtick. It's a big turn-off for Voters. If they don't change their ways, they ain't winning the White House back in the foreseeable future.
I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

Hey what do you call the guy doing shingle tear off for 10 hours on a 10/12 pitch roof in 100 degree heat? A Mexican, No jk, A hard hard hard worker is what you call him.
Fucking accountant doesn't know what hard work is. Or the retail worker if you are going to use roofing as your hard work standard.
yes. People that work 40 hours a week at Walmart are not hard working Americans. They are working Americans...working at walmart offers an environment of no stress, no pressures, and easy hours with structure.

If someone working 40 Hours a week at Walmart is a hard working American, then what do you call an Accountant who works 60 hours a week? What do you call someone who gets to the office at 7:30 AM, works all day; leaves the office at 6:30 PM and then answers calls and emails in the evening after dinner?

Oh yeah.....folks like you call that person evil and greedy and ONLY successful because they are evil and greedy.

And yes...as a retired recruiter, I can comfortably tell you from my experiences that many of the people who work at Walmart opt to work there because they have normal 9-5 jobs with no stress.

But they are not working hard. They are working.

Ha, you're so hilariously delusional. Walmart employees have to deal with hateful delusional cheapskate wankers like you all day. For that alone, they not only deserve more money, they also deserve medals. I have relatives who've worked in Management at Walmart. I assure you, you know nothing of which you speak. They work hard alright.

But that's the big problem with people like you. You lump hard-working workers in with Entitlement Moochers. You have disdain for them. It's certainly not an approach that's gonna win American Workers over. You guys really do need to have a mass 'Come to Jesus' meeting.' Time to repent and change your ways. Otherwise, you ain't winning the White House anytime soon.
Oh. I see.
So they have to deal with hateful wankers like me.
As opposed to truly addressing my post, your entire post is an attack on me.
Speaks volumes.
Sorry Bro...I would respond but the only response I can give is a response to defend myself against your attack.....but that would lend credence to your attacks.
So....no interest.

Sorry Bro, but you just come off as a typical angry greedy white Republican dude. You say others don't work hard even though you know absolutely nothing of which you speak. Walmart Employees have to deal with ignorant kooks like you all day. So forget just more money, give em all medals too.
Excuse me....all of those that work have to deal with ignorant kooks all day long.....some do it at walmart...others prepare the tax returns for them.

I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

I get it.

Drop the 'angry greedy white dude' shtick. You accuse others of not working hard despite knowing absolutely nothing of which you speak. That makes you a hateful ignorant fuckwit. Walmart Employees work hard alright. They deal with fuckwits like you all day. So quit talkin out your ass, and start showing struggling American Workers some respect. Capisce.
hmmm....look at how you post here....and you say I am the fuckwit?

And I did not say they were not hard working....some are and those are the ones who get promotions.

But simply working 40 hours a week does not make you hard working. It simply makes you a full time employee.

To work hard takes more than simply "doing your job"

Now...one more childish attack on me, and I will ignore you and move on.
The democrat constituency and their cliches. Do they ever have anything other than democrat talking points?

They are still so stupid that they believe democrats care about the poor.

can you imagine?
And pay close attention to what is happening in WalMart's now...they are rapidly replacing humans in the checkout lines with self checkout. If you think that's a coincidence...happening at the same time as liberals push for higher minimum wages then you're a fool.

Rest assured that large increases in the minimum wage are going to be the death knell of millions of low skill, entry level jobs. Companies are going to find ways to do things without minimum wage workers. It's obvious, yet people like you don't see it.

Yes we know, it's all the Workers' fault. A real winning message for the GOP. Good luck with that.

It's not the worker's fault, you idiot! They're going to be the ones hurt by it but they aren't the ones who are making it happen. YOU are the person at fault! You let your ideology overrule your common sense.
I will ask again....if someone who gets up at 8:00 AM to be at work by 9:00 AM to work until 5:00 PM with a morning break, an afternoon break and a lunch break is working hard....


What do you call one who gets up at 5:30 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM to work until 6:00 PM and rarely takes a break other than a lunch once in a while with a client?

I know...an evil fat greedy white dude.

Hey what do you call the guy doing shingle tear off for 10 hours on a 10/12 pitch roof in 100 degree heat? A Mexican, No jk, A hard hard hard worker is what you call him.
Fucking accountant doesn't know what hard work is. Or the retail worker if you are going to use roofing as your hard work standard.
excuse me....

That IS a hard worker.

I never denied that.

I simply said that working at Walmart for 40 hours a week does not automatically qulalify you as a hard worker.
And the question was not about salary....it was about the definition of "hard working"

Are you really going to imply that the amount of work performed is not effected by the money that will be made?

Come on now. You expect the MW retail worker to work harder than the accountant? Who isn't doing jack shit of hard work when compared to the roofer.

I always preferred to work smarter. Not harder. I guess you didn't embrace that idea eh?
I am working part time at 18 buckos an hour. Then I have to PAY the IRS, Then I pay a commission to my broker and my financial advisor. And Property taxes. I have to pay the water board to flush a bloody toilet. And all this will go up because people think raising minimum wage is the be all end all financial fix? You get a temporary wage increase the cost of living goes up and it contributes to inflation. That is a delusion.
Yes, Walmart Employees are worthless and lazy. They should be happy making shite wages. Man, is that really the message the GOP's gonna run with in the next Election? Not a very endearing message to struggling American Workers. Oh boy, Congrats Democrats. The dummies in the GOP just handed you the White House again.

The "message" that you liberals are going to run on is elect us and we'll give you higher minimum wages! The problem with that message is that you're not being honest with the people that hold those minimum wage jobs or will want to get one in the future. The truth is that what you're proposing is going to cause many of them to lose their jobs or not be able to get one in the first place.

If you really cared about the struggling American worker...you'd be doing everything you could to protect the jobs they have while passing legislation that was good for the economy.
I simply said that working at Walmart for 40 hours a week does not automatically qulalify you as a hard worker.

From what I can tell from hiring people, the definition of a "hard worker' is someone who shows up when they are supposed to, does the tasks assigned to them completely, finishes work and looks/asks for more, doesn't bitch about the job or pay and comes back the next day and does it again.

I didn't think there were classifications of "hard worker" assigned to each industry. But every industry that I have ever worked in (and there are a lot of them) I was always known as a "hard worker".. And all I did was what I wrote above.
And the question was not about salary....it was about the definition of "hard working"

Are you really going to imply that the amount of work performed is not effected by the money that will be made?

Come on now. You expect the MW retail worker to work harder than the accountant? Who isn't doing jack shit of hard work when compared to the roofer.

I always preferred to work smarter. Not harder. I guess you didn't embrace that idea eh?

It's not a question of effort...what you make in pay is a direct result of how scarce your job skills are. There is a reason why some jobs don't pay well and other do. That's usually centered around how hard it would be to replace you if you went elsewhere. If you're a shelf stocker at WalMart you're not going to be hard to replace. If you're an electrician or a talented auto mechanic you're in demand...hence you command more money.
And the question was not about salary....it was about the definition of "hard working"

Are you really going to imply that the amount of work performed is not effected by the money that will be made?

Come on now. You expect the MW retail worker to work harder than the accountant? Who isn't doing jack shit of hard work when compared to the roofer.

I always preferred to work smarter. Not harder. I guess you didn't embrace that idea eh?
you are straying off the topic...and, of course, you found the need to toss an insult at me in the end......

the idea of working smart hit me early on in my life....I combined that with working hard and I was able to retire at the age of 54. I guess you preferred smart over hard. You should have tried to combine the two. It works well.

As for a walmart worker...if he or she worked hard...showed initiative....was one of the few that got to work with 8 inches of snow outside.....did not use all of his/her sick days.....offered to stay late to assist the manager (without being paid ot).....

That person is working harder than his/her coworker and will be recognized for a promotion.

And by the way...one who works hard is not just one who sweats on a roof....it is one who has the stress of accuracy...it is one who must respond when a client calls....

But the fact that an accountant, to you, is by no means a hard worker makes me realize we will never see eye to eye on the topic.
If you really cared about the struggling American worker...you'd be doing everything you could to protect the jobs they have while passing legislation that was good for the economy.

Do you believe in American workers prosperity through lower wages and benefits?
Should companies open jobs to bidding wars? The lowest bid wins the job? Just think of the profits from the reduced payroll. Pitting worker against worker is so............fucking richy rich.
I simply said that working at Walmart for 40 hours a week does not automatically qulalify you as a hard worker.

From what I can tell from hiring people, the definition of a "hard worker' is someone who shows up when they are supposed to, does the tasks assigned to them completely, finishes work and looks/asks for more, doesn't bitch about the job or pay and comes back the next day and does it again.

I didn't think there were classifications of "hard worker" assigned to each industry. But every industry that I have ever worked in (and there are a lot of them) I was always known as a "hard worker".. And all I did was what I wrote above.
if that is the definition of a hard worker...what is the definition of a worker?

Think about it.

A hard worker is one who goes above and beyond. That simple.

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