I don't understand why Veterans would vote for Donald Trump.

Trump suggests military members with mental health issues aren’t ‘strong’ and ‘can’t handle it’

Trump provokes anger by suggesting vets with PTSD are not 'strong'


We know Trump tried to stiff veterans and was shamed into paying them the money he promised.

We know he thinks a POW can't be a hero.

And we know Republicans have worked tirelessly to cut veteran's benefits.

And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?
Maybe it's because they don't want to be forced to wear heals and sleep next to queers.
Trump suggests military members with mental health issues aren’t ‘strong’ and ‘can’t handle it’

Trump provokes anger by suggesting vets with PTSD are not 'strong'


We know Trump tried to stiff veterans and was shamed into paying them the money he promised.

We know he thinks a POW can't be a hero.

And we know Republicans have worked tirelessly to cut veteran's benefits.

And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?
Maybe it's because they don't want to be forced to wear heals and sleep next to queers.
or maybe its because they do?
....And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?

Because Democrats have regularly shown their disrespect for veterans for decades. It's a "lesser of two evils" choice.

FWIW, I'm not voting for Trump....and Trump may be the RNC candidate, but he's not a Republican.
Trump suggests military members with mental health issues aren’t ‘strong’ and ‘can’t handle it’

Trump provokes anger by suggesting vets with PTSD are not 'strong'


We know Trump tried to stiff veterans and was shamed into paying them the money he promised.

We know he thinks a POW can't be a hero.

And we know Republicans have worked tirelessly to cut veteran's benefits.

And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?
You sure don't understand much....
you sound like a cop

Be careful boy.....I'm armed ;)
Timid cave chimps are always armed. They would pee themselves without protection.

Yo chimp, I am an ex-champion wrestler.......Omaha....
Of course you are, cave gibbon. Trump has only 37% of the vets.

US military poll: Johnson and Trump tied, Clinton way behind

Tell us again boy.....you were here and pretended I didn't show...
You love man on man, huh? yammering yogi ain't nothing to fear, hear? yogi, trump gets less than 40% of the veterans' vote.
Hillary has nothing but disdain for veterans, active duty, and pretty much all Americans....just like Obama. She is an elitist after all. Vets know this and they also know she is likely to start WWIII. So, naturally they can't stand the crazy sick old lady.
As usual, you are 100 percent wrong......

He is 100 percent correct.

Same group of conned idiots believing that they shared in the rich mans struggle.

Nope....W-R-O-N-G.....so how many northern states still had slaves during the civil war and which northern state was the last one to free them....(hint) it was after the southern states did. Why were border states allowed to keep slaves as long as they didn't join the south? Why was there English armies in Canada and why did France have soldiers in Mexico and what part did the Tsar of Russia play in all of this? How about the Jesuits and the Vatican? You need to brush up on the real history.

Lincoln was against slavery, but in his first inaugural speech he made it clear, he made it clear that keeping the southern states in the union was his biggest concern. "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

The abolitionists were the driving force behind the ending of the abhorring practice of involuntary servitude...now we have voluntary servitude. If you have a birth certificate and an all-caps corporate fiction name, you are a debt slave.
....And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?

Because Democrats have regularly shown their disrespect for veterans for decades. It's a "lesser of two evils" choice.

FWIW, I'm not voting for Trump....and Trump may be the RNC candidate, but he's not a Republican.
vietnams over
Yes it is and faggots like you don't even know where it is.
yogi likes gay sex, too, so he is probably playing hard to get.
notice how all the "moderate" republicans are completely ignoring him
Nope....W-R-O-N-G.....so how many northern states still had slaves during the civil war and which northern state was the last one to free them....(hint) it was after the southern states did. Why were border states allowed to keep slaves as long as they didn't join the south? Why was there English armies in Canada and why did France have soldiers in Mexico and what part did the Tsar of Russia play in all of this? How about the Jesuits and the Vatican? You need to brush up on the real history.

Lincoln was against slavery, but in his first inaugural speech he made it clear, he made it clear that keeping the southern states in the union was his biggest concern. "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

The abolitionists were the driving force behind the ending of the abhorring practice of involuntary servitude...now we have voluntary servitude. If you have a birth certificate and an all-caps corporate fiction name, you are a debt slave.

All of that is irrelevant strawman ranting.

Why did poor southern farmers fight for the rights of rich plantation owners to have slaves? They were whipped up by politics, and therefore made ignorant. That is the point being made.
Yes, I do. I'm tired of them trying to ram their revolting lifestyle down my throat.

You are sick of people expressing themselves differently than you?

What percentage of queers are doing that to you?
Yes, I do. I'm tired of them trying to ram their revolting lifestyle down my throat.[/QUOTE]

You sure that's their "lifestyle" being rammed down your throat?
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Hillary has nothing but disdain for veterans, active duty, and pretty much all Americans....just like Obama. She is an elitist after all. Vets know this and they also know she is likely to start WWIII. So, naturally they can't stand the crazy sick old lady.
I'm guessing you are not thinking this through and you dont see the logic chain being broken with what you just posted? Someone starting WWIII with troops they disdain?

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