I don't understand why Veterans would vote for Donald Trump.

Nope....W-R-O-N-G.....so how many northern states still had slaves during the civil war and which northern state was the last one to free them....(hint) it was after the southern states did. Why were border states allowed to keep slaves as long as they didn't join the south? Why was there English armies in Canada and why did France have soldiers in Mexico and what part did the Tsar of Russia play in all of this? How about the Jesuits and the Vatican? You need to brush up on the real history.

Lincoln was against slavery, but in his first inaugural speech he made it clear, he made it clear that keeping the southern states in the union was his biggest concern. "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

The abolitionists were the driving force behind the ending of the abhorring practice of involuntary servitude...now we have voluntary servitude. If you have a birth certificate and an all-caps corporate fiction name, you are a debt slave.

All of that is irrelevant strawman ranting.

Why did poor southern farmers fight for the rights of rich plantation owners to have slaves? They were whipped up by politics, and therefore made ignorant. That is the point being made.

They weren't fighting for the right of plantation owners to own slaves. They were just fighting the Northern invader who was destroying his home.
I don't understand why Veterans would vote for Donald Trump.

That's right, you don't understand.

Okay, why should veterans vote for Trump then?
Because they believe in his message? Because they agree with his policy positions? Because they have pulled the lever for an R for a decade and are not going to change now? Because they do not pay attention to anything in politics? Because they do pay attention and dislike Hillary vehemently?

Take your pick - there are a lot of reasons that one may or may not support a given candidate.

So what policy positions would a veteran agree with?

The one where Trump disdains veterans?
Any of them. Your 'assessment' is rather irrelevant.

I'm asking you. If you were a veteran, which policies would you think are worth MORE than Trump having decided that you're useless?
I am a veteran and I do not support Trump so....

The most common I see though is his immigration policy and his stance on refugees. Those resonate with the military that I have the most contact with. Most of them are also clueless when it comes to politics though so I take what they support with a grain of salt.

My point here is to address vets as some sort of monolithic group is asinine. Military service does tend to attract a specific type of person and they tend to be libertarian and conservative in nature. It is no surprise that they support Trump more than Hillary. Most of us are also fed up with our military actions overseas and that does not help Hillary's case at all. I know a vet that supports Hillary after Sanders lost and one that supported Hillary the entire time. One is a woman and the other black. Which monolithic group are they supposed to be in - the black/woman group of the vet one? Parsing politics into groups is a sad practice.

Lastly, I have to reiterate your idiotic statement that any of these are worth more than Trump "deciding that we are useless" is not constructive in any way. If you want honest and civil discourse, starting your statement off with a judgement of that nature makes it pointless. I assume that your response would be less than helpful should I ask why you beat your wife. Why you think framing your question with such an assertion so that I would have to validate it in order to answer it would be helpful is beyond me. I guarantee that the massive majority of vets supporting Trump do not believe that Trump finds them useless.
Okay, why should veterans vote for Trump then?
Because they believe in his message? Because they agree with his policy positions? Because they have pulled the lever for an R for a decade and are not going to change now? Because they do not pay attention to anything in politics? Because they do pay attention and dislike Hillary vehemently?

Take your pick - there are a lot of reasons that one may or may not support a given candidate.

So what policy positions would a veteran agree with?

The one where Trump disdains veterans?
Any of them. Your 'assessment' is rather irrelevant.

I'm asking you. If you were a veteran, which policies would you think are worth MORE than Trump having decided that you're useless?
I am a veteran and I do not support Trump so....

The most common I see though is his immigration policy and his stance on refugees. Those resonate with the military that I have the most contact with. Most of them are also clueless when it comes to politics though so I take what they support with a grain of salt.

My point here is to address vets as some sort of monolithic group is asinine. Military service does tend to attract a specific type of person and they tend to be libertarian and conservative in nature. It is no surprise that they support Trump more than Hillary. Most of us are also fed up with our military actions overseas and that does not help Hillary's case at all. I know a vet that supports Hillary after Sanders lost and one that supported Hillary the entire time. One is a woman and the other black. Which monolithic group are they supposed to be in - the black/woman group of the vet one? Parsing politics into groups is a sad practice.

Lastly, I have to reiterate your idiotic statement that any of these are worth more than Trump "deciding that we are useless" is not constructive in any way. If you want honest and civil discourse, starting your statement off with a judgement of that nature makes it pointless. I assume that your response would be less than helpful should I ask why you beat your wife. Why you think framing your question with such an assertion so that I would have to validate it in order to answer it would be helpful is beyond me. I guarantee that the massive majority of vets supporting Trump do not believe that Trump finds them useless.

What is his immigration policy exactly? Or did he just have a suggestion? Because I'm not sure if he has any policies beyond having some kind of wall on the Mexican border.

The might resonate with those in the military, but do they actually know what Trump is planning on doing, or do they just listen to what they want to hear?

We are, it would appear quite clear to me, talking in generalizations. It's no stupid to do so. The last guy who said he didn't like generalizations decided the next day to make a generalization. We do it all the time, get over it.

Military service doesn't have to be one side or another, however when talking about military personnel there might be certain policies that they would be attracted to simply because they're in the military, like investment in the military which Trump seems to want to increase and decrease at the same time, as far as I can tell.

But you'd think his hammering of military personnel, like PoWs and those with mental health issues, would make military personnel a little wary about a guy who has not respect for the military at all.

You think what I said is "idiotic" but Trump is the one saying this shit.
The democrats just need a wedge to dispirit Trump voters. They can't tell you why Hillary should have your vote.

No, why would anyone tell you why either of them should have your vote? They're as bad as each other. What a great situation the US is in. Vote third party.
Because they believe in his message? Because they agree with his policy positions? Because they have pulled the lever for an R for a decade and are not going to change now? Because they do not pay attention to anything in politics? Because they do pay attention and dislike Hillary vehemently?

Take your pick - there are a lot of reasons that one may or may not support a given candidate.

So what policy positions would a veteran agree with?

The one where Trump disdains veterans?
Any of them. Your 'assessment' is rather irrelevant.

I'm asking you. If you were a veteran, which policies would you think are worth MORE than Trump having decided that you're useless?
I am a veteran and I do not support Trump so....

The most common I see though is his immigration policy and his stance on refugees. Those resonate with the military that I have the most contact with. Most of them are also clueless when it comes to politics though so I take what they support with a grain of salt.

My point here is to address vets as some sort of monolithic group is asinine. Military service does tend to attract a specific type of person and they tend to be libertarian and conservative in nature. It is no surprise that they support Trump more than Hillary. Most of us are also fed up with our military actions overseas and that does not help Hillary's case at all. I know a vet that supports Hillary after Sanders lost and one that supported Hillary the entire time. One is a woman and the other black. Which monolithic group are they supposed to be in - the black/woman group of the vet one? Parsing politics into groups is a sad practice.

Lastly, I have to reiterate your idiotic statement that any of these are worth more than Trump "deciding that we are useless" is not constructive in any way. If you want honest and civil discourse, starting your statement off with a judgement of that nature makes it pointless. I assume that your response would be less than helpful should I ask why you beat your wife. Why you think framing your question with such an assertion so that I would have to validate it in order to answer it would be helpful is beyond me. I guarantee that the massive majority of vets supporting Trump do not believe that Trump finds them useless.

What is his immigration policy exactly? Or did he just have a suggestion? Because I'm not sure if he has any policies beyond having some kind of wall on the Mexican border.

The might resonate with those in the military, but do they actually know what Trump is planning on doing, or do they just listen to what they want to hear?
Like the rest of the electorate they simply listen to what they hear or whatever chosen talking heads give them their slice of 'news.'
We are, it would appear quite clear to me, talking in generalizations. It's no stupid to do so. The last guy who said he didn't like generalizations decided the next day to make a generalization. We do it all the time, get over it.
I did not say anything about generalizations. Try again.
Military service doesn't have to be one side or another, however when talking about military personnel there might be certain policies that they would be attracted to simply because they're in the military, like investment in the military which Trump seems to want to increase and decrease at the same time, as far as I can tell.
And I just told you there really is not. We are incredibly diverse. Other than the general tendancy to attract those that are more libertarian/conservative leaning there really is not many political positions that the military is remotely in agreement about. Again, we are not monolithic.

But you'd think his hammering of military personnel, like PoWs and those with mental health issues, would make military personnel a little wary about a guy who has not respect for the military at all.

You think what I said is "idiotic" but Trump is the one saying this shit.
No, he did most certainly did not make that idiotic question. You did. You loaded a question that you asked me and I called you out on it. Don't try and push that off.
So what policy positions would a veteran agree with?

The one where Trump disdains veterans?
Any of them. Your 'assessment' is rather irrelevant.

I'm asking you. If you were a veteran, which policies would you think are worth MORE than Trump having decided that you're useless?
I am a veteran and I do not support Trump so....

The most common I see though is his immigration policy and his stance on refugees. Those resonate with the military that I have the most contact with. Most of them are also clueless when it comes to politics though so I take what they support with a grain of salt.

My point here is to address vets as some sort of monolithic group is asinine. Military service does tend to attract a specific type of person and they tend to be libertarian and conservative in nature. It is no surprise that they support Trump more than Hillary. Most of us are also fed up with our military actions overseas and that does not help Hillary's case at all. I know a vet that supports Hillary after Sanders lost and one that supported Hillary the entire time. One is a woman and the other black. Which monolithic group are they supposed to be in - the black/woman group of the vet one? Parsing politics into groups is a sad practice.

Lastly, I have to reiterate your idiotic statement that any of these are worth more than Trump "deciding that we are useless" is not constructive in any way. If you want honest and civil discourse, starting your statement off with a judgement of that nature makes it pointless. I assume that your response would be less than helpful should I ask why you beat your wife. Why you think framing your question with such an assertion so that I would have to validate it in order to answer it would be helpful is beyond me. I guarantee that the massive majority of vets supporting Trump do not believe that Trump finds them useless.

What is his immigration policy exactly? Or did he just have a suggestion? Because I'm not sure if he has any policies beyond having some kind of wall on the Mexican border.

The might resonate with those in the military, but do they actually know what Trump is planning on doing, or do they just listen to what they want to hear?
Like the rest of the electorate they simply listen to what they hear or whatever chosen talking heads give them their slice of 'news.'
We are, it would appear quite clear to me, talking in generalizations. It's no stupid to do so. The last guy who said he didn't like generalizations decided the next day to make a generalization. We do it all the time, get over it.
I did not say anything about generalizations. Try again.
Military service doesn't have to be one side or another, however when talking about military personnel there might be certain policies that they would be attracted to simply because they're in the military, like investment in the military which Trump seems to want to increase and decrease at the same time, as far as I can tell.
And I just told you there really is not. We are incredibly diverse. Other than the general tendancy to attract those that are more libertarian/conservative leaning there really is not many political positions that the military is remotely in agreement about. Again, we are not monolithic.

But you'd think his hammering of military personnel, like PoWs and those with mental health issues, would make military personnel a little wary about a guy who has not respect for the military at all.

You think what I said is "idiotic" but Trump is the one saying this shit.
No, he did most certainly did not make that idiotic question. You did. You loaded a question that you asked me and I called you out on it. Don't try and push that off.

Well, after all that we're back at square one having wasted loads of time you and coming out and decrying everything as idiotic. Fucking hell.
Any of them. Your 'assessment' is rather irrelevant.

I'm asking you. If you were a veteran, which policies would you think are worth MORE than Trump having decided that you're useless?
I am a veteran and I do not support Trump so....

The most common I see though is his immigration policy and his stance on refugees. Those resonate with the military that I have the most contact with. Most of them are also clueless when it comes to politics though so I take what they support with a grain of salt.

My point here is to address vets as some sort of monolithic group is asinine. Military service does tend to attract a specific type of person and they tend to be libertarian and conservative in nature. It is no surprise that they support Trump more than Hillary. Most of us are also fed up with our military actions overseas and that does not help Hillary's case at all. I know a vet that supports Hillary after Sanders lost and one that supported Hillary the entire time. One is a woman and the other black. Which monolithic group are they supposed to be in - the black/woman group of the vet one? Parsing politics into groups is a sad practice.

Lastly, I have to reiterate your idiotic statement that any of these are worth more than Trump "deciding that we are useless" is not constructive in any way. If you want honest and civil discourse, starting your statement off with a judgement of that nature makes it pointless. I assume that your response would be less than helpful should I ask why you beat your wife. Why you think framing your question with such an assertion so that I would have to validate it in order to answer it would be helpful is beyond me. I guarantee that the massive majority of vets supporting Trump do not believe that Trump finds them useless.

What is his immigration policy exactly? Or did he just have a suggestion? Because I'm not sure if he has any policies beyond having some kind of wall on the Mexican border.

The might resonate with those in the military, but do they actually know what Trump is planning on doing, or do they just listen to what they want to hear?
Like the rest of the electorate they simply listen to what they hear or whatever chosen talking heads give them their slice of 'news.'
We are, it would appear quite clear to me, talking in generalizations. It's no stupid to do so. The last guy who said he didn't like generalizations decided the next day to make a generalization. We do it all the time, get over it.
I did not say anything about generalizations. Try again.
Military service doesn't have to be one side or another, however when talking about military personnel there might be certain policies that they would be attracted to simply because they're in the military, like investment in the military which Trump seems to want to increase and decrease at the same time, as far as I can tell.
And I just told you there really is not. We are incredibly diverse. Other than the general tendancy to attract those that are more libertarian/conservative leaning there really is not many political positions that the military is remotely in agreement about. Again, we are not monolithic.

But you'd think his hammering of military personnel, like PoWs and those with mental health issues, would make military personnel a little wary about a guy who has not respect for the military at all.

You think what I said is "idiotic" but Trump is the one saying this shit.
No, he did most certainly did not make that idiotic question. You did. You loaded a question that you asked me and I called you out on it. Don't try and push that off.

Well, after all that we're back at square one having wasted loads of time you and coming out and decrying everything as idiotic. Fucking hell.
Actually, I answered your questions.
I'm asking you. If you were a veteran, which policies would you think are worth MORE than Trump having decided that you're useless?
I am a veteran and I do not support Trump so....

The most common I see though is his immigration policy and his stance on refugees. Those resonate with the military that I have the most contact with. Most of them are also clueless when it comes to politics though so I take what they support with a grain of salt.

My point here is to address vets as some sort of monolithic group is asinine. Military service does tend to attract a specific type of person and they tend to be libertarian and conservative in nature. It is no surprise that they support Trump more than Hillary. Most of us are also fed up with our military actions overseas and that does not help Hillary's case at all. I know a vet that supports Hillary after Sanders lost and one that supported Hillary the entire time. One is a woman and the other black. Which monolithic group are they supposed to be in - the black/woman group of the vet one? Parsing politics into groups is a sad practice.

Lastly, I have to reiterate your idiotic statement that any of these are worth more than Trump "deciding that we are useless" is not constructive in any way. If you want honest and civil discourse, starting your statement off with a judgement of that nature makes it pointless. I assume that your response would be less than helpful should I ask why you beat your wife. Why you think framing your question with such an assertion so that I would have to validate it in order to answer it would be helpful is beyond me. I guarantee that the massive majority of vets supporting Trump do not believe that Trump finds them useless.

What is his immigration policy exactly? Or did he just have a suggestion? Because I'm not sure if he has any policies beyond having some kind of wall on the Mexican border.

The might resonate with those in the military, but do they actually know what Trump is planning on doing, or do they just listen to what they want to hear?
Like the rest of the electorate they simply listen to what they hear or whatever chosen talking heads give them their slice of 'news.'
We are, it would appear quite clear to me, talking in generalizations. It's no stupid to do so. The last guy who said he didn't like generalizations decided the next day to make a generalization. We do it all the time, get over it.
I did not say anything about generalizations. Try again.
Military service doesn't have to be one side or another, however when talking about military personnel there might be certain policies that they would be attracted to simply because they're in the military, like investment in the military which Trump seems to want to increase and decrease at the same time, as far as I can tell.
And I just told you there really is not. We are incredibly diverse. Other than the general tendancy to attract those that are more libertarian/conservative leaning there really is not many political positions that the military is remotely in agreement about. Again, we are not monolithic.

But you'd think his hammering of military personnel, like PoWs and those with mental health issues, would make military personnel a little wary about a guy who has not respect for the military at all.

You think what I said is "idiotic" but Trump is the one saying this shit.
No, he did most certainly did not make that idiotic question. You did. You loaded a question that you asked me and I called you out on it. Don't try and push that off.

Well, after all that we're back at square one having wasted loads of time you and coming out and decrying everything as idiotic. Fucking hell.
Actually, I answered your questions.

Not really.
I am a veteran and I do not support Trump so....

The most common I see though is his immigration policy and his stance on refugees. Those resonate with the military that I have the most contact with. Most of them are also clueless when it comes to politics though so I take what they support with a grain of salt.

My point here is to address vets as some sort of monolithic group is asinine. Military service does tend to attract a specific type of person and they tend to be libertarian and conservative in nature. It is no surprise that they support Trump more than Hillary. Most of us are also fed up with our military actions overseas and that does not help Hillary's case at all. I know a vet that supports Hillary after Sanders lost and one that supported Hillary the entire time. One is a woman and the other black. Which monolithic group are they supposed to be in - the black/woman group of the vet one? Parsing politics into groups is a sad practice.

Lastly, I have to reiterate your idiotic statement that any of these are worth more than Trump "deciding that we are useless" is not constructive in any way. If you want honest and civil discourse, starting your statement off with a judgement of that nature makes it pointless. I assume that your response would be less than helpful should I ask why you beat your wife. Why you think framing your question with such an assertion so that I would have to validate it in order to answer it would be helpful is beyond me. I guarantee that the massive majority of vets supporting Trump do not believe that Trump finds them useless.

What is his immigration policy exactly? Or did he just have a suggestion? Because I'm not sure if he has any policies beyond having some kind of wall on the Mexican border.

The might resonate with those in the military, but do they actually know what Trump is planning on doing, or do they just listen to what they want to hear?
Like the rest of the electorate they simply listen to what they hear or whatever chosen talking heads give them their slice of 'news.'
We are, it would appear quite clear to me, talking in generalizations. It's no stupid to do so. The last guy who said he didn't like generalizations decided the next day to make a generalization. We do it all the time, get over it.
I did not say anything about generalizations. Try again.
Military service doesn't have to be one side or another, however when talking about military personnel there might be certain policies that they would be attracted to simply because they're in the military, like investment in the military which Trump seems to want to increase and decrease at the same time, as far as I can tell.
And I just told you there really is not. We are incredibly diverse. Other than the general tendancy to attract those that are more libertarian/conservative leaning there really is not many political positions that the military is remotely in agreement about. Again, we are not monolithic.

But you'd think his hammering of military personnel, like PoWs and those with mental health issues, would make military personnel a little wary about a guy who has not respect for the military at all.

You think what I said is "idiotic" but Trump is the one saying this shit.
No, he did most certainly did not make that idiotic question. You did. You loaded a question that you asked me and I called you out on it. Don't try and push that off.

Well, after all that we're back at square one having wasted loads of time you and coming out and decrying everything as idiotic. Fucking hell.
Actually, I answered your questions.

Not really.
Then I did waste my time. While I gave answers to your questions and you have contributed nothing at all, you cannot get past your own bullshit. Don't know why I bothered but don't worry - I wont continue. I should have known from the get go that you were not interested in actual discussion by the garbage you put in your post.
What is his immigration policy exactly? Or did he just have a suggestion? Because I'm not sure if he has any policies beyond having some kind of wall on the Mexican border.

The might resonate with those in the military, but do they actually know what Trump is planning on doing, or do they just listen to what they want to hear?
Like the rest of the electorate they simply listen to what they hear or whatever chosen talking heads give them their slice of 'news.'
We are, it would appear quite clear to me, talking in generalizations. It's no stupid to do so. The last guy who said he didn't like generalizations decided the next day to make a generalization. We do it all the time, get over it.
I did not say anything about generalizations. Try again.
Military service doesn't have to be one side or another, however when talking about military personnel there might be certain policies that they would be attracted to simply because they're in the military, like investment in the military which Trump seems to want to increase and decrease at the same time, as far as I can tell.
And I just told you there really is not. We are incredibly diverse. Other than the general tendancy to attract those that are more libertarian/conservative leaning there really is not many political positions that the military is remotely in agreement about. Again, we are not monolithic.

But you'd think his hammering of military personnel, like PoWs and those with mental health issues, would make military personnel a little wary about a guy who has not respect for the military at all.

You think what I said is "idiotic" but Trump is the one saying this shit.
No, he did most certainly did not make that idiotic question. You did. You loaded a question that you asked me and I called you out on it. Don't try and push that off.

Well, after all that we're back at square one having wasted loads of time you and coming out and decrying everything as idiotic. Fucking hell.
Actually, I answered your questions.

Not really.
Then I did waste my time. While I gave answers to your questions and you have contributed nothing at all, you cannot get past your own bullshit. Don't know why I bothered but don't worry - I wont continue. I should have known from the get go that you were not interested in actual discussion by the garbage you put in your post.

Yes, you wasted your time and my time. It doesn't help when you start going off with things like "idiotic" etc, I tend to switch off.
They can express themselves differently all they want, so long as I'm not forced to participate, but the later is exactly what they want to force on me and everyone else.

Forced to participate?

Are there a lot of gay men trying to jump your bones?
Who needs to go to their night clubs? If they walk into your business, you are forced to pretend they are normal human beings.

Define normality and explain why we should strive for bleak conformity.

Sounds pretty socio-collectivist in my opinion.
They weren't fighting for the right of plantation owners to own slaves. They were just fighting the Northern invader who was destroying his home.

Do you deny that the majority of Southerners, most of which were poor farmers, supported the right of of aristocratic plantation owners to own human beings as property?
Do you deny that the majority of Southerners, most of which were poor farmers, supported the right of of aristocratic plantation owners to own human beings as property?
At a guess, yes, although I haven't seen a poll on the actual question. What I do know is that a majority of Southerners were willing to fight for their state against Northern invaders.

I'm sure even a Russophiliac, America-Basher would understand what it is like to be subject to invasion. After all, both France and Germany attacked and invaded Russia.
you sound like a cop

Be careful boy.....I'm armed ;)
Timid cave chimps are always armed. They would pee themselves without protection.

Yo chimp, I am an ex-champion wrestler.......Omaha....
Of course you are, cave gibbon. Trump has only 37% of the vets.

US military poll: Johnson and Trump tied, Clinton way behind

Posting conflicting stats, how fakey of you.
Nothing conflicting at all, except in your inability to process info you don't like. Tough.

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