I don't understand why Veterans would vote for Donald Trump.

...People with huge bay windows ought not to throw rocks.
Agreed....and that works both ways. Both are responsible for supporting the war in Iraq, but only one of them was a Senator who voted for it. ;)
She did not deny she voted for it. He did deny that he supported it.

Oh right, a casual yeah I guess in a Howard Stern interview, is ardent support, give me a fucking break. He came out against it shortly after when he actually gave it some thought. But hey, let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right?
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.
What was the source of your "65%"? In the linked article quoted below, the only way I came close to 65% was using officers only (66.6%). In that case, 64.6% are against Hillary. Among the entire military force, 74.1% are against Hillary.

"Among the entire military force, Trump leads Johnson 37.6 percent to 36.5 percent, within the study’s 2 percent margin of error. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton trails as a distant third-place choice, with only 16.3 percent of troops' support.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein received 1.2 percent support while other third-party and write-in options received 3.2 percent.

About 5 percent of respondents indicated they do not plan to vote given the likely choices on the ballot this year.

Perhaps most notably, there is a sharp split between enlisted personnel and the military's officer corps, which directs day-to-day operations and implements policy. Among the officers surveyed, Johnson is the clear choice, commanding support from 38.6 percent of respondents. Clinton actually outpaces Trump in that group, with nearly 28 percent support for the former secretary of State compared to the New York business mogul’s 26 percent.
She did not deny she voted for it. He did deny that he supported it.
True. Nonetheless, Wry's post was about throwing stones in glass houses while he rattled off the Iraq death statistics. Trump, along with other citizens (not me) supported the war, but Hillary actually voted for it.
And then opposed it. Let's get the whole story. What about Trump's business supporting the war effort by support the military recreational facilities?
65% of vets oppose Trump.
I haven't met one yet that is for the hildabitch.
That means you only know ones like you, and that is not reflective of vets in general. The poll counts, not your opinion.
Which poll would that be, the one where you implied the hildabitch had 65% support or the real one where she only has 16.3% to Trumps 37.6%? BTW that poll proves you claim that 65% don't support Trump is a lie.
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.
1. You didn't post the link in your first post, you just posted a lie.2. It was proven a lie when you posted the link that showed only 62.4% didn't support trump, that's not 65%.Now run along and be your fakey self and I'm going to the VA clinic where I'll talk to more vets and their wives.
You rarely post links, so I am not worried about your nonsense. I am not worried that I missed the % by 2.5, which is your silly claim that I lied. I talk to wives and vets and staff members at the VAs all the time. They are not happy about our choices. Yep, you continue to a NoOK posted.
I haven't met one yet that is for the hildabitch.
That means you only know ones like you, and that is not reflective of vets in general. The poll counts, not your opinion.
Which poll would that be, the one where you implied the hildabitch had 65% support or the real one where she only has 16.3% to Trumps 37.6%? BTW that poll proves you claim that 65% don't support Trump is a lie.
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.
1. You didn't post the link in your first post, you just posted a lie.2. It was proven a lie when you posted the link that showed only 62.4% didn't support trump, that's not 65%.Now run along and be your fakey self and I'm going to the VA clinic where I'll talk to more vets and their wives.
You rarely post links, so I am not worried about your nonsense. I am not worried that I missed the % by 2.5, which is your silly claim that I lied. I talk to wives and vets and staff members at the VAs all the time. They are not happy about our choices. Yep, you continue to a NoOK posted.

You're right, their not happy with the choices, they are even less happy with your hildabitch. In the end, Trump will carry close to 80% of vets, it will be more for those of us who served under the first clinton, she's twice as crazy as he was.
That means you only know ones like you, and that is not reflective of vets in general. The poll counts, not your opinion.
Which poll would that be, the one where you implied the hildabitch had 65% support or the real one where she only has 16.3% to Trumps 37.6%? BTW that poll proves you claim that 65% don't support Trump is a lie.
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.
1. You didn't post the link in your first post, you just posted a lie.2. It was proven a lie when you posted the link that showed only 62.4% didn't support trump, that's not 65%.Now run along and be your fakey self and I'm going to the VA clinic where I'll talk to more vets and their wives.
You rarely post links, so I am not worried about your nonsense. I am not worried that I missed the % by 2.5, which is your silly claim that I lied. I talk to wives and vets and staff members at the VAs all the time. They are not happy about our choices. Yep, you continue to a NoOK posted.

You're right, their not happy with the choices, they are even less happy with your hildabitch. In the end, Trump will carry close to 80% of vets, it will be more for those of us who served under the first clinton, she's twice as crazy as he was.
Yup, she comes in third. I think Johnson will 50% plus on election day.
Which poll would that be, the one where you implied the hildabitch had 65% support or the real one where she only has 16.3% to Trumps 37.6%? BTW that poll proves you claim that 65% don't support Trump is a lie.
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.
1. You didn't post the link in your first post, you just posted a lie.2. It was proven a lie when you posted the link that showed only 62.4% didn't support trump, that's not 65%.Now run along and be your fakey self and I'm going to the VA clinic where I'll talk to more vets and their wives.
You rarely post links, so I am not worried about your nonsense. I am not worried that I missed the % by 2.5, which is your silly claim that I lied. I talk to wives and vets and staff members at the VAs all the time. They are not happy about our choices. Yep, you continue to a NoOK posted.

You're right, their not happy with the choices, they are even less happy with your hildabitch. In the end, Trump will carry close to 80% of vets, it will be more for those of us who served under the first clinton, she's twice as crazy as he was.
Yup, she comes in third. I think Johnson will 50% plus on election day.

Not a chance, third party candidates historically out poll the final results, Johnson will be lucky to get 3-4%. Very few will pull the lever for a sure loser, it's goes against human nature.
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.
1. You didn't post the link in your first post, you just posted a lie.2. It was proven a lie when you posted the link that showed only 62.4% didn't support trump, that's not 65%.Now run along and be your fakey self and I'm going to the VA clinic where I'll talk to more vets and their wives.
You rarely post links, so I am not worried about your nonsense. I am not worried that I missed the % by 2.5, which is your silly claim that I lied. I talk to wives and vets and staff members at the VAs all the time. They are not happy about our choices. Yep, you continue to a NoOK posted.

You're right, their not happy with the choices, they are even less happy with your hildabitch. In the end, Trump will carry close to 80% of vets, it will be more for those of us who served under the first clinton, she's twice as crazy as he was.
Yup, she comes in third. I think Johnson will 50% plus on election day.

Not a chance, third party candidates historically out poll the final results, Johnson will be lucky to get 3-4%. Very few will pull the lever for a sure loser, it's goes against human nature.
Well, that's your opinion. Let's see if you stick to it.
Democrats like the PTSD issue because it turns heroes into victims. According to federal regulations a former member of the Military can file for PTSD pension even if they never saw combat but only imagined they did.
Democrats like the PTSD issue because it turns heroes into victims. According to federal regulations a former member of the Military can file for PTSD pension even if they never saw combat but only imagined they did.
Yup, you hate American vets.
The Ukrainian signature in Cyrillic was a clue

The Cyrillic alphabet is used in more places than Russia (as you just pointed out).

Which is why it is out of place to call me a Russophile.

followed by your comment "America is blinded by flags, fireworks, and founding fathers."

That is a true statement.

Since when has patriotism equated to intentional ignorance?
The Ukrainian signature in Cyrillic was a clue

The Cyrillic alphabet is used in more places than Russia (as you just pointed out).

Which is why it is out of place to call me a Russophile.

That is a true statement about the Cyrillic alphabet.

Please weight your loyalty by percent for Russia, Ukraine and the US.

Although I'm of mixed European and Native American heritage, my loyalty is 100% to America. You? 50/50?
Please weight your loyalty by percent for Russia, Ukraine and the US.

I have zero loyalty to Russia, Ukraine, or the United States.

Although I'm of mixed European and Native American heritage, my loyalty is 100% to America. You? 50/50?

Humanity before country, always. The American country is distinct from the US state, or were you not educated on the distinction?
Please weight your loyalty by percent for Russia, Ukraine and the US.

I have zero loyalty to Russia, Ukraine, or the United States.

Although I'm of mixed European and Native American heritage, my loyalty is 100% to America. You? 50/50?

Humanity before country, always. The American country is distinct from the US state, or were you not educated on the distinction?
Thanks for the reply. IMHO, it not only backs up my assertion, but begs other questions.

Anyone can say "I love humanity". Heck, every beauty contestant who ever lived answered the question of "What do you wish for most?" with "World peace". Who doesn't want world peace? Putin? Assad? What do we peace lovers do with such fucking assholes?
Nope....W-R-O-N-G.....so how many northern states still had slaves during the civil war and which northern state was the last one to free them....(hint) it was after the southern states did. Why were border states allowed to keep slaves as long as they didn't join the south? Why was there English armies in Canada and why did France have soldiers in Mexico and what part did the Tsar of Russia play in all of this? How about the Jesuits and the Vatican? You need to brush up on the real history.

Lincoln was against slavery, but in his first inaugural speech he made it clear, he made it clear that keeping the southern states in the union was his biggest concern. "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

The abolitionists were the driving force behind the ending of the abhorring practice of involuntary servitude...now we have voluntary servitude. If you have a birth certificate and an all-caps corporate fiction name, you are a debt slave.

All of that is irrelevant strawman ranting.

Why did poor southern farmers fight for the rights of rich plantation owners to have slaves? They were whipped up by politics, and therefore made ignorant. That is the point being made.

They weren't fighting for the right of plantation owners to own slaves. They were just fighting the Northern invader who was destroying his home.

That was the cover story you inbreds swallow all the time like Drumpf knows all to well. The real reason they fought was to keep wealthy whites wealthy slave owners and hopefully gain some social status of their own.
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That was the cover story you inbreds swallow all the time like Drumpf knows all to well. The real reason they fought was to keep wealthy whites wealthy slave owners and hopefully gain some social status of their own.

To be fair, there was mass discontent over high taxation and tariffs too, which benefited the Northern economy at expense of the Southern economy.
Thanks for the reply. IMHO, it not only backs up my assertion, but begs other questions.

Anyone can say "I love humanity". Heck, every beauty contestant who ever lived answered the question of "What do you wish for most?" with "World peace". Who doesn't want world peace? Putin? Assad? What do we peace lovers do with such fucking assholes?

Your original assertion was unsupported conjecture, and this is just misdirection and begging the question.

Stop acting like you understand anything about me.
Trump visiting a 23 year old US soldier at Walter Reid Medical Center in Washington, D.C. after the soldier was released from captivity in Afghanistan:

"Hello soldier, glad you made it back. How are you?"
"Well I'm recovering pretty well, I was captured while on patr..."
"Whoa, whoa. You were captured?"
"Yes sir"
"Ok, I only like people that weren't captured, you aren't a hero and you just can't take it. Get me away from this McCain coward..."

Just going by what Trump himself has said.
Trump suggests military members with mental health issues aren’t ‘strong’ and ‘can’t handle it’

Trump provokes anger by suggesting vets with PTSD are not 'strong'


We know Trump tried to stiff veterans and was shamed into paying them the money he promised.

We know he thinks a POW can't be a hero.

And we know Republicans have worked tirelessly to cut veteran's benefits.

And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?

They know the Hildebeast is a fraud and worse.
Nope....W-R-O-N-G.....so how many northern states still had slaves during the civil war and which northern state was the last one to free them....(hint) it was after the southern states did. Why were border states allowed to keep slaves as long as they didn't join the south? Why was there English armies in Canada and why did France have soldiers in Mexico and what part did the Tsar of Russia play in all of this? How about the Jesuits and the Vatican? You need to brush up on the real history.

Lincoln was against slavery, but in his first inaugural speech he made it clear, he made it clear that keeping the southern states in the union was his biggest concern. "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

The abolitionists were the driving force behind the ending of the abhorring practice of involuntary servitude...now we have voluntary servitude. If you have a birth certificate and an all-caps corporate fiction name, you are a debt slave.

All of that is irrelevant strawman ranting.

Why did poor southern farmers fight for the rights of rich plantation owners to have slaves? They were whipped up by politics, and therefore made ignorant. That is the point being made.

They weren't fighting for the right of plantation owners to own slaves. They were just fighting the Northern invader who was destroying his home.

That was the cover story you inbreds swallow all the time like Drumpf knows all to well. The real reason they fought was to keep wealthy whites wealthy slave owners and hopefully gain some social status of their own.

But yet people like you that want to make it only about slavery can never answer the questions I put before them....questions that I know the answers to that you don't because you need something and someone to hate and blame because being a victim becomes you.

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