I don't understand why Veterans would vote for Donald Trump.

65% of vets oppose Trump.

I haven't met one yet that is for the hildabitch.
That means you only know ones like you, and that is not reflective of vets in general. The poll counts, not your opinion.
Agreed about polls. Still, a majority of vets have less confidence in Hillary than in Trump. Not an unexpected result in an election featuring the two most loathsome candidates in living memory. This helps explain why so many are for Johnson; vet and active duty know it is their civic duty to vote, but they can't hold their nose long enough to vote for either Hillary or Trump.

The good news for liberals is that military vets and active duty only constitute a very small demographic thus Hillary can blow them off like Liberals usually do. ;)

Fifty-five percent of active and former military members support Trump, while 36 percent back Clinton. But nearly half — 47 percent — say they are not confident in Trump's ability as commander in chief of the military. Sixty-four percent said the same about Clinton.

This Election Is Testing The Republican Loyalties Of Military Voters
Hale, now a philosophy major at the Miami University of Ohio, is one of22 million veterans living in the United States, a powerful demographic group that trends Republican. There are also 1.3 million active-duty military members, 1.8 million dependents and nearly 741,000 U.S. civilian direct hires. Active-duty military service members are not allowed to speak on the record to the press about their political affiliations, but a July survey by Military Times (described as unscientific, since respondents opt in) found that they preferred Trump to Clinton 2 to 1, though the majority dislike both candidates (61 percent in Trump’s case and 82 percent in Clinton’s).

An NBC News/Survey Monkey poll in mid-August found that Trump was leading Clinton by 10 points — 51 to 41 percent — in military households, even after he angered many veterans groups by feuding with a Gold Star Muslim family that had lost a son in Iraq. (Blacks and Latinos in military households chose Clinton over Trump, though by lower margins than among the general population.) A Fox News poll in early August found Trump ahead of Clinton by 14 points in early August among veterans. But that lead is smaller than those of previous Republican candidates, possibly because of Trump’s remarks about the Gold Star family and his criticism of military interventions. At this point in the cycle, John McCain had a 22-point lead among veterans in 2008, and Mitt Romney was up 24 points in 2012.
Military voters, notes Peter Feaver, a professor of political science at Duke University, encompass a wide range of demographic groups and ideologies, with the most senior military professionals tending to be the most conservative and Republican. The reason Trump is not doing as well as previous Republican candidates with military voters, he said, is that Trump’s message might resonate more with World War II and Korea veterans, who are aging and passing on. In particular, he calls Trump’s relationship to the Vietnam cohort of veterans “fraught.”

“Take our two iconic Vietnam vets — [Sen. John] McCain and [Secretary of State John] Kerry,” said Feaver, who held national security roles in the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. “The Kerry version of the Vietnam vet is not going to find Trump appealing. And you might say the McCain version would, but one of Trump’s first actions was to mock McCain’s time as a POW. He also dodged the draft more noticeably than any other Republican candidate for president.” At the same time, he said, Clinton remains unpopular with many veterans, in part because of Benghazi and the cutback on military spending under Obama (though Clinton is likely to be more hawkish than Obama).

With all this in mind, digging deeper into past voting patterns, veterans chose congressional Republicans by 20 points in 2014, and they voted for Mitt Romney by the same margin in the 2012 presidential election. Research by academics David L. Leal and Jeremy Teigen looked at the likelihood that veteran males identify as Republican and vote for Republican candidates when compared to similar non-veteran males.

In 2008, they found a slight GOP advantage among veterans. About half of non-veterans voted for Obama, compared to 65 percent of veterans who voted for McCain

I don't understand why Veterans would vote for Donald Trump

Hillary abandoned our people in Benghazi and let them die at the hands of murderous terrorists, would you someone that lame as commander in chief?
Vets do not like Trump.

And, blues, everytime you say 'benghazi', a new angel heaven loses its wings.
I don't understand why Veterans would vote for Donald Trump.

because they dont want to be abandoned and left for dead

and then lied about with such things as a cheezy video caused it
I'm sure even a Russophiliac, America-Basher would understand what it is like to be subject to invasion. After all, both France and Germany attacked and invaded Russia.

Russophiliac American Basher? If anything I have a history of Russophobia, and I consider myself a patriotic American too. Not sure how you reached that conclusion, but whatever.

Calling it an invasion is blatantly revising history. It was not a peaceful secession, evidenced by the bombing of Fort Sumter. Lincoin never gave orders to wage war on the Southern government. He actually organized a military force to retake federal property owned by the United States of America. The war started with border clashes near the capital.

Anyways, I emphasize with the Southern secession in many regards. Moreso if most of the secessionists were not backwards tools.
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Trump suggests military members with mental health issues aren’t ‘strong’ and ‘can’t handle it’

Trump provokes anger by suggesting vets with PTSD are not 'strong'


We know Trump tried to stiff veterans and was shamed into paying them the money he promised.

We know he thinks a POW can't be a hero.

And we know Republicans have worked tirelessly to cut veteran's benefits.

And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?

Because the other choice is Hillary. That was easy.

Which party you going to vote for if you're military?

- Trump who says stupid things

- The establishment Democrat who's party believes and amplifies every accusation against you like you do against cops the moment there's a shooting or even an accusation against them?

It's a pretty easy choice
65% of vets oppose Trump.

I haven't met one yet that is for the hildabitch.
That means you only know ones like you, and that is not reflective of vets in general. The poll counts, not your opinion.

Which poll would that be, the one where you implied the hildabitch had 65% support or the real one where she only has 16.3% to Trumps 37.6%? BTW that poll proves you claim that 65% don't support Trump is a lie.
Russophiliac American Basher? If anything I have a history of Russophobia, and I consider myself a patriotic American too. Not sure how you reached that conclusion, but whatever.....
The Ukrainian signature in Cyrillic was a clue followed by your comment "America is blinded by flags, fireworks, and founding fathers."
Trump suggests military members with mental health issues aren’t ‘strong’ and ‘can’t handle it’

Trump provokes anger by suggesting vets with PTSD are not 'strong'


We know Trump tried to stiff veterans and was shamed into paying them the money he promised.

We know he thinks a POW can't be a hero.

And we know Republicans have worked tirelessly to cut veteran's benefits.

And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?

Because under obama 250,000 of them died waiting for treatment...perhaps that is why they would like a change in who runs the VA......

And VETs....you too have 35 days to matter to the democrats.....once the election happens.....especially if hilary wins......it will be time to go back to your homes and wait to die...because the VA is not going to help you.....the democrats won't need Vets again until 2018.....but they will sure promise to fix the VA then too.....
Trump suggests military members with mental health issues aren’t ‘strong’ and ‘can’t handle it’

Trump provokes anger by suggesting vets with PTSD are not 'strong'


We know Trump tried to stiff veterans and was shamed into paying them the money he promised.

We know he thinks a POW can't be a hero.

And we know Republicans have worked tirelessly to cut veteran's benefits.

And still veterans vote Republican. Why is that?
Well, before he made that latest gaff, Trump probably had attracted quite a few Vet's with his "bomb the ..." war talk.

But after the gaff he has probably lost them all.

Pretty much everyone who has experienced it knows that PTSD is something that just happens and has nothing to do with you personally. It is all about the aftermath of the extreme stress situation.

You need a score card to keep track of all of Trump's gaffs and other ridiculous statements.
Shut up niggra.
you sound like a cop

Be careful boy.....I'm armed ;)
Timid cave chimps are always armed. They would pee themselves without protection.

Yo chimp, I am an ex-champion wrestler.......Omaha....
Of course you are, cave gibbon. Trump has only 37% of the vets.

US military poll: Johnson and Trump tied, Clinton way behind
Probably the non college grads, like the rest of his frat club.
65% of vets oppose Trump.
I haven't met one yet that is for the hildabitch.
That means you only know ones like you, and that is not reflective of vets in general. The poll counts, not your opinion.
Which poll would that be, the one where you implied the hildabitch had 65% support or the real one where she only has 16.3% to Trumps 37.6%? BTW that poll proves you claim that 65% don't support Trump is a lie.
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.
Of course you are, cave gibbon. Trump has only 37% of the vets.

US military poll: Johnson and Trump tied, Clinton way behind
Probably the non college grads, like the rest of his frat club.
Not all of our military enlisted personnel are "non college grads", but all of our officers are, indeed, college graduates.

"Among the entire military force, Trump leads Johnson 37.6 percent to 36.5 percent, within the study’s 2 percent margin of error. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton trails as a distant third-place choice, with only 16.3 percent of troops' support.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein received 1.2 percent support while other third-party and write-in options received 3.2 percent.

About 5 percent of respondents indicated they do not plan to vote given the likely choices on the ballot this year.

Perhaps most notably, there is a sharp split between enlisted personnel and the military's officer corps, which directs day-to-day operations and implements policy. Among the officers surveyed, Johnson is the clear choice, commanding support from 38.6 percent of respondents. Clinton actually outpaces Trump in that group, with nearly 28 percent support for the former secretary of State compared to the New York business mogul’s 26 percent.
She did not deny she voted for it. He did deny that he supported it.
True. Nonetheless, Wry's post was about throwing stones in glass houses while he rattled off the Iraq death statistics. Trump, along with other citizens (not me) supported the war, but Hillary actually voted for it.
65% of vets oppose Trump.
I haven't met one yet that is for the hildabitch.
That means you only know ones like you, and that is not reflective of vets in general. The poll counts, not your opinion.
Which poll would that be, the one where you implied the hildabitch had 65% support or the real one where she only has 16.3% to Trumps 37.6%? BTW that poll proves you claim that 65% don't support Trump is a lie.
You silly goof. 65% of vets not wanting Donald does not mean they are supporting Hillary. The poll is clear that she came in last in a poor heat of three contenders. OK, you are never OK when you spar with me: you are No-OK.

1. You didn't post the link in your first post, you just posted a lie.

2. It was proven a lie when you posted the link that showed only 62.4% didn't support trump, that's not 65%.

Now run along and be your fakey self and I'm going to the VA clinic where I'll talk to more vets and their wives.

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