I don't want to be a radical anymore. How can I not be? How do I stop?

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So what you're saying is your mind is made up and you're not changing your mind for anyone.

The major difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives think they're never wrong, and liberals are never sure if they're right.

The history of the world is that of liberals dragging the world forward with conservatives resisting every step of the way.
yeah "forward" means mentally ill grown men taking shits 2 feet away from children like they used to do thousands of years ago. You dumbass, perverted freaks.
I was a very right-wing extremist nearly a decade ago.
And you're gay. Clearly you have issues. Professional help may be requred
People coldly dismiss my thoughts and prayers in times of tragedy, namely with mass shootings.
Ts and Ps are nice...but they don't actually DO anything. If that's all you got...you got nothing
How do I stop being a radical? How do I get away from this tribalism I've been sucked into?
The first step is to admit you have a problem and believe it
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And you're gay. Clearly you have issues. Professional help may be requred

Tand Ps are nice...but they don't actually DO anything. If that's all you got...you got nothing

The first step is to admit you have a problem and believe it

^^^Look at the bigot flying the flag of a country where being gay is illegal dispensing "advice" about extremism! LOL!
^^^Look at the bigot flying the flag of a country where being gay is illegal dispensing "advice" about extremism! LOL!
You seem obsessed with this stupid attack.

My defense of Ulkraine from the vicious attack by Russia has nothing to do with anything BUT that attack.

As far as the OP...I'm pointing out the incongruity of being gay and a right wing radical
Ahhhh, Twinkie, this is fun to read.

Um, yeah, because praying to an imaginary sky man doesn't stop the next nut from gunning down a bunch of school kids. Stick your "thoughts and prayers", we need to take sensible action.

But you are happy to throw in with people who are.

Then you are delusional. Of course, white people have privileges in this society that people of color do not have. That your ambition doesn't extend beyond sitting on the couch, playing videogames and collecting a check doesn't take that away.

Uh, yeah, that makes you a nut. As the testimony proved yesterday, even Trump knew it was a lie, and you kept falling for it anyway.

Uh, we are a sexual society. Kids are going to figure that out at an early age. Heck, I went to Catholic Schools, and I figured it out at an early age.

Only if you have a delusion that a lump of tissue the size of a kidney bean should have more rights than the woman it is inside.

You think that the feminist movement was about "girls' sports"? Frankly, the only people I see freaking out about the trans community are straight men, usually because they are afraid they might pick one up in a bar by accident.

Here's a good place to start. Turn off Fox News and Hate Radio. That would be a good place to start. They are lying to you, they know they are lying to you, and they don't care.
There are endless people who became addicts and lived like you promote. Many are in prison or decade or clean up and start again. But most who try also partake in Christianity or religion to help them. And for all of this, a small percentage of the population benefits along with the extreme feminists.
The history of the world is that of liberals dragging the world forward with conservatives resisting every step of the way.
Unless the liberals drag conservatives to the end of an occupied bear cave... which you most often certainly do on a regular basis now. On social policy and monetary policy at least. Oh and crime.

Your idea of 'progress' is fairly radical on its own.

The world also has a history of those rising up against those who insist on dragging them too far in one direction or another.
Um, yeah, because praying to an imaginary sky man doesn't stop the next nut from gunning down a bunch of school kids. Stick your "thoughts and prayers", we need to take sensible action.

Cool, I'll keep expressing them. Because there's fuck all you can do about it.
And you're gay. Clearly you have issues. Professional help may be requred
It must confound that static liberal mind of yours that there are gay people who don't think they have to camp with leftists to feel like they belong in society.
But you are happy to throw in with people who are.
Not really. Especially since you seem to think legitimate views on race are tantamount to racism. Besides, I doubt you can prove to anyone here that I am racist.

No. I just disagree with you about race. Nothing that involves making black people dependent on welfare, or grooming them into thinking they are victims of society. Nah, I don't mendaciously manipulate their past and emotions to push a political agenda.
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You think that the feminist movement was about "girls' sports"? Frankly, the only people I see freaking out about the trans community are straight men, usually because they are afraid they might pick one up in a bar by accident.
Such an unserious response.

Sports is merely one of those things. An expectation of privacy in the locker room is another. Not wanting to see a penis in a room you only expect to see anatomy matching your own is another.

But hey, tell us all how you respect women. They seem only to be tools for you to put in your pocket.
I was a very right-wing extremist nearly a decade ago. I made it an effort to try and moderate myself. But it seems I am backsliding. I am watching this country slide further and further into division, and I find myself feeling like I have no choice but to take a side. So the question comes clear: How do I stop being the radical I once was when:

People coldly dismiss my thoughts and prayers in times of tragedy, namely with mass shootings.
People accuse me of being racist when I clearly am not.
People accuse me of being homophobic when I clearly am not.
People say that my skin color grants me a privilege I clearly don't have.
People say that my concerns about the 2020 election are unfounded and label me a 'conspiracy theorist.
People actively try to assimilate innocent children into a hyper-sexualized society.
People repeatedly tell me I am not entitled to defend my home with a firearm.
People insist that men can compete in women's sports and deprive them of everything they fought over a century to gain.
People insist that men can use women's bathrooms.
People insist our laws have no meaning when it comes to crime, illegal immigration, or both.
People in a unified political party insist on doing nothing to improve the state our country is in.
Abortion. That's self-explanatory.
Someone attempts an assassination of a Supreme Court justice and reasons that they deserve it.

How do I stop being a radical? How do I get away from this tribalism I've been sucked into? At what point do I stop myself from having to prove everyone wrong and actually take the objective route I once took with politics in general? This is a burning question as well as a thread meant to bring about discussion.

Realize you are not a radical...you are normal....the nuts control the media, education, hollywood....they are a minority but they wormed their way into the control centers.....
Then you are delusional. Of course, white people have privileges in this society that people of color do not have.
Okay, so all the Jews who were gassed in Nazi Germany were privileged, enough to be genocided into near existence.

The white people in Ukraine were privileged enough to have Russia invade their home and massacre them.

The white people in the Barbary Slave Trade were privileged enough to be sold into slavery by the corsairs.

All the white homeless families out there with children were privileged enough to have such unfortunate circumstances befall them.

The white homeless veteran was privileged enough to be discarded by the country he served and cast onto the street like trash. In numerous cases, he felt privileged enough to kill himself.

Your entire idea of white privilege is flawed. It will remain flawed, no matter how many times you insist on those that disagree being 'delusional.'
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Such an unserious response.

Sports is merely one of those things. An expectation of privacy in the locker room is another. Not wanting to see a penis in a room you only expect to see anatomy matching your own is another.

But hey, tell us all how you respect women. They seem only to be tools for you to put in your pocket.

Let's also assume for the moment you know what a woman is, to begin with. The liberal progressive definition of a woman seems to be in flux at the moment. A woman is a woman when she wants an abortion, but is also a woman when she's a man identifying as one.
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