I don't want to be a radical anymore. How can I not be? How do I stop?

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The more you bigot, the more I pray and think. You can get used to it or curl up in the fetal position. Your choice.

Um, guy, if praying to your imaginary sky man makes you feel better, that's fine and all. Me, I prefer practical solutions to problems.

But then again, that's why at 30, I had a college degree, my own home, and was an NCO in the US Army.
While you are still sitting at home at 30 waiting for a government check. Hope and prayers, baby!

That is entirely not the issue. It's when Timmy's two mommies take him to a drag show in Texas when he's too young to grasp the concept of human sexuality.

Being a 30 years old man child, you really don't give kids enough credit. Kids are smart enough to figure these things out.

Seriously, you don't know the purpose of a locker room, do you? If you don't, you're an idiot.

The purpose of a locker room is to change clothes. Period.

Yeah they do, and you know it. In one case you obey the science, in the other you patently ignore it.

Um, no, I obey the science in both.

Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable. Science.
Transgender people have brains that operate differently than cisgendered people. Science.
Um, guy, if praying to your imaginary sky man makes you feel better, that's fine and all. Me, I prefer practical solutions to problems.

But then again, that's why at 30, I had a college degree, my own home, and was an NCO in the US Army.
While you are still sitting at home at 30 waiting for a government check. Hope and prayers, baby!

Being a 30 years old man child, you really don't give kids enough credit. Kids are smart enough to figure these things out.

The purpose of a locker room is to change clothes. Period.

Um, no, I obey the science in both.

Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable. Science.
Transgender people have brains that operate differently than cisgendered people. Science.
Spare me your worthless egotistical garbage, Joe. Elitists like you are always convinced you and your ideas are above everything and everyone else. Including science.

Oh by the way, issues of the brain are not always physical issues, but mental ones, chemical imbalances, or the like. Transgenderism is a bona fide psychological disorder, listed in the DSM-V. Their gender was a result of science, too you ignorant, misguided old man.

So, do you ignore the science to appease a mental delusion, or do you acknowledge the science and encourage them to accept who and what gender/sex were born as?
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Being a 30 years old man child, you really don't give kids enough credit. Kids are smart enough to figure these things out.

That's the sorriest excuse I've ever heard for grooming children who lack the mental wherewithal to understand the complexities of human sexual interaction to accept a mental disorder as something completely normal and something to be emulated. Regardless of my age, I was taught the scientific difference between a man and a woman, and that trying anything to turn one into another is unethical, especially to children. Yeah, hormone blockers I think they're called. These treatments are not treatments for gender dysphoria in children, they're being used as nothing more than political experiments, guinea pigs. An unholy mixture of science and cultlike political fervor.

And I am right not to give them credit. They lack the mental fortitude (along with you) to understand the innate physical and mental differences between males and females in our species. That has to be explained to them when the adults in charge deem it they are ready to assimilate such knowledge, those adults should have the choice to keep their kids away from this, and not do so based on this flimsy excuse you just offered me. What you are doing is essentially taking their minds from them, encouraging them to be something they haven't the slightest clue about. Transgenderism, Liberalism, both mental disorders if I ever heard of one.

You exceed me in both age and experience, yet you are one of the most gullible, incompetent, dimwitted, and morally bankrupt people I have ever interacted with. Ever. Oh, and let's just not forget about your vengefulness against a political group you were once part of because the policies caused you great economic hardship in life. You have no clue what economic hardship is, and it's easy to assume you didn't then either. Spare me. Spare me the lectures about how my reasons are insufficient to you about why I do what I do. I neither ask for nor seek your worthless approval.
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Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable. Science.
Okay, leave a newborn out in the middle of a desert, then. They will die just as easily as a 15-week-old premature. The one thing the unborn child and the newborn have in common is that they cannot survive without sustenance from the mother, either internally or externally. That, using the viability logic, would mean the newborn is not viable either, and just as suitable for culling as the 'fetus.'

So, what you essentially are telling me is that it's okay to kill a child no matter what stage they are in development. You might want to remember that the next time you make the viability argument.
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The purpose of a locker room is to change clothes. Period.
Obviously. So, tell me, what would a woman expect to see in a women's locker room? Partially or fully disrobed members of her own sex.

How comfortable do you think a woman would be in a locker room with a trans woman walking around in his underwear with an obvious bulge? Very. Because millions of years of human evolution, a natural instinct, and some common sense will all tell her what he is. A male. Any species that reproduce sexually can understand, in their basic instinct, something as basic as a sexual dichotomy, so, why can't leftists like you?

Once again, you discard science when it's inconvenient for you. I'm glad it makes you so uncomfortable.
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Um, guy, if praying to your imaginary sky man makes you feel better, that's fine and all. Me, I prefer practical solutions to problems.
If religious bigotry is a 'practical solution' to you, then you have your head up your backside.
But then again, that's why at 30, I had a college degree, my own home, and was an NCO in the US Army.
While you are still sitting at home at 30 waiting for a government check. Hope and prayers, baby!
Oh cool, that again. I'm taking care of an elderly woman here because most of my family can't be bothered to come when she beckons. So I don't always spend time playing games or watching anime. Nor do I always waste my time with people like you.

As I said, I neither ask for nor seek your substandard approval. Also, unlike you, I will set standards for myself, not for others, as you seemingly have a penchant for doing. You are nothing but a braggart and a vengeful old man.

Regardless of what you think of me, I don't intend to change any of my standards because of you.
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Obviously. So, tell me, what would a woman expect to see in a locker room? Partially or fully disrobed members of her own sex.

How comfortable do you think a woman would be in a locker room with a trans woman walking around in his underwear with an obvious bulge? Very. Because millions of years of human evolution and natural instinct tell her what he is. A male. Any species that reproduce sexually can understand, in their basic instinct, something as basic as a sexual dichotomy, why can't leftists like you?

Once again, you discard science when it's inconvenient for you. I'm glad it makes you so uncomfortable.
Also, Joe... this is your laughable version of 'science'

Ah, Twinkie Strikes Again...

Spare me your worthless egotistical garbage, Joe. Elitists like you are always convinced you and your ideas are above everything and everyone else. Including science.

Oh by the way, issues of the brain are not always physical issues, but mental ones, chemical imbalances, or the like. Transgenderism is a bona fide psychological disorder, listed in the DSM-V. Their gender was a result of science, too you ignorant, misguided old man.

So, do you ignore the science to appease a mental delusion, or do you acknowledge the science and encourage them to accept who and what gender/sex were born as?

Um, I should point out (since you are claiming to be a self-hating gay man this week), that homosexuality was listed as a psychological disorder until 1973. The APA stopped listing Gender dysmorphia as a mental disorder in 2012.

That's the sorriest excuse I've ever heard for grooming children who lack the mental wherewithal to understand the complexities of human sexual interaction to accept a mental disorder as something completely normal and something to be emulated. Regardless of my age, I was taught the scientific difference between a man and a woman, and that trying anything to turn one into another is unethical, especially to children. Yeah, hormone blockers I think they're called. These treatments are not treatments for gender dysphoria in children, they're being used as nothing more than political experiments, guinea pigs. An unholy mixture of science and cultlike political fervor.

We aren't talking about hormone blockers, we are talking about teachers being able to answer children's natural questions like, "Why does Sally have two mommies"?

Unlike you, most transgender people are able to function in society without having a panic attack because someone yelled at them at work.

You exceed me in both age and experience, yet you are one of the most gullible, incompetent, dimwitted, and morally bankrupt people I have ever interacted with. Ever. Oh, and let's just not forget about your vengefulness against a political group you were once part of because the policies caused you great economic hardship in life. You have no clue what economic hardship is, and it's easy to assume you didn't then either. Spare me. Spare me the lectures about how my reasons are insufficient to you about why I do what I do. I neither ask for nor seek your worthless approval.

Quite the contrary... I'm against conservatives because all of their ideas are awful and don't work. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I'm kind of embarrassed it took me FOUR Republican recessions to realize that fucking over the working class isn't a bug, it's a design feature.

No, I guess you can claim I really don't know economic hardship, because I WORK! I make good financial decisions, I put in lots of hours, I've worked second jobs when I've needed boosts in income, I've cut back on expenditures when that was called for. It's called "Adulting", and you should try it some time.

Okay, leave a newborn out in the middle of a desert, then. They will die just as easily as a 15-week-old premature. The one thing the unborn child and the newborn have in common is that they cannot survive without sustenance from the mother, either internally or externally. That, using the viability logic, would mean the newborn is not viable either, and just as suitable for culling as the 'fetus.'

Okay, here's the thing. You actually have to FIND a desert to leave a newborn in (and it would probably still take hours to die). A fetus dies within seconds of being separated from the placenta. The youngest preemie that has ever survived is 21 weeks, and even then, it needs massive medical intervention.

How comfortable do you think a woman would be in a locker room with a trans woman walking around in his underwear with an obvious bulge? Very. Because millions of years of human evolution, a natural instinct, and some common sense will all tell her what he is. A male. Any species that reproduce sexually can understand, in their basic instinct, something as basic as a sexual dichotomy, so, why can't leftists like you?

Um, here's the thing. I'm sure nearly every woman in that locker room has seen a dick before. Most of them have had them shoved into various orifices. In Japan, people actually bath together communally, it's just not a big deal. 100 years ago, a bathing suit like THIS would be considered scandalous.


If religious bigotry is a 'practical solution' to you, then you have your head up your backside.

Um, no, guy... my not praying and you praying has the exact same result... nothing. you can pray all day and that will not stop the next school shooter.

What will stop the next school shooter. Making it harder for them to buy guns. Having medical interventions when someone is showing serious anti-social behavior. Increasing school security. Practical Solutions.

Oh cool, that again. I'm taking care of an elderly woman here because most of my family can't be bothered to come when she beckons. So I don't always spend time playing games or watching anime. Nor do I always waste my time with people like you.

Not going to talk about family members. Hypothetically, if someone is that bad off, they need to be in an assisted care facility. It really doesn't excuse you not taking responsibility for your life.

As someone who does career consoling for a living, where do you expect to be in 10 years? 20? Still playing videogames and waiting for a government check?
And why does this bother you?

Hey, I bet you are one of those people who cringe when they wanted to be called "African-American" instead of "negro" or "colored".
No. I bet you're self projecting at this point.

Because in your fervent quest to defy social norms you rush to dismiss the science behind it.
As someone who does career consoling for a living, where do you expect to be in 10 years? 20? Still playing videogames and waiting for a government check
I honestly don't care about what you think of me.
Uh, here's the thing. I'm sure nearly every woman in that locker room has seen a dick before.
Uh, here's the thing, that's an incredibly sexist justification for allowing men into women's locker rooms or bathrooms. You seriously believe that to be true of every woman?
Um, no, guy... my not praying and you praying has the exact same result... nothing. you can pray all day and that will not stop the next school shooter.

That's beside the point. Your overall belittlement of anyone who has a religion is the point. It's fucking pathetic. I get you have no respect for the concept, but you even lack any respect for the people who believe in them.

Odd, since you defend liberal values with an almost religious fervor.
Not going to talk about family members. Hypothetically, if someone is that bad off, they need to be in an assisted care facility. It really doesn't excuse you not taking responsibility for your life.

With the money we earn together, she is quite well cared for. But anyway, I don't see any reason to explain myself further to you. You're just a miserable old man.

Good day.
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