I dont want to hear about "Karens" while this is happening on a regular basis

My grandpa is dead, and so are those victims. We live in 2021 you fucking retard. In 2021, black people are the KKK, but even worse. Black people are far more violent than the KKK ever was.
Just last year Ahmaud Arbery was killed by three white dudes in Georgia...for jogging in the wrong neighborhood
I forgot about that one. And how many trump supporters have told foreigners or even Asian Americans who were born here to go back to where they came from. Where did they hear that? Trump.

We have tens of millions of illegals and tens of millions of LEGAL immigrants.

We are being assimilated into the shitty Third World.

Being pissed off about that, is sane.

NOT being pissed off about it, is being a pussy.
Sorry your white america is evolving. A little Latino spice will make us better. But just a dash of Muslim. Any more than a smidgen will ruin the meal.

Yes, I am sorry too. My point stands. We are having change for the worst forced on us, and being upset about it, is a normal and healthy reaction.

Just taking it like a bitch, is not.
Gotta save that watttt privlig huh?
No such thing as "white privilege."
My grandpa is dead, and so are those victims. We live in 2021 you fucking retard. In 2021, black people are the KKK, but even worse. Black people are far more violent than the KKK ever was.
Just last year Ahmaud Arbery was killed by three white dudes in Georgia...for jogging in the wrong neighborhood
I forgot about that one. And how many trump supporters have told foreigners or even Asian Americans who were born here to go back to where they came from. Where did they hear that? Trump.

We have tens of millions of illegals and tens of millions of LEGAL immigrants.

We are being assimilated into the shitty Third World.

Being pissed off about that, is sane.

NOT being pissed off about it, is being a pussy.
Sorry your white america is evolving. A little Latino spice will make us better. But just a dash of Muslim. Any more than a smidgen will ruin the meal.

Yes, I am sorry too. My point stands. We are having change for the worst forced on us, and being upset about it, is a normal and healthy reaction.

Just taking it like a bitch, is not.
Gotta save that watttt privlig huh?

Bitch. I've worked hard for everything I have in my life, so fuck you.
You don't give a damn about your fellow Americans being marginalized and pissed on
Are you seriously whining about your supposed "loss" of white priveledge?
He doesn’t get it. He doesn’t realize he’s basically crying because we want to even the playing field.

He considers me a traitor to my race but honestly, if it ps between a black and a klan member, I side with the black

We have had widespread, legally required anti-white discrimination for decades in this country.

For you to tell people that have paid hte price for such stupid programs, that they have " privilege" is you being an asshole.

Your pretense that only "klan members" are done with this shit, is you being even more of an asshole.
So do you have trouble finding someone to launder your pointy white hat or does the wife take care of it for you?

Being against anti-white discrimination is not racist, you stupid bitch.

But no business owner is going to open up a business in a high crime area.
Do you live under a rock? Have you ever been in a "high crime area"? There are all SORTS of business there.

I spent my life in northern NJ. I worked in Newark, Paterson, All throughout NYC...Brooklyn, Bronx, Harlem, East NY..

LOADED with businesses.
If you drive up and down 8 mile, 7 mile, 6 mile, what businesses? Hair salons. Car wash. Bar. Gas station. Fried chicken. Drug store. McDonald’s. Strip club.

I grew up in a Detroit. 8 mile is the cut off. I grew up on 6 mile. Deep in the hood.

Now Out here in metro Detroit there are real jobs. Go to Troy Michigan. 15 mile or 16 mile. You won’t believe the difference 7 miles makes. Night and day.
Know what the REAL problem in Detroit is? Yea. Poverty. The auto industry attracted millions of low skilled under educated people and then folded.
My grandpa is dead, and so are those victims. We live in 2021 you fucking retard. In 2021, black people are the KKK, but even worse. Black people are far more violent than the KKK ever was.
Just last year Ahmaud Arbery was killed by three white dudes in Georgia...for jogging in the wrong neighborhood
I forgot about that one. And how many trump supporters have told foreigners or even Asian Americans who were born here to go back to where they came from. Where did they hear that? Trump.

We have tens of millions of illegals and tens of millions of LEGAL immigrants.

We are being assimilated into the shitty Third World.

Being pissed off about that, is sane.

NOT being pissed off about it, is being a pussy.
Sorry your white america is evolving. A little Latino spice will make us better. But just a dash of Muslim. Any more than a smidgen will ruin the meal.

Yes, I am sorry too. My point stands. We are having change for the worst forced on us, and being upset about it, is a normal and healthy reaction.

Just taking it like a bitch, is not.
Gotta save that watttt privlig huh?
No such thing as "white privilege."

She knows that. She is just being a lying whore.
Bitch. I've worked hard for everything I have in my life, so fuck you.
Good for you. Stop fucking whining you stupid racist c$&t

LOL, make me bitch. Oh, you can't? Jeeze, guess you were just talking shit.

Calling you fucktards out on your bullshit talk about white privilege, is not whining you racist whore.

It is a righteous complaint, and you are just being an asshole. Fuck you.
Most 9mm pistols hold enough bullets to stop that kind of shit- permanently.

I say we put leftists out of our misery, permanently.
Rich people are doing great. Better than ever. If you’re miserable perhaps you’re being played for a fool by your masters. They’re not paying you enough. They’re hiring illegals. They’re sending jobs overseas and not paying taxes.

We voted Trump into office to deal with those issues. But your side had a "resistance" and a coup attempt, and then rigged the election so he couldn't win.

Now, we just get angrier and angrier.
I’d rather you angry and not in power than happy and in power

So, you make fun of us for not getting paid enough, stop us when we try to address it though legal, political means, and don't give a damn about us being pissed off about it?

Well, thanks for your honesty.

Guess talking about our issues or coming to a compromise is the old way of doing things.

YOur vote YES, for Civil War is noted and will be counted.
Telling people born here to go back to where you came from is racist. Trump said that about the squad.
No he did not. He said go someplace where you are more comfortable.
No he did not say that. Do I really need to quote what he said? Why would you make that up?

You brought it up. Quote what the squad said, to piss him off and then quote what Trump actually said.

Let's take a look at who is the bad guy here.
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.

The women he’s referring to were all born in America.

Youre playing dumb. And if you can defend that, or spin it some way, its Just evidence there is no talking to people like you. Yes, maybe we need a war.

BTW, Omar was NOT born in America.

So, you are just wrong.

And your refusal to talk, yes, is a vote for war.
How many more violent racist lynching's are we going to let happen before we put our foot down and say enough is enough? I dont want to hear about Karen's, and i dont want to hear about BLM anymore. Nothing happening in our nation is worse than this shit. It has to stop.

As you can see from Moonglow's post, the left WANTS this type of thing to continue. They need this type of fear in their shithole cities to keep people scared and dependent on them.

Nonsense. What do you want to do? We’re trying to find these criminals

You fucking lefties bend over backwards to protect criminals. You get violent and burn down cities when a cop has to shoot one of these dirtbags.

Not true. We don’t want police murdering black men they have in custody. That’s abuse of power.

Did a cop shoot a blm rioter?

Now I would have had no problem with killing every rioter in the capitol. Based on the standard you hold blacks to of course. You say the cops shoot blacks who aren’t listening to their verbal commands. Based on that every capitol rioter should have nbeen mowed down.

How often are black men "in custody" getting shot? :cuckoo:

One is too many.

No its not. Expecting a perfect world is fucking stupid.

If it's not you.

How about black people show us perfection is possible before they expect it from everyone else?

Why are the standards different for black folks than they are for white folks when it comes to racist. You want to do all the dirt and evil in the world, but when it is anyone else they are supposed to be Civilized.

Black people are doing most of the evil!!!!! The crime statistics are readily available for everyone to see.

You're right but they show that the most evil has always been done by you. There is 400yrs of it.

Look at it shit head and it tells the tale.

FBI — Table 43
How many more violent racist lynching's are we going to let happen before we put our foot down and say enough is enough? I dont want to hear about Karen's, and i dont want to hear about BLM anymore. Nothing happening in our nation is worse than this shit. It has to stop.

All those White Supremacists attacking that poor colored person....

POC just aren't safe.

This is fine, because it is right wingers, racist and scum beating the police.


How many more violent racist lynching's are we going to let happen before we put our foot down and say enough is enough? I dont want to hear about Karen's, and i dont want to hear about BLM anymore. Nothing happening in our nation is worse than this shit. It has to stop.

As you can see from Moonglow's post, the left WANTS this type of thing to continue. They need this type of fear in their shithole cities to keep people scared and dependent on them.

Nonsense. What do you want to do? We’re trying to find these criminals

You fucking lefties bend over backwards to protect criminals. You get violent and burn down cities when a cop has to shoot one of these dirtbags.

Not true. We don’t want police murdering black men they have in custody. That’s abuse of power.

Did a cop shoot a blm rioter?

Now I would have had no problem with killing every rioter in the capitol. Based on the standard you hold blacks to of course. You say the cops shoot blacks who aren’t listening to their verbal commands. Based on that every capitol rioter should have nbeen mowed down.

How often are black men "in custody" getting shot? :cuckoo:

One is too many.

No its not. Expecting a perfect world is fucking stupid.

If it's not you.

How about black people show us perfection is possible before they expect it from everyone else?

Why are the standards different for black folks than they are for white folks when it comes to racist. You want to do all the dirt and evil in the world, but when it is anyone else they are supposed to be Civilized.

They want blacks to shut up and take being treated like second class citizens by cops and in corporate America but these snowflakes believe they are the victims and the election was stolen from them and they go beat a cop to death with a fire extinguisher. Remember what republicans said about the former military black guy who snapped and killed cops? Yet these white privileged babies would kill a cop over a lie that the election was rigged.

Oh, and you republicans who believe dominion voting machines were hacked. We’re going to find out, in court. Dominion is suing Rudy for 1 billion dollars.

No, we want black people to behave like normal people. We are sick of the rampant violence and racism coming from the black community.

Right, but you aren't sick of the rampant violence in the white community.
Where was the lynching in the viddy?
And why does a republican in a red state care about what’s happening in big city New York?
This doesnt just happen in NY. Furthermore, you dont live in DC, yet you havent been able to stop talking about the incident at the capital, so spare me your child like angles.
It does happen it's called crime and it has happened every where around the world through all ages of humans in the history of their existence, why, because they are humans...
This crime is carried out by black people exclusively. It has to stop. Violent racist lynchings are not acceptable.
I don't see color I see torts..There is no color variation of a human that doesn't commit violence.
Only black mobs do this. Prove me wrong.

For decades coward ass white men attacked a single black man and on occasion a single white man if they thought he might like the black man and these cowards were never brought to the Bar of Justice. How many blacks get away with crimes against whites? Very few if any, now your coward ass won't speak on the white couple who just murdered a white child because it doesn't fit your racist narrative.

You're talking about a time, of over a century ago, like it was last week.

Blacks take particular enjoyment out of assaulting the elderly.

No more than whites do or are you too drunk to see that.
Blacks are the only group i have ever seen mob attack someone while giggling with glee. Ive seen this hundreds of times and i can post an endless amount of videos showing exactly that.

All you need to do is ask your granddaddy how they use to do it when it was 10 white men against one black man or a group of them raping a black woman. Study your nasty history and find out how much glee they had and unlike some foolish black men who commit these crimes they were never brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

Do you have any proof for YOUR claim? I already know you dont. You wont provide a single video because it never happened.

I have over 400yrs of History fool.
My grandpa is dead, and so are those victims. We live in 2021 you fucking retard. In 2021, black people are the KKK, but even worse. Black people are far more violent than the KKK ever was.

You stinking POS how many black folks do you think are still alive that came up during the Jim Crow era. Black people could NEVER be as violent as trash like you was.

The document says that 81 officers from the Capitol Police force and 58 from the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department sustained injuries when crowds of Donald Trump supporters breached the building while lawmakers were preparing to count electoral college votes, cementing Joe Biden's election victory.
134 Police Officers Injured in Capitol Riots, Justice Department Says (msn.com)

You don't give damn about police officers in this instance, because it was white trash like you committing the crime.
My grandpa is dead, and so are those victims. We live in 2021 you fucking retard. In 2021, black people are the KKK, but even worse. Black people are far more violent than the KKK ever was.
Just last year Ahmaud Arbery was killed by three white dudes in Georgia...for jogging in the wrong neighborhood

Yep and the racist scum on this forum have done nothing but try and justify the actions of these 3 racist murderers.
Where was the lynching in the viddy?
And why does a republican in a red state care about what’s happening in big city New York?
This doesnt just happen in NY. Furthermore, you dont live in DC, yet you havent been able to stop talking about the incident at the capital, so spare me your child like angles.
It does happen it's called crime and it has happened every where around the world through all ages of humans in the history of their existence, why, because they are humans...
This crime is carried out by black people exclusively. It has to stop. Violent racist lynchings are not acceptable.
I don't see color I see torts..There is no color variation of a human that doesn't commit violence.
Only black mobs do this. Prove me wrong.

For decades coward ass white men attacked a single black man and on occasion a single white man if they thought he might like the black man and these cowards were never brought to the Bar of Justice. How many blacks get away with crimes against whites? Very few if any, now your coward ass won't speak on the white couple who just murdered a white child because it doesn't fit your racist narrative.

You're talking about a time, of over a century ago, like it was last week.

Blacks take particular enjoyment out of assaulting the elderly.

No more than whites do or are you too drunk to see that.
Blacks are the only group i have ever seen mob attack someone while giggling with glee. Ive seen this hundreds of times and i can post an endless amount of videos showing exactly that.

All you need to do is ask your granddaddy how they use to do it when it was 10 white men against one black man or a group of them raping a black woman. Study your nasty history and find out how much glee they had and unlike some foolish black men who commit these crimes they were never brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

Do you have any proof for YOUR claim? I already know you dont. You wont provide a single video because it never happened.

I have over 400yrs of History fool.

You act like lynchings were commonplace.


They were dumb ass. Hell even the LAW participated in them.
Where was the lynching in the viddy?
And why does a republican in a red state care about what’s happening in big city New York?
This doesnt just happen in NY. Furthermore, you dont live in DC, yet you havent been able to stop talking about the incident at the capital, so spare me your child like angles.
It does happen it's called crime and it has happened every where around the world through all ages of humans in the history of their existence, why, because they are humans...
This crime is carried out by black people exclusively. It has to stop. Violent racist lynchings are not acceptable.
I don't see color I see torts..There is no color variation of a human that doesn't commit violence.
Only black mobs do this. Prove me wrong.

For decades coward ass white men attacked a single black man and on occasion a single white man if they thought he might like the black man and these cowards were never brought to the Bar of Justice. How many blacks get away with crimes against whites? Very few if any, now your coward ass won't speak on the white couple who just murdered a white child because it doesn't fit your racist narrative.

You're talking about a time, of over a century ago, like it was last week.

Blacks take particular enjoyment out of assaulting the elderly.

No more than whites do or are you too drunk to see that.
Blacks are the only group i have ever seen mob attack someone while giggling with glee. Ive seen this hundreds of times and i can post an endless amount of videos showing exactly that.

All you need to do is ask your granddaddy how they use to do it when it was 10 white men against one black man or a group of them raping a black woman. Study your nasty history and find out how much glee they had and unlike some foolish black men who commit these crimes they were never brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

Do you have any proof for YOUR claim? I already know you dont. You wont provide a single video because it never happened.

I have over 400yrs of History fool.
My grandpa is dead, and so are those victims. We live in 2021 you fucking retard. In 2021, black people are the KKK, but even worse. Black people are far more violent than the KKK ever was.

You stinking POS how many black folks do you think are still alive that came up during the Jim Crow era. Black people could NEVER be as violent as trash like you was.

The document says that 81 officers from the Capitol Police force and 58 from the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department sustained injuries when crowds of Donald Trump supporters breached the building while lawmakers were preparing to count electoral college votes, cementing Joe Biden's election victory.
134 Police Officers Injured in Capitol Riots, Justice Department Says (msn.com)

You don't give damn about police officers in this instance, because it was white trash like you committing the crime.

Lynching were more of a thing, around the turn of the century, not the most recent, but back when the 18s became 19s.

Jim Crow was a very different animal than THAT.
Where was the lynching in the viddy?
And why does a republican in a red state care about what’s happening in big city New York?
This doesnt just happen in NY. Furthermore, you dont live in DC, yet you havent been able to stop talking about the incident at the capital, so spare me your child like angles.
It does happen it's called crime and it has happened every where around the world through all ages of humans in the history of their existence, why, because they are humans...
This crime is carried out by black people exclusively. It has to stop. Violent racist lynchings are not acceptable.
I don't see color I see torts..There is no color variation of a human that doesn't commit violence.
Only black mobs do this. Prove me wrong.

For decades coward ass white men attacked a single black man and on occasion a single white man if they thought he might like the black man and these cowards were never brought to the Bar of Justice. How many blacks get away with crimes against whites? Very few if any, now your coward ass won't speak on the white couple who just murdered a white child because it doesn't fit your racist narrative.

You're talking about a time, of over a century ago, like it was last week.

Blacks take particular enjoyment out of assaulting the elderly.

No more than whites do or are you too drunk to see that.
Blacks are the only group i have ever seen mob attack someone while giggling with glee. Ive seen this hundreds of times and i can post an endless amount of videos showing exactly that.

All you need to do is ask your granddaddy how they use to do it when it was 10 white men against one black man or a group of them raping a black woman. Study your nasty history and find out how much glee they had and unlike some foolish black men who commit these crimes they were never brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

Do you have any proof for YOUR claim? I already know you dont. You wont provide a single video because it never happened.

I have over 400yrs of History fool.

You act like lynchings were commonplace.


They were dumb ass. Hell even the LAW participated in them.

YOu don't know what you are talking about.
The unfortunate thing is we live with it in lower income black neighborhoods not white ones, why is that? Why is it we don't see drugs being sold on the corners in lower income white neighborhoods? Why don't we see prostitutes walking the streets in lower income white neighborhoods? See the police are in lower income black neighborhoods to contain the crime in the neighborhood, not prevent it or stop it.

In general, whites are more fearful of prison. In the black community, it's almost a badge of honor to be an ex-con. Given the extremely high black population in prison, it's likely if these lowlifes end up there, they will have friends or relatives in there with them, unless it's a federal prison in another state.

How many black men do you know personally that think going to prison is a badge of honor? Not one.
The population is so high is because it is a racist Justice System. You and I can commit the same crime and I will be sent to prison and your ass will get probation or sent to rehab.

It really has less to do with police than it does the individual and the culture. The white and black cultures are the exact opposite of each other. It's why when blacks start moving into a white area, whites begin to move out. I know what my neighborhood was like when it was predominately white. We had one murder every ten or fifteen years. The schools were rated the top of the county. You could walk the street at night without any fear. Nobody ever shot off a gun in city limits. Then the blacks moved in and everything went to hell.

That is the lie that is told everyday. When the white folks moved out did the jobs go with them? When the whites moved out did the School Board go with them? When the whites moved out, did the opportunities go with them as well? Here is another little tidbit for you Jackass, there are many affluent black communities in America as well.

We have the same police force. The houses didn't change that much. It's the same schools, and actually much nicer and newer school buildings, so how did everything go to hell? The people who moved in here, that's how. Now we have three or more murders every single year; two just last week and the year just begun. Half of our stores closed down because of robberies or intense shoplifting. Our property values are half of what it used to be. Gunfire several times a week. Every time I mow the lawn, I have to clean all the garbage off my tree lawn before I can even start. See, this is unacceptable in most white communities. We don't want to live this way.

In Europe, sure there's crime, but not like we have here. Why is that? It's the culture. Some countries the police don't even carry guns. They don't have the death penalty there because they don't really need it.

Well move your white ass to Europe, I am pretty sure they will welcome you back with open arms. Look at this table and tell me who does the most when it comes to burglaries, motor theft, Larceny-Theft, etc.
Where was the lynching in the viddy?
And why does a republican in a red state care about what’s happening in big city New York?
This doesnt just happen in NY. Furthermore, you dont live in DC, yet you havent been able to stop talking about the incident at the capital, so spare me your child like angles.
It does happen it's called crime and it has happened every where around the world through all ages of humans in the history of their existence, why, because they are humans...
This crime is carried out by black people exclusively. It has to stop. Violent racist lynchings are not acceptable.
I don't see color I see torts..There is no color variation of a human that doesn't commit violence.
Only black mobs do this. Prove me wrong.

For decades coward ass white men attacked a single black man and on occasion a single white man if they thought he might like the black man and these cowards were never brought to the Bar of Justice. How many blacks get away with crimes against whites? Very few if any, now your coward ass won't speak on the white couple who just murdered a white child because it doesn't fit your racist narrative.

You're talking about a time, of over a century ago, like it was last week.

Blacks take particular enjoyment out of assaulting the elderly.

No more than whites do or are you too drunk to see that.
Blacks are the only group i have ever seen mob attack someone while giggling with glee. Ive seen this hundreds of times and i can post an endless amount of videos showing exactly that.

All you need to do is ask your granddaddy how they use to do it when it was 10 white men against one black man or a group of them raping a black woman. Study your nasty history and find out how much glee they had and unlike some foolish black men who commit these crimes they were never brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

Do you have any proof for YOUR claim? I already know you dont. You wont provide a single video because it never happened.

I have over 400yrs of History fool.
My grandpa is dead, and so are those victims. We live in 2021 you fucking retard. In 2021, black people are the KKK, but even worse. Black people are far more violent than the KKK ever was.

You stinking POS how many black folks do you think are still alive that came up during the Jim Crow era. Black people could NEVER be as violent as trash like you was.

The document says that 81 officers from the Capitol Police force and 58 from the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department sustained injuries when crowds of Donald Trump supporters breached the building while lawmakers were preparing to count electoral college votes, cementing Joe Biden's election victory.
134 Police Officers Injured in Capitol Riots, Justice Department Says (msn.com)

You don't give damn about police officers in this instance, because it was white trash like you committing the crime.

Lynching were more of a thing, around the turn of the century, not the most recent, but back when the 18s became 19s.

Jim Crow was a very different animal than THAT.

There were 3 white racist that murdered a young black man in Georgia just last year.
Where was the lynching in the viddy?
And why does a republican in a red state care about what’s happening in big city New York?
This doesnt just happen in NY. Furthermore, you dont live in DC, yet you havent been able to stop talking about the incident at the capital, so spare me your child like angles.
It does happen it's called crime and it has happened every where around the world through all ages of humans in the history of their existence, why, because they are humans...
This crime is carried out by black people exclusively. It has to stop. Violent racist lynchings are not acceptable.
I don't see color I see torts..There is no color variation of a human that doesn't commit violence.
Only black mobs do this. Prove me wrong.

For decades coward ass white men attacked a single black man and on occasion a single white man if they thought he might like the black man and these cowards were never brought to the Bar of Justice. How many blacks get away with crimes against whites? Very few if any, now your coward ass won't speak on the white couple who just murdered a white child because it doesn't fit your racist narrative.

You're talking about a time, of over a century ago, like it was last week.

Blacks take particular enjoyment out of assaulting the elderly.

No more than whites do or are you too drunk to see that.
Blacks are the only group i have ever seen mob attack someone while giggling with glee. Ive seen this hundreds of times and i can post an endless amount of videos showing exactly that.

All you need to do is ask your granddaddy how they use to do it when it was 10 white men against one black man or a group of them raping a black woman. Study your nasty history and find out how much glee they had and unlike some foolish black men who commit these crimes they were never brought to the Bar of Justice for it.

Do you have any proof for YOUR claim? I already know you dont. You wont provide a single video because it never happened.

I have over 400yrs of History fool.

You act like lynchings were commonplace.


They were dumb ass. Hell even the LAW participated in them.

YOu don't know what you are talking about.

It is pretty obvious you don't know what the hell you are talking about. I came at the back end of Jim Crow, I know what the police would do for you as a black man. Sorry you can't change the history of America, because it reveals you for the hypocrite you are.

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