*I Drive Slow On Freeways 55 MPH*

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


You are a traffic hazard.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,
A problem arises when you are driving slowly.

Everyone else is driving faster and bunched together.

If a semi is forced to slow down to 55 because he/she can't get over to the center lane due to traffic, it takes a long time for them to first, get to the center lane, and second, to get up to speed again.

Now the trucker is inconvenienced, and everyone that had to slow after he got into the next lane is inconvenienced.

If you really want to be courteous...drive the speed limit.

1. Oh Simi drivers need special care eh?

2. Truckers are the very most dangerous drivers on the highways.

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

3. They on the most part feel they own the road, and I get sorta testy when they hug my bumper.

4. Usually I open my window, and reach as *High* as I can in the air with my left hand and shoot the nastiest finger possible towards them, sometimes I wiggle my finger like I sticking it up their butt.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

5. Of course they hate that when I do it, but they deserve it all in all.
6. Then they get to the center lane and come up beside me, and usually they honk me, then if they cut me off, *ITS ON NOW MOTHER FUCKER!*
7. So I tailgate the bastard a little, they speed up and I get right behind them so they can't see me, this drives them fucking crazy!!

8. Sooner or later they try to sling me off by changing lanes, I keep on their tails, they hate that.
9. Then at some point I try to pass,..... they hate that when I catch up to them, these bastards are sweating bullets by now, because now *I"M PISSED*!!!!!
10. Most of the time they exit off the freeways before I can get up there to cut them bastards off!
11. Truckers suck some serious ass when they get up on my bumper then cut me off, *ALL


You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

1. So you are a truck driver?
2. Oh hell no!!!
3. Read the news truckers are always killing a load of people.
4. Truckers should be very, very fucking careful with how they drive these days, lots of drivers now have fucking guns!
5. Guns make even a truck driver look like he's driving a Mini Cooper.
6. Truckers are very fucking dangerous folks, keep a very close eye on any truck in your
vision they are the enemies of the road more than anyone else.
7. There they are driving a truck with cargo weighing in at heavier than a house, watch the bastards!
8. Lady Truckers are no better either, not as many of them but no better, truckers have wrecks all the time, go running out into fields, hitting bridges while asleep, all the fucking time folks, watch these bastards as if your life depends on it, because it does.
9. Jackbrakes are nothing to be alarmed about, but most cities will ticket for it now.

Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


Most highways are 65 or over. And if you were really in Texas, you'd pull over to the right to let them pass. :D
You do realize that the maximum posted speed limit applies to the fast lane, right?

The sign "slower traffic keep right" means less than the posted maximum.

Texas is a whole different animal when it comes to driving.

The two lane roads (one lane in each direction) have 70 MPH speed limits.

It is customary when approached from the rear by a faster moving vehicle, to move to the shoulder of the road, at speed, and allow the faster traffic to overtake you, then return to the lane.

It works exceptionally well, everyone is on the same page and the maneuver is universally accepted and expected.

I LOVE driving in Texas back roads.

The interstates, OTOH, are another matter altogether.
Sorry bout that,
A problem arises when you are driving slowly.

Everyone else is driving faster and bunched together.

If a semi is forced to slow down to 55 because he/she can't get over to the center lane due to traffic, it takes a long time for them to first, get to the center lane, and second, to get up to speed again.

Now the trucker is inconvenienced, and everyone that had to slow after he got into the next lane is inconvenienced.

If you really want to be courteous...drive the speed limit.

1. Oh Simi drivers need special care eh?
2. Truckers are the very most dangerous drivers on the highways.

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

3. They on the most part feel they own the road, and I get sorta testy when they hug my bumper.
4. Usually I open my window, and reach as *High* as I can in the air with my left hand and shoot the nastiest finger possible towards them, sometimes I wiggle my finger like I sticking it up their butt.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

5. Of course they hate that when I do it, but they deserve it all in all.
6. Then they get to the center lane and come up beside me, and usually they honk me, then if they cut me off, *ITS ON NOW MOTHER FUCKER!*
7. So I tailgate the bastard a little, they speed up and I get right behind them so they can't see me, this drives them fucking crazy!!
8. Sooner or later they try to sling me off by changing lanes, I keep on their tails, they hate that.
9. Then at some point I try to pass,..... they hate that when I catch up to them, these bastards are sweating bullets by now, because now *I"M PISSED*!!!!!
10. Most of the time they exit off the freeways before I can get up there to cut them bastards off!
11. Truckers suck some serious ass when they get up on my bumper then cut me off, *ALL BETS ARE OFF THEN!*


You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

I never even look back there.

Get as close as you want.

You ever see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

"Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I were you run you over with it?...None at all."
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Oh Simi drivers need special care eh?

2. Truckers are the very most dangerous drivers on the highways.

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

5. Of course they hate that when I do it, but they deserve it all in all.
6. Then they get to the center lane and come up beside me, and usually they honk me, then if they cut me off, *ITS ON NOW MOTHER FUCKER!*
7. So I tailgate the bastard a little, they speed up and I get right behind them so they can't see me, this drives them fucking crazy!!

8. Sooner or later they try to sling me off by changing lanes, I keep on their tails, they hate that.
9. Then at some point I try to pass,..... they hate that when I catch up to them, these bastards are sweating bullets by now, because now *I"M PISSED*!!!!!
10. Most of the time they exit off the freeways before I can get up there to cut them bastards off!
11. Truckers suck some serious ass when they get up on my bumper then cut me off, *ALL


You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

1. So you are a truck driver?
2. Oh hell no!!!
3. Read the news truckers are always killing a load of people.
4. Truckers should be very, very fucking careful with how they drive these days, lots of drivers now have fucking guns!
5. Guns make even a truck driver look like he's driving a Mini Cooper.
6. Truckers are very fucking dangerous folks, keep a very close eye on any truck in your
vision they are the enemies of the road more than anyone else.
7. There they are driving a truck with cargo weighing in at heavier than a house, watch the bastards!
8. Lady Truckers are no better either, not as many of them but no better, truckers have wrecks all the time, go running out into fields, hitting bridges while asleep, all the fucking time folks, watch these bastards as if your life depends on it, because it does.
9. Jackbrakes are nothing to be alarmed about, but most cities will ticket for it now.


1. I have been, yes. Which is why I know better than to pass on the right.

2. Oh hell yes.

3. Bolshoi.

4. Are you threatening me?

5. That makes no sense at all. But I do have a MINI.

6. I'd sooner be in a convoy than in a gaggle of 4-wheelers. Trucks at least are predictable. They have to be.

7. Your point?

8. That probably makes even less sense than "guns make you look like a Mini Cooper"

9. You mean jake brakes? What in the wide world of fuck does that have to do with any of this?
No. It. Is. Not. Once again, "slower" is a comparative. "Slower than what"? Slower than somebody next to you, that's what.

What speed either one of you is going is irrelevant.

I have to wonder where some of these wacko ideas come from. The political forum at least has think tanks churning them out. This kind of thing is... :cuckoo:
Slower may be comparative, but a posted limit is a posted limit. You drive over the posted limit, you are in the wrong.

RTFM. Do you know what that acronym stand for?

I have to wonder at nut cases who think that the written word means something other than what it says.

Maybe you should print this out, take it into the sunshine and read it:

"Slower traffic keep right" has nothing to do with what the speed limit is.

It's a directive on how to keep order in the flow of traffic. It's a regulation on where you need to be relative to others.

That has **ZERO** to do with what the speed limit is.
Maybe you should learn to comprehend what you read.

If the posted maximum speed limit is 65 mph, then slower traffic (in relation to the posted limit) is relatively slower.

Is it not?

Keeping order in the flow of traffic is inherent to the limits and regulations governing the activity of driving.

If you are doing 63 mph, you are relatively slower than the posted maximum and therefore, slower than the person doing the posted maximum.


At no time are you permitted (legally speaking) to drive above the posted limit.

IF EVERYONE drove the posted limit, then being told that slower traffic should keep right means that people traveling slower than the posted maximum should remain in the right hand lane to allow for others traveling faster to pass you by.

However, if I am doing the posted maximum and you are doing 100 mph, I really have no imperative to move right. That is because the person traveling over the limit is in the wrong regardless of the outcome.

Look at it this way. If you are driving a car in a legal manner and get hit, but you have no drivers license, you are automatically in the wrong for operating the vehicle to begin with. The same with speeding. You are automatically in the wrong.

However, since the law assumes that the majority of the people (yeah, what a joke that is) will obey the law, lane location and yielding of the right of way is an issue of obeying posted laws and limits.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh Simi drivers need special care eh?
2. Truckers are the very most dangerous drivers on the highways.

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

5. Of course they hate that when I do it, but they deserve it all in all.
6. Then they get to the center lane and come up beside me, and usually they honk me, then if they cut me off, *ITS ON NOW MOTHER FUCKER!*
7. So I tailgate the bastard a little, they speed up and I get right behind them so they can't see me, this drives them fucking crazy!!
8. Sooner or later they try to sling me off by changing lanes, I keep on their tails, they hate that.
9. Then at some point I try to pass,..... they hate that when I catch up to them, these bastards are sweating bullets by now, because now *I"M PISSED*!!!!!
10. Most of the time they exit off the freeways before I can get up there to cut them bastards off!
11. Truckers suck some serious ass when they get up on my bumper then cut me off, *ALL BETS ARE OFF THEN!*


You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

I never even look back there.

Get as close as you want.

You ever see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

"Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I were you run you over with it?...None at all."

I don't tailgate, ever. You just said you do.
As I said, try that with me and you'll get a brake check.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Oh Simi drivers need special care eh?

2. Truckers are the very most dangerous drivers on the highways.

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

5. Of course they hate that when I do it, but they deserve it all in all.
6. Then they get to the center lane and come up beside me, and usually they honk me, then if they cut me off, *ITS ON NOW MOTHER FUCKER!*
7. So I tailgate the bastard a little, they speed up and I get right behind them so they can't see me, this drives them fucking crazy!!

8. Sooner or later they try to sling me off by changing lanes, I keep on their tails, they hate that.
9. Then at some point I try to pass,..... they hate that when I catch up to them, these bastards are sweating bullets by now, because now *I"M PISSED*!!!!!
10. Most of the time they exit off the freeways before I can get up there to cut them bastards off!
11. Truckers suck some serious ass when they get up on my bumper then cut me off, *ALL


You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

1. So you are a truck driver?
2. Oh hell no!!!
3. Read the news truckers are always killing a load of people.
4. Truckers should be very, very fucking careful with how they drive these days, lots of drivers now have fucking guns!
5. Guns make even a truck driver look like he's driving a Mini Cooper.
6. Truckers are very fucking dangerous folks, keep a very close eye on any truck in your
vision they are the enemies of the road more than anyone else.
7. There they are driving a truck with cargo weighing in at heavier than a house, watch the bastards!
8. Lady Truckers are no better either, not as many of them but no better, truckers have wrecks all the time, go running out into fields, hitting bridges while asleep, all the fucking time folks, watch these bastards as if your life depends on it, because it does.
9. Jackbrakes are nothing to be alarmed about, but most cities will ticket for it now.


80% of car/truck accidents are caused by cars.

That's a fact.

80 percent of car-truck crashes caused by car drivers, ATA report says | Commercial Carrier Journal
Sorry bout that,

1. So here I go, tooling along the freeway in my 1900's Toyota van, in the slow lane just rocking and a rolling along listening to some tunes going down the freeway at my usual legal speed, 55 MPH legal coast to coast, in the far right lane doing my thang,...
2. But you know what?
3. Speeding drivers ride up in my ass, then slow down to hug my bumper then they blow by me yelling shit, some times honking, even big rigs, they honk me, pulling their fucking hair out and cut me off, to take back my slow lane, like I give a fuck!
4. The other lanes are open to them, usually, but they fly up to me in the slow lane, I watch these morons as they approach, wondering if this jackass will ram me, and if they do they going to get a surprise too.
5. They complain when people do 55 MPH, in the fast lane, and complain if I go 55 mph in the slow lane, fuck all you dumb bastards in a hurry to die on the freeways!:badgrin:
6. Your turn go, explain why I should be speeding like these crazy bastards?


You are a traffic hazard.
The speeder is always the traffic hazard.
Slower may be comparative, but a posted limit is a posted limit. You drive over the posted limit, you are in the wrong.

RTFM. Do you know what that acronym stand for?

I have to wonder at nut cases who think that the written word means something other than what it says.

Maybe you should print this out, take it into the sunshine and read it:

"Slower traffic keep right" has nothing to do with what the speed limit is.

It's a directive on how to keep order in the flow of traffic. It's a regulation on where you need to be relative to others.

That has **ZERO** to do with what the speed limit is.
Maybe you should learn to comprehend what you read.

If the posted maximum speed limit is 65 mph, then slower traffic (in relation to the posted limit) is relatively slower.

Is it not?

Keeping order in the flow of traffic is inherent to the limits and regulations governing the activity of driving.

If you are doing 63 mph, you are relatively slower than the posted maximum and therefore, slower than the person doing the posted maximum.


At no time are you permitted (legally speaking) to drive above the posted limit.

IF EVERYONE drove the posted limit, then being told that slower traffic should keep right means that people traveling slower than the posted maximum should remain in the right hand lane to allow for others traveling faster to pass you by.

However, if I am doing the posted maximum and you are doing 100 mph, I really have no imperative to move right. That is because the person traveling over the limit is in the wrong regardless of the outcome.

Look at it this way. If you are driving a car in a legal manner and get hit, but you have no drivers license, you are automatically in the wrong for operating the vehicle to begin with. The same with speeding. You are automatically in the wrong.

However, since the law assumes that the majority of the people (yeah, what a joke that is) will obey the law, lane location and yielding of the right of way is an issue of obeying posted laws and limits.


If the limit is 65, I'm doing 63, and there's nobody else on the road, then there is nobody to keep to the right of. :banghead:

And if I'm doing 63 and you're doing 61, then I'm going to your LEFT to pass you. EVEN THOUGH I'M UNDER THE LIMIT, BECAUSE THE LIMIT IS IRRELEVANT.

What the speed limit is has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHICH LANE YOU'RE IN.

Aye-yi-yi I've heard it all now... :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

1. So you are a truck driver?
2. Oh hell no!!!
3. Read the news truckers are always killing a load of people.
4. Truckers should be very, very fucking careful with how they drive these days, lots of drivers now have fucking guns!
5. Guns make even a truck driver look like he's driving a Mini Cooper.
6. Truckers are very fucking dangerous folks, keep a very close eye on any truck in your
vision they are the enemies of the road more than anyone else.
7. There they are driving a truck with cargo weighing in at heavier than a house, watch the bastards!
8. Lady Truckers are no better either, not as many of them but no better, truckers have wrecks all the time, go running out into fields, hitting bridges while asleep, all the fucking time folks, watch these bastards as if your life depends on it, because it does.
9. Jackbrakes are nothing to be alarmed about, but most cities will ticket for it now.


80% of car/truck accidents are caused by cars.

That's a fact.

80 percent of car-truck crashes caused by car drivers, ATA report says | Commercial Carrier Journal
I disagree with that. Some of the worst drivers on the road are Truckers. However, knowing the drivers of cars as I do, I'm not surprised they are responsible in many ways.

I have resigned Myself to the notion that people just chose to ignore driving laws because they think they are too important to obey them.

Truckers aren't much better.
Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

I never even look back there.

Get as close as you want.

You ever see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

"Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I were you run you over with it?...None at all."

I don't tailgate, ever. You just said you do.
As I said, try that with me and you'll get a brake check.


I think you are confusing me with someone else.

I'm saying folks who tailgate my truck don't bother me in the least...I don't even look back there to see what they are doing.

I was rear ended by a tailgater in a construction zone...broke one weld on my ICC bumper, and I didn't even know I'd been hit until I saw the crumpled front end of a Toyota with antifreeze steam pouring out of it blocking up all the traffic behind me.
Maybe you should print this out, take it into the sunshine and read it:

"Slower traffic keep right" has nothing to do with what the speed limit is.

It's a directive on how to keep order in the flow of traffic. It's a regulation on where you need to be relative to others.

That has **ZERO** to do with what the speed limit is.
Maybe you should learn to comprehend what you read.

If the posted maximum speed limit is 65 mph, then slower traffic (in relation to the posted limit) is relatively slower.

Is it not?

Keeping order in the flow of traffic is inherent to the limits and regulations governing the activity of driving.

If you are doing 63 mph, you are relatively slower than the posted maximum and therefore, slower than the person doing the posted maximum.


At no time are you permitted (legally speaking) to drive above the posted limit.

IF EVERYONE drove the posted limit, then being told that slower traffic should keep right means that people traveling slower than the posted maximum should remain in the right hand lane to allow for others traveling faster to pass you by.

However, if I am doing the posted maximum and you are doing 100 mph, I really have no imperative to move right. That is because the person traveling over the limit is in the wrong regardless of the outcome.

Look at it this way. If you are driving a car in a legal manner and get hit, but you have no drivers license, you are automatically in the wrong for operating the vehicle to begin with. The same with speeding. You are automatically in the wrong.

However, since the law assumes that the majority of the people (yeah, what a joke that is) will obey the law, lane location and yielding of the right of way is an issue of obeying posted laws and limits.


If the limit is 65, I'm doing 63, and there's nobody else on the road, then there is nobody to keep to the right of. :banghead:

And if I'm doing 63 and you're doing 61, then I'm going to your LEFT to pass you. EVEN THOUGH I'M UNDER THE LIMIT, BECAUSE THE LIMIT IS IRRELEVANT.

What the speed limit is has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHICH LANE YOU'RE IN.

Aye-yi-yi I've heard it all now... :cuckoo:
You're not slower than the person doing the posted maximum?


You need to brush up on your comprehension skills.
Sorry bout that,

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

1. So you are a truck driver?
2. Oh hell no!!!
3. Read the news truckers are always killing a load of people.
4. Truckers should be very, very fucking careful with how they drive these days, lots of drivers now have fucking guns!
5. Guns make even a truck driver look like he's driving a Mini Cooper.
6. Truckers are very fucking dangerous folks, keep a very close eye on any truck in your
vision they are the enemies of the road more than anyone else.
7. There they are driving a truck with cargo weighing in at heavier than a house, watch the bastards!
8. Lady Truckers are no better either, not as many of them but no better, truckers have wrecks all the time, go running out into fields, hitting bridges while asleep, all the fucking time folks, watch these bastards as if your life depends on it, because it does.
9. Jackbrakes are nothing to be alarmed about, but most cities will ticket for it now.


80% of car/truck accidents are caused by cars.

That's a fact.

80 percent of car-truck crashes caused by car drivers, ATA report says | Commercial Carrier Journal

Now that ^^ reflects what I experience on the roads.

A four-wheeler doesn't necessarily mean a hazardous driver. But if there's a hazardous driver in the vicinity, chances are high it's gonna be a 4-wheeler.

Actually my empirical observations suggest that the worst drivers as a class, if there is such a thing, are buses.
Sorry bout that

Most highways are 65 or over. And if you were really in Texas, you'd pull over to the right to let them pass. :D

1. So you doubt I'm even in Texas?
2. 65 speed limit is common here, I still go 55mph.
3. I stay in the right lane mostly.
4. You do understand that right?
5. SO you drive crazy too?
6. If you are near a large city in Californication, then I know you're in traffic, and lucky to roll around at 40mph.


Why do you imagine that causing these types of situations (e.g. other drivers tailgating you, etc.) is being "safe?"

You would be MORE safe if you stayed off the highway COMPLETELY.

I understand that you think that this type of overly-cautious approach to driving is safe, but it most certainly is not.

I would recommend that if you absolutely must drive on the freeway, that you keep an eye on other drivers and adjust by:

1 Moving to the left on occasion to allow the people on the right passage.

2 Increase your speed when others are going faster in order to prevent a huge pile-up.

3 Putting a "new driver" sign on the back of the car to avoid being shot.

Hope this helps.

I agree. Driving slower than the general speed of traffic actually creates a hazard. I have a Class A, Commercial License with HazMat, Double/Triples and Tanker endorsements and have done lots of driving (not currently though). Overly timid drivers are actually worse (in my opinion) than folks who drive with a little more confidence. That's not to say I like hot-shot drivers or careless drivers but overly cautious drivers who hold up traffic are dangerous to everyone because they cause bottlenecks and they raise the frustration levels of folks who are already frustrated.
Last edited:
I never even look back there.

Get as close as you want.

You ever see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

"Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I were you run you over with it?...None at all."

I don't tailgate, ever. You just said you do.
As I said, try that with me and you'll get a brake check.


I think you are confusing me with someone else.

I'm saying folks who tailgate my truck don't bother me in the least...I don't even look back there to see what they are doing.

I was rear ended by a tailgater in a construction zone...broke one weld on my ICC bumper, and I didn't even know I'd been hit until I saw the crumpled front end of a Toyota with antifreeze steam pouring out of it blocking up all the traffic behind me.

I apologize Mo, you're correct. Somehow I thought I was posting back to Sir James of Lalaland.

You'd think the way he formats his stuff I'd have noticed it was missing but there's a lot going on here. Sorry 'bout that. :redface:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Oh Simi drivers need special care eh?
2. Truckers are the very most dangerous drivers on the highways.

Absolute bullshit. To the extent we can make a generalization, if anything they're the safest.

Why does this not surprise us...
wait, do you first say "sorry about that" and give them a stream of numbers too?

5. Of course they hate that when I do it, but they deserve it all in all.

6. Then they get to the center lane and come up beside me, and usually they honk me, then if they cut me off, *ITS ON NOW MOTHER FUCKER!*
7. So I tailgate the bastard a little, they speed up and I get right behind them so they can't see me, this drives them fucking crazy!!
8. Sooner or later they try to sling me off by changing lanes, I keep on their tails, they hate that.
9. Then at some point I try to pass,..... they hate that when I catch up to them, these
bastards are sweating bullets by now, because now *I"M PISSED*!!!!!

10. Most of the time they exit off the freeways before I can get up there to cut them bastards off!
11. Truckers suck some serious ass when they get up on my bumper then cut me off, *ALL BETS ARE OFF THEN!*


You're a lunatic. Perhaps next time one of them will give you an air brake demonstration. It's a testament to their patience that they haven't done so already.

But if you try that with me... well let's just say I'm not known for patience.

I never even look back there.

Get as close as you want.

You ever see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

"Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I were you run you over with it?...None at all."

1. How about a flat tire or two, for your truck, maybe some one like me shoots up your fucking tires????

Let Me dumb it down as far as it can go.

If I am driving the posted maximum, lets say it is the standard 65 mph on an interstate highway...

And you are driving 100 mph on the same stretch of highway and are approaching Me from the rear...

I would be a fool not to get over out of self preservation, however; I am not required to get over by law as I am driving the posted maximum.

The speeder is ALWAYS in the wrong.

Sorry bout that,

1. So you are a truck driver?
2. Oh hell no!!!
3. Read the news truckers are always killing a load of people.
4. Truckers should be very, very fucking careful with how they drive these days, lots of drivers now have fucking guns!
5. Guns make even a truck driver look like he's driving a Mini Cooper.
6. Truckers are very fucking dangerous folks, keep a very close eye on any truck in your
vision they are the enemies of the road more than anyone else.
7. There they are driving a truck with cargo weighing in at heavier than a house, watch the bastards!
8. Lady Truckers are no better either, not as many of them but no better, truckers have wrecks all the time, go running out into fields, hitting bridges while asleep, all the fucking time folks, watch these bastards as if your life depends on it, because it does.
9. Jackbrakes are nothing to be alarmed about, but most cities will ticket for it now.


80% of car/truck accidents are caused by cars.

That's a fact.

80 percent of car-truck crashes caused by car drivers, ATA report says | Commercial Carrier Journal

Now that ^^ reflects what I experience on the roads.

A four-wheeler doesn't necessarily mean a hazardous driver. But if there's a hazardous driver in the vicinity, chances are high it's gonna be a 4-wheeler.

Actually my empirical observations suggest that the worst drivers as a class, if there is such a thing, are buses.
Yeah, I would agree. Bus drivers are the absolute worst.

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