*I Drive Slow On Freeways 55 MPH*

Let Me dumb it down as far as it can go.

If I am driving the posted maximum, lets say it is the standard 65 mph on an interstate highway...

And you are driving 100 mph on the same stretch of highway and are approaching Me from the rear...

I would be a fool not to get over out of self preservation, however; I am not required to get over by law as I am driving the posted maximum.

The speeder is ALWAYS in the wrong.


All true. But that's got nothing to do with your fantasy about speed limits within lanes. How that "Slower traffic keep right" sign applies here is that that speeder has to pass you on the left. Whethr he's going 100 while you're going 65 or if he's going 65 while you're at 55 -- all irrelevant. The only relevant factor is that vehicle A is overtaking vehicle B. Period.
Nothing I posted disagrees with that with the exception that the speeder is ALWAYS in the wrong.

True and agreed. But COMPLETELY irrelevant here.

The design of traffic flow in American highways is that the maximum posted speed limit applies to ALL THE FUCKING LANES.

That is an absolute fact.

No one has ever suggested otherwise. You keep bringing it in here with a "look what I found" as if it has some kind of significance or relevance. It doesn't.

The keep right sign means that if you are going slower than that posted maximum, then you must be in the right lane UNLESS you are coming upon someone going slower than you are.

NO IT DOES NOT. It means if you're going slower than somebody else (comparative adjective -- vehicle A slower compared to vehicle B) then you need to be to the right. How fast either one of you are going does not even enter into it.

Nothing I have stated is wrong or factually incorrect.

Except that ridiculous assertion just above.

The relative speed argument is the real red herring because no one is supposed to be traveling faster than the maximum posted limit.

IRRELEVANT. This is not a speed law; the speed law is separate. The simple laws of physics and prescribed traffic patterns demand a protocol. The protocol is that passing is done to the left. What anyone's speed is as an absolute number at the time is irrelevant. All that matters is the relative speed between the two.

If the world actually worked in this bizarre way -- and I still wanna know why you aren't sharing whatever gave you this cockamamie idea -- the sign would say "Under 65 keep right".

And if in this Bizarro World that sign meant that, then as long as there was a vehicle traveling at the max speed limit in the right lane, no one could ever pass it. So if you had an eight lane highway seven of those lanes would be empty and unusable.

Your logic.

Sorry bout that,

You shouldn't be permitted to drive then.

Why? You want only illiterates on the road? We almost have that now.

>> An adjective is in the comparative form when it expresses comparison between two or between one and a number taken collectively, as, “John is richer than James;" “he is richer than all the men in Boston.” << -- parts of speech

Doesn't say a damn word about what the speed limit is. :cuckoo:
Why? Because in

a game of comprehensive analysis, when speaking of limits imposed, relative speeds matter only in as much as everyone is operating from the same set of principles.

And you need to take a lesson in logic. If A = B and B = C, then !A = !C?

Never mind...We are talking the same thing but you have a bug up your ass and you don't even realize it.

I'm done with this.

Obey the fucking speed limit and save lives.

1. Sure he is a truck driver its a known fact *all* truck drivers have a bug up their asses.
2. They get one assigned to them as soon as they get their CDL.
3. The same day even.
4. Okay here is your bug, you know where to put it?
5. Truck Driver,...*yup*....:badgrin:

In truth, I am more and more leaning toward the final development of that autonomous car and banning people from operating motor vehicles all together. At least an automated car will obey the limits of speed, spacing, and movement without regard to desire or 'interpretation'.

The less people are involved in the operation of their vehicles, the safer our highways and streets will become.

Great. We already have that now with overautomated cars taking the whole feel of the road away, isolating the driver into an anesthetized little cocoon.

What you describe above is in effect personal trains. Trains never have accidents, right?
Sorry bout that,

In truth, I am more and more leaning toward the final development of that autonomous car and banning people from operating motor vehicles all together. At least an automated car will obey the limits of speed, spacing, and movement without regard to desire or 'interpretation'.

The less people are involved in the operation of their vehicles, the safer our highways and streets will become.

Great. We already have that now with overautomated cars taking the whole feel of the road away, isolating the driver into an anesthetized little cocoon.

What you describe above is in effect personal trains. Trains never have accidents, right?

1. I think that seeing how I am a driver with no accidents I should have power over those other cars who drive badly.
2. It should be that bad drivers have automated controls that I can dial into, in case they go whack job near me on the freeway.
3. I should be able to dial into either car or big rigs computer, let them know I'm about to take over their vehicle, then slow them down, and turn them towards the nearest exit, drive them to the service road safely and get the cops out to view the driving records, give them a ticket and send them on the way if no one was harmed in their bad actions, if some one was harmed or killed, take em to jail.

Sorry bout that,

1. Further more I believe that each car on the road should be sending out a signal either they are a good driver or a bad driver, my car should be able to fore warn me when a bad driver is approaching.
2. And as they do, if they do anything stupid, I should be able to take over the vehicle and shut them down.
3. Sounds fair to safe drivers, I'm safe, why should I be subjected to idiots?
4. Also my car could warm me when a drunk is on the road, cars can detect if a person is drunk if the
apparatus is built into vehicles, why should anyone be surprised when a drunks on the road, we have the capability to do this, and very well should.
5. A drunks freedom ends when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Sorry bout that,

1. Further more I believe that each car on the road should be sending out a signal either they are a good driver or a bad driver, my car should be able to fore warn me when a bad driver is approaching.
2. And as they do, if they do anything stupid, I should be able to take over the vehicle and shut them down.
3. Sounds fair to safe drivers, I'm safe, why should I be subjected to idiots?
4. Also my car could warm me when a drunk is on the road, cars can detect if a person is drunk if the
apparatus is built into vehicles, why should anyone be surprised when a drunks on the road, we have the capability to do this, and very well should.
5. A drunks freedom ends when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.


Paint ball guns are the only solution. Pink or yellow ammo is the remaining question.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Every fucking week I hear of some drunk causing an accident, whole families killed, and as usual, the fucking drunk survives.
2. I think it high time that stops!

Sorry bout that,

1. We have the technology to send out some sort of beam that can read other vehicles if they are driving erratically, our car could then warn us, put on warning lights, get us ready for impact, could even shoot something out towards the rampant vehicles without our awareness, like a laser beam, or cannon fire, something in order to protect us, the innocent.

After reading most of the posts I figure its time to get my licks in.

1. Every state and many government organizations offer Defensive Drivers Courses.
2. Many insurance companies require a defensive drivers course for coverage. Mine does.
3. When I was on active duty, the military required all members, spouses and licensed drivers in the family to take the course in order to drive on military installations.
4. Basically the most important things to remember about Defensive Driving:

Obey the traffic laws
Go with the flow (stay up with traffic)
Keep right except to pass
Do not pass on the right!!!!
And the most important rule---Do not shoot out truck tires
Sorry bout that,

1. We have the technology to send out some sort of beam that can read other vehicles if they are driving erratically, our car could then warn us, put on warning lights, get us ready for impact, could even shoot something out towards the rampant vehicles without our awareness, like a laser beam, or cannon fire, something in order to protect us, the innocent.


Don't forget about the 'ejection' seat. It is the lever on the lower left...or maybe it is the upper left...or it could be the 'recline' lever... um, read the manual.
Sorry bout that,

After reading most of the posts I figure its time to get my licks in.

1. Every state and many government organizations offer Defensive Drivers Courses.
2. Many insurance companies require a defensive drivers course for coverage. Mine does.
3. When I was on active duty, the military required all members, spouses and licensed drivers in the family to take the course in order to drive on military installations.
4. Basically the most important things to remember about Defensive Driving:

Obey the traffic laws
Go with the flow (stay up with traffic)
Keep right except to pass
Do not pass on the right!!!!

And the most important rule---Do not shoot out truck tires

1. I really want to shoot me out some truck tires!!!!!!!
2. Hahahahaha!!!!!

I wish a could find the study, but the upshot was that the key to accident prevention was limiting vehicle interaction.

An interaction was defined as the act of passing or the act of being passed.

The conclusion was, more or less, when a driver finds that Goldilocks zone, where they are passing as few times as possible, and being passed as few times as possible, they were the least likely to be involved in an accident, as accidents were most likely during these "interactions".

Not too fast, not too slow...just right.
I wish a could find the study, but the upshot was that the key to accident prevention was limiting vehicle interaction.

An interaction was defined as the act of passing or the act of being passed.

The conclusion was, more or less, when a driver finds that Goldilocks zone, where they are passing as few times as possible, and being passed as few times as possible, they were the least likely to be involved in an accident, as accidents were most likely during these "interactions".

Not too fast, not too slow...just right.

That would be the erogenous zone.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Sometimes when I'm tired or just feeling raunchy I get in the fast lane and go 55mph.
2. I drive a old Toyota van and seldom do I get cut off when I'm there, its when I'm in the slow lane they cut me off, go figure!


You drive 55 in the fast lane I'll fuck you up up grampa.

1. Yeah sure you will, I'l shoot out your fucking tires dude!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Sometimes when I'm tired or just feeling raunchy I get in the fast lane and go 55mph.
2. I drive a old Toyota van and seldom do I get cut off when I'm there, its when I'm in the slow lane they cut me off, go figure!


You drive 55 in the fast lane I'll fuck you up up grampa.

1. Yeah sure you will, I'l shoot out your fucking tires dude!


Thats assuming I dont put one in your head as I pass you.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

You drive 55 in the fast lane I'll fuck you up up grampa.

1. Yeah sure you will, I'l shoot out your fucking tires dude!


Thats assuming I dont put one in your head as I pass you.

1. Yeah sure, thats assuming my idiot detector doesn't pick you up first and my rocket launcher misses your stupid ass!:badgrin:
2. Just joking,...*ofcourse*.......:badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

1. Okay folks, thanks for your interest in this matter.
2. What we have learned is this.
3. Never ever come up on my bumper real fast and suck it, always have respect and go around me, nice and easy.
4. When you are flying down the freeway and come up on me, and notice you're catching me real fast, slide over to the middle lane so you don't have to slow down.
5. Then when you get past me stay in that same fucking lane, don't come back into the slow lane right in front of me cutting me off.
6. Hell go on over to the left lane go all out, have some fun with it, no one is usually there!
7. And also we learned if you fuck with me you might get a huge surprise!
8. Especially you truckers!
9. Also we learned that fairly soon technology will be able to stop you crazy bastards, with some high techno crap, to keep us safe from your kind.
10. Signing off on another classic *CWN THREAD*!

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Sorry bout that,

What we have learned is that you are a slow driving moron who shouldn't have a license.

1. Why because I've never had a accident?
2. Driving for over forty years.....42 to be exact.
3. I'm going to have to ding you for that one *sha-weat heart*,..! :badgrin:

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