I feel another unhinged tweetstorm coming from the Tweeter-in-Chief


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Everyone knows Trump's farcical handover of running the day to day operations of the Trump Corp. to the boys is a canard. So is the idea he is not profiting by virtue of his position as POTUS. The other travesty being he is using government attorneys to defend himself. Only one example of how he is corrupting government for personal purposes. Like the now complete corruption of the DOJ as a political arm of his re-election campaign.

Everyone knows Trump's farcical handover of running the day to day operations of the Trump Corp. to the boys is a canard. So is the idea he is not profiting by virtue of his position as POTUS. The other travesty being he is using government attorneys to defend himself. Only one example of how he is corrupting government for personal purposes. Like the now complete corruption of the DOJ as a political arm of his re-election campaign.

Kinda got that Chris Matthews tingle ?

TDS thread 1,567

Everyone knows Trump's farcical handover of running the day to day operations of the Trump Corp. to the boys is a canard. So is the idea he is not profiting by virtue of his position as POTUS. The other travesty being he is using government attorneys to defend himself. Only one example of how he is corrupting government for personal purposes. Like the now complete corruption of the DOJ as a political arm of his re-election campaign.
I see another unhinged burger rant. Oh joy.
Funny how I almost feel someone has to have a lobotomy to believe anything the fool says.
Very, very interesting. This ruling 9-6 indicates that the appeal was heard en banc, which is rare, and the full Fourth Circuit court overruled the decision of its three-judge panel. It is sending the case back to the district court for a ruling on the immunity issue, which the lower court apparently skipped.

I don't know that Sekulow is a government lawyer, though. He's known to be a crazy right-wing culthead, but I thought that he was private and works for a right-wing organization founded by pat robertson.
What caught my attention in reading the article (I realize Trumpleton's never read them) was the hyper-partisanship of Judge Wilkerson. Something noted by his colleagues.

He is exactly the kind of extremist ideological hack Trump and McTurtle have been packing the courts with. Much to the detriment of the country.
The fucking emoluments clause?....Again???


Everyone knows Trump's farcical handover of running the day to day operations of the Trump Corp. to the boys is a canard. So is the idea he is not profiting by virtue of his position as POTUS. The other travesty being he is using government attorneys to defend himself. Only one example of how he is corrupting government for personal purposes. Like the now complete corruption of the DOJ as a political arm of his re-election campaign.

Orange Man bad for bad people episode 1,997
The fucking emoluments clause?....Again???
Yup. One of the provisions the founders included in the Constitution to keep a prez from doing what Dear Leader is doing, profiting from his office.

You know, the kind of thing you'd be having an emotional breakdown over if a Dem did it.
The fucking emoluments clause?....Again???
Yup. One of the provisions the founders included in the Constitution to keep a prez from doing what Dear Leader is doing, profiting from his office.

You know, the kind of thing you'd be having an emotional breakdown over if a Dem did it.
WE GOTEEM NOW!, Chapter 41,742.

*The majority took aim at Wilkinson in its concurrence, saying that his rhetoric damaged the judiciary.

“Editorial writers, political speechwriters, and others are free, of course, to make a career out of accusing judges who make decisions that they dislike of bias and bad faith,” wrote Judge James A. Wynn. “But the public’s confidence and trust in the integrity of the judiciary suffer greatly when judges who disagree with their colleagues’ view of the law accuse those colleagues of abandoning their constitutional oath of office.”*

Everyone knows Trump's farcical handover of running the day to day operations of the Trump Corp. to the boys is a canard. So is the idea he is not profiting by virtue of his position as POTUS. The other travesty being he is using government attorneys to defend himself. Only one example of how he is corrupting government for personal purposes. Like the now complete corruption of the DOJ as a political arm of his re-election campaign.


The fucking emoluments clause?....Again???
Yup. One of the provisions the founders included in the Constitution to keep a prez from doing what Dear Leader is doing, profiting from his office.

You know, the kind of thing you'd be having an emotional breakdown over if a Dem did it.
WE GOTEEM NOW!, Chapter 41,742.

View attachment 335934

These people are like cookie cutter cutouts. Get rid of one and another pops up reposting Talking Points memos. Bernstein is a recent member....as the former steins gather too much false prediction baggage and switch handles.
But oh so drearily the same.

Everyone knows Trump's farcical handover of running the day to day operations of the Trump Corp. to the boys is a canard. So is the idea he is not profiting by virtue of his position as POTUS. The other travesty being he is using government attorneys to defend himself. Only one example of how he is corrupting government for personal purposes. Like the now complete corruption of the DOJ as a political arm of his re-election campaign.

Let me know when Trump sets up a foundation and collects $150,000,000 for selling 20% of our uranium to the Russians or forces Burisma to put his son on their Board
Let me know when Trump sets up a foundation and collects $150,000,000 for selling 20% of our uranium to the Russians or forces Burisma to put his son on their Board
Really? The batshyte crazy Uranium One horseshit again?

How much has Hillary collected since running out of uranium?
Let me know when Trump sets up a foundation and collects $150,000,000 for selling 20% of our uranium to the Russians or forces Burisma to put his son on their Board
Really? The batshyte crazy Uranium One horseshit again?

How much has Hillary collected since running out of uranium?

Still posting Russian propaganda Frank? Why do you continue to post debunked Russian propaganda?

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