I feel bad for Trump supporters.

If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
Gorsuch's impeachment will follow shortly after Trump's
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
Gorsuch's impeachment will follow shortly after Trump's

Oh Gawd that's funny!
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!

Trump needs to stop thinking that he is running Trump Tower where he intimidates and bullies.
I actually liked him in the beginning, but saw through his bullshit , especially while following him on twitter..
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
Gorsuch's impeachment will follow shortly after Trump's

Oh Gawd that's funny!
Yes it will be
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
Gorsuch's impeachment will follow shortly after Trump's

Oh Gawd that's funny!
Yes it will be

Your pretensions are amusing, sort of.
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
Gorsuch's impeachment will follow shortly after Trump's

Go to bed, your boyfriend's calling.
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
Gorsuch's impeachment will follow shortly after Trump's

Oh Gawd that's funny!
Yes it will be

Your pretensions are amusing, sort of.
"Sort of" my ass. They damn well are amusing! :mad:
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!
Gorsuch's impeachment will follow shortly after Trump's

Go to bed, your boyfriend's calling.

I'm ignoring you on purpose, shnookums
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!

Trump needs to stop thinking that he is running Trump Tower where he intimidates and bullies.
I actually liked him in the beginning, but saw through his bullshit , especially while following him on twitter..

Every day, I just hold my breath and wonder what he's going to step in today.
If the media would actually allow the guy to govern instead of being part of the resistance, Trump might be able to get to tax cuts, more deportations of illegals, strengthening our borders, fixing the disastrous Obamacare.

I'm not ready to write him off, although it wouldn't break my heart if Pence ended up being in the oval office.

Thank god though Hillary or another Dim didn't get in there. All's I have to do is think about the Supreme Court, and I am so grateful the country didn't go in that direction. Now if the old seniles on the court would just get out of there, we might be able to stack the court for years!

Trump needs to stop thinking that he is running Trump Tower where he intimidates and bullies.
I actually liked him in the beginning, but saw through his bullshit , especially while following him on twitter..

Every day, I just hold my breath and wonder what he's going to step in today.

Well get used to oxygen deprivation! This guy can't help but step in it daily! It's like "no news is good news!" If something is being reported, it's going to be heinous! Now we find he's revealing secrets to Russians in the WH! Why not do his duplicitous acts outside? It's like he has no respect for himself, the office, or the American people! I just don't know why people are shocked? Trump was revealed over and over, but the country thought it best to put the well-being of the planet in the hands of a self-proclaimed ego-maniac! "Good luck surviving this one guys; thought "W" was the pits!" :cuckoo: :frown: :haha:
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

Black don't matter. That he miserably failed does.
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

How did he improve it?. Trump destroyed all his E.O.s ....
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

Black don't matter. That he miserably failed does.
How so? Our economy recovered, human rights were expanded, unemployment cut in half, record setting job creation... I could continue but I don't have all day.
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
I don't....they made their bed.
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
I don't....they made their bed.
Lay down with the dogs wake up with the fleas.
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

How did he improve it?. Trump destroyed all his E.O.s ....
I mean... were you asleep during the Bush presidency orrrrr?

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