I feel bad for Trump supporters.

Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

Black don't matter. That he miserably failed does.
How so? Our economy recovered, human rights were expanded, unemployment cut in half, record setting job creation... I could continue but I don't have all day.

And the cow jumped over the moon.
You almost gotta laugh that the crazy angry incoherent left acknowledges that Hillary would have been a bad freaking choice but they still can't bring themselves to support the election of the President of the United States.
Most elections are the lesser of two evils. Sometimes it is a close call. This one wasn't.

Really? The Hildebeast is up to her neck in not only treason but murder as well. Child trafficking in Haiti (reference Laura Silsby). Diplomacy for donations and KNOWINGLY arming and funding the CIA mentored ISIS mercenaries to wage proxy wars....yeah, this woman, her husband in name only AND the Barrypuppet AND The Bush Crime family, Henry Kissinger, numerous neocons and Fabian Socialists should be swinging from ropes hung from the highest lamp posts in D.C and that is a fucking fact.
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

Black don't matter. That he miserably failed does.
How so? Our economy recovered, human rights were expanded, unemployment cut in half, record setting job creation... I could continue but I don't have all day.

And the cow jumped over the moon.
I knew it was past your bedtime child! Now off you go... No crying if you want a story.
You almost gotta laugh that the crazy angry incoherent left acknowledges that Hillary would have been a bad freaking choice but they still can't bring themselves to support the election of the President of the United States.
Most elections are the lesser of two evils. Sometimes it is a close call. This one wasn't.

Really? The Hildebeast is up to her neck in not only treason but murder as well. Child trafficking in Haiti (reference Laura Silsby). Diplomacy for donations and KNOWINGLY arming and funding the CIA mentored ISIS mercenaries to wage proxy wars....yeah, this woman, her husband in name only AND the Barrypuppet AND The Bush Crime family, Henry Kissinger, numerous neocons and Fabian Socialists should be swinging from ropes hung from the highest lamp posts in D.C and that is a fucking fact.
Your tinfoil hate is crooked better readjust it
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

How did he improve it?. Trump destroyed all his E.O.s ....
I mean... were you asleep during the Bush presidency orrrrr?

Obama's Legacy: The Total Destruction Of The Democratic Party

Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

Black don't matter. That he miserably failed does.
How so? Our economy recovered, human rights were expanded, unemployment cut in half, record setting job creation... I could continue but I don't have all day.

And the cow jumped over the moon.
I knew it was past your bedtime child! Now off you go... No crying if you want a story.

You have no story to offer.
I feel bad for Trump supporters.

I don't. I cannot and will not feel bad for people who were amply informed/warned of the error of the choice(s) they verged on making and who ignored caution and did so anyway.

Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate.

There were, for most of those voters, three options besides Hillary and Donald, and they chose none of them. So, yes, I most certainly do blame them.

Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's.

I'm not convinced all or most folks who voted for Trump are imbued with those characteristics.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

Black don't matter. That he miserably failed does.
How so? Our economy recovered, human rights were expanded, unemployment cut in half, record setting job creation... I could continue but I don't have all day.

And the cow jumped over the moon.
I knew it was past your bedtime child! Now off you go... No crying if you want a story.

You have no story to offer.
Awe you're too young for teenage angst. Must be cranky. Need your baba?
Trump Supporters: I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate. Most of you folks are honest, hard working people who love your country, and want the best for your fellow American's. I am afraid however you've backed a President that is simply unqualified to do this job. He doesn't know how to govern, and shows little interest in learning how to do so. He's the most unpopular President in history at this point in his young administration, and even his supporters in Congress are beginning to waver. If things don't change quickly, you'll see a replay of 2008. Those are the facts Jack, just the facts....
From their voting all I can assume is that they hate America and everything it stands for.
Liberals voted in the most anti-American President in history, twice. The only reason he wasn't impeached was the Ministry of Disinformation that successfully provided cover for his subversion.
Yea having a black president really boiled your blood didn't it. If only he had miserably failed and not actually improved the state of our country, then you could have a point.

Black don't matter. That he miserably failed does.
How so? Our economy recovered, human rights were expanded, unemployment cut in half, record setting job creation... I could continue but I don't have all day.

How so, you ask? Here is a small sample since I don't have all day either. Creating division among White and non-White by wading into low profile crime cases and turning them into national news. Attacking and vilifying the successful "You didn't build that!" "You didn't earn that degree, you got lucky!" Giving Iran the green light on their nuclear program and then flying 400 million in fucking CASH in the middle of the night. Destabilizing the Middle East with retarded foreign policies. Totally underestimating ISIS. I could list a hundred more but I would be wasting my time since you and all other Liberals have lost any semblance of objective thought.
You almost gotta laugh that the crazy angry incoherent left acknowledges that Hillary would have been a bad freaking choice but they still can't bring themselves to support the election of the President of the United States.
Most elections are the lesser of two evils. Sometimes it is a close call. This one wasn't.

Really? The Hildebeast is up to her neck in not only treason but murder as well. Child trafficking in Haiti (reference Laura Silsby). Diplomacy for donations and KNOWINGLY arming and funding the CIA mentored ISIS mercenaries to wage proxy wars....yeah, this woman, her husband in name only AND the Barrypuppet AND The Bush Crime family, Henry Kissinger, numerous neocons and Fabian Socialists should be swinging from ropes hung from the highest lamp posts in D.C and that is a fucking fact.
Your tinfoil hate is crooked better readjust it

I read more, I research more and most importantly, I understand more than you do. You live in this little left versus right paradigm which is right where your masters want you. If you only had the where-with-all to understand the gravity of the situation we are facing and it's so grave and so horrific that even if Trump was legit and had "white hats" working with him on the inside? The global elites would rather use the "scorched earth approach" and use the nukes they have been hoarding (while they scurry to their deep underground military bases that our sweat equity paid for using a fiat currency with no intrinsic value) than to ever cede control. You are a mere child when it comes to the understanding of the reality of the situation...... and that, my little friend,...is a fact.

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