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I feel sad for this country

See how it feels to be called unamerican.

You dont get to just spew hate for no reason.

Obama is doing what the American people elected him to do.

This a representative democracy.

We chose him by the majority.

There is no socialism and you are just spewing hate and bullshit because you dont like what your fellow Americans voted for.

This is democracy working and not any of the lies you claim it to be.

Why were you not concerned when Gonzales said there was no habeous corpus guarenteed in our government?

That was a real breach of our system and you think anything Obama has done thus far compares in any way to that?

Did you elect him to take over banks and companies....AIG, the Fed, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM & Chrysler.....tell them what kind of cars to build...tell then what wages they can pay...fire CEOs and replace them with his buddies......pretty soon he's gonna be telling us what we can eat...how many kids we can have....he's already telling us what news we can watch.

You really need to wake up.
Sorry pal......real Americans love their country regardless of who gets elected. They work within the system to change those things they disagree with. They do not turn on their country just because their political party was voted out by "We the People"

Why is it when one disagrees with the president they hate their country? I'm trying to work with you on this but you seem not to get the point at all. I think Obama sucks and is a communist by the policies he is implementing but that doesn't mean I am not an American because I was born here which is the only qualifier that exist that determins whether or not one is a real American or not.

Not being a real God Loving American you would not understand. Real Americans do not attack the country they love and say they are run by communists. They work to elect those candidates who support their views. Real Americans do not hope their country will fail


At the risk of upsetting the one person that believes themselves to be the only true American, I would say that anytime an elected official turns against the very foundations of this great country, such as Obama has, true Americans have not only the right, but the responsibility, to call them on it.

America should apologize to no nation, and it is a shame that our nation is spending at a rate that bankrupts it.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's the very first amendment to the constitution and it seems to me that being unAmerican is a Govt. or individual who does not recognize that the very first Amendment to thse constitution gives us as Americans the ability to disagree with that Govt. or with one another peaceably. It makes you no less American to express your discontent with your Govt. if your standing on the mall protesting the war, or expressing your unhappiness at the current path your nation is taking.
Sad how shallow their love of country and democracy is.
Democracy is very dangerous thing and must always be kept on a tight leash.

All countries, their historical boundaries, and their flags are nothing in the face of principles. If is not a name, a flag, or geography that truly defines the nation, buts its heart.
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☭proletarian☭;1863526 said:
Sad how shallow their love of country and democracy is.
Democracy is very dangerous thing and must always be kept on a tight leash.

All countries, their historical boundaries, and their flags are nothing in the face of principles. If is not a name, a flag, or geography that truly defines the nation, buts its heart.

maybe democracy and national pride are principles, too.
☭proletarian☭;1863526 said:
Sad how shallow their love of country and democracy is.
Democracy is very dangerous thing and must always be kept on a tight leash.

All countries, their historical boundaries, and their flags are nothing in the face of principles. If is not a name, a flag, or geography that truly defines the nation, buts its heart.

maybe democracy and national pride are principles, too.

Democracy is not a principle- the 'right' of 50.1% of the populace to oppress 49.9% of the population is not principle at all, and that is why the Founding Fathers rejected an unmuzzled Democracy.

national pride is no principle, but a crutch of the weak who hide their lack of principles behind a flag and the rhetoric of politicians. That is why the Founding faters rejected and appeal to British pride and fought to form, a nation based on principles, to uphold those principles. When the nation fails to uphold those principles, it ceases to be the nation they founded in anything but name.
Oh the sweet irony

What irony? Whenever you disagree with the left they accuse of hating America but do you see people on right make music videos like green day's American idiot? That was saying Americans are stupid not disagreeing with someone's political philosophy which is where most conservatives keep their disagreements to.

Just look at most country music songs (which happen to be conservative). Despite the fact that they might disagree with the current president on politics they still write songs that says America kicks ass! Unlike asswipes like greenday who made videos saying how stupid Americans are because they didn't like George Bush's presidency.

That is why we will always say that the left hates America.

Wow, were you in a coma during the Bush Presidency??
I feel really sad for this country because the concepty of individualsim and the liberty that goes with it has been squashed completely. Look at how many people have to justify their actions to their leaders and to the political process as something that either benefits the whole or is politically correct in some way. It is no longer acceptable that a person can do things on their own merits for themselves or to even to hold an idea that isn't inline with PC doctrine without have to justify it in PC terms so one will not be "judged".

To sum it up, this country is not free or at least not free on the individual level.

I don't know of anything that bothers me more than the 'PC Doctrine'. This idea of protected classes of people has got to stop.
Political correctness is going to be the downfall of the country. That on top of everybody projecting the idea that anything you want to do is acceptable behavior and should be tolerated by all people regardless of values or morales. It isn't "popular" to tell things the way it really is or to find fault with the actions of others. It just isn't acceptable and doing so will bring upon you much wrath. As a result, as our country goes down the toilet, we will all hold hands and talk about what a nice ride it is because to say otherwise is just not nice. That's where we are as a nation and it's a very sad thing.
☭proletarian☭;1863570 said:
☭proletarian☭;1863526 said:
Democracy is very dangerous thing and must always be kept on a tight leash.

All countries, their historical boundaries, and their flags are nothing in the face of principles. If is not a name, a flag, or geography that truly defines the nation, buts its heart.

maybe democracy and national pride are principles, too.

Democracy is not a principle- the 'right' of 50.1% of the populace to oppress 49.9% of the population is not principle at all, and that is why the Founding Fathers rejected an unmuzzled Democracy.

national pride is no principle, but a crutch of the weak who hide their lack of principles behind a flag and the rhetoric of politicians. That is why the Founding faters rejected and appeal to British pride and fought to form, a nation based on principles, to uphold those principles. When the nation fails to uphold those principles, it ceases to be the nation they founded in anything but name.

democracy's a principle how i see it. a rep democracy is a system based on that principle, just as a majority democracy is.

national pride is a principle that has made america a great country. combined with democracy, we've had the ambition and confidence to make it great ourselves.
I feel really sad for this country because the concepty of individualsim and the liberty that goes with it has been squashed completely. Look at how many people have to justify their actions to their leaders and to the political process as something that either benefits the whole or is politically correct in some way. It is no longer acceptable that a person can do things on their own merits for themselves or to even to hold an idea that isn't inline with PC doctrine without have to justify it in PC terms so one will not be "judged".

To sum it up, this country is not free or at least not free on the individual level.

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.

Wimpy loser......If you don't love your country....just leave

I think we need to be a little more tolerant of people and give them the benefit of the doubt about they feel about their country and allow them to come around.

After all it was only just a year or so ago that Michele Obama was ashamed of our country
and our President is still telling anyone that will listen overseas that America's best days are behind her. So if the President and first lady feel this way who are we to judge anyone.:(
Why is it when one disagrees with the president they hate their country? I'm trying to work with you on this but you seem not to get the point at all. I think Obama sucks and is a communist by the policies he is implementing but that doesn't mean I am not an American because I was born here which is the only qualifier that exist that determins whether or not one is a real American or not.

Not being a real God Loving American you would not understand. Real Americans do not attack the country they love and say they are run by communists. They work to elect those candidates who support their views. Real Americans do not hope their country will fail


At the risk of upsetting the one person that believes themselves to be the only true American, I would say that anytime an elected official turns against the very foundations of this great country, such as Obama has, true Americans have not only the right, but the responsibility, to call them on it.

America should apologize to no nation, and it is a shame that our nation is spending at a rate that bankrupts it.

Doing what "We the People" elected him to do does not challenge the "foundations of this great country". What makes this country great is we can look at the poor performance that one party has done and peacefully vote them out of power. That is what happened to the GOP. Losing power does not challenge the foundations of the country
democracy's a principle how i see it. a rep democracy is a system based on that principle, just as a majority democracy is.

RD is founded not on any 'principle of democracy', but on principles of liberty and equality, both of which are protected by containing the lynch mobs of democracy and holding tight the reins of popular zeal.

national pride is a principle that has made america a great country. combined with democracy, we've had the ambition and confidence to make it great ourselves.

Incorrect. Personal pride made America's manufacturing great, as the labourer took pride in his work and achievements. Principles of equality made America great by calling for the equal status and protection of the negroe and the woman, helping to ensure that all who live here can enjoy their liberties. It is liberalism, not nationalism, that made America a great nation.
Not being a real God Loving American you would not understand. Real Americans do not attack the country they love and say they are run by communists. They work to elect those candidates who support their views. Real Americans do not hope their country will fail


At the risk of upsetting the one person that believes themselves to be the only true American, I would say that anytime an elected official turns against the very foundations of this great country, such as Obama has, true Americans have not only the right, but the responsibility, to call them on it.

America should apologize to no nation, and it is a shame that our nation is spending at a rate that bankrupts it.

Doing what "We the People" elected him to do does not challenge the "foundations of this great country". What makes this country great is we can look at the poor performance that one party has done and peacefully vote them out of power. That is what happened to the GOP. Losing power does not challenge the foundations of the country

Granted, a political party losing power does not challenge the foundations of this country, BUT attempting to change this country from one born with the idea that individual freedoms are paramount, and private enterprise and ownership are our guarantee, into a government run society does challenge the countries foundations.

Obama is attempting to change the USA from a nation where the government works for the people to one where the people work for the government. In other words, we are no longer have a government "of the people, for the people, and by the people", but one "of the government, by the government, and especially for the government, at the individual's expense".

We must remember the reasons our federal government was formed in the first place, which were: "(1) The common defense (national security); (2) the preservation of public peace, as well against internal convulsions as external attacks; (3) the regulation of commerce with other nations and between states; (4) the superintendent of our intercourse, political and commercial, with foreign countries (foreign affairs)." - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No.23, 1787 - a founding father with most important interpretation of the Constitution.

Also we must not forget:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State." - James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 25, 1788 - considered the 'father of the Constitution'

"On every question of construction (of The Constitution), let us carry ourselves back to the time when The Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." - Thomas Jefferson

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” --Thomas Jefferson

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." - William Pitt (1759-1806)

"There doubtless are many causes for the loss of freedom, but surely a major cause has been the growth of government and its increasing control of our lives. Today, government, directly or indirectly, controls the spending of as much as half our national income." - Milton Friedman, Nobel laureate in Economics - 1998

Friedman's remarks fall very short with todays government who's spending greatly exceeds half our national income, with no end in sight.
agreed. the patriot act spit on civil rights pretty had

Which ones. Be specific. Find some aspect of the patriot act that you have a problem with and we can discuss whether or not it violates the constitution.

:doubt: Now we are always having to look over our shoulders, just to make sure, that the BigMan, isn't spying on our lives and privacy. What happened to the right to privacy, did it go out the window with the patriot act?From what understand, if you own a cell phone,the government can peep in on your phone calls, and track your calls and conversation, without you even knowing.Walking down the street, there are hidden cameras on every street corner.Makes wonder if the BigMan has ways that they can scope out your homes.What ever y'all do don't walk naked in your own homes, they may be spying in there.Iam sorry i don't really trust the CIA, or any government that is a threat to our privacy, let alone the Patriot Act.

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