I Feel Sorry For Democrats

I do. I really do feel sorry for Democrats. The last couple of days have been devastating to the Democrat Party. On Saturday night, their candidates came off silly, inept, and without substance in their national debate, which only drew a viewership of 8.5 million. Although the debate was geared toward ISIS and the Paris attacks, none of the Democrat candidates came off as being a viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief.

France, today launched an attack upon the very stronghold of ISIS, something our impotent President has either failed or refused to do. Russia's Putin is in Syria alongside Iran's military shoring up the Assad regime which our President spent millions of our tax dollars trying to oust.

Coupled with the Democrat candidates' failures to offer the American voter anything other than job killing policies and the same old boogeymen they trot out at every election and the total lack of a candidate that exhibits any real qualities of leadership as required and becoming of an aspirant to hold authority over the world's most powerful military, I see the American people turning yet again to a Republican President to put a final end to ISIS. The American people have done it before and will do it again.

There is more to being President than tax and spend.

Oh, by the way. I really DON'T feel sorry for the Democrats. I lied.

You are going to be a riot next November. Assuming that you are still here.

And....the phrase you want is "Democratic Party". That's the way educated observers refer to the organization.

I would have gladly used that term were the Democrat Party actually democratic.
Yes dear.
You are counting your chickens before they have hatched.
The right has a bad habit of doing that .
Romney did and look how that turned out.
Everyone has a bad habit of doing that. The right is only in focus because they lost to Obama. Go back to Bush and you would have the exact same statements on the left.

By all means, go back to Bush, maybe Lincoln, maybe Carter, then JFK, then George Washington. Try to focus the attention on anyone except your current candidates. LOL!!
I do. I really do feel sorry for Democrats. The last couple of days have been devastating to the Democrat Party. On Saturday night, their candidates came off silly, inept, and without substance in their national debate, which only drew a viewership of 8.5 million. Although the debate was geared toward ISIS and the Paris attacks, none of the Democrat candidates came off as being a viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief.

France, today launched an attack upon the very stronghold of ISIS, something our impotent President has either failed or refused to do. Russia's Putin is in Syria alongside Iran's military shoring up the Assad regime which our President spent millions of our tax dollars trying to oust.

Coupled with the Democrat candidates' failures to offer the American voter anything other than job killing policies and the same old boogeymen they trot out at every election and the total lack of a candidate that exhibits any real qualities of leadership as required and becoming of an aspirant to hold authority over the world's most powerful military, I see the American people turning yet again to a Republican President to put a final end to ISIS. The American people have done it before and will do it again.

There is more to being President than tax and spend.

Oh, by the way. I really DON'T feel sorry for the Democrats. I lied.

You are going to be a riot next November. Assuming that you are still here.

And....the phrase you want is "Democratic Party". That's the way educated observers refer to the organization.

I would have gladly used that term were the Democrat Party actually democratic.

Der.....de der der der.
Years ago the democrat party could survive it's hypocrisy and being out of step with the public because the American people were intentionally dumbed down by the media. Along came talk radio and fair and balanced news sources and the internet and now the segment of the population that cares about politics is smarter than the pundits who think they create the news instead of reporting it. The left still has a dozen alphabet news outlets and hollywood and most of the mulch media but they never stop whining about the unfairness of not being able to dominate information. Obama's foreign policy is in a shambles and the immigration policy is a joke and most Americans know it but the media still tries desperately to keep the administration afloat. If a possibly psychotic angry abused wife of a former president is the best the democrats can come up with I feel sorry for them too.

Translation = Now that Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Alex Jones are around, the right can circle the wagons, plug their fingers in their ears and believe whatever they want to in their own universe. Just like in 2012.
Years ago the democrat party could survive it's hypocrisy and being out of step with the public because the American people were intentionally dumbed down by the media. Along came talk radio and fair and balanced news sources and the internet and now the segment of the population that cares about politics is smarter than the pundits who think they create the news instead of reporting it. The left still has a dozen alphabet news outlets and hollywood and most of the mulch media but they never stop whining about the unfairness of not being able to dominate information. Obama's foreign policy is in a shambles and the immigration policy is a joke and most Americans know it but the media still tries desperately to keep the administration afloat. If a possibly psychotic angry abused wife of a former president is the best the democrats can come up with I feel sorry for them too.

Translation = Now that Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Alex Jones are around, the right can circle the wagons, plug their fingers in their ears and believe whatever they want to in their own universe. Just like in 2012.

I see Happy Toy is busy sucking his thumb again.... LOVE watching the truly demented DemocRAT sycophants do their little Commie Rants!
I do. I really do feel sorry for Democrats. The last couple of days have been devastating to the Democrat Party. On Saturday night, their candidates came off silly, inept, and without substance in their national debate, which only drew a viewership of 8.5 million. Although the debate was geared toward ISIS and the Paris attacks, none of the Democrat candidates came off as being a viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief.

France, today launched an attack upon the very stronghold of ISIS, something our impotent President has either failed or refused to do. Russia's Putin is in Syria alongside Iran's military shoring up the Assad regime which our President spent millions of our tax dollars trying to oust.

Coupled with the Democrat candidates' failures to offer the American voter anything other than job killing policies and the same old boogeymen they trot out at every election and the total lack of a candidate that exhibits any real qualities of leadership as required and becoming of an aspirant to hold authority over the world's most powerful military, I see the American people turning yet again to a Republican President to put a final end to ISIS. The American people have done it before and will do it again.

There is more to being President than tax and spend.

Oh, by the way. I really DON'T feel sorry for the Democrats. I lied.

You are going to be a riot next November. Assuming that you are still here.

And....the phrase you want is "Democratic Party". That's the way educated observers refer to the organization.

I would have gladly used that term were the Democrat Party actually democratic.

I agree, I believe Democrat Socialist Party is far more descriptive of the reality.
Take the country back from who?

Please stop doing the work of ISIS for them, will you? They want you to piss yourself in terror and turn on your own country.
Turning on democrats is not turning on,the country.
Years ago the democrat party could survive it's hypocrisy and being out of step with the public because the American people were intentionally dumbed down by the media. Along came talk radio and fair and balanced news sources and the internet and now the segment of the population that cares about politics is smarter than the pundits who think they create the news instead of reporting it. The left still has a dozen alphabet news outlets and hollywood and most of the mulch media but they never stop whining about the unfairness of not being able to dominate information. Obama's foreign policy is in a shambles and the immigration policy is a joke and most Americans know it but the media still tries desperately to keep the administration afloat. If a possibly psychotic angry abused wife of a former president is the best the democrats can come up with I feel sorry for them too.

Translation = Now that Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Alex Jones are around, the right can circle the wagons, plug their fingers in their ears and believe whatever they want to in their own universe. Just like in 2012.

I see Happy Toy is busy sucking his thumb again.... LOVE watching the truly demented DemocRAT sycophants do their little Commie Rants!

Not a rant, just fact. The same media elements that existed in 2012 are still around today. Maybe you'd like to point out the difference rather than being the usual Trump bitch we've all come to know.
I do. I really do feel sorry for Democrats. The last couple of days have been devastating to the Democrat Party. On Saturday night, their candidates came off silly, inept, and without substance in their national debate, which only drew a viewership of 8.5 million. Although the debate was geared toward ISIS and the Paris attacks, none of the Democrat candidates came off as being a viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief.

France, today launched an attack upon the very stronghold of ISIS, something our impotent President has either failed or refused to do. Russia's Putin is in Syria alongside Iran's military shoring up the Assad regime which our President spent millions of our tax dollars trying to oust.

Coupled with the Democrat candidates' failures to offer the American voter anything other than job killing policies and the same old boogeymen they trot out at every election and the total lack of a candidate that exhibits any real qualities of leadership as required and becoming of an aspirant to hold authority over the world's most powerful military, I see the American people turning yet again to a Republican President to put a final end to ISIS. The American people have done it before and will do it again.

There is more to being President than tax and spend.

Oh, by the way. I really DON'T feel sorry for the Democrats. I lied.

You are going to be a riot next November. Assuming that you are still here.

And....the phrase you want is "Democratic Party". That's the way educated observers refer to the organization.

I would have gladly used that term were the Democrat Party actually democratic.

Der.....de der der der.

You just recited the whole of last nights Democrat debate. Good work!!
"I Feel Sorry For Democrats"

You have a republican presidential candidate who advocates that war refugees be granted asylum predicated on their religion, where Muslims are denied asylum solely because of their faith.

Your sorrow is being wasted on the wrong party.
"I Feel Sorry For Democrats"

You have a republican presidential candidate who advocates that war refugees be granted asylum predicated on their religion, where Muslims are denied asylum solely because of their faith.

Your sorrow is being wasted on the wrong party.

It is confusing. Obama claims ISIS is contained. Hillary said last night on the debates that ISIS could not be contained. Sounds like mass confusion on the Democrat side to me. Trump said "Bomb them all to hell". I'm going to have to go with Trump because he's not confused.
I do. I really do feel sorry for Democrats. The last couple of days have been devastating to the Democrat Party. On Saturday night, their candidates came off silly, inept, and without substance in their national debate, which only drew a viewership of 8.5 million. Although the debate was geared toward ISIS and the Paris attacks, none of the Democrat candidates came off as being a viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief.

France, today launched an attack upon the very stronghold of ISIS, something our impotent President has either failed or refused to do. Russia's Putin is in Syria alongside Iran's military shoring up the Assad regime which our President spent millions of our tax dollars trying to oust.

Coupled with the Democrat candidates' failures to offer the American voter anything other than job killing policies and the same old boogeymen they trot out at every election and the total lack of a candidate that exhibits any real qualities of leadership as required and becoming of an aspirant to hold authority over the world's most powerful military, I see the American people turning yet again to a Republican President to put a final end to ISIS. The American people have done it before and will do it again.

There is more to being President than tax and spend.

Oh, by the way. I really DON'T feel sorry for the Democrats. I lied.
Maybe you're right. Republicans created Isis, maybe they could end it.

The way they ended Bin Laden.



Never mind.
"I Feel Sorry For Democrats"

You have a republican presidential candidate who advocates that war refugees be granted asylum predicated on their religion, where Muslims are denied asylum solely because of their faith.

Your sorrow is being wasted on the wrong party.

It is confusing. Obama claims ISIS is contained. Hillary said last night on the debates that ISIS could not be contained. Sounds like mass confusion on the Democrat side to me. Trump said "Bomb them all to hell". I'm going to have to go with Trump because he's not confused.

The man thinks he can make Mexico pay for a wall and deport 11 million people. Confused might not be the right word. Stupid is more accurate.
I would also feel sorry for Democrats until I saw the occupants of the GOP clown car

Their leading candidate is a birther
Number 2 is a creationist

Your leading candidate is under investigation by the FBI. Your second in line is an admitted Socialist. And you want to compare these two to ours?

A birther and a religious nut who says he tried to hit his mother with a hammer?

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