I find it hilarious that the left's push to investigate Trump has turned in on them with the target.


And now look at all the shit coming to the surface lol. When you point one finger at someone else three other fingers are pointing at you.

The irony is delicious.
I wouldn't grace dance yet. The final report will have enough in it to slime everyone I believe. And since the Dems are no longer in office people will care more about what the report says about our guys.
Lol what? You 2 rubes living in an alternate dimension or something? :laugh:

I have no more proof for what I think than you do for your nutty Russia narrative. Funny, the whole hack thing occurred before the election and not a word from anyone until Hillary lost. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
Lol what? You 2 rubes living in an alternate dimension or something? :laugh:

I have no more proof for what I think than you do for your nutty Russia narrative. Funny, the whole hack thing occurred before the election and not a word from anyone until Hillary lost. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
Yeah the FBI committed borderline treason by refusing to reveal that Trump had been under investigation for months while lying about Hillary being back under investigation just days before the election.
Lol what? You 2 rubes living in an alternate dimension or something? :laugh:

I have no more proof for what I think than you do for your nutty Russia narrative. Funny, the whole hack thing occurred before the election and not a word from anyone until Hillary lost. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
Yeah the FBI committed borderline treason by refusing to reveal that Trump had been under investigation for months while lying about Hillary being back under investigation just days before the election.
You were there, right?
- Hillary's proven crimes...
- Comey admits to illegally leaking classified...protected Hillary from Indictment
- Lynch Obstructed justice
- Obama administration illegally shared classified
- Rice illegally shared classified....
- Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes illegally unmasked Americans
- Obama Intel Loyalists commit Felony Espionage by leaking
- Clapper Illegally spied on Americans
- Brennan illegally spied on Senate, USSC
- DWS ran / facilitated the terrorist-connected Pakistani Espionage ring

The Democrats and the Obama administration is the most corrupt, most criminal in US history.

USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."
Lol what? You 2 rubes living in an alternate dimension or something? :laugh:

I have no more proof for what I think than you do for your nutty Russia narrative. Funny, the whole hack thing occurred before the election and not a word from anyone until Hillary lost. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
Yeah the FBI committed borderline treason by refusing to reveal that Trump had been under investigation for months while lying about Hillary being back under investigation just days before the election.
You were there, right?
In America? Yes.
Republicans control the entire government.

You can't blame Trump family espionage on Democrats.

But I find it hilarious that ignorant right wingers keep trying to.
Hilarious and predictable. When your party (Dem) is corrupt as fuck you don't go demanding investigations. But Democrats have never been that smart.
Republicans control the entire government.

You can't blame Trump family espionage on Democrats.

But I find it hilarious that ignorant right wingers keep trying to.
Who is Trump spying on?

Do you ever think about the tripe you post?
nancy drew2.jpg

And now look at all the shit coming to the surface lol. When you point one finger at someone else three other fingers are pointing at you.

The irony is delicious.
Yep throwing rocks inside your glass house never has a good outcome.
Republicans control the entire government.

You can't blame Trump family espionage on Democrats.

But I find it hilarious that ignorant right wingers keep trying to.

What espionage would that be?

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