I find it ridiculous when people criticize politicians over an outcome they wanted and helped create.


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
After the Obama admin right wingers criticized him for not accomplishing more. Now left wingers are criticizing Trump for his failure to build the wall among other things. How would you feel if you were building a card house and then I criticized you for failing after I knocked it down myself? How are you going to criticize somebody for failing to accomplish something you fought to prevent them from accomplishing? That's retarded.
After the Obama admin right wingers criticized him for not accomplishing more. Now left wingers are criticizing Trump for his failure to build the wall among other things. How would you feel if you were building a card house and then I criticized you for failing after I knocked it down myself? How are you going to criticize somebody for failing to accomplish something you fought to prevent them from accomplishing? That's retarded.
That's tribalism.

Who knows what the wings really think about things. I very much want to believe that they can think a deeper, more complex level than what they display.

They just play the game, like it's professional wrestling.
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After the Obama admin right wingers criticized him for not accomplishing more. Now left wingers are criticizing Trump for his failure to build the wall among other things. How would you feel if you were building a card house and then I criticized you for failing after I knocked it down myself? How are you going to criticize somebody for failing to accomplish something you fought to prevent them from accomplishing? That's retarded.
That's tribalism.

Who knows what the wings really think about things. I very much want to believe that they can think deeper than what they display.

They just play the game, like it's professional wrestling.

"play the game like it's professional
wrestling" <<< BEST SIMILE OF THE
After the Obama admin right wingers criticized him for not accomplishing more. Now left wingers are criticizing Trump for his failure to build the wall among other things. How would you feel if you were building a card house and then I criticized you for failing after I knocked it down myself? How are you going to criticize somebody for failing to accomplish something you fought to prevent them from accomplishing? That's retarded.

Umm...well, there's a reason for that. Trump had a Republican controlled Congress for two years..and got nothing done. The tax cut was Ryan/McConnell's baby. He needed Mitch's help to get Gorsuch over the finish line when that should have been a slam dunk for him. He campaigned adauseum about "build that wall", "lock her up", "drain the swamp".....and did none of that. Beautiful healthcare at a fraction of the cost. It was all bullshit. Trump just tossed red meat to his lemming base when he and his staffers knew there was no way he was going to implement (or even be interested in) any of it. I think Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress for the first two years of his Presidency...and managed to dig the country out of a bad recession and get the ACA passed. After that, well, we can discuss the highs and the lows but generally speaking, the Republicans started dragging the process down into what it's become today.
After the Obama admin right wingers criticized him for not accomplishing more. Now left wingers are criticizing Trump for his failure to build the wall among other things. How would you feel if you were building a card house and then I criticized you for failing after I knocked it down myself? How are you going to criticize somebody for failing to accomplish something you fought to prevent them from accomplishing? That's retarded.

Umm...well, there's a reason for that. Trump had a Republican controlled Congress for two years..and got nothing done. The tax cut was Ryan/McConnell's baby. He needed Mitch's help to get Gorsuch over the finish line when that should have been a slam dunk for him. He campaigned adauseum about "build that wall", "lock her up", "drain the swamp".....and did none of that. Beautiful healthcare at a fraction of the cost. It was all bullshit. Trump just tossed red meat to his lemming base when he and his staffers knew there was no way he was going to implement (or even be interested in) any of it. I think Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress for the first two years of his Presidency...and managed to dig the country out of a bad recession and get the ACA passed. After that, well, we can discuss the highs and the lows but generally speaking, the Republicans started dragging the process down into what it's become today.

So left wingers bare no responsibility for the wall not being built?
After the Obama admin right wingers criticized him for not accomplishing more. Now left wingers are criticizing Trump for his failure to build the wall among other things. How would you feel if you were building a card house and then I criticized you for failing after I knocked it down myself? How are you going to criticize somebody for failing to accomplish something you fought to prevent them from accomplishing? That's retarded.

Umm...well, there's a reason for that. Trump had a Republican controlled Congress for two years..and got nothing done. The tax cut was Ryan/McConnell's baby. He needed Mitch's help to get Gorsuch over the finish line when that should have been a slam dunk for him. He campaigned adauseum about "build that wall", "lock her up", "drain the swamp".....and did none of that. Beautiful healthcare at a fraction of the cost. It was all bullshit. Trump just tossed red meat to his lemming base when he and his staffers knew there was no way he was going to implement (or even be interested in) any of it. I think Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress for the first two years of his Presidency...and managed to dig the country out of a bad recession and get the ACA passed. After that, well, we can discuss the highs and the lows but generally speaking, the Republicans started dragging the process down into what it's become today.

So left wingers bare no responsibility for the wall not being built?

Why would they? A wall is a complete waste of money, time, and effort. Walls don't keep people out.
I don't think anyone on the left wanted a wall built.
I don't think anyone on the left wanted a wall built.

That's the point dude...

The left bares responsibility for the wall not being built because they don't want it and have been as uncooperative as possible since 2016.

I am not making an argument to build a wall. I am calling left wingers that fought against it and taunt Trump for not having built it fucking retarded.
I don't think anyone on the left wanted a wall built.

That's the point dude...

The left bares responsibility for the wall not being built because they don't want it and have been as uncooperative as possible since 2016.

I am not making an argument to build a wall. I am calling left wingers that fought against it and taunt Trump for not having built it fucking retarded.

I thought that's what you were trying to get at but I wasn't sure. I'm taunting Trump because building the wall was just political red meat for his base. He never had any intention of following through.
Probably best if you give a specific example of the right wing accusing Obama doing the same thing.
Trump could have had a lot of wall built in a comprehensive immigration reform deal but that's a national conversation no republican will ever willingly engage in. When Trump is being criticized for his failure to build his vanity project he is really being criticized for his failure to lead his party.
He never had any intention of following through.

I am not a Trump voter and even to me it seems obvious he intended to follow through. Why would he not? Do you think a guy like Trump wants to seem like he can't get things done? Following through with what he said is important to him because his image is very important to him.
criticized for his failure to lead his party.

The RNC has never really been on Trump's side. They did everything they could to stop the orange man from being elected in 2016 and have been impotent in their support of Trump's efforts over the last 4 years. They feign support for a populist nationalist like Trump because they have to. The laymen is not meant to know how different Trump is from establishment Republicans.
He never had any intention of following through.

I am not a Trump voter and even to me it seems obvious he intended to follow through. Why would he not? Do you think a guy like Trump wants to seem like he can't get things done? Following through with what he said is important to him because his image is very important to him.

That's the main point about Trump. It's about image. Not substance. He backed into the Presidency through a fortunate set of circumstances. He thought he was going to lose. He was never interested in actually being President. Just the notoriety that comes from running for it. It's red meat for the hungry lemmings. That's what fuels his ego. It's why he's always so concerned with "image".
That's the main point about Trump. It's about image. Not substance. He backed into the Presidency through a fortunate set of circumstances. He thought he was going to lose. He was never interested in actually being President. Just the notoriety that comes from running for it. It's red meat for the hungry lemmings. That's what fuels his ego. It's why he's always so concerned with "image".

How good will it be for his image if his wall is never built? He was serious about building the wall.
criticized for his failure to lead his party.

The RNC has never really been on Trump's side. They did everything they could to stop the orange man from being elected in 2016 and have been impotent in their support of Trump's efforts over the last 4 years. They feign support for a populist nationalist like Trump because they have to. The laymen is not meant to know how different Trump is from establishment Republicans.
So you agree that Trump didn't get his wall because of republicans. He had two whole years to get his wall approved and failed. Democrats would have approved his wall as well in return for a deal to give dreamers a path to citizenship.
So you agree that Trump didn't get his wall because of republicans.

I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Many factors contribute to any given outcome. The left bares responsibility too. Establishment Republicans could have supported Trump more but it's ridiculous not to accept that left wing opposition played a large role too. If you still don't think so I'm not interested in going back and forth over it. Trump tried to build his wall and was stopped. Criticizing him as if he never really intended to build it is silly.
That's the main point about Trump. It's about image. Not substance. He backed into the Presidency through a fortunate set of circumstances. He thought he was going to lose. He was never interested in actually being President. Just the notoriety that comes from running for it. It's red meat for the hungry lemmings. That's what fuels his ego. It's why he's always so concerned with "image".

How good will it be for his image if his wall is never built? He was serious about building the wall.

It was never going to be built. Trump knew this. And as far as his image goes, it doesn't seem to have hurt him with the loyal base.
After the Obama admin right wingers criticized him for not accomplishing more. Now left wingers are criticizing Trump for his failure to build the wall among other things. How would you feel if you were building a card house and then I criticized you for failing after I knocked it down myself? How are you going to criticize somebody for failing to accomplish something you fought to prevent them from accomplishing? That's retarded.
That's tribalism.

Who knows what the wings really think about things. I very much want to believe that they can think deeper than what they display.

They just play the game, like it's professional wrestling.

"play the game like it's professional
wrestling" <<< BEST SIMILE OF THE
/—-/ Growing up in the south during the 1950s and 60s, I saw grownups get into fistfights about professional wrestling being real or staged.
So you agree that Trump didn't get his wall because of republicans.

I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Many factors contribute to any given outcome. The left bares responsibility too. Establishment Republicans could have supported Trump more but it's ridiculous not to accept that left wing opposition played a large role too. If you still don't think so I'm not interested in going back and forth over it. Trump tried to build his wall and was stopped. Criticizing him as if he never really intended to build it is silly.
Of course democrats opposed it and rightfully so. The Wall is a stupid idea all by itself but that has never stopped a government project before. Trump could have had his wall but he lacks the leadership ability pull it off.

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