I fixed my computer!

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Its not for nothing that I use the name Luddly Neddite so I am even more happy that I was able to "repair" the improvement my cat made to my laptop when she managed to knock it on the floor last night. The jack from the power cord to the computer was bent and no power was getting through.

I was thinking I would have to hunt down a replacement, not wanting to have to bother with it and being concerned because I run my Amazon and ebay business and can't miss sales.

I figured that computers don't respond well to brute force but what the heck? What's the worst I could do by bending the jack back into a right angle?

I did and, I'll be damned, I have power again.

I only have one working USB port left but I can work around that little inconvenience.

A small victory for a computer illiterate. :D

I really wish Macs weren't so expensive ...
Luddly Neddite said:
I fixed my computer!
Good for you!!!!

Sure makes us feel good when we figure it out ourselves doesnt it??

Im happy for ya buddy!!
Good Luddy. How's your foot?
Even though my first computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80 (Model 3), which I got in 1982, and I've been using computers on a regular basis ever since, I am a certified Computer Dummy.

I've owned a progression of these devices which I use for word-processing, research, on-line forum participation, banking, and that's about it. I have two computers. I know how to switch them on and bring up the functions I use. But when something goes wrong I am pathetically helpless.

I've learned through painful experience to avoid doing anything outside my sphere of usual activities. I am incapable of downloading things, such as WeatherBug, which resulted in a disaster calling for the attention of a visiting I.T. to clear up. I always select the wrong things because I never know what all or most of the presented options mean and I click on the wrong things.

For me, moving from Radio Shack's TrsDos operating system, to Epson's ValDocs, to MSDOS and its progression through a continuing (unwanted) evolution of "updated" versions, has been a repetitive ordeal. Whenever I become comfortable with an operating system and the things I need to do become reflexively familiar, Bill Gates decides it's obsolete and hands me another learning curve to deal with.

Right now I'm using Windows 7, which I am perfectly content with, but I've heard Microsoft is working on Windows 9. And all I can do is hope it isn't another horror like Windows 8, which I was lucky enough to avoid being afflicted with.

So I know how you feel. Such small successes are significant triumphs to us non-geeks.
Its not for nothing that I use the name Luddly Neddite so I am even more happy that I was able to "repair" the improvement my cat made to my laptop when she managed to knock it on the floor last night. The jack from the power cord to the computer was bent and no power was getting through.

I was thinking I would have to hunt down a replacement, not wanting to have to bother with it and being concerned because I run my Amazon and ebay business and can't miss sales.

I figured that computers don't respond well to brute force but what the heck? What's the worst I could do by bending the jack back into a right angle?

I did and, I'll be damned, I have power again.

I only have one working USB port left but I can work around that little inconvenience.

A small victory for a computer illiterate. :D

I really wish Macs weren't so expensive ...

Speaking from experience...your time is limited, I'm afraid.
Cats are notoriously bad on computers. But it's impossible for an animal lover like myself to get pissed off at a cat for being a cat. I built a computer once and had the side cover off. The tom kitty pissed on the new mother board while hot. Had to take it down to the bones, douse it in ethanol and clean it meticulously.
Cats are notoriously bad on computers. But it's impossible for an animal lover like myself to get pissed off at a cat for being a cat. I built a computer once and had the side cover off. The tom kitty pissed on the new mother board while hot. Had to take it down to the bones, douse it in ethanol and clean it meticulously.
I once had a cat who sprayed a keyboard, which is a cat's way of laying claim to something (or someone). That was before I knew he hadn't been properly neutered by the shelter we got him from. So I had him correctly de-nutted and his spraying days ended.
My 10 y.o. son fixed my computer today.

It finally gave up the ghost yesterday; neither of my browsers would work; I was able to get online by a backdoor, but then whenever I'd try to hit up a website, I got a "doesn't recognize certificate" notification so i couldn't actually do anything.

I turned it over to the boy today and said meh, give it a shot..he got it working within an hour.
Which tells me he probably knows exactly what program he loaded to make it do that.

Though i did accuse his sister of doing it...

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