Zone1 I forgave at the office...

I'm suggesting that the priest has been granted to power to forgive. That's literally true is it not?
The priest has the power to announce sins are forgiven as that was part of Christ's ministry who also proclaimed sins are forgiven. Every Mass we pray to God to forgive us our sins, and they are forgiven. However, when it comes to serious sin, confession and reconciliation before a priest comes into play because sometimes as part of forgiveness and reconciliation, one must make proper restitution to individual or society.

Keep in mind, priests are equal members of the Body of Christ, but do have some additional responsibilities. Responsibilities--not powers.
As an atheist, I've done wrong.

But I don't claim to be able to erase my mistakes by appealing to a god for forgiveness.

That would allow me to not stand responsible and that is a flaw of religions.
So how do you "stand responsible"? Or, if you've been in the unfortunste position of being a victim, especialy of dishonest polive agencies, how do THEY face responsibility? What if some are paying for others sins? A supreme being wll have their say, I am confident that those who pretend to be righteous in this world but are actually the most evil to their core, wlll pay the steepest price when they pass. It's the way the universe works. Atheist or not, the universe has always been a perfect action/reaction entity.
So how do you "stand responsible"? Or, if you've been in the unfortunste position of being a victim, especialy of dishonest polive agencies, how do THEY face responsibility? What if some are paying for others sins? A supreme being wll have their say, I am confident that those who pretend to be righteous in this world but are actually the most evil to their core, wlll pay the steepest price when they pass. It's the way the universe works. Atheist or not, the universe has always been a perfect action/reaction entity.
You're imagining my mistakes to be crimes against the law and that's not so.

An atheist has to pay a price of having a conscience, while the Christian has the luxury I don't have in being able to attain forgiveness, second hand through a priest who has been granted the authority to order up forgiveness.

The priest does the work of the imaginary god and he's paid for his service. In fact, in many cases the priest is granted certain immoral rights that are forbidden by law to the citizen. The priest is often spirited away under cover of the Catholic church, to a country in which the law is more lenient on deviant behaviour.
You're imagining my mistakes to be crimes against the law and that's not so.

An atheist has to pay a price of having a conscience, while the Christian has the luxury I don't have in being able to attain forgiveness, second hand through a priest who has been granted the authority to order up forgiveness.

The priest does the work of the imaginary god and he's paid for his service. In fact, in many cases the priest is granted certain immoral rights that are forbidden by law to the citizen. The priest is often spirited away under cover of the Catholic church, to a country in which the law is more lenient on deviant behaviour.
Militant atheists such as yourself have no conscience. You are the lowest of the low for attacking others for no other reason than they believe differently than you. You are what we call bad fruit.
Militant atheists such as yourself have no conscience. You are the lowest of the low for attacking others for no other reason than they believe differently than you. You are what we call bad fruit.
I understand how someone can be an Atheist, but I cannot understand why they hate and mock people of Faith, like an immature bully. I have to assume there really is some envy and self-doubt wthin their own world view.
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I understand how someone can be an Atheist, but I cannot understand why they hate and mock people of Faith, like an immature bully. I have to assume there really is some envy and self-doubt wth their own world v.iew
On that we can agree. It's a horrible look which is why I avoid doing it to others.
I had an interesting experience once. I thought I had forgiven people from my past and I was "good with the Lord" on the forgiveness thing. I kind of had a "hey, I forgave at the office" kind of attitude whenever the nagging thought came to me that maybe, just maybe, my forgiveness wasn't too complete, much less perfect ("Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.. Mt 5:48)

So I had to "re-forgive"

And I think the best way to forgive or re-forgive is to speak the Words Christ Himself spoke while dying on the Cross:

Father, forgive them, they know not what they do

After all, none of us knows what we are doing, do we?
Father, forgive them, they know not what they do

After all, none of us knows what we are doing, do we?

speak for yourself, crucifier - a&e"s goal is not for who does not deserve remission to paradise.

jesus never said the above, 4th century forgeries and fallacies to justify the criminals. knowing the difference is knowing what one is doing.
I understand how someone can be an Atheist, but I cannot understand why they hate and mock people of Faith, like an immature bully. I have to assume there really is some envy and self-doubt wthin their own world view.

too bad for you sinner -


your history does not escape the heavens ... they know perfectly well what to do with liars.
Militant atheists such as yourself have no conscience. You are the lowest of the low for attacking others for no other reason than they believe differently than you. You are what we call bad fruit.
Have I ever attacked anybody even close to how you've just attacked me Christian?
Have I ever attacked anybody even close to how you've just attacked me Christian?
Absolutely, it's your only purpose here. Don't run from it. Embrace it. It's who and what you are. You condemn respect for people of faith. You are here looking for fights. Don't be surprised when you find yourself in one. Celebrate it for who you are instead.
Absolutely, it's your only purpose here. Don't run from it. Embrace it. It's who and what you are. You condemn respect for people of faith. You are here looking for fights. Don't be surprised when you find yourself in one. Celebrate it for who you are instead.
I think you're mistaking me stating my opinions for militant attacks. But I think there's no mistaking your frustration and anger that you're trying, now that your attempts to explain your bibles' stories as embellishment have failed.

This is the cross all Christians have to bear as the price of having nothing but faith.

Meriweather took exception with me suggesting that bible stories are embellished, and I told him to ask you.
Absolutely, it's your only purpose here. Don't run from it. Embrace it. It's who and what you are. You condemn respect for people of faith. You are here looking for fights. Don't be surprised when you find yourself in one. Celebrate it for who you are instead.
I've lost interest in talking to you and so I'm going to stop for a while until you exhaust your need for personal attacks.

Look for guidance from your church on how to handle an atheist.
I think you're mistaking me stating my opinions for militant attacks. But I think there's no mistaking your frustration and anger that you're trying, now that your attempts to explain your bibles' stories as embellishment have failed.

This is the cross all Christians have to bear as the price of having nothing but faith.

Meriweather took exception with me suggesting that bible stories are embellished, and I told him to ask you.
There's no mistake on my part whatsoever. You are what you are.
I've lost interest in talking to you and so I'm going to stop for a while until you exhaust your need for personal attacks.

Look for guidance from your church on how to handle an atheist.
When I need morality lessons from a militant atheist, I'll be sure to look you up.
Please do tell. First stsrt with my lies that you are aware of.
but I cannot understand why they hate and mock people of Faith ...

let me guess, you're a former atheist who has found religion reading the desert bibles and believe the c-bible that claims their victim, jesus died for christian sins ... so they may go to heaven. shockedthecanadian. good luck.
let me guess, you're a former atheist who has found religion reading the desert bibles and believe the c-bible that claims their victim, jesus died for christian sins ... so they may go to heaven. shockedthecanadian. good luck.
I pursued religion in my 20s, read about many philosophies a d religions before gravitating to Christianity, my baptized religion. Why does this bother you?
Meriweather took exception with me suggesting that bible stories are embellished, and I told him to ask you.
I did not take exception, because there was nothing provided to take exception. I just wondered what you meant and asked if you could provide a specific example. You passed.
I did not take exception, because there was nothing provided to take exception. I just wondered what you meant and asked if you could provide a specific example. You passed.
You questioned the notion that the bible stories in question were embellished and that's fine with me. I also accept Ding's explanation. Would you now like to accept that Ding's explanation is correct?

And you can include him also saying that they are explained by using rhetoric and allegory too.

Are you a Christian who believes that the bibles are literally true?

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