Zone1 I forgave at the office...

Tens of Thousands of hours of religious education over 20+ years.
I found it works better to first seek and find God and then spend tens of thousands of hours of religious education. This way you don't merely think you know God.
This way you don't merely think you know God.
I want to say this as politely as I can… I don’t want to know your God. I have the personal experiences which prove to me (maybe not to you) that your God and I don’t have the same vision or goals for life. I hope it works out well for you. I know it didn’t for my father and hasn’t for me. That’s all I really need to know.
Obviously we see the world differently. Good fortunes with your vision of the world but I’ll stick with mine.
Good fortunes? Much of this life is learning to introduce good into evil. The two cannot seem to coexist, and good overpowers evil in the same way light overpowers darkness. It takes effort, tenacity, and determination.
I want to say this as politely as I can… I don’t want to know your God. I have the personal experiences which prove to me (maybe not to you) that your God and I don’t have the same vision or goals for life. I hope it works out well for you. I know it didn’t for my father and hasn’t for me. That’s all I really need to know.
Could the difference be that you approached God with your own expectations? I simply wished to know God. I was a child and I had no expectations. Later it was, "Here I am, Lord. Send me." And the missions I was given have not made so much as a dent, at least not by my own efforts. What God may have been able to do with them He keeps to Himself. He is a strong believer in not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.
Could the difference be that you approached God with your own expectations? I simply wished to know God. I was a child and I had no expectations. Later it was, "Here I am, Lord. Send me." And the missions I was given have not made so much as a dent, at least not by my own efforts. What God may have been able to do with them He keeps to Himself. He is a strong believer in not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing
That could be part of the difference. I am a believer thst one should expect verifiable results from anything one invests their time, energy or money in. That’s why I don’t gamble or put money in the stock market. I invested a large amount of all three assets into your “God” for the first 27 years of my life and got nothing but pain and loss in return. My father wasted all 54 years of his life (to the day) investing in your “God”, and got screwed as well. I’ve been no worse off over the last 21+ years without wasting those investments than I was when I did waste them. Simple math.
I disagree. The test comes after the education. I believe our Souls come pre-programmed to know Right and Wrong. This is the test, from the moment of birth until the moment of death.
Isn't there is a difference between knowing and then learning from hands-on experience?
That could be part of the difference. I am a believer thst one should expect verifiable results from anything one invests their time, energy or money in. That’s why I don’t gamble or put money in the stock market. I invested a large amount of all three assets into your “God” for the first 27 years of my life and got nothing but pain and loss in return. My father wasted all 54 years of his life (to the day) investing in your “God”, and got screwed as well. I’ve been no worse off over the last 21+ years without wasting those investments than I was when I did waste them. Simple math.
Have you considered it is God who is investing time, energy, and resources in us?
Yes, but I don’t believe this life is intended to be a learning experience as much as it is a test. There are no do-overs, no excuses, just a grade at the end.
Aren't there times we put what we have learned through experience to better use the next time a similar opportunity presents itself?
Aren't there times we put what we have learned through experience to better use the next time a similar opportunity presents itself?
Yes, if you realize that you answered the question incorrectly the first time. Far too few people make that realization. Moreover, getting the question right the second and/or third times it’s asked doesn’t negate the incorrect answer the first time around.
Yes, if you realize that you answered the question incorrectly the first time. Far too few people make that realization. Moreover, getting the question right the second and/or third times it’s asked doesn’t negate the incorrect answer the first time around.
No, I didn't answer the question incorrectly. But then what I see as incorrect is thinking you know God and when it turns out you don't not starting over again to truly seek and find Him. And then continuing to know Him and how we can serve Him better.

How we differ is I don't blame God for not being a genii or the granter of wishes. He is better who He is.
How we differ is I don't blame God for not being a genii or the granter of wishes. He is better who He is
I’m not expecting God to be a djinn. I have no expectations of God at all. Maybe you missed the part a bit back where I specifically stated that I believe “God” is simply a force of nature not a sentient entity.

In my misguided youth I did envision a supposedly loving and caring deity, but my life experiences showed me otherwise. I became even more certain of this after reading the book “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” during my search for enlightenment.
I’m not expecting God to be a djinn. I have no expectations of God at all. Maybe you missed the part a bit back where I specifically stated that I believe “God” is simply a force of nature not a sentient entity.

In my misguided youth I did envision a supposedly loving and caring deity, but my life experiences showed me otherwise. I became even more certain of this after reading the book “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” during my search for enlightenment.

so true, the heavens gatekeeper - for who might enter.

have you aspirations to free your spirit to persist after your physiology expires.

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