I found this article on Ann Coulter interesting

We were all pretty sure, a LTC wasn't running a secret war out of the white house with zero knowledge for the Pres.
Ollie north did what he did on orders not from Bush, but from John Poindexter, his superior. Reagan had no clue it was happening.

Also, Reagan was in the White House. If you know DC, you know of the Executive office building that is on a different street. That is where North and Poindexter operated from.
America became the victim of our Media so long ago that it will take me probably a few hours to accurately point out when it took place.
I recall when in the Army, I and the troops had some precise missions and if we failed, we got the blame. Our commanders in the HW Bush war wanted to finish off Saddam. But he refused. I want you to hearken back to FDR and Normandy. What if FDR refused to let the commanders finish going all the way into Germany and finishing off Hitler. HW Bush did that to our commanders in Iraq. His son saw it and did not make that same mistake.
No. His son saw opportunity missed and did far worse. For, daddy, the mission was spelled out correct and stated honestly to the American people. When it was accomplished, it stopped there. Sonofabush, got a lot of troops killed, letting the mission creep, after started on a bill of goods, same for Afghanistan. Those troops should have come home in the Obama and Trump years, but creep is not only deadly, but addictive, developing a life of its own.
Except you don’t understand what made America great in the first place.
How did the Democrats run up a debt? Doesn’t he President sign off on every penny spent during his term?
See? Haven’t we had Dim Presidents who have “signed off” on our massive deficit spending?
No. His son saw opportunity missed and did far worse. For, daddy, the mission was spelled out correct and stated honestly to the American people. When it was accomplished, it stopped there. Sonofabush, got a lot of troops killed, letting the mission creep, after started on a bill of goods, same for Afghanistan. Those troops should have come home in the Obama and Trump years, but creep is not only deadly, but addictive, developing a life of its own.
I can sympathize of course. What I can't do is read a false history and pretend it is accurate.

Who commanded when the son invaded Iraq. Let's not mix up with Afghanistan since that is so different it belongs a stand alone discussion.

I have not read Daddy's book but I have studied a hell of a lot about Afghanistan, Iraq and other wars.

What commanding General who was in command in Desert Storm do you believe wanted to finish off Saddam and do it in Baghdad? His will was not followed by daddy.

Bush the son had the mission to stop Saddam from leading Iraq. He called him a grave and gathering danger. It is a myth spread by our own media that Saddam had no WMD. Saddam was not stupid. So he trucked and flew to Syria his WMD. Getting it out of Iraq in the nick of time. But Bush did not know it happened until he learned later from an Iraqi General officer.
Ann Coulter, used to be pure Maga, now simply Conservative. It is interesting how firebrand Maga-People, can see the light, retaining their conservatism, but no longer on the Trump Train. I have read her, off and on for years, even in her Pro-Trump devotion period, as she is often insightful. I found this an appealing article, and it gives hope, actual conservative Republicans can come around to accepting facts and logic, again.

Ann Coulter is desperate for attention

And will say anything for it
Ann Coulter is desperate for attention

And will say anything for it
I do not fault Ann as you fault her. The Beast never asked her at all. It is a second hand hit piece against her and against Trump. The Beast is pro left wing. And you got suckered in by the left wing article.
Yeah but we’re talking about you...you say you are a conservative and you support someone who ran up $8T in new debt.

How can you say you’re a conservative and support such wild spending?
What did you do with your share of that debt? And do not lie. You got a share of it.
How did the Democrats run up a debt? Doesn’t he President sign off on every penny spent during his term?
Will you blame Biden for his spending since being president? And he is rolling up a whopper of a debt. And so did Obama. Democrats only claim Clinton did not but that was just for 1 year. And Clinton got the benefit of the Dot.com boom. It was not designed by Clinton to have any surplus at all. He forcast a deficit in fact. <<<I know all of this because when Clinton was president the Feds mailed me monthly the state of the Federal budget and spending and collections. I was on top of what Clinton did.

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